Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 1

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iff ivN M its vi vrt- AT pr In advance ft 50to United States paid inadvance v fijf for the Winter Graduate J ft the Motor an Aero Club eerrtat will fco placed of military for homo some very interesting effect of cat or neglect as the ao ma the lite of machinery on the rftv- farm and fe I Were Cross Ifyouarothlnklntj of a new wo would bo you the nicest line of COOKING AND HEATING 8TOVE8 live had one Hooting Aok to V0 to RANGE Two and Cooking Its a Beauty Only farms no provision whatever Is made lor protecting implements and only four claim to any paint In the three district visited in Alberta mixed id carried on A HARDWARE PAINT store TH PHONE active yearn of South End Lumber Yard Winter is Coming Be Ready mm Before an Advance in Price P PEARSON Alfred Harvey Ontario J Murphy ORDER NOW BEFORE Prices Go Too MANITOBA FLOUR BEST RELIANCE FLOUR BEST PASTRY FLOUR Also get Your Coal Bin Filled THE PRICES MAY BE ADVANCED SOON W EVES- Drive day Kato a domestic a wrist and She wan taken to the Hospital -v- a chase over the North anil South American continents Dr Flower all- Montgomery was arrested Jiere one day week Ho alleged to have swindled New York citizens and others out of by means of a mine which was not even a He was extradited for trial J Dr Charles Toronto lias appointed comml3loncr to Britain of the Canadian Rod Society A tnoveniont Is on foot to secure small farms In Ontario for Belgians I to migrate to this country foronto city council authorized the Datura of lh deposit of an unsuc cessful contractor on ground that he had made an error in his tender In the case of who was changed with a breach of the tccret commission act stealing from P It as conductor the jury failed to agree and was According to an order from MIHtlo Deportment all service volunteers under age must produce a written consent from their parents In the Assize Court JO Hall was given a sentence of two for the swindling of the Maple Leaf Milling Co by selling them wheat for 45000 The Harbor Commission dredge Is bringing to tho surface relics In the of balls and hundreds of lead bullets of the kind years ago saW a naval engagement occurred at this location early history of country In tbe sessions on Thursday of last week no Jess than eleven P conductors pleaded guilty of stealing and were fined each They were thirty days pay the fine- failing to do so they go to jail for throe months- Mr James- K a lead ing authority on Canadian banking and commercial law and senior of law firm died at an early hour on after barely a weeks illness A week ago last Saturday the Bel gian Committee shipped fco Halifax from Street head quarters I bales and cases pounds These included contributions from many outside towns and cities and were composed of wearing apparel of all sorts and sizes for men women and children bedding boots and shoes and assorts quantities if groceries toW Much of the clothing was new and they really l afford to be secondhand garments In onC repair A frther shipment power necessary toopwtto two tons took place last week depreciation on f The women are getting afUr on the average farm Is the Council now The Council as to amount to much more than the I reveal l MOMTHAItAWILBtOMQ 10000 of the Enemy tho today was bound from Calais for Havre and was Just harbor J Oct of tho district recorded do- In reaching hero visitefl ay leave their infantry out of the a of Chasseur forma there wore no implement strongly with of any description On of orders to hold an Important fllra- sheds to cover a highway Four German part the implements were found columns comprising 1 most this being only a huggy j stormed the Ironches with the or a democrat but not on one single bayonet farm was machinery all housed had five farmer was found who paint- sections Simultaneously all his implements to protect them t spurted lire Jho German from the weather rocked devastating In Manitoba only 14 out of keep fusillade It was horrible to sec their machinery undercover during thorn fall in solid masses The winter while chiimto keep a part j speed of our mitrailleuses wa of it inside On 34 tho Manitoba a minulo Under the incessant fir they grew while hot Unchecked byline awful car nage the Germans came on solid formation Wo had In i in no need to take aim hut Just plugged at the mass certain that every w iuiii every quite making nore barn I shot told We were unable how- room available so that implements ever to the Teutonic flood arc more likely to be protected but They reached our trenches oven here out of the visited leave all machinery out of doors filisucd This phase of battle Inone district Ontario where lasted five hours then our farmers were visited every man got to work Germans his implements during winter retreated only to recharge though none of these men do any So frightful was the lire that painting a mile long In the Ontario district visited 00 yards from our trenches the are housed corpses Were so thick the average life of the hinder was was not room to place your fool found to be between and years adhere along he line Many Many hinders were which were Germans were kilted on the para- and Manitol I g where much of the Is out of doors the average life of of Thousands Sacrificed binder given by tho farjnera as years which is half that of the protected from tne On London Tuesday Oct the Order Phone or Nelson Miller alters Ben Manning Ed Boyd The INCORPORATED 5 BANK Paidup Capital Reserved Funds TORONTO The SmalS Savings Acooout are the most approved and form of thrift They can be opened and added to at any time Is added to Toronto receives deposits of and MARKET Ontario Quebec and the Veat BRANCH P- Manager weather binders do not last as today publishes Mn3 long ait years One farmer near despatch from a town Sank who ater years Aeneh Department of retiring from the farm- held an V which is auction sale binder after cut- llc censor ting crops sold for per losses of the Germans all cent- of the original cost and his f no of the bailie