Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1914, p. 3

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I ft 4t I Mr a fine hack off residence Nov Iir Clark line moved lo hie office Main si King George op llnkl Methodist jhurc was a fairly good ipiuiftiici Sunday School Sunday il is getting ly for the in A Suggestion for 8mall Sir Adam Hock has small towns the cause of Great might purchase learns of 111 to Iioims suitable for the need Admiral A has his war Imrsc ready for action and j pared lo meet enemy at moments notice If you dont it just look at his i j Mills arrived two car loads of Me Also a shipment of vWiont special want lo crop it convinced Farmers grow a trial and bo Bee ad in next weeks Dropped Dead off Fuller Snivel Toronto dropped dead while his work on Tuesday Mr Cult hum was a brother of Mr I liarman and Mrs Howard Newmarket also of Mr- Hose T The Regular Monthly Meeting will be held in home President Mrs Lew is Niagara on Tues day Ihe 1st of Sept commencing at pm A full attendance is re quested as it is the of flceiH and also lo arrange for our animal visit lo the Industrial llunns Press Union Services on Sunday were as usual well attended There was special music at both services will be continued the same next Sunday except that Ihe Presbyterian choir will take charge of the music Hie the Methodist choir will render the music in the Methodist church in the evening day night to the- speaWbrB discuss and proposed railway I Mayor ftainueKCarterV M of ardent of Hydro Electric urged the lo vote on October for way of the many bono fits derived from the use of a ser vice owned by the popple He proved his arguments by to the earned by miles of railway owned by filly during year street railway also earned cloven per cent on the capital invested Alderman of staled that Hallways owned companies tended to make mil lionaires and the out of people by watered poor- accommodation and huge sums paid to prompters Hydro was owned by the people controlled by the people and the best service at cost price Ho pointed out the great benefit that must come to farming communities through which it passes Since power con he distributed for eight miles oh either Bide of the railway to light houses and barns pump water turn the separators choppers etc and when the power wasnsed all day for these purposes during the night it can ho Used for heating house and heating a largo vat of water to be ready in the morning for washing milk cans aim all kinds of domes tic use Hydro is 24hour power Ibis use at night costs practically nothing Mr A of said lie was not as well posted as ho hoped to be later on Hut so far as he could see 110 Com mission had been very careful in Iheir estimates and the road would he a great benefit to the municipalities froth now and in to come Mr A Wilson spoke at length giving facts and figures concerning other similar roads now in He also that the date of voting hud e hanged fro to lo lime for hold some Ihii public meetings thiough- he townships I e An reason that Su Adam would he engaged during the next few 1 of njrvGeO new house on Grace St Alt the members of the Mle- Circle Invited to attend a at Mrs cot tage Greh Beach oh Friday Aug afternoon The girls are asked moot the one oclook oar and bring lunch J i Special In connection tho National Kxhlhiliim late cars leave Toronto terminal for and intermediate points at 11 arid p from Wednesday Sept 2nd to Satur day Sept 12 Sunday Sept excepte ft Go pa Ybrio St Mulocke Corners Mr Mrg of Holland got street car and ran away- Mts McDofiald but McDonald got on with Mr Block visiting Mr R Smith Mr ran the Hold Monday afternoon hut were caught damage was done v Arm Mr of the 2nd of king brought his son in to town a few days ago for medi cal attention Fred had boon practicing on horseback prepar atory to Joining the Cavalry lachmont of the Body Guards and in get ting off his horsey shortest broke his arm Mr and Mrs who live on St their buggy and just turning out of their gate when a motor dame along upset all their plans as well as the of the rig George got off with a bruis ed head but his wife suffered some injuries that were painful for several days and will lay up for Ihe rest of the summer Mr Dennetts car loolcs very nice It- painted- Mrs Pottage has returned from MusVoka Mr MoMaln has gone back to Winnipeg His parents miss him very much 1 3 J Auxiliary Dynamo The Town Council purchased a Dynamo from Mid land It will he installed this week Since our auxiliary gave out we have not bad all- day and have been 111 con- slant danger of something going wrong the oilier dynamo which would leave the town en tirely without light As soon as the dynamo just purchased hasbeen installed wo will enjoy the 24hour service again which will be very accept able during dark days In Au tumn 11 Christian Endeavor The the Chris liiin Church will hold its first meeting after two months holi days Tuesday evening Sept oclock Everything a splendid opening line program that is prepared by Miss of the Social Committee The Social Life for Christ be in the hands of Mr Jow- Selections will be giv en by a male as well as the members try to mil and bring some one Come once and will again 1 Change of Time Table Patrons will please note lmiii changes in the Time Table Tuesday Aug as I in Sutton leav ing at a will operate nam inlerinediate Sim hi in Toronto Cars lea v in Salt mi at a and 510 p will bo cancelled Newmarket foV will flic war Mr Cahy gave estimates and