Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1914, p. 4

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From Female Ottawa despatch Aug elates that the Department lias issued ah official and Germany will bo sold until further notice An despatch slates that the Government has for ton yen a or female and did not get well read In the paper about Vegetable Compound Tad decided to try It I write to toll you that I cured You tin publish my letter as a testimonial Mr Belleville Nova Scotia Canada Woman Auburn from nervousness for ten years and had each- organic pains that I In bed four could not cat or and did not want amyono to talk to me or bother me at oil Sometimes I would suffer for hours at a time