other machinery at proportionately l forth a victory in whicu high- prices- It had all been well em an open housed and the necessary painting and perhaps and repairing had S Abbeville it in good order On a neighbouring They tens of thousands in killed and wounded in the last week in thai section alone of the battle front and while the officii farm a binder- which cut only three crops but which had teen neglected and had stood out of doors was being relegated to the scrap heap SELL AT Right t in Veneered nd Trim Ceiling Pino Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak Verandah Columns NO BETTER LUMBER GREW THAW THAT WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU DRY AND SOUND in Cypres Georgia kiln dried AND NEATLY Kind RATED BUY I T J of Women last week passed a resolu tion expostulating against the cor poration of Toronto In the utter futility of this community seeking to reform the erring in an unsanitary rat ridden fire trap such as To ronto ail is at the present time Cecil Ritchie aged years was run down by an auto one last week and received a broken leg No less than 1000 of apples have secured by the Salvation Army throughout the rural districts for the deserving poor of Toronto Rev Dr who for the past three years has been a Field Secretary of the Dominion Alliance has tendered his resignation and has requested that he be released at the end of November In the County Police Court last Friday William a seventeen- yearold boy pleaded guilty to a charge of being drunk at New Toron to on October and Magistrate allowed to go on pay- of the costs The lad swore that he had been given whiskey by Grant for helping him to move his Twenty prisoners were transferred from the Central prison lolhe prison farm during last week A report from Rev Dr Spencer of Calgary received at the Baptist Home Mission states that J ministers have had to give up the ministry because their congre gations have been Impoverished by land speculation It is estimated by the authorities that the cost of trying the R conductors a the present will total In most of these the cost payable by the Judicial County of York and Toronto pro perly speaking should be paid by outer counties The Hoard of Control has finished the terms of the ton Highway agreement the Oity to contribute towards the cost of construction Home member the Highlanders have volunteered for oversea Although well with drugs at General Hospital sic motto go or dered drugs from German Jims to last hospital for three Make years The order ttlW cost and unkeep of an implement shed The binder works for only a short time during the year while machinery in a shop works the whole year through and lasts proportion ately many times i longer It Is simply a matter of care The life of a machine extends in direct ratio the c it receives and abuse will shorten the Indian Troops Won Back Tronches London Tuesday Oct France first instance of the troops coming British Indian to action It was La Hassle week says the despatch when a great effort the Germans carried the British trenches and 8IXT6CN INFANTRY WILL GO Ottawa Oct the middle of this week is expected that the 000 Infantry called for from the vari ous divisional areas will be and assembled at the different local moblllzatloo centres all across the Dominion They will be much better trained than the first for tbey will have more time before sail ing than the force had being well trained in infantry drill the men will get rifle practice- In that will be provided and even I outside at the ranges In pieces like Toronto and Victoria where the wea ther is not There will also be training In the use of the J There will be nodfflfculty about equipping the next contingent and the time of its departure supposed to bo December will probably depend only upon the time when the first contingent leaves Salisbury plains for the front As Canadian troops just arrived in England are likely to be a training before crossing channel the second con tingent not likely to reach Salis bury Plains till near the of De cember The time here how ever after recruiting will be used to the very best advantage and the force will also have the benefit of a longer and intimate association of the with their men than was possible with the first contin gent In addition the men who will bo kept in training in Canada for service In Ruropc from now till the end of the war and the more on guard duty and home defence there is a possibility of the militia regiments In the cities being mobiliz ed This has not been decided on as yet however MACHINE GUN BATTERY ARRIVES FROM YUKOm Vancouver Oct Forty- five husky sourdough arrived this morning from on the P steamer Princess May and cieled at noon to Victoria They form the Yukon detachment organized by J Doyle who is bearing the entire cost of a mounted macbine gun battery The cost will run to The men who are under the com mand of Andrew Hart chief of the Dawson lire department will report at and thej hope to get orders to proceed Immediately to Great Dritain Every man is a per fect physical specimen and in their broadbrimmed hats and khaki coats they attracted a lot of attention during their short stay In Vancouver Ox I Will Not Carry Tales of the Homo so Years ago I From Era Fyle the on the Styles jr Dr Jacob of East to m a to jsabeii daughter of Mr DieiAt Sharon on the 2nd Inst feM Mr John aged years Watson 2St of Robert is the collector taxes in Newmarket this year Mr J Sharon an nounces the arrival of his fall stock Saturday afternoon last at a meeting of directors of North York Society Mr Trent on behalf of the citizens Newmarket presented Mr Benjamin with the Prize Clock awarded at the late plow ing match Reeve A In the chair AGO last lhc I dangerous The SLffwiR responsible for the care of the awa machinery after it is sold This rests The supports of the entirely with the farmer and as were the Indian troops should ook after was commonsense business proposition he had beeiiihfrsting to or should look after his own interests Quality II was a sufficiently to house his implements and ihb k