Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1914, p. 2

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OAKLAND FOB J Lot 3rd Con King York acres 30 good bush with good maple trees sugar bush good spring creek fine camping ground elevation view 30 miles acres good young good buildings and fences flno grove surrounding buildings mlloB from Aurora leading road For particulars apply Box Au acres of the west half of hot 3D Con Whitchurch and of the west half of hot Con IB acres of is covered with hardwood hush in good re pair Splendid Brick House rooms Modern Barn with Basement protected by Light ning Hods Hog Pen and Driving House Good Orchard Good Well two Cisterns Will give possession next spring For par ticulars apply on the promises or if by mail to Box Al- The Parliament opened in jon Tuesday The speech ho fiirone Indicates that European vyar haft mooting debate on the address hi reply to Governor Generals Bpecphf7 especially be the Leader of Government and of the Opposi tion indicate in no questioned tone the position of Canada in regard to the coniliot and of Canadas loyalty to the King and the Throne of Britain Their terming of the war and the issues involved was remarked by repeated and en thusiastic applause be made several hundred application which have come in from trained nurses arid other J s ft young women in all parts of the visiting ft One I I TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all creditors of estate of Anna Louisa Starr and Mary A Starr Spinsters late of township of Whitchurch York County de ceased who died at East on the day of July shall file the same properly proven with the undersigned solicitor for the Administrators of the said estates on or before the day of September immediately thereafter tho Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets amongst those entitled having regard only to he claims then filed Dated Aug Sol for Administrators Newmarket Out North End Grocery WHY WE DO The Business loot AT PRODUCE J Huron Newmarket Phone NOT- NEEDED The Expositor has the following paragraph with re spect to unsettled conditions in in Canada as a of the present European war There is no occasion for any panic There may bo some of business and as a result of the war but no serious destitution or oven serious hardship is likely to come Ottawa Government lias promised to assist banks in order to tide over the financial crisis and this fact coupled with Hie high prices for what our farmers can raise will keep busi ness moving with almost cus tomary regularity Everything should go on as usual until there is necessity for taking in sail and if this be done hard times in any grievous form will probably be avoided The greatest danger at present is that a panic may be unnecessarily provoked through of something which may never come and to avert this cooperation of all Canadians is earnestly invoked Wo commend these observa tions of our ary to the honest thoughtfulness of the Canadian public It will be quite time enough to create a panic when the occasion arises It will be quite time enough to cry wolf when the necessity arises Canadian troops hr the being sent to the front are being provided Willi the Ross rifle and according to reports Western Canada appears to be the pace for the other parts of the Dominion The men type men who will give a laud able account of as opportunity offers The Correspondence Course has been purchased by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago by- which it will be con- dueled hereafter This courts was founded than twenty years ago by famous as a Bible teacher and the author of Bible Thousahds atudonte have been enrolled ill the ail the world o J fiAS At -I- VV v Dougherty is her In a- Mios Mfttjorie is spend ing her vacation in os oanv aid v cold to email On worth white now and i A Comfortable Brick House with all modern conveniences to MRS Avenue ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Public Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Silver late of Newmarket York County widow deceased who died on the day of July at Toronto are to the same with the undersigned licilorfor Mrs Olive Hamilton and Thomas Morton Execu tors of the late will of the said deceased on or before the day of September as im mediately thereafter the said Ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets among those entitled regard only to those claims then Hied and the said Executors will not be re sponsible for the said assets thereafter According lo the election law of Ontario time for filing against the return candidates at recent Provincial contests ex pired on Thursday of week and the intimation fa now given out that four protests were entered These are East North Oxford and South two of the scats are now held Conser vatives and two Liberals In all the cases the usual charges of intim idation treating liberty and corrup tion are alleged In reference to North Oxford the Globe says The protest seems to be merely a piece of party tactics It will be remembered that Mr Howell placed his time during the campaign in the hands of the Liberal Executive and was able to spend only a few hours at each weekend in bis constituency In spite of tremendous opposition and misrepresentation the Liberals of North Oxford gave their candidate the handsome majority af but even this the Conservatives are an to attack Speaking to tb North Oxford pro test Mr Howell is credited with having observed I am greatly surprized that a protest has fil