Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1914, p. 3

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I A I mm Hospital SHIP Fund the ladies town last week In Mm Hospital Ship joedH were tin of The I r m mow Store Norman Wright- hob llo new More recently Dr Clark two winfowH the front give a Club for inrrostfo on Monday rt id was attended pictures mil up to usual mark wu not was expected r Cutting Webb Sunday with Mm r Lcanard Mrs fcdgjr Kennedy has Mr Herb was the guest Toronto after spending a Klag Kuby Dean on Saturday 3fi T- I MUa is a few Mr Mrfl McCralg of Victoria daya with Mrs Wesley Dove Square visited at Sages day Mr Sages on I Miss jStonohouso and Alma Harris of Miss Wilson of Toronto la visiting spent over Sunday with Mr It at Cedar Grove at Miss Irene Ream an of la visiting Miss Rita a Poultry will a special of North York Poultry and Association Department of Agriculture evening Aug are urged to hi is some very liusineH to constdor- Born In on Monday Aug to Mr and Mra OBrien Mr A a Cow a daughter relatives In Toronto y Mr George guest ol Mrs spent a few Mrs John Ellison onSurtday friends- with Miss AI6ta spent Thursday of Mr and Mrs Ashing week with aunt Mrs parte of Japan the had the mem of merchants and early In the morhingjaddlrig operations will beyond lim its necessary for thb attainment of lliodefoTiod of her own legitimate Interests will subli as could give to a third party any cause for regard ing safely If their lorritorios or possessions Premier also said it was Iho intention of Japan to from Ghlno root of influence Can war the Directors of the Cana dian Forestry Association have li i- In most careful consider- to cancel the its for Forestry which was lohe hold in Halifax Sept 1st to In postpone the convention The Editor Hoard From Daily Of Portage hi of August innrks Mr Jackson Newmarket Era spent the in this city with a former Mr I- Bailey and for Uio West this evening Mr and Mrs Jackson expected lo in- llieir sou Mr Leslie at Alia on Sunday last and nflvr a short visit to proceed to Calgary where lie will visit with a sister li John A Bell and nephew Mr Harry then on before relurn- iii- to her home In alter spending Stourfvllley A party of Boy a week with her parents here Scouts from this village are enjoying Wo ate sorry to report Mrs John a holiday ati Is the sick list but we hope about four miles from here ilev for her speedy recover Colin Mutch is in the The Aid will meet at the of Mrs Ferguson Thursday August TOWN LINK ITEMS campers Mrs accompanied by two sons was motoring on Elgin Road and when near the bridge spanning creek the driver In some manner lost control car crash- Into the railing with great force machine Is now on One wheel went right over ISTlil tffr ft S setting car at such an that SI Ike injured lady was thrown- out and JSgA Into the river feet below th0 I lor sons managed to grasp hold side of tho car and save them selves They Immediately went to Wife assistance of mother who was struggling in several foot of wa ter With the car was righted and Mrs was hur ried to where Dr attended her the Injuries A steady rain on Sunday proved beneficial to crop Miss of the Line returned homo on Saturday last af ter a weeks visit to her cousin Miss Mary of Newmarket Mrs David Dales of the Line is visiting hoi daughter Mrs Dlr0 liiTrtmwiftdUrfr on at each i Best Maker the Bert Wcarora Boot ftrc Carry Sugar Going Up Buy Now Onion per boltlolBo per bottle a Oatmeal w consisting of a broken arm and minor- Newmarket body bruises VIVIAN I How ye do old friends Hero am back my you glad to hear Mr John returned to the city on a business trip on Wednesday of last week and will be in before ho returns home Mr and Mrs John Mack of 4ti Line returned homo after an legended visit to homo of I much to hear of Mr the Ketllel correspondent in very severe Illness weeks issue his also of his mothers condition town ina flight hopes are held for- their wrrespondent ho 1 shewed his ignorance and ignorance of the deepest dyo for no one hut an Union The Union Services were well attended as usual lust Sunday Ilie Music furnished by I he Methodist Choir was well up Jo the standard In the morning in addition to the anthem BVftn Miss McKay sang Kip lings which was rendered and very In evening the Choir snug Sing and Mr Barker Sang in splen did The Lord is my Help er Next Sunday being Inst Sunday for the Union Services lucre will he special music at both services and In the a Male Quartette will sing by social request God Bless My liny very Mr Little of Presbyterian Church was the guest of Mrs Sunday last Among our vacationists we notice the sunny of Mr McCormlck and family of West loronto who are spending the summer at their summer residence also Miss Vivian Mo who Uncle Mr Now I dont want to toll tales hut what about the poor wee motor boy Mr and Mrs Penrose returned from Calgary on account of Mr Penroses ill health and spent a week at Pino View Aug It was the turn of Germans today to move forward Iho enemy in force appeared at points on front and pressed in overwhelming allies gave ground slowly evacuating advanced po sitions which had occu pied as a result at yesterdays real cavalry drive proceeding on front extending from Switzerland to itiui in these numerous contacts the more the opposing armies approach other and nearer come Iho deciding hat- tics the more one must expect to hear of an advantage on this side and of yielding on that POPE PIU8X DEAt Home Aug Pius died at 1 oclock this Thursday morning had been ill for several days but alarming symp toms did not develop until Wed nesday morning GUARANTEE Cotton all pre- for In In Town to Wo bo pleased to