Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1914, p. 6

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H ALBERT jvfV mount Albert J of Toronto town this week MrAYm Morley of Toronto r town Mm A J Wilson of Jewell of Now Mr A Steeper Mr car Steeper of and Mis fiva Sleeper of Toronto wore via is- I fc J very numerous Saturday night and no damage done Some old board walks leading into pco- pies were lorn up and a few and empty barrels wore found changed during the night Mr J moved into Ilia new store week into his new residence A house warming was held on Friday Mount Albert Orangeman at tended divine service in Church oii Sunday night Several of doerhunters left for Life north on Saturday and Monday Wo been working and day reprinting butter paiiiir to comply with new regula tions and have bad no lime for news A large congregation was pre sent at the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath morning there being no service in the Methodist Church The Sunday of the Church are arranging for their Tree on Due Rev I Atkinson meeting at Toronto on Tuesday and Mrs Atkinson was a delegate to Sunday School and Young Peoples Con ference in St tamos Church on the same dale There will he evening service in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Nov at oclock Presbyterian Ladles Aid will meet Nov in the Hall The of Presbyterian Cliurcb are holding their Chick en Pie Social on the evening of Has a full of Straw Cutters and Root Cutters Gasoline all sizes in stock and any price you want to pay according to quality If you want a good Cook Stove I have best and all kinds of small heaters In stock Come for a bargain In anything I sell and a square deal guaranteed MOUNT ALBERT STRAYED ami upon the premises of the un dersigned lot 6 Con East about 23rd one Heifer about years old Owner Is request ed to prove property pay fcnd take her away I CRITTENDEN C I or SCHOOL N A The old School House No East on the East half of Lot in the Con about three miles south of will be offered- for Wednesday Nov IDM on the premises at p in Plank building in fair condition Terms Cash in tfl days By order of the School Trustees Auctioneer FOR SALE And for service at QueensviUe Jer sey Farm Berkshire and Tarn worth Bo Shropshire Rams breed ing Ewes Barret Rocks and White Cockerels J Sons QueensviUe P AUTO WANTED Iq exchange for a Gasoline Engine on trucks Also a double bead Chopper for or trade A Sutton VtJt A- good program will and Toronto lalont MrH son Max the weekend their hero The league Kayo an with Ihoir Sunday bverilnff Rev toft for a two weeks Tbo pul pit will be next Sunday by Mr Mr arid Mrs Rob Of Toronto who have been visit ing here for- the past turned home Saturday Halloween was a busy night in the village Some of the they had been raided the when they behold the devastations the next OLENVILLE Hollo everybody Pall made the wheat look promising Some of our young men have gone on a deer bunt Frank has Installed a now boiler In Always some extra expense cropping up to bear of our friend George in the Hospital Good congregation at chirh last Sunday It being the occasion of the sacramental service- The Choir did famous Mr Garnet Cutting of Buffalo fa home on his holidays Mr Pratt Sunday with Mr Aubroy Mr and Mrs Dunning from Newmarket were In our I erg on Sun day Messrs and Garnet Cutting spent Sunday with of charm ing young ladles Some clrntp Charlies rubber tiro Got busy Harry and Walt were heard out hero A Parlor Social is to he held at the home of Mr Rogers on Nov Everybody welcome A good pro gram will rendered A of our young people took hot fowl supper at Newmarket on Wednesday evening and report a good time Believe me there arc some but tons to our Football team as they intend holding a Box Social In the town hall on Monday evening Nov They did intend having an oyster supper but alter holding a meeting last Tuesday evening and seeing the circumstances considered It was no place for such Ilk tliett they intend having one later elsewhere But everybody and enjoy yourselves I ati Social Cards and games of all kinds will bo the order of the evening Reserve the date FARM AUCTION The west half of Lot and the east half of the west half of Lot Con cession Whitchurch less Pail- road land being acres motoior leu will be sold by Public at Mansion House at am on November farm Is part of Estate which is being wound up I- A be to a reserve Me Term JO per cent on day ale balance In days This is one of the beet stock farms In the miles from and good brickclad Dwelling frame barn and Flowing at how Good valuable