J mm A 9 till I and thus the thousands of beaten and broken In lars wasted annually depreciation in I ran through them the steel in their East Train Service These solid lux trains carrying library- compartment- observa tion cars staivdard together with standard din ing car service between Montreal-To- 1 rontoDetroitChlcago via Canadian Not only did tin Indians gain the lost but pursued the enemy down the hill until their officers thought it prudent to recall them London Oct follow ing official communication from Pacific and Michigan Central rati- the British War roads are known as Tho Canadian and operated daily through the Michi gan Central twin tubes between Wind sor and Detroit Westbound Leaving Montreal am arriving Toronto leaving Toronto pm leaving London pm arriving Windsor am arriving Detroit pm central time leaving Detroit pm arriving Chicago am e was if at oclock the Press The continues to in satisfactory The fighting is severe and continuous hut ground is being gained and many prisoners have been taken One of our divisions has two guns The Sunday Observer had a despatch sent a correspondent in Department of Pas do Leaving Chicago France saying thai pm central time arriving Detroit cuttnK Depot am leaving Detroit Depot am leaving Detroit Fort street pm Windsor am eastern time leaving Windsor Depot am leaving IB am arriving Toronto Toronto fl00 am ar riving pm Full from Canadian Pacific ticket or Toronto- The girl who worked down town was contentedly applying herself to her dinner when a chance remark made by someone at the table re minded her of an incident that happened at the office that day and she made mention of it ending her account with an irritable comment which her employer had made A moment later she regretted that she had said anything about the matter as she listened to the criticisms from different members of the circle all aimed at the employer whom sh liked and respected She knew him so well with his rather gruff prick ly outside like a chestnut bur cover ing a nature that was good and kind and wholesome she knew bo much better than the people at home how much there was to male him ir ritable and how little his cross- grained words really meant What a pity that the picture flbe nad just given of him was of his worst rather than his side She felt ashamed of the misleading words that had slipped past her lips so easily time she said to herself I will not carry tales the office home for nobody outside the office understands the circumstances or makes the allowances that to be made Such a resolve would be a wise one for any girl coming home from her daily work whatever that work may be The sensible worker knows that I From Nov The Tomb At Sharon on the Ellas years months days Mrs Norman about of age when taking load of fruit to for sale on Friday accidentia thrown from the rig and so badly hurt that death ensued about three hours after Mr of Essex Centre was visiting with Mr J over Sunday Mrs Jackson was in the City this week owing to the dangerous Illness of her nfece Miss Ethel Wed- Mr FA Noble formerly of Sharon now of Nebraska was calling on friends in this vicinity last week Rev Amos of Aurora and Mr Webb of Newmarket were pointed County representatives for North York on the Provincial Executive for this year Rev has gone to visit old friends at Oshawa for a few days Mr was visiting friends in Hamilton last week Mr Grays barn at Holland Landing was broken Into by tblevea on Monday night who stole and peas Storm doors and storm windows are being brought into requisition Between the hours of and 12 last Friday night a supposed thief was prowling around the pre mises of Mr John McGce but the dog kicked up such a racket that the thief made scarce The Orangemen will have big day here next Tuesday The concert of the Jubilee Singers was a pronounced success Next Thursday Nov is Thanks giving Day in this Dominion- The three largest winners at the North York Fair this year were as follows Mr John Cowieson of Mr Julius and Misn Reynolds Newmarket King Plowing Match will be held on tb farm of Mulock Esq P on Street on Tuesdaj nest Mayor Stevenson was collect ing subscriptions In Town recently to swell the prize list o a I7eattb of Parisian Sage Makes Thin Life less Hair Soft and Abundant Beautiful hair thick soft many lustrous and free from of womans greatest charms yet so many have streaked thin and life less hair and think there is no rem edy Pretty hair is largely a matter of care Frequent applications of Sage well rubbed into the scalp all that is needed It acts like magio Try it will really surprised with the result No only will the hair become soft Huffy is bound to be more or less with life and really doubly beautiful but all dandruff disappears llgbl in the low country of Dfx- a large force has been flooded Some esti mates place German losses at besides killed and wounded some hint the despatch adds as what meant when it is de clared that fighting in is the most desperate of the entire war thus far Dover Oct SOrBetween thir ty vre lost and nearly when the steamer Admiral of laden with French and refugees struck a mine and she understands tetter than any outsider could do the con ditions that lead to it and makes al lowance accordingly To her It is in the days work and she does not carry home stories that will give the members of the family circle a wropg idea of her employer and her fellow workers It to get of of tie organ of il a- of headache of spirits troubles for which the falling hair and Itching scalp your head feels fine All druggists sell a large bottle of Parisian Sage for fifty cents Get from J Patterson He will re fund the money if your are not satis fied OOP HAVE ft i VrWHMV After the bride had inspected the rfrsb vegetables the store punched a few and inquired prices oil round These tomatoes just twice as dear as those across the Why Ah madam Jo be sure tut you bow are a fllpeaad too are said hastily Why I togot hare a i I p fl fr I I I J I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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