call from and A r for your If you ignorant person would reflect on a neighbors business He speaks o war In Europe if I knew him there might he war nearer home and I mistaken If I could not gabble him up No one will ever borrow a dollar from him for ho will he stne spare If I were as penurious as he I would bide thyself I have been in a position in my lifo time I could put my hand In my pocket and loan a friend more than over owed In my life and no- one ever know I to such a tool lie and I Weather Hi following arc the weather forecasts for August Tins will he an extremely hot month and Hi rainfall will he light lo cloudy and sultry lo to thunder showers On the a hot wave will form over he Northwestern States to I It hot and sultry On the 15th a hell of heavy thunder showers will form over the Ohio Valley mill 1 lit thunder showers to I hot and sultry to hot and sultry On the a will form over he South Atlantic Slates and move northward 23rd to thunder storms to pleasant On the a violent will form over the Ohio Valley to I bunder storms to clearing and cooler There seems to be great club and down South for our boys- The girls ask his assistance for he could I hope will not forget kindness he not love taking them for so many pleasant him so there Is drives when they back to home love lost Goodbye to club and mother Mr P of Hill spent Sunday at home A number from Vivian the Ladles Aid Tea held at Lake Wednesday and report a very successful evening HUSBAND AND KILLED BY ANOnY MOD Mine a wealthy resident of a town a short dis- HEAVY TO London Auk A despatch received today by the Marconi Wireless Press from says that In an encounter near east Prussia Aug a division of Ger man First Army Corps a force capturing prisoners and six machine guns Paris Aug following official statement was given out tonight Latest advices arc to the effect that French army has reached Morhongo in AlsaeIorraine mis southeast of A A decisive battle is reported to ho raging between and rfamur Germane claim that their centre has advanced which is strongly is also reported ill Hie northeast In the Province of where the keep pouring in Large numbers of refugees from and have arrived Mrus- tnrna away One poor mother seeing her hoy gradually getting away from her breaks through crowd and catching up to him seizes him by the arm and staggers along him with a ad smile he raises her up with a little pat on back sends her back sobbing among the crowd And they pass In through the station gates and tho crowd up on higher grounds to get one last look Last night seven Great Western Hallway Vans loaded with ammunition and drawn by four horse teams passed through the I streets behind some shouting lustily and beating an old drum and still other narrowchested youths waving miniature Union jacks Little they knew what they wore yelling for and how much less what war really meant across the street in a little room whore I wandered In wore gathered some peo ple who really did there they wero offering up their petitions to the great King of Peace that ray of light might shine and dispel this gathering storm But thus it has- always the darkest hour before the dawn and let us hope that this may only he ushering day When wardrums shall sound no longer- And battle- flags are furled In the Parliament of men The federation of the world Yours faithfully Morion ran mi I of to M in Greys Cardinals at yd Fanoy In all now shades at yd SilkOj In largo varloty of Also largo assortment of Dress Fall In Diagonal Whipcords Largo In Ladies Nov Fall Bags Mr J was in Toronto this southeast of St Main has ar- week to attend tho funeral of his rived here how brother were killed by angry mobs Mrs Smith of Toronto Hanover Germany The woman also her son and wife arc visiting the who was terrible griefstricken said formers brother Mr Geo Bingham We were expelled on Aug 2 from Miss of Uxbridgo town of Prussia in Pom- is spending the with her crania and tried to reach France Grandmother Mrs through Switzerland Rut we were Mr Carl is summering at turned back before we reached the the lake German frontier and compelled to Miss who was the guest retrace our steps and go by way of of Miss for the holidays has Holland returned to New York On arriving in Hanover my bus- Among the numerous at band and myself were arrested as the old we noticed Mr and Mrs spies and stoned by a mob despite Paisley of Mt Albert You didnt the protective efforts of the police eaten all the fish did you Brad My husband unfortunately lost his We noticed IM ward a smiling face selfcontrol and cried Long live amongst our villagers Sunday even ing Whence the change old boy Miss has returned to the late life- Death of Mr Mackenzie Tim death Of Mr Mac- of Holland Landing occur red on Saturday Auk- The diseased was a son of Mackenzie He was a resident of Holland Land Intr and married to Sarah Ann at the early age of twenty in the year almost half eentiiry ago Mr Macken zie served for many years as trustee Councillor and He was Past Master of Thorn Lodge No and vi transferred as Member of the In politics he was a Arm Liberal to religion a Throughout his illness ft months which he bore so iMiniiy kind attentions In many friends showed in which he was held Hi i valued and sought as a and trusted friend by in I rouble Deep is the of all his friends and neigh liW- iiAiee was hold on hi p in at Christ Church Witt Hums of Holland Landing The were Jjr Watson wvy Beaton Goodwin Donald Cooper Among relatives from a p w Ihos Bradford Jni Powell Drayton Mrs Ralph Mr and Mrs Jno jad Mackenzie Aurora Mackenzie and wife of Aurora sons Septimus of Peru end Prank of Toronto after spending her vacation with her parents