Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1914, p. 8

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i to T TO MB v really believe that I owe toy life to Irultatlvei Ever child hood I liar been under car of have been paying bills I bo and worn oat- that people on the often naked mo If I thought I could get along without help earn old fltnmnrli and By si it Stomach Trouble and nearly drove wild Sometime ago I got a box of Ihdt- Uvea and the drat box did me good My luubauo delighted and advi l a continuation of their use Today I feeling fine and ft meeting On the died noticed my appearance and asked reason I replied I am If said Well If are making you look well go ahead and take them They or doing more for than can Mr xold by all av a box for trial or cent postpaid on receipt of price by led Ottawa El TO RENT Brick House on St newly decorated largo rooms Domestic Water Apply to Win New market I I Ballard is holiday Mrs has been visiting her daughter Mrs Moody of Weston Mrs Morrison- 0 Toronto George Sampson- and Mrs White arid family r visiting and Mrs rand and family Toronto visitors over Sunday Mr and Mr Harry Wright of visited friends here last week on- thpir way homo from Mark- V A our young people took In barn dance at Mr John Kills and all report a good time The Womens Institute will meet in basement tho Church at pm on Thursday August Papers viH be given by Mrs 1 Dean Soc ial responsibility and The of Miss Pearl Cherry J ana Indies to Macfiifdft rffcicf or Boy v under A Howard find J ladle The public School Hoard Is asking FOR SALE OR TO RENT IIOU80 on Ave All modern convenienccfl good ami- of YAW MAN St Newmarket FOR The property corner of Main and Sis Hath Furnace and other Modern Conveniences remodelled and decorated Ap ply on lie premises HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Mod ern In every way rooms and wash room Now fur- race Convenient to all down town Will bo sold at a bargain easy terms Apply at this office council to assess lor tor current year being more than last year This sum in required to make necessary Improvements with school- a pretty stin advance lor one year On Monday evening Willi was arrested charged stealing fifty or sixty dollars from David a well of It appears to Aurora Saturday and along with hustle had drinks He stayed all night at house and when he Sunday morning- his money was gone Ho went home and back Monday and found that had I been spending money freely had got three ten dollar Imperial Hank bills changed at the Hotel and had given Mr A Mnchcll to keep for him became suspicious and swore a warrant for hustles arrest which was executed by Constable He was brought before Police Magistrate If Br ton later in the evening who alter bearing the evidence to the Prison for a WE HAVE FOR SALE a Mi Crab race to punt under Gil- H f race Orchard Bolton A con TV Wright Punt Gilroy Garden At Dr Grant In a presented Col on behalf of the cottagers anoV children with an wmibrolla It Is mainly work of Col and his that lho won brought to ao an end and tho wished to show I appreciation to Col for Ida services The Col taken complotely by and a suitable reply i IN Til PARTS A wellknown preacher was making a pedestrian excursion In a wild rural district hungry he looked at his watch to see If it was nearly dinner found that his watch had stopped Just then happening to meet with a country lad ho asked What Is the time my lad Tho boy replied just twelve air Only twelve said I thought it was more Its never any more in these parts sir said the boy simply It begins again at one your nerves are All crippled from attack of Neuritis can get von the nerves painful the hardest but reach it If- given a trance rhla test imonj Is positive proof Last March I crippled with in the left limb I could walk scaroelyai all Tried all I heard had two any good until yqur surely cured roe Mrs Sold Patterson Newmarket at cents bottle sent term six months hard labor Constable Dunham look him down Tuesday we understand claims that be lost in the neighborhood tin same manner last year ooo be in property situated on Ave A dwelling with all conveniences all in first class shape Quarter of an acre rounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and This we consider this best buy In town so act quickly Terms be arranged to suit Apply to P Morton 373 market HOUSE FOR I have for sale a new house on Andrew St with large lot and small fruits and hen house In the house there is Light Hard and Soft Water Fur nace and it is trimmed in Georgia Pine There is also a summer kitchen and back verandah For full particulars apply to Lane Andrew St or Newmarket