Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1914, p. 6

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VlVv ft CARD OF Mr and Mrs to extend their earnest heartfelt lhanke friends damage to of who were so kind nearly bam lad helpful during grain a half doeeri I destroyed Several men working at the wore slightly injured by living fragment- It riot khownhow the dynamite got Iq and the pollen are investigating affair loss during illness and death of their eon A SCHOOL OUR SCHOOL of St Oath and Miss Mica of Mull been appointed and Assistant respectively of our Continuation School Both are and come highly recommended Over sixty applications received Mr and Mrs Archie Cook of Toronto visitors at homo of his brother Mr J Cook this week Mr Hoy Cook left for Sutton on Saturday where ho has scour ed a position as baker His many friends hero Join In wishing him every success Mrs Woods or Watford Miss Gibson Moose Jaw and Mrs J Ramadan and children of To ronto are visitors at tho homo of Mr Ramadan Misses and Dorothy Pel- who have been spending tho summer with their grandparents Mr and Mrs return ed to their homo in Toronto on Monday Miss Hayes of Winnipeg is visiting at homo of her parents Mjr and Mrs Root Hayes Mr Jacob Cook and family motored up from and spent Sunday with his brother Mr Dun Cook Miss Mamie Love A has been appointed to staff of the Berlin Conservatory of Music and will he head of department of Theory and Com position in that institution Miss Love will also continue her advanced classes in Toronto Children FOR FLETCHERS i is by r V HOLLAND LANDING VOTERS LIST IT OK BAST County York In hereby gives that I have transmitted or delivered to por ted in sections and Ontario Votere Ac the required by to bo or of toe to all persons appearing by the re vised roll munici pality to to vote in for of Leg islative Assembly at municipal that list posted in rny ofiice on the day Aug and remains there for called upon to examine list tnd II any or any other errors arc found herein to past contury notliiug is more curious Ilia said coraeotod according to A McKENZlB Clerk Bated day Aug Miss is spend ing two weeks in Sudbury Mies Sissy Taylor is few days with friends hero Miss Hitching return ed from Toronto on Saturday last Mr A bury or Toronto the holiday with Miss Lizzie Miss Marsh arid Miss Lennox returned on Saturday from Musk- Mrs A Held of Barrio and Mr Lennox of the Quebuo Bank Toronto spent a few days fit home Miss Margaret is spending a few days at Marsh Manor Miss Gladys Marsh returned from Hamilton spending a week friends there The Garden Party which was held here in aid of tho English Church was not as great a as formerly tho expenses being than proceeds Doesnt soy much for the home town does it -fOOOt- ORCHARD BEACH Dr Wallace of St Presbyterian Church Toronto conducted servicn at Orchard Beach Inst Sabbath with very great acceptance Bis morning theme was Tho Sanc tuaries which ho clearly defined difference in thought in regard thereto before and after the Christian dispen sation A subscription was taken up through Orchard last week Mrs Grant and Mrs Hales be ing the collectors in aid of the Toronto Ship Hospital a- to On Monday forenoon last a by lightning Mr Michael Cains house awl ho Mr Wrights were but did not take fire i vMr and Mrs and family have bungalow for the oast lw6 weeke Mr and Mrs Mont ttnd family of motored jp to last Friday ind yeroHiic Mr J and calling on ihoirold friends Is making a Mr and Mrs J J Terry also spent the weekend in the oily Mr Irvine JiloydbfNowmarkot is visiting Mr Max Rov and Mrsv Of Wrabano are at Mr Mrs Dr Graham is in visitingrolativnaiiv Mrs A Mrs have Hamil ton for a visit The barn raising at Roy on Saturday last was a great success Tho Hand added greatly to enjoy ment of those present Mr and Mrs Sowcrby of St Catharines and Miss Sowerby of Toronto been spending a few days with Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs A Smith and Miss Kavanagh leave on Tuesday for a twomonths trip out Miss Doane is spending a week with friends White Hay and Jacksons Point OOO dorgX treatment Hip HOLLAND is favorably The cuds of four were blown off view of riOevienc ffiuet aojUM accidental theory Ho was climbing forjee and slipped eVplosivu A few arc booked for foreign war ima