Umber acre tall lowing done lit April POUR CHILDREN SHOT HOYS WITH LOADED lonr of Mr J II Hall the Court Stivjet coal and wood dealer received a baptism of shot from a shot gun on Oct when the weapon which is a breach loader was discharged was in the hands of Reginald Hall a lad of years according to lite story of the shooting told by the Hall children They also say that Hall aged first point ed the gun at them bill that when it was discharged it was in the hands of the younger brother The Hall family who were shot consists of three girls and one boy The oldest girl who was playing with other children at the time ran away in terror from the menacing gun hurrying her sisters the same danger She looked around 10 see if the boys who she bad threatened to shoot were follow ing and just then the trigger was put into motion and she got part of the charge hi the face and shoulder The other child ren got more or less shot in the arms and head the little gel ling the worst dose one of tli shots entering bis ear The wounded children were taken at once to the Hospital where Dr extracted all the bullets possible and they were taken back home Saturday night The distance at which the Hall hoys were from the Hall children when the gun was discharged is variously given at from to yards Fred and Reginald Hall were taken to the Armouries pending investigation and wero later allowed to go home There was great excitement town over the occurrence and the parents were distracted over the injuries received by their children The hoy was very rest less and complained much during Saturday night and the result of his was not absolute the lime of writing The pill seem lo on the mend and everyone hopes for a happy issue Room fiena Smith Alloc P4v kins Fred Robs Arthur Charlie jjBb Bain EI ma Bond Bruce Morion Hill Jr Welter Flora Kdlth Smith Wright Percy Young Orris Maries West Primer Milne Watson Melvin Morton Ada Wiokworth v primer Evolyii Young Fred West Roy Bain Marjorio West Mary Hill Charlie Milne Terry Emma poster Roy Scwell Willie Hollar P Cain Senior Room Vera Robertson Moore Pis- Hillary Stephens Joan Atkinson Watson Viola Hill Jr Wright Willio Beatrice Thompson Hoan Frank Laws Jenny Sr- HI Harvey Ralph Hill Emma Smith Hillaby Hill Ronald Jr Flanagan Marie Watson Wright Calvin Gordon Annie Host conduct Virla Robert son Beatrice Thompson Robertson Flanagan A Teacher School Report for No King for the month of October Names in Order of- Merit V Class Ruth White Hon Wood Lena Class Marshall Gear Hoii Dorothy Hon Janet Davis Hon Joy Lulu Gertie Hunt Davis Do I son HI ClassEthel Dove Class Aubrey Wood Hon Vivtor Bowman Bertie Gladys Burling Wilbur Kauke Dora Wood Hazel Dove Eileen Edna Hunt Tel for Burling Burling I Class Edith Sprague Hon Jack Davis Hon Robbie Hunt Kenneth A Class Gladys lcwis Hurling Dorothy and Sue equal Ilielma Tatlon i Class Juimie J Teacher October Report Fast Ella Trusty Kathleen Trusty Verne Arnold III- Roy Ar nold Greta Smith Si- Willie McMillan Mount Bailie Jr Ernest Dennis Bruce Howard Cecil Smith Herman Clarence Newton Bailie Don ald Smith Beatrice Fred Newton Robbie Fountain Cox Teacher homo a fewday syeok The Methodist illiii Aid yea or the i takes this Friday The barlty closing hylaw is being generally observed week by ourbualneas people We understand that has Rao and purposes fitting it up fbr a store arid dwelling This will bo an improvement add another store to ouo big list already Wo notice from recent Maeh- paper that our young friend Maurice Trcmayuc has been bagging- sonic big gome He Hhot on Machllii Lake a wild swan which over ft feet high and measured 17 feet from wing lip to Wing Up Miss Ethel Greenwood suits from Montreal on Saturday morning Nov 7lb by Steamer for England and Paris where she will nurse wounded soldiers is giving some dandy bargains in mens heavy mills Call and see them Halloween was celebrated as usual by the hoys but all they did was harmless joke- A number of cobs were sworn in for the evening and they earned their money Sutton Council meets tonight for the transaction of general business No doubt the appeal to repeal bylaw will be dealt witli bos dandy overcoat which he is selling at Mrs has moved into the big store again and has it full as usual with bargains Mr and Mrs John Yates were called to lust week ow ing lo the illness of his brother got in a carload stackers oil They pur pose wintering their cattle and putting grass in Ihfl spring Indication Report of No 4 limbury for October Names in order Last night Oct Lodge No AM was dedicated by Walters and members