Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1914, p. 7

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I L i f i v f ip- lid IV- as ho OH let lb- to id it iy 3 1- I si 1 F Itimal Hems on of Nov in Arm of Import this falls Irado is now Wo not and will Hie price Dinner Sots Toilet or- Fancy rtiinii wa8 Store lhl in prices enmc into effect You for fnllaiMl complete Dinner of boat quality rtuilnorcelain very laici lnBt ialKiis or ft HW nee f China Tea Set of pattern for opening a nice lino of Howls Ave prices from lo Our full size la extra good l dE to colobrate by a But faclt Id In o if Staple A Fine China China Hall Grocery During Iho Hot Save Yoursolf Labor and Worry and Try Us foe follovlna COOKED MEATS JELLIED HEAD JELLIED DEEP BEEF COOKED HAM All kept on loo and In First condition to tempi Appetite LINE IN POTTED JtGATS AT Cream In Chile 17 The Leading Circle is holding a lea at Mannings on this Friday at four pclook Ail nihmhor had a last Friday night when two officials from Toronto as sisted in demonstrating Degree work S and Tho Willing Workers of ihi Presbyterian intend holding a and Sain in tho basement of Friday Dec Many cholo articles at a low will bo foe sale by ladies will al so bo a sale of homemade bak ing of all rind Candy There will bo lunch served throughout afternoon and fullcourse supper at oclock Dont forget date Deo Will Everybody welcome In California After a brief illness Daniel who had farmed in Waterloo section of California for years died on October at his home He went to California from Sharon the age of and engaged in grain farming ami later he acquired large land hold ings Ho was youngest son of the late Ellas of Sharon and brother of the late Austin also husband of Annie and father of and Ho was buried in Ban Joanufn Cemetery California Church has a new and will in a to who ordered them Extra copies be the lira for each- The ladies of Newmarket Hod Cross desire to say that they have canvassed the town very thoroughly but found many ladies not at homo at of calling AH those desiring to contribute baking etc for the Afternoon and evening Tea will be good enough to soud their contributions to the store immediately south of A on Saturday next An ijouxflcanvaaflol the Dr Xrho Wfctwding the a home guard in the viltee In nearly two members being A will be one hall total ad being the and the re maining portion Is rushed ta an to finish the highway before the cold weather in 7 The two miles of Farm Annual The usual success attondod the annual festivities of the Christian Church in the Town Hall last Wednesday About people sat down lo a line English Dinner during the hour Bazaar was patronised all the afternoon In the evening the Hot Fowl Supper was served In the first- class manner that the ladies of this church are noted for Al though for a while there was considerable jam everything was well conducted and the big crowd thoroughly satisfied The Peace Play which follow ed wan put on and every body did their part In a very sat isfactory manner One scone was specially attractive being a with a dying sol dier The hall was packed by an appreciative audience Very good market last but all prices had a downward tend ency except They were fol lows per Butter per lb per lb Dressed Pucka per ft fleece lb Apples Apples per Potatoes per bag per basket 3050 Live Chickens per lb JO Old Hen per lb Live lb 10 Live per lb Pigeons per pr Rabbits per pr Live young Pigs per pair Hides per lb Call Skins per lb Sheepskins Tallow CANADIAN KING GEORGE Phone tt OF tercets The Market Bargain Great Cleaning Sale Big Bargains DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS 8HOE81 Dig Discount on All Lines Com and Secure Some of These GOODS BE SOLD Three doors south of King Goorge Hotel Phono A new feature is an organized meeting for an hour ev ery Tuesday and ad dressed by provided by the Association in Toronto This is a new wort for Boarding Schools undertaken by them and promises to be very helpful On October a social meeting at a campfire addressed by Mr The also have organized a which meets Iho same evening On the Rev gave an address on Guidance About 25 girls to the roll call and the meeting throughout was conduct ed hi an efficient and helpful way a Presbyterian Mis sionary lo Japan whose children aro attending College has given helpful addresses on mission work for several Sunday evenings The Association arn pleased with the work of tlioir rugby loam Recently Ihoy games from Ilarbord and SI of London Nov King and Queen Mary accompanied by a small suite today visited Salisbury Plain Whore they inspected the Canadian j troops who encamped there their arrival in England The King pleasure at having the opportunity to welcome to the motherland this body ol Their prompt rally to the em pires call said King George Is of inestimable value both to the fighting of my army and in evidence it giver of the of empire The general appear ance and the physical sjtandard of tho different units are highly credit able and I am glad to hear the and earnest spirit which all ranks Nov A The government received following message today from Hon George acting Canadian in The King today inspected and re viewed the Canadian expeditionary force on Salisbury Plain Her was also present and Rob erts and Kitchener All were improved and them selves as greatly pleased with the ap pearance physique and spirit of our men Richard and I were also present by request The weather was very fine and the whole scene most inspiring Miss Edna attended anniversary services at Queens- Messrs J and Law rence Watson spent Saturday in Newmarket day in Newmarket Mr spent Wed nesday in Miss of Newmarket spent Friday last in town Miss Mabel is spending a few days in Norman and spent Sunday in Newmar ket Mr Win Mooney of the town ship lost his barns on Friday night Oct together with implements grain and a number of hens The lire alarm on Satur day about oclock in the after noon and everyone ran In direction of the grist mill which was reported to be on lire cause of the blaio was a gasoline stove which was being used for melting glue The stove ex- and in a second the flames shot up with such sud denness that it was thought whole mill was on lire hut by bringing a lire extinguisher in to requisition which apparatus Mr I ill has installed through out the mill it was soon under control and finally put out and there was no need for the fire department lo turn out Mr Win Stewart the engineer who was working with the glue at the had no opportunity