figures He stated that rea son of the railway that current for power and lighting could be supplied to Newmarket al the rate of per p He said hat by the judicious resale of Newmarket do like towns in Western Ontario arc do ing give power to householders for cents or less per kilowatt and have a large yearly surplus He staled that regarding the speed the railway could their estimate of one and onequarter hours to Toronto was very con servative as the Windsor and Es sex radial railway operating in Essex County was giving ser vice off miles in one hour and twenty minutes The distance from Toronto to Newmarket is miles and our proposed rail way will be heavier built and have more power lie said we would have a brick station in Newmarket and com modious freight sheds The farmers along the line would have shelters at all crossroads and stations at all important points Also stands and automatic de vices for loading milk and pro duce Regarding handling of freight the price would be less than the present freight rales and be sides it would be an express ser vice That means that freight in bulk or ear lots would ho deliv ered in Toronto or interswitched lo another line at once without delay There were a large number off ladies at meeting They were interested to hear Mr Gaby tell how a dinner could be cooked by Hydro at a cost of cents There will be another big meet ing in Newmarket before the vot ing Sir Adam Heck has pro mised to be present Also Con troller McCarthy of Toronto will be present lo tell us that Toron to city will hear the expense of within the city and also give us a terminal station beside the new Union Mayor Allan occupied the chair The Choir of the Methodist Church enjoyed Wednesday af ternoon which they- spent in nicing at Island Grove Park Leaving the Church at pm they motored lo the park in oars Kind ly supplied by Messrs Hunter J Davis Jr A Davis Janes Dr Scott J Wright J J CurrioJ5 and Cane During the afternoon real old- fashioned- games were enjoyed The ladies provided lunch of which there was ample for all with the exception of Laurie All pronounced the picnic a huge success Hello there Mr Editor and the rest I suppose you have been patiently waiting to hear from mo again Well I had a tine time when- 1 away Miss Clara rfollatly spent Sunday at her homo was accompanied by her friends Kiss Marshal and Miss Elsie and Mrs John Morning and Mr and Mrs K Ferguson spent Sunday with old friends Mr and Mrs J Bade Miss Gladys and Miss ma Hal spent Sunday with- Miss Mitchell Mr and Mrs- Hell of Ft Wil liam are spending a lew days with Mr and Mrs John Morning had Mr Harris In Snowball on Sunday It seems good to see him back again Mr Stephen of Vandorl Is visiting Mr Harry Ferguson and with Mr Reggie Morning There was a large attendance at league on Sunday Evening by what I hear and I hope It continuing so opens at oclook sharp Master Georgie Morning of New market spent a week with his cousin Lawrcjicfc Morning MJes of Newmarket Is visiting at Mr and at Mr- Thomas Halls We arc sorry that the holidays are nearly over but hope that everybody had an enjoyable time Well I must close as I have said quite a little bit this time Hut I have been absent for so long that it docs mo good to hear and old friends again Maple Villa SQOOt Direct from Now VorKOno Hundred LaceTrlmpied 2J5Q A on at Cotton Sox all Colore pre for Pair Guaranteed for Mot Tho Beit the Fltter are the 8hbes We Carry Onion bottle Rellth cakos Oatmeal Toilet your If you wear Proverbs 13 A large congrega tion being present Doubt is uppermost In our as to whether or not the editor will have our errors in orthography cor rected In time for publication this being but journalistic effort of an ignoramus Presentation On Friday evening Aug Harrison Proctor Esq was with a hondsonie won by him at the Picnic as the oldest Liberal attending Mr Proctor is years old J Walton made the presenta tion lie was accompanied by a number of Liberal veterans and a few friends were invilcd in by the family The hostess Mrs Proctor served refreshments Mr Proctor is still aotive and able to enjoy life on his home stead on Yonge St where he has lived all his life and is held in highest esteem by all who know him VALLEY We regret that we have to an nounce this week the death of Miss Marjorie Williams youngest daughter of the late Ad dison Williams of Fast Gwillim- Miss Williams was a graduate of Newmarket High School Af ter leaving school she look up commercial work and at the time of her illness was one of the of fice staff of Co of Toronto The funeral took place on Thursday Aug at the resi dence of her mother Fast and was attended by a large circle of relatives and friends The service was con ducted by Percy Fletcher of Keswick and the pallbearers were Messrs A Kelly two brothers of the deceased An gus and Fred Williams and two brothers- inlaw and J If Wight Deceased was an active indus trious young lady and her many acts of kindness and her unselflsh disposition made for her a host of friends Many floral tributes were sent from sympathizing friends from Newmarket and Toronto Hello there everything is blooming in town Hie farmers are moving these to get thfi grain in after the heavy rain and Jessie is following with his locomotive and Joe with his oil can A dumber from visited at Charles Brandon on Sunday last Miss and from Ox bridge also Mr Woodcock visited at Mr Ed on Sunday Hi Johnston and daughter from Bright were visiting relatives the week end Miss Thurso