of the Grand Lodge The members from here per special car about and IheJmll and after the dedication service the following were elected WM Oliver Bro A Greenwood Hro J Silver TreasrBro J Percy F Ins Chaplain Bro W A Dixon During lie evening Trcmaync was presented with a gold locket suitably engraved by Hie members After the work was finished the members wore given ten in Si James Hall- Malone Lodge is off to a good start with some ihemljcrs Alex Burrows cut off the end An after a name signified She 2ffij Iff Brown Marian Ramsay Vera Hall Jr Thos Gardner Lind say Ramsay Weddcl Jen nie Glover Muriel Helen Wilson Harry Watson Eddie Kershaw Jr HI Evelyn Jack Tale Muriel Arthur Parr Ross Glover Lome Ramsay Bessie Kershaw Hazel Wesley Eves Jr Vera Glover Fred Ramsay Annie McKrill Pearl Ruth Herbert Hod- gins PI Waller Davis Burton Glover Ado Gardner Aditb Alfred Allen Leonard Mabel Willie Pupils present every day dur ing October Bessie Brown Mar ian Ramsay Muri el Helen Willson Evelyn Hazel Eyes Wesley Eves Kershaw Vera Glover Annie Krill Ada flard- Burton Glover Dorothy Ramsay Marian P Of J for them all Generally it is thought that the affair was the result of an acci dent the boys saying they know Hie gun was loaded So far as can he ascertained the gnu was the properly of the father Ball and was taken without leave by his boys Vin dicator As a means of gaining speed the Western Union Telegraph Company in New York lily has equipped its girl messengers with roller skates This army of girls deliver messages In the companys great operating room thereby bringing about a savin of onehalf in TURNERS FAMOUS INVALID PORT foe Purlts It up nerves sad you ttroo Messrs Reed Culver well Lavery Burrows Armstrong and left on Friday for the North look for dotr Report of Public School Form Total Enrolment Average Attendance 10 Honor Pupils Bessie Comer Gladys Grant Art Sounders Con nie Cecil May Annie Lonergan Roy Cameron Essie Pugsley Teacher H Total 51 Average Attendance Honor Pupils Jr P Eva Taylor Taylor Blanche- Grant Vera Leigh Thompson Harry Si- Marjorie IT Class franc Sadie Teacher Form HI Enrolment Average Attendance 31 Honour Pupils III Class Doris McDonald Agues Taylor Olive Carpenter- Jr Martha Noble Sophie Sell atyt- Audrey Woodcock equal Charlie Thompson Ross Momson Teacher Class Honour Pupil Leslie Burrows Mabel Cox Teache Report of Continuation School Names in order of merit For in McLaughlin Hon Mamie Hon Leslie Dion Basil Cross Hon Ruby Hon Maude Evelyn Cocfcburn Form Ego Hon Bessie Audrey floilton May Bond Form I-r- Cora Cora Bes sie Kler Eva Ben Greenwood Jean Chalmers Louie Jim Marion Ardlll Hunter te I biMs Major Kligour The Sessions had at the last count Why so Threo panels with half a dozen extra for emergjneyi would bo should this wasted of the peoples taxes-To- doesnt mind Ovor four thousand poodle at tended the opening meeting peoples Sunday services Hi Arena in Cooks Church last Tuesday Hie annual banquet- of the Laymens Missionary Moyer look place The speeches were brilliant and hopeful Rev J Is reported staled the rso of dress- war is real mission ary work When Britain answer ed the call of Belgium it was the strong bearing the of the weak We arc striking a blow against a system A muster parade of the Guard un der Col Sand ford was held at the Armouries- last Tues day night It included men at Aurora and at who paraded simultane ously the totalled The men looked in the finest con dition All have volunteered for active service have passed medi cal examination and arc pro ficient in squad drill equitation and the various cavalry duties A big demonstration in last Tuesday evening in aid of the Red Cross Fund Among the speakers were Hon Lemieu from the Province of Quebec and Hon Mr Premier of On tario Mr Justice Middlelon on Tues day last congratulated the Assize Grand Jury on the thorough and illuminating manner in which they had treated the cases he brought before them He said was the best report be had ever received So much for jurymen of Toronto and York County The Balmy Beach Club in stead of indulging in the rowdy ism of some places bad a Hal loween festal occasion and a real jolly affair it was The of melons pumpkins corn and autumn leaves were most appropriate During the evening many of the old fashion dances were indulged in- The second contingent it vis now stated will consist of men instead This will awaken a more lively interest in response to the call as it means something more mere bar racks service The report of the Grand Jury in he Assize Court included a re commendation that a detention