to get out of the way and his clothes caught lire he had to jump into a lank of hot water lo smother them ami fortunately was not badly hurt Dominion Sugar have fin ished Ihcir work of harvesting the sugar beets in this vicinity They have acted very generously with the growers giving them per ton instead of as the contract called for They al so gave the machinery without any charge which was also ap preciated by the growers There is no question as lo the value of the sugar beet industry The unfortunate part of it was the dry season For weeks there was not a single shower of rain this together with tho fact that being the first year the farmers didnt under stand the cultivation Mr Mar ino however grew and sold off acre tons for which he re ceived Several farmers across the river are pulling in and acres next year Witness CO THAT ST JOHN 18 A MARKED PORT Ottawa Nov As a result of the naval victory in the Pacific precaution taken by authorities to prevent attack on our harbors and coasts are being redoubl ed This applies not only to the Pacific but to the Atlantic Dis quieting stories have been heard from time to time of intended German raids on Canadian ports and I the of them is one which is be- taken more or less seriously Wireless Telephony for Moving Trains For many years experimental engineer of the Union Pacific has working on wireless telephone apparatus for direct communi cation with moving trains He announces that his plans been completed and a satisfac tory system has been developed whereby he is able to talk with a moving train a hundred miles away from he wireless trans mitting station Wireless sta tions are lo be established Grand Island and North Neb Cheyenne and Green River r fust you are I wouldnt a That it the of modern od with the fast plates and fait lenses of the clever ca take you M you are Long conscious at titudes are a of the Laving Ma Is a Modern Studio is as as an Informal call on good friends Make the appointment toiy It B a CUB PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN Phone Von ran not do better than attend British American College Mini McGlfl Sis Toronto for a or Shorthand Course rail Term is now open you to write for particulars Mr Principal Choir Concert The fourth annual concert of SI Andrews Presbyterian Church Choir will lake place Friday en Nov Mr Donald Baritone and Miss Reader of thr Conservatory Toronto been engaged lo Mr work is too well unci favorably known lo need any merit and Miss who is la Graduate of the Conservatory School of repres sion highly date in mind News I with lira I aialie an kjn Mills famous song Viiinpeler an I in iliarts Ihil pianissimo is iualiiy Toronto Donald our popular in his singing of with hand ac companiment ami in other flne songs made the hit of llier even ing and as i his habit was in splendid voice Toronto Mail and Umpire Miss Vrooman was excellent as Nora in Ibsens Dolls House and showed a keen grasp of philosophy of Ibsen The Brandon held the large audience for nearly hours the breathless silence broken only applause of the audience at the ejid of each act Miss Vroomana rendering of The Muster Builder has- assured her of a warm welcome any future occasion This is a rumor that Germans may and Utah attempt to lay mines in the Bay of j The Value of In War in anticipation of the use of St John as a winter port from which shiploads of grain vegetables and other Rifts to the Old Country of Canadian produce may be leaving It was learned at the Naval Ser vice Department today that precau tions would be taken against any such attempt Wireless Telephony Perfected By means 0 a wireless telephone apparatus invented two French na val officers Victor Colin and Lieutenant Maurice con versations have been carried on over a distance of miles The words came with greater it Is said than customary even over a telephone by wire the speakers voice being clearly recog nizable The inventors of the new apparatus succeeded in transmitting speech by wireless five ago Their Instruments were installed in the French Verite and Justice but they could not be depend ed upon chiefly owing to the variable quality of the ovulations of the In all of his reports Gen laid stress upon great service rendered by the aviators In ascertaining the moves of life enemy as soon as they start to make them The reconnaissance work they have performed has been invaluable According to the official state ment of the British War Office their I aviators are covering an average of miles a day Up Sept 1st they had flown 7- miles and remained 1100 hours in Hie air By now these figures have been doubled A certain French corps command ers opinion is thai a single aer oplane is as valuable as an en tire division of cavalry a London Sept The Holland American Line bound for Rotterdam from New York with German reservists and general cargo destined for Germany has been captured In the Atlantic and brought Into by a British cruise Brant ford Nov ly attempt was A dastard- made here to iler waves By experiment the I in coming the difficulty by means of an attachment which filters the waves j ton The with a large number of was due here at p m Two miles out Naples via Home Nov The of ho cily Matthews Packing eruption of Mount Vesuvius has been augmented of the opening of a new fissure in the bottom of the old crater From this new opening an extraordinary amount of smoke and a great quantity of ashes being emitted This is blown by the wind toward the sea shore clouding vil lages around flulf and also Companys switch the rain a laid directly across the tracks The rail was broken by the impact a disastrous Wreck might have occurred train crew and passengers re their escape as a most for tunate one The broken rail was brought into the city and the case was reported Jo Ihe police fl Of I 1 I 7i Mow many of us the many that havo been thrust upon us In wonderful of ours Wo boon so with good crops Industrial activity that many of us overlook the reasons for thanksgiving I Would you liko to go back to days when you could only buyheavy poorly made footwear trine shoos as wo know thorn woro unknown then Now with Improved facilities and greater footwear has almost the of Perfection No more proof of can be found than In Wo are thankful that we are able to offer you a large to from r Youll be thankful for foot comfort when we have sold you a pair of I Main St Wool IS QtiarHity See Sepias ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO I

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