Call in the evening after six oclock BARGAINS IN We are now making a canvas of the town In order to give each and every person a chance to save from to In photos Our representative will call at your door and explain to you Hie great bargain Be a holder a coupon which will en title you to the cut prices and re mains good until Nov L BUT YOU BE A a It Nov Phone Tho Fergus Cor Main The bad thing about a rolling stone is not only that it gathers no moss but that It Is always going down hill Many Thousand for In Canada ORCHARD BEACH REGATTA In tho evening an open was held or the lawn atldlo- tho lawn being packed not only with by from the surrounding country Col chairman the Ao- fiociatbn the chair Ho made an excellent chairman and in his own happy way to the Beach and was euro they had all a very pleasant day program WOB as follows Baritone solo by Mr Coulter Soprani solo by Miss Campbell Beading by Mr by Adeline Howard Hooding by Miss K0I5 by Mrs by Miss and Mr The performer were all form and variaua much enjoyed by largo audience Alter concert Dr Grant was called to platform and distributed the prizes to- suc cessful as follows Boys running 10 and under Robertson Girls running race lCana under Thomas Margaret Graham and undor Robertson Girls and under Wright and Gilroy Girls It and Doris Wright Single Canoe boys 12 and undor Maxwell 1 Single canoe Girls and under Doris Wright Long Double canoe mixed and In all countries- our INVKN- will be sent free MARION MAHIOX M St Montreal SANDWICH VARIETY Thin slices graham with apple jelly and chopped nuts Graham bread with jelly on one piece and preserved ginger on the other Equal parts of raisins figs and dates chopped finely Salmon with lemon juice and to mato catsup beans mashed to a add mustard and finely chopped celery leaves and serve brown bread Cottage cheese served with Wor cestershire sauce and finely chopped Veal and ham pounded to a paste and 1 cream butter Six tablespoons chopped bard boil ed and tablespoon capers one dinger itoU dlU4t 13 fU to filttr the the blood ficxrkiche Gall AdJy and WwMiilt mm ao4 Mil underC and A Grant V Hall and Doublo canoe mixed and un der Lynch and Graham and Wright Single canoe boys under J Single canoe girls and- under C Grant Long- Single skiff boys and undor Robertson A Grant Single skiff girls and under M Grant Single skiff boys and under J Robertson Swimming boys and under Robertson Grant Swimming race girls ana Graham Hunt Double mixed and and and A Grant Swimming girls and under Brown Grant Swimming derG Robertson G Graham Swimming boys 14 and under J Tyrrell Robertson Swimming race girls and un- dorC Grant Single canoe girls and under- A Howard Single yrfl under Gilroy V Wilson- Double mixed open to Orchard aon and I and mixed un derA Howard and It Gilroy Thompson and A Thompson- Single men to Orch ard Caswell Spar row Single Canoe ladles open to Orchard Beach Mra Single Skiff girls and under fit id Wright skill boy and under fi Gilroy skiff mixed open Orchard Hilda and Helen and I Hoi Approximately Men will be required from Ontario to help in the groat work of harvesting Iho Western crop and practically entire tusk of transporting this great army of Harvesters to West will full to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway from points in On tario to Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta will lie run and spcr ciul trains opera led making the trip in about thirtysix hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers This will be day shorter than any other route Going Trip West to Winnipeg Return Trip from Winnipeg Consult Agents regard ing particulars in connection with transportation west of Win nipeg Going Dates August From Kingston Lake Renfrew and west to and Marie to all points in Manitoba only August 14 From of King ston Lake and Ren frew in Provinces of Ontario and Quebec to all points in Manitoba only August From Kingston Lake Renfrew and west to and Marie Ont to all points in Manitoba and certain points in Saskatchewan and Alta August From of King ston Lake and Ren frew in Provinces of Ontario and Quebec to all points in Manitoba and certain points in Sank and For full particulars regarding transportation west of Winnipeg etc nearest P R Agent or write M Murphy District Passenger Agent Toronto A DELAYKD MARRIAGE Some months ago there came to America a young woman in company with a returning missionary and his wife She was engaged to a young Korean who had previously to this country and they tobe married on her arrival Her name was and she was a devoted Christian Her parents wisely placed her In the missionarys care until her took place to his