gine it maybe a old can Aland a of she must cry Lyman Miller purposes remov ing from city to Gum Swamp The of Ihc city high rents are discouraging to laboring men Lyman is a mighty handy man on almost every work Twill soon bo time to shut up and away from tho summer resorts Many there will who will mourn Keep out of your neighbors gardens Its none of your busi ness whats there may be caught There is a tremendous great run of trade at our mill consign ment on lack of water to supply Sutton Mill with power AGENT SUTTON due to the Wdneya trouble TtU why you we suffering from of many The Church Garden Party held hero was a grand sue cess They cleared Madge Marsh and Miss Mae Lennox returned on Satur day last spending a week at Port Mrs and child ren are spending a few days with her mother Mre Marsh Mrs and child ren of Toronto are visiting her mother Mrs M J Sheppard- Mr Geo Gray of Brandon and Mr Gray of Boston wcro calling on friends on Wednesday last Mrs Geo Held and family of Barrio are visiting her mother Mrs Bell very severe thunder storm pass- Mr Win Mackenzie who had- over Lake summer re- been ill the past six months sorts Many of the loud claps passed away on Saturday even- following flashes of electric ing at oclock Deceased had 1 Metropolitan Railway He spending a few Mapld prior to leaving for the West in Mr Dick Slurlrldge spent a few days lastweekia Toronto j The daughters of- Empire J had a very successful Bazaar on Aug 12 on Mr Al bert lawn The proceeds amounted to After paying expenses was sent to the Ship and the balance will he kept for Preventorium mm i KUUIUO 111 mm ftrol will the It first aids to accumulated poisons without aid Natures v-araln- Your dealer you may a nut Council CARD OFJTHANK8 To our many kind neighbors and friends far and near we wish to express our heartfelt grati tude for their assistance given us at the time of our loss by lire and also since in so ably assisting with whatever we Signed Mr and Mrs J Flanagan ALBERT Dealer in ail kinds of Farm Machinery I keep a good stook on hand at all limes You can come and buy your goods and take it home with yod I keep a general slock of repairs on hand hay fork rope binder whip in fact almost anything you want Potato Drillers now in stock MOUNT ALBERT I 1 1 1 5 ft Deerimg Binder Open Buggy good of Single Harness ft inch Birch common better Apply to Ed Draper or for Binder to Will Crouch on the Harry place fluid caused the wooden collages to tremble The rain fell cop iously Miss Ida Pearson left on Sat urday lo visit Mrs at Roachs Point and later will vis it Miss Peuchen at their sum mer place near Lake Simcoe Mr Henry and Mrs Hawkins were visiting over the weekend at Orchard Beach with Mr A Wright and family QU1CENSVILLE The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Institute will be held in the basement of the Church Wed afternoon Aug at p in A paper on How to make our Institute Meet ing Simple Entertaining and In teresting will ho given by Mrs Albert Milne A debate is also being arranged for given by four young ladies on Resolved that the Home Girl has better oppor tunities than the Business Girl A charge of cents will be made to go Iwardstthe Hospital Ship Music will also be given Ev erybody welcome During the electric storm in lliis district Saturday six horses belonging to Mr John Mahoney a North Gwiliimbury Township farmer were struck and killed by lightning in a Held The horses were valued at 1200 On Friday afternoon of last week the fine new barn of Mr Eu gene Flanagan was entirely do- by fire together with number of hogs ready for market His entire crop of hay I and grain a years stove wood Threshing was in pro gress and without warning an explosion occurred which ignit ed the straw and the whole place was in flames before anything could he done to save it It was almost miraculous that men escaped without injury A very strong southwest wind blew the cinders so far that Mr Jacob Smiths place caught a couple of WANTUD live at Ho Fox Mtr Send your order and have your fencing done properly and promptly Apply to SMITH NEWMARKET or ovyoi PAINTER PAPER Por OP Sealed Tenders are asked for that portion of the above proper ty described as Parcel and Parcel on plan of property lo bo seen at the Drug Store Sut ton Tenders marked Rectory which