oaipp he established for danger- fa itte Assio Court the Jury awarded damages lo Con stable 3 McMiillen who claim ed from J J Welliaufcr for alleged malicious slander A Toronto Company has just received a big order from France The contract is for a million blankets Tor the French army and is being filled- fry the Toronto Car pet Co is now running their factory night and day lo pet the work dumvby Years A call tilprayer has keen issued by business men of Toronto A is held every Wednesday at am and continued for in P buildings Mayor- left for Winni peg on Monday He was booked to adtihess- a gaGliering of Orangemen last night in Prairie Province A lad named Arthur- Whitehead aged ram away from home on Aug and His parents are very anxious respecting His where abouts Magistral a line of in the case of William of who was with li quor in a local option- distrieL On Wednesday mnrnint aged years was found deadi in bed with the gas turned on When Police arrived examined lb gas jet and that u was leading to the conclusion that de ceased thought he had turned off the gas when- going to bed hut had turned it n- Notwithstanding Hie war ex citement the Ontario has issued about licenses this these three thousand for When Judge Hi Smith to jail for ho days for several articles from Eatons and stores he remarked Suoh thefts are too and I have frequently thought that there is too much temptation the public these stores and il would they covered with and thus re move the temptation A army two thousand strong IB now in undue the direction of the Toronto Mil Movement endorsed by the military authori ties Torontos school children will be given competitive opportunity to raise tons of good and foodstuffs next spring This has upon by Ihe To ronto horticultural Society and announced through Hie city press The general public can scarce realize it but it is a fact all the iu 9ti Medical for oyer forty v sach e as this we have tatfT trial in view of ASSSiie ffiuch Dr a V Etwee y m J A General Manager c Use The Mail Banking You need not special trip town to cash a cheque make a deposit or draw money Use the mails You will find our system of Banking By Mail a safe convenient way of transacting all your banking business Deposits may be made and cash withdrawn by mail without delay or trouble Call or write the Manager for Information regard Banking By Mall MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S D TERRY Man T- i Wo have a lino of Heavier Underwear for Fall and Winter at from to Jpor garment We al so a nice warm line of heavy Socks and Working Gloves and Our Winter are Call In and a now on at from 50c lo look around- k RENTS OUTFITTERS I Issuer of Marriage Licenses WEST same thai no less than Mine here has army horses have passed after terrible suffering to re- in the open- Monday afternoon While the war and have been for- mother was engaged with household warded to Atlantic terminals duties another room child transportation to the front a to the stove and in About Was he net result i way upset a pot boiling water of the Patriotic Concert at Alas- Only about three ago a Hall in aid of the Red Urns I yearold sister of the little one Fund under tlie of the drowned Cobalt Lake tie Empire Club body Has not yet beer One day last week films Roche of Weston Road up before I a PRIMING Magistrate If on charge of seduction A plea of guilty was entered by tetter say- and the Magistrate sentenced where not quite so good to SIX in the rt f require anything in the printing Ik Frauds every where said a card to a nanipMet lady connected with the us orir Patriotic League Street A man was fount OF needles for any price pur- chaser wished to give Teacher I wonder what lie was working for life Patriotic would nay if she knew League and the go you ore in geography the fund He had no- authority Girl Oh my mother says from the League and was a fraud never learnt and shes end Aunt Sally says she never jogfry and shes married and Cobalt Nov one- did learn iogfry and rearold son of Mr Fred Durham of rled MM If yom are hying to keep house without Dost you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Cm Dust do all the part of the task All yu need to do is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today wouldnt give up Reform use of far anything Are these women all If you want to get right a package of today join the millions happy housewives who GOLD DUST TWINS do their uicrk COMPANY Opt mm Out China I noire Tea I Set prate dceigi of very i so we of each let Si I i TORONTO

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