promise the young man mot tho ship and the engaged pair had a long talk that day Then Miss startled her missionary pastor by saying she was not going to marry the young man at least not yet Now In Korea among the Christians the breaking of an engage ment Is a very serious matter penalty for it suspension from Church membership To jilt your fiance Is almost unheard of In Korea Fewer Jives would bo wrecked if some such rule prevailed in America When matters became so serious young man went to tho mission ary for help llnder obligations to girls parents to see them mar ried the missionary sought to act as mediator between tho estranged part ies Miss was tho one to be conquered She was loath to explain her reasons for refusing to marry the young man though she explained to him fully enough A day or two later when tho youngman was there again seeking reconciliation the missionary went lo woman When he got to her room tho door was ajar and he heard her praying in Korean was saying God help Moksa missionary to hoc that am acting as I believe is right You understand it all and my conscience is clear Help to sec It as I do Then the missionary was less im patient so insisted that she should tell him and his wife the whole situa tion This she did in substantially these words The- day we came I had a long talk with my fiance He has saved up a lot of money and is going to up a nice little home He has with which he wants to buy jewelry and lino clothes for me Rut that Is not what I want most I want a good Christian husband He says he is still a Christian hut Moska he is always talking about making mon ey and things He just dont put Cod first I am not going to marry him as long as he does that way and I dont believe you are go ing to make ma marry him either The Bible says that I must obey my husband and have made up my mind that the man I am to must be a Christian and a true one r a moderate drinker and eyeryono Ipads by his example to moderate drinking loads He rolling It It reproach of seducing Jong the seV duotfbjivoOQlln and will of thladbeH not history battle- against drunkonncB8iV Tlitfchiof is Hid tendency The first glass of beer docs riot any bolter than first cigar Men drink others drink have formed habit is no of for repealed drinks From the first to insan ity crime despair suicide ire a thousand alnges of misery Only those who to levels are taken account of by We must not forget also that all of these miseries spoil the happiness of How much family happiness is lost how tears of Innocent fellow sufferers how much deep racking pain of which no intima tion Is to he found in statistics What shall we say of the man himself mil lions of my every year languish in hospitals and asy lums lei millions plunge them selves and their families into ru in so long as I get my glass of beer triples cm black bilious- to rid tho system the safest most convenient- and he1jfhey find fplllfB family upon tile entire system Ivquickly rolieyea the ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion headachy Jackache spirits extreme nervousness Pills improve and tk f feme mvwvauUvc7I to by St Hcfcoi la ted i FOOLED THEM Mrs had a caller one after noon and invited her to remain dinner Invitation was accepted and hostess said am so glad you can stay Mrs Parker There is to be a joke on Mr He In always criticising my cooking Today his mother came In and I persuaded her to make some cakes Wont it bo funny when he fault with the cakes and I tell him that his mother made them her self When cakes were served at din ner that evening Mr exclaimed My dear Maude you arc certainly becoming a perfect cook These are just as fine as my mother makes s melhJ oils today put in your crops to them How about them after they are in the barn Are they safe THERE A DAY when perhaps you thought Lightning Hods were no good THAT DAY IS PAST It is a fact established beyond any doubt that Lightning Hods properly installed are almost absolute proteotlon OUR THE KIND You arc welcome to Catalog for asking Write us soon i J THE ROD CO Makers of Hod with the DET 0 HE APPROVED 4Kb fir EMU Why he cant even name all books of the Bible The missionary had some doubts as to whether he could name all hooks of the Bible just then It was certainly refreshing to a young woman who could and would fiance in such a fash ion There is an admonition in the scriptures which passes almost un noticed among us hut she was giving good heed to It Be not unequal ly yoked What are you going to do it asked the missionary I have put on probation for a year He must take that and go to the Bible school here and learn bis Bible and be a better Christian Will