may be for Parcel or Parcel or both will be re ceived by undersigned up to and including Monday Aug The highest or any lender not necessarily accepted K GREENWOOD J GRAHAM West Churchwardens Aug 3rd lived here most of his life and was his year- Ho leaves a widow one daughter Mrs of St and Lester British Columbia and Sept imus of Peru Indiana The fun eral service was held at Christ Church Interment kel Cemetery Rev W Burns of ficiated Mrs J Miss William motored to Orillia on Saturday last and intend visit ing there with friends for a few days The service Sunday night was conducted by Mr The congregation was not as large as usual Congratulations Mrs Arnold was married Saturday night to Mr Wardell a The electric storm Monday night kept people awake the big gest part of the night The ground has got wet at last Plowing is all the go -c- BALDWIN BREEZES Twas with grateful hearts that wo witnessed the glorious show ers of Sunday and following days It was wonderfully refreshing to the root and potato crop On Sept along comes another mercury point accompanied by frosts I suppose Geo thresher is hum ming about this neighborhood shoving out the grain in fir3t class style Geo is making him self popular as he does No work What is the matter with Wm Stevenson Nothing at all ex cepting he make a new thresher lo keep up with lhe Well well well what Why Bachelor Jim hag deserted his and got a missus at last A noble good woman and a housekeeper and equal to the first in land If survives the charivari we hope ho will he may sing Never lived a queen so fair With my Nettie life Ill share By her side Ill know no care My Nellie my own Just to give you an idea how really our Bertram Chap man is I may tell you lhat he took his First Class a qualifica tion with honors that means entyflve per cent or better If you saw his welldeveloped head and a competent judge you would at once think he was a and yet ho a hit conceited Another of our very clever young men Prof Andy Cameron of the Halls of Learning A It a is spending a por tion of his holidays under the parental roof and fig tree Don ald and another Aug To Editor of the Era Dear Sirs Wo I wist you will al low us a small space in your paper to comment on an afiair which was held at Holland Landing a lew nights ago A young man together with two or three of his companionii of this town attended the affair During supper the young man Was asked three times for his ticket which ho had given before To make the situation more humiliating the woman inquired of every one at the same il they had seen give it she being not satisfied with his own answer- common had been wed would have known by the look the he was telling the truth We wish to let them understand that such Garden Parties If they can be called such are not usually held tor purpose of Insulting In ending we wish to say that people in pre vious years hate treated us all right hut this year has finished our attend ance to Bradford Boys I it Siuron Aug regular meeting Municipal or of Host all read from Mator League the Brad Toll Road also from People culverts Mr Council foe a for the No ac was taken in the That tee Clerk be Instructed to call attention of tho of Toll A J thai condition of Toll and re quest that an inspection bo whorcas Jury Investigating tho cause of accident whereby tho Starr killed at railway cross Lots Hast bury the opinion that tint accident might have ted had growth o under brush and timber on the al lowance and lands been cleared And vJioreas the caused the brush on road bo but that tho I danger still exists by the growth lands adjoining the Clerk bo hereby call attention ok the Dominion Railway Board ta condition existing with view to same removed Carried KellyCole And resolved that tljo Reeve issue his orders on thq Treasurer for payment of bills The Hoove introduced a bylav for tho purpose of Levying and collecting annual taxes Bylaw read a first time Moved by Kelly seconded by- proctor that Rule bo suspended and that tho bo road a second and time this day Carried Council went in committee of Whole the Reeve the chair Blanks filled in Bylaw read a third and Council adjourned to meet at Municipal Hall Sharon Sept at am oo I s f up VioePflieoihT A Manager I If You Live At A Distance from this of The Dominion Bank take advantage of