Ive said too much already so Ill fold my tent like the Arab and as silently steal away Frosty iQ Miss Maud Paton has gone to To ronto for a few days Miss Hill of Lake is visiting Miss Flossie Evans Mr Jack and his sister France and Long live England whereupon lie at once was shot friends who tried to Inter vene also were killed Our baby which wore a cap bearing the word France was torn away from me and dashed to the ground and killed- My brotherinlaw was seized and put into prison at I escaped and after adventures In reaching Holland o York Mills Aug The York Mills bridge has again been repaired and is now open for tiraffio The structure was recently damaged by a heavy motor truck which went Miss of loronto are holiday- through the flooring ENGRAVING J IF YOU KNEW HOW MANY BIRTHDAY PRES ENTS CONSIST OF WATCHES THEY MAKE A MOST SUIT A RLE GIFT For Lady or Gentleman Son or A Judicious selection can easi ly bo made from varied wo carry a Sd Era to abeent friends Jewelers and Optician P Birmingham- Aug To Editor the Newmarket Era- Dear Sir I thought you might like to knjjw first hand tho condi tion of here at this critical time and am taking the liberty of sending you few observationf This has been a most eventful week in Birminghamthe Imperial City of England I awoke morning to hear the hoarse cry War declared on Out the street people were rushing madly along barehead ed buying out newsboys time and again who just as much excited were reaping harvest by charging a penny for their news But what did the readers care they would have paid a shilling All day long special editions were coming out and the boys now speechless just waved with their red head lines The shops and places of busi ness deserted and the people swarmed the streets and bulletin boards Every Khaki uniform that passed by was greeted with a shout Returning home at noon I found the University building down my street had been taken over as a hospital the Cross Flag was flying about while sentries were on patrol at the gates Down at New Street Station in centre of the town placards were up cancelling all excursion rates since the railroad had been taken over by the government and here also were soldiers stationed to keep out the public passengers being allowed entrance And now the teretorials began to return home having been recalled from their brief stay at camp A- with them the reservists began to get their papers Just next door to me there lives one a man of fifty with a wife and children depend ing upon him jet bravely met the call and smilingly him a- way again comes the call for recruits For days now from 8 am till there has been a long string outside the office waiting for entrance Husky tanted railway porters stand side by side with small and athletic men all believe to be their duty The ever shifting crowd moves bow towards the square whore the statue of Queen Victoria down them for there is a that troops will floon be passing en way to station and to the For hours tkey have to stand until the Ions oven strides jit last turn Into tke street and pass down the rows But for reas on there is no cheating as those hard faces pass by Just the waving of hands and handkerchiefs same look reflected faces of the watchers And now then a stifled groan as AH HE WO- London Aug Sir Hock who has one of the finest hunting Stables in England has presented his eleven prize horses to the War Office The gift is deeply appreciated as corning from a Canadian who is of abso lute German origin Ottawa Aug As a result of the arrangement made by Hon While by which he will ac as trustee for the Bank of England six million dollars in gold has arrived In Ottawa dur ing the past couple of days and has been stored in Hie fine new Dominion Government vaults It is said that the United Slates owes Great Britain at the present time in the neighborhood of so that even heav ier shipments are looked for in the near future Alexandria Egypt Aug flie big new AustrianLloyd lin er was captured to day by a British warship near here while on the voyage from Bombay to Triesl She was brought into port London 10 A despatch received by the Central News from Rome says Fugitives ar riving here from Berlin declare that he Socialists are rising in revolt throughout Germany fol lowing the execution of their leader Dr Liebneoht o Fifteen German crew of tne Mount Royal Line were arretted at Montreal t NEWMARKET A resident and day school for boys and girls Preparatory Collegiate and Commercial Departments Music and REOPENS THE FALL For particulars Fees etc apply to the P FIRTH fit A Dont Trust TAKE I We have best crop in the Moose Mountain District to be found in West I want a bunch of men for harvest and threshing Get off at and come to J W CUNNINGHAM 2w28 To Luck ADVERTISE IN THE ERA MMBI Excursions Round tickets to In Manitoba Alberta end Saskatcnvan via St Paul or Duluth sale each Tuesday until Oct In clusive at low Through Sleep ing to IVInnlpen on p Ho clianfle of RETURN TWO MONTHS The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Is and route be tween Winnipeg Saskatoon with lo now into Calgary Full particular at all ft Ticket Offices or write Horning Union Station Toronto J Agent Phone Phono ran who fears to spend a cent And never advertise i With little gain must ha While others take the prize- No matter what your may bo Nor how much worth the selling The vorld will none wiser bo Except tis by the telling Wheat per Barley per n- i pot tc Ha pec per i par Aug3l6t 1 a if r 3- a Toronto Market list AH in fa lis ft It per Si Barter per Per Mi bus Hay per per tt Potato per tag new- l per tt i I ARCHIVES Or

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