you marry him then I shall wait and see There is no fathoming a womans mind especially when she Is engaged in a cause it to say that this young man is obodicntly studying in the Bible and at last accounts was making good pro gress Let us hope he will learn Ms lesson well and never forget It and that they may soon be happily mar ried and live happily ever aft though pilgrims in a strange land o BANG WENT and leave the dueflse germ to be scattered your house USE PADS and kill both the files and germs Sold by all and Grocer all A NEW opens Sept 1st fa the popular and This school enjoy a great reputation for super ior Write today ldgu A Scottish laddie delivering milk stopped the other day on round by two police who asked Mm if his employer ever put anything in the milk Oh aye the innocent an swer The officer thinking they had a clear case of adulteration offered the boy sixpence if he would tell them what was put In it An said the boy with a grin the though I tellt ye Oh yes we will Gies it then said little fel low was duly handed with the question Now what does your employer put la the milk Why said toe boy with a cun ning ho puts the measure in every tiros he any J fc f k FHt ASTORIA A mans animosity toward a polit ical opponent is sometimes so hitter that it docs not case even when the opponent is dead A gentleman who had figured prominently in the his tory of his state suddenly came to the end of a long and useful life On tho day of the funeral one of the strongest political enemies of the de ceased was asked Arc you going to attend Mr funeral No responded the distinguished gentlemen deliberately but I wish you to understand I heartily ap prove of it There are all kinds of signs here there everywhere Farthest north farthest south On every cathedral or church you will see the sign of the Gross pro fessional and business man must have a sign In the woods the woodpecker makes his sign while footprints are signs of the sands of the beach To the hovering birds were the signs of land and life thereon In a siege of war there are signs of waste on every side The dove is the sign of peace and the bald eagle the sign of the great American llepurjlic Snoring is sign of sleep The sign of dawn is the roosters crow When peals forth with voice so strong and true tis the sign for all mankind lo rise their labors to perform English has the alphabet for its sign and even trigonometry its sine and cosine is the sign of skidoo get busy and beat it The baseball players signed When home team is winning theres a sign of approval and when favorite team loses the fans show signs of sorrow A blush is the sign of youth and grey hair the sign of old age The infant begins life with a sign and mans dying gasp is the sign of the passing of life The andorossbones is the sign of death On ships at sea signs of danger To the surveyor rule is the sign of measure but to the mischievous boy the rule is sign of Smoke is sign of fire and a red flag is the sign of danger Mem of fraternal organizations have their signs and the American has his dollar sign In commercial life thoro- aro signs of progress and prosperi ty or poverty and panto and notes aro signed and special delivery letters and telegrams must be signed for often the receiver of a paokage must sign for it Superstitious persons are great believers in signs Their greatest competitors are the uptodato mer chants and livewire business inch A mute or deaf and dumb person can you to signs with the hands but if you want to learn sign business be sure to read the signs of the times Boyd High JAP- m 1 I Concrete Fence Posts Last Forever HI I never rot away i the ground They stand the harden knocks and never have to be replaced for they are practically everlasting They are easily and cheaply made and arc the most satis factory of all fence pom Concrete Drain Tile Cannot Decay rvr il V Concrete do not decay and are cheaper because they do not crumble and stop up drains hence they need no digging up or relaying Let ut you the Farmer can do with Concrete It you to concrete and live you round Pamirs Canada Coiiient Coupany ten HE If you are trying to keep house without Gold you are not taking advantage of modern methods Get some system into your work but let Gold iUSt do all the hard part of the task All you need to da is to direct it There are millions of women in Canada today who wouldnt give up the use of COM Bast fejIla for anything Aro these women all wrong lUt t3 I If you want to get right buy a package of Gold Dost today join the millions who COLD DUST TWINS da ilUikKPAIRBAKKOOaPAMY Montreal ARCHIVES OP

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