of- Mount Albert visited her aunt Mrs A Skinner last week The Misses visited Miss A Reynolds Mr- Stanley Anderson of Aurora made his usual call on Sunday Mr Stephenson was the guest of on Monday Mr J Hopes Brotherinlaw preached the Union Church Sun day evening Reports are of a verr sermon Miss Hopper is spending vacation at the Lake FootHall is all the rage her Sorry to say some of our young mon had to come homo all alone Sun day evening AH the kiddies have smiles as school opens Tuesday Everybody seems to be making preparations for the coming social What is the attraction in town Hoys Sunday evenings Well guess Ill ring off for now Honey PINE ORCHARD Pine Orchard Institute having an icecream social on the evening September the first at friends meetinghouse The social is in aid of the Queen Mary Hospital for consumptive children also part of proceeds will go toward the Red Cross Society for the Hospital Ship A good program provided Come and help along these de serving causes Admission adults cents children 10 cents A very pleasant event took place on Wednesday August the nineteenth at the of Mrs Hope Pino Or chard when the ladies of tno Mount Albert Branch of the Womens Inst itute to the number of about thirty- five visited the- Pine Orchard Branch about being present The program commenced shortly after three oclock by singing the Maple Leaf Mount Albert contribut ed the literary portion which con sisted a paper read by the presi dent Mrs Eugene on Music In the Home paper by Mrs Shields on paper by John on Success in Life These papers were excellent and everyone felt benefitted by having heard them The musical part given by Pino Or chard consisted of a the Alien by Miss Clara mandolin section by Mrs Anderson The intervening between tho program and tea was spent in social intercourse and in admiring the love ly lowers and garden Tea being announced the ladies of Mount retired to the dining room where justice was done to the dainties provided The growing late everyone re turned to her homo well with the afternoon proceedings Francis Anscoinbe formerly Pastor at Pine Orchard Church now on vacation at to be at the Church Ser- vico at Pine Orchard on Sunday next ooo THE LAO of Bleu Fill Hoot Priestly fl0 In now shades Greys Browns Blues Cardinals at yd In all now shades at yd Roman In large variety of Also largo assortment of Dreso Silks vldo Fall Coatings In Tweeds Diagonal Whipcords Largo In Fall Bolts Bags J ft I Qeorglnu Council sa I NEWMARKET Ont wit and si I- by this I Car leaving 1 in will and only- i TorontoCar p in will he Car leaving at p Toronto will not affected this change SATURDAY Cars leaving Toronto at and a he cancelled Special ftr leaving Sutton for Toronto and p will bo dledi MORNING service vill be after Monday Aug 1914 Winter Time Table will about Oct Toronto and York It rat clocks TCjyitAHOUl IF YOU KNEW HOW MANY BIRTHDAY PRES ENTS consist ok Watches they make a most suitable gift For or Son or A judicious Selection can easi ly bo from stock wo arty ATKINSON Jewelers end Opticians Hi Much to our surprise and the townline correspoodent tak en much offence to our items of two weeks ago ut since ho put the cap on and it we cannot help It Although we laj no claim to being as we peripatetic we much prefer that to the horse evidently is barking up the wrong tree it being neither the club nor members of the club Miss Pearl Robinson of was the guest of Miss Elliott Miss Mary Wand also of Castle- more the guest Mrs Miss Mary has returned home a few weeks holidays spent in Newmarket and We believe Mr Cook is be coming a regular visitor to our burg on Sunday evenings now Mr Silas was un fortunate enough to upset bis thresh ing machine endeavouring to put it into Mr A Shanks barn a week ago last Saturday evening We understand it was not seriously damaged The heavy have delayed the consummation of the garnering sheaves Although very beneficial to the root crops The farmers are ploughing and preparing the land 1 fall wheat understand Mr Win and Murray contemplated tak ing a pleasant motor trip 5ftbt new is now being almost tilted Id and we It will aoon to Jrafflc Mr Alex of Toronto with of to one of Mr inuring ftp text bales ou Regular meeting above Coun cil at Peifotliv on Satur day Members all of road and adopted A County Clerk re County taxes and requisi tions from of tho various re school re ceived and laid council A number of re ceived and ordered paid A bylaw levying the different rates for current year as follows County rate mills rate 3 General schools mills Bridge turea caills School rates No millsj No 210 No 3 mills No 4 mills No mills No No mills De benture No 1 mills No 1710 mills Council adjourned to meet at on at dry PAH FLETCHERS A resident and day school for hoys and girls Preparatory Collegiate and Commercial Departments Music and Art THE FALL TUE8DAY 8TH For particulars Fees etc apply to the P FIRTH M A a Dont Trust To Luck Worth End Grocery why we do The Business AT PRODUCE IMS Huron St PtionaO ADVERTISE IN THE ERA who fears to spend a cent And never advertise With little gain must bo content While others take the prizes No matter what your may be Nor how much worth the selling The world will none the wiser be Except tis by the telling J Aug in frW per J J fir tost ton to M I Ottos I pot ft Pi if per Barley bush- bus bus- Hay per ton per Egg per Potatoes et l r 0 ea 0 pax DM Joi- r Seed It- It fc Anuit OF ONTARIO

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