our system of Banking By Mall It will save you many to town and rft the same time give you all of the advantages of a Savings Account Deposits may be made and cash withdrawn In fact any banking business transacted by mall without trouble or delay The manager will give you full of this convenient Banking by Mall MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY Manager Chief John barn at Maud was struck by lightning on Tuesday morning but by the prompt action on the part and his neighbors little was done Mr Rrosscr of Toronto was in Sutton for a short while on Tuesday Just a word to inform the ladies that we are prepared at lo III incm out with a suit or coal Call in and see the samples Gasoline has dropped lo per gallon here now The directors of Fall are getting things in shape and the prize lists are In the hands of Ihc printers In addi tion to the usual events good races are promised and also a hand The Concert will he some class this year as Bert Harvey is coming Remem ber the dales Sept and The ladies of Sutton sent down to aid in the fitting up of the Hospital Ship which is be ing prepared for the war The young man lhat monkeyed with Waller Scotts horse last week appeared before Police sent down for thirty days in ad dition lo paying some damages to the harness and bug gy He laid the blame lo drink Constable accom panied him to Toronto Smalleys have in stock their now lulls for all Get in early and have a good choice Frank was In town last Thursday looking up the owners of a couple of dogs which he worried some of his pigs J Silver brought down a barrel of apples and sot them out in front of the P last Thurs day for the general use of the public They did not last long Mr Preston was taken down to the hospital last week suffering from typhoid fever Mr Fountain of Toronto spent over Sunday with Wis par ents 111 Mr and Mrs Jesse Morton of Keswick spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Milton Hamilton here Mrs Osborne am ren have returned home after visiting In Newmarket and To ronto Miss Burrows is the guest of Miss Y in town this week Miss Marjory of To ronto is visiting her mother here Mr Bummers Jr In the Bank here Went to on 8 PftlZE WINNERS For Gwilllmbuyr Township Rural School Fair for best plots No Oats No Wright Melvin Wright West Harold Harry Watson C Smith No Irving Arnold Leslie Williams Corn Wis No 7 Rolling Audroy Bantam Sweet Corn I Roy Mary Wilder Mabel Eves M Ronald Bennett a DMaware 1 Calvin 2 Soar 6 3 John Saunders Geo Miller Herbert Leek 14 Harold Rose 14 Harold 10 Olive Turnips Frank Rogers Mario Watson Goo 4 Jack Knights A Stewart Mangels Our Floyd Watson Hillary Clarence Rosa Howltt I Earl Byron Hill HER DOG A curly haired dog by led to the of a Cleveland woman who died in an am- en route to a she had from Id a restaurant He had accompanied her and was iiUir vrntn full from ft dying up he tried to lick her hands animal endeavored folio but was and back vhimperlii A followed found the house of the had died and who latex was solely through the of bee dog IF IN TAILORING IN A PERFECT FIT IN A SUIT FOR OUR NEW FALL SUPPLY GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage SUTTON CANADIAN NORTHERN OPENING OF THROUGH PA8SENGER TORONTO and OTTAWA Union Central Grand Station AUG And Daily Except Sunday A 1135 I P 1235 Stations Toronto Hope West bound P M Ar Trenton P P Belleville Kingston Smiths Falls Ar Ottawa Lv Central Station bound p 515 130 145 1215 Noon I Coaches and Cafe Parlor Cars on Through Trains FOR TICKETS AND ALL INFORMATION APPLY TO NEAREST CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY AGENT J 1 Sit iBT2 It is bettor to advertise iulensive- than extensively when the sum to be devoted to advertising is small This means the regular uso of the Newmarket Era messages a year addressed to the same constit uency of readers Intermittent or divided effort is not likely to be One fullpowered blow heller than two half blows a Concentration of appeal a work of conviction and persuasion that will sur prise you years returns are to talled up A THE PUBLIC advice fdr you In this homily to It Is Howard with a full not divided thft who your goodwill Tiro you hands of man who you be the SHOT WHERE YOU R IIJVITCZO TO 1 ma mam

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