ed in North Oxford My opponents petition will be filled stopped at nothing to defeat me they failed I believe this protest is filed simply to annoy mo There is of course no ground for it A cross Under Ontario Election law re spondents have fifteen days in which to file a cross petition Some people All blow and no cider said a Liberal on Wednesday Node- posits were paid in at Hall on Monday last as the law requires in any one of the four protests against Liberals elected in North Oxford North Bruce South Oxford North South or North Middlesex Tho deposit in connection with the protest against Mr Langs return for Cochrane however was made the others fall through Tho following tabic of various railway distances on war fron tier may bo helpful to many of ou readers towards formiifg an in telligent understanding of press despatches as to distances Paris Brussels miles Paris miles Brussels Liege 33 miles Brussels miles Paris Verdun 175 Veidun Met 42 miles Paris Nancy miles miles Basel utiles miles Col mar mile Basel miles Although it is quite possible the present European war may lessen anticipated attendance at tho approaching Canadian Na tional Exhibition at Toronto we are assured the display will be the most complete in many re spects ever got together since its organization The Dominion Government is sending a com plete exhibit of fish that swim in the Atlantic Paci fic and flowing waters be tween Tho Provincial Govern ment is Showing Ontarios grain fruits and minerals The other Provinces of the Dominion are also making complete exhibits of natural resources and minerals The live stock entries in all de partments give assurance of great success Mr and Mrs Barrett of Queen were in town on Tuesday Mioses Violet and Vickie Robin- son visiting in St Mr P is vlolthig at his home here for a couple of weeks and have gone to their now homo in J has returned from visiting her sister in villo firs Browns and Miss Stella Drown are in Whitby Mr and Collins visit ed Mrs Clay of Toronto last Sunday MUuf Lizzie Price has boon vacation with friends in Lindsay Miss Lula Collins spent Sunday with friend Mrs A Kent in Toronto Mrs Hoffman is visiting her sister Mrs C Hughes Mil lard Ave rMlsfl Mary Sibley was visiting Mrs last for a few dayB Mr Bert Day of Hell Telephone Co Was transferred to last week Mr Will of Toronto spent the weekend with his cousin Mr J Wright Mrs Van Allan is visiting her cons Messrs Harry and Hubert in town this week Miss Wallace of To ronto spent a few days last week in town Miss Carrie Wfaltker and Miss Laura of Toronto spent last Thursday with Mrs Proctor T If Wesley and wife of spending a few days with his parents Mr and Mrs los Wesley Miss Margaret Osborne Toron to Is spending her vacation with Mr and Mrs Osborne at Lake Miss of Sutton West is spending her vacation at the home her sister Mrs J Stanley Osborne wo reduce prloea to a low Jig tiro that fail Saturday lathe only for which epoolal valuoa veiilwd and Saturday women who appreciate real bargalna menohandleo of roll- able quality yourself With the you need at youvo boon wanting V a vd A Dig of that cold at Saturday Co Vd COTTON 8I1BGT8 EACH Largo God ready for Saturday UrlCnUUAO Gloria Saturday Each LACE EACH A largo range or Collars worth up to Saturday each a jit rf- it i IHIffl Wight all worth up tolOi each OXFOnDS 230 PAIR Oxfords nil clca worth up to Saturday COLLARS EACH Coys Soft Collars all colors sizes 1Dc Oa Saturday GOVS SHIRTS EACH Boys Shirts all sizes reg Saturday 39c each SUMMER UNDERWEAR 39o Summer Underwear and long sleovoa Saturday suit HARVEST BOOTS PR Mens Red Harvest Boots all sizes pr Saturday TURKISH TOWELLING So Turkish Towelling 1214c yd Saturday Yd Marshall Rose underwent an operation this week and is still in a condition We tope for his A employed by recovery August W llie against Solicitor for Executor liberals filed in the hope of Newmarket Ont effecting especially llCast where only four votes constitute tho Conservative maioritj George Co Welling ton HI was arrested last week on a charge of theft A search of his home resulted in discovering stolen goods to the value of sev en hundred dollars A fell from the fourth storey of a building in course of erection on George St and struck a person who was passing frac turing his skull A new Hotel is now being projected It will he lo cated opposite llie new- Union Station on Front Street Charged with defrauding the King Edward Hotel by means of worthless drafts C wards of Montreal was arrested on Tues day and is held on remand The Toronto Housing Co on Bain Ave arc erecting five and Miss M Riley of dry goods department is spending vocation visiting friends in Richmond Hill and Toronto Mrs Dr McCormtck and son of North Toronto have spending two weeks at her father Me home here THE LEADING For EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to at residence ibonea 17 end Mr and Mrs of To ronto Indian Road Crescent spent the week end with Mr and Hughes Millard Ave Mrs Freeman and Miss Hazel Willis returned to Toronto on Fri day last after spending a few days the formers brother Mr Willis Rev Mr Addison of this town paid a short visit to Orchard Beach on Tuesday last and called on Newmar ket campers at that summer resort apartments each apart merit having its separate verau- Mr John who left here last week for service in the navy The spectacle for the l unable to pass the medical ex- lion this year is Babylon Near- animations at Halifax has returned a thousand performers take town part Tin first rehearsal took NOTICE TO Light All now work must be left open for inspection also any extensions made to old New Code wire must bo used Meter connections to be made on lower floors of buildings in an easy accessible place Any fur ther particulars may be obtained from Engineer At Power House who must be notified when work is ready for inspection P J ANDERSON 26 Town Clerk WANTED For Private Christmas Cards La dles or Gents Sample Hook Free Large profits Darlington England 6w25 von SALE WnlngRoom and Fur niture Mrs Lloyd OXYGEN WELDING PLANT We are prepared to weld cast Iron brass Iron steel or any kind of metal Also bearings filled that they can be turned down put- in gear wheels spokes or pulleys of nearly any All promptly attended to Give a call DAVIS and where the Riding was first given to the Liberal nominee I The Canadian Womens Hos pital Ship Fund which had its origin in Toronto and is now be ing added to from all sections of the Province up to Wednesday had reached and owing daily It is now staled authoritative ly I hut all liquors have been re moved from Canadian on Lake Ontario There is no more delightful outing on in land waters than a trip down Lake Ontario and through the Thousand Islands of Hie St Law rence A despatch from Que stales hat the result of elec tion last week added County to the list of dry muni cipalities a majority of exceptionally heavy vote was polled Most of tho vil lages as well as Townships in the County gave majorities for pro hibition An Ottawa press despatch stales that the Militia Depart- Newmarket send one hundred Red place lliis week The Old Garrison Church known as St Johns Portland St has organized a League lo help those of their congregation now on their way to- war scene Upwards of men of To ronto militia went into training at Long Branch last Monday lo undergo several weeks prepara tion for transference overseas to enter active service Mr J Commis sioner for Northern Ontario under the ap propriation voted a couple of sessions ago has practically completed his work for the cur rent year Most of the men have been discharged the Herman who was arrested for having sticks of dynamite concealed about his home on the Kingston Road has been remanded for a week York Township Council has Tomb At Keswick Mary aged years Funeral at Cemetery Tuesday Aug con ducted by Rev Thomas assisted by Rev C Percy Fletcher of Keswick CLAY In Toronto Aug Mary Prior beloved wile of O Clay aged years funeral will take place Aug from her residence Wheeler Ave Toronto at 230 pm Interred at St Cemetery Norway JEFFREYOn Saturday Aug at Herbert avenue Toronto Phillip Jeffrey formerly of King Township beloved husband of Maria Wills in his eventsvnth year Service Monday evening at oclock If you want something hot to drink try some of our celebrated Or if you would like something Cool try some of our Lemonade topatle Lime Sliced to suit you every day PHONE Miss Long accompanied At Wimbledon Dak on by friend Miss May Jackson ol Edward Detroit Mich spent a few days this with her aunt Mrs Ougb Ave formerly o Pino Orchard mos days Interment at Leal Cemetery A party of young girls Georgian Laura Vernon Beryl All and Edith Starr with Mrs Vernon are spending a week at Mr E Canes Cottage at Orchard Beach The Editor of tho Era writing under date Edmonton Aug states that he has enjoyed his west ern trip Both Mr and Mrs Jackson purposed remaining over Sunday at Edmonton We are looking for their return by the fifth of Septem ber Mr and Mrs George motored from Ionia Michigan to To ronto labt week and on Saturday with his brother Mr from city tbe party went to and Jacksons Point and around by Lydia Moore widow of the late Thos Moore in her year Funeral on Aug 17th to Newmar ket Cemetery now an overdraft on ho hank of road to Sutton and called and Is unable to t to see their father pose of its debentures The returning to city genera Township laxrote is over four times as high as he County rain Factory hands are being barged for want of orders since the war broke out men arc leaving the city to And employment with farming if possible While in the act of slopping a runaway horse on Friday con stable Taylor Court Street was injured somewhat seriously WILLTAMSJn East Aug Wil liams In her 32 Funeral to Newmarket Cemetery on Thursday Aug 1914 MACKENZIE In Holland Lauding Aug Mackenzie aged yrs- days Funeral on Tuesday August to Newmarket Cemetery Holt on Friday Aug A Cronin aged years months and Funeral Sunday at Queensvllle Clara aged was smothered to death in a bin wheat at station at Altar At Presbyterian Manse on Wednesday August by Rev Thomas Okas to all of Town A ROHtHUSH Fwiiitiireft Main Worth All Orders Receive Careful and PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes IPattrson If MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolate Weekly- TELEGRAPH OFFICE Phone No 161 Store Phone No WAY I- t it in large ire were and W All sent Can after range venlic ftallfa and The The la marks of llie day it towns left Mr a I be visit where J Mi on to Ik Union Tho Mi the in beaut J I propria and Mi did sty or Sunday there both a special Boy Weathc The bo an the to til a lip No nth a belt will to to the he I violent violent Ohio 1 el Death The red on dcreasp Jno long re Ing Ann Ell twenty half a c- school I Hoove the Mas and liberal leriari many so of high He was many in The at by anding l fi Among I Win ftalnh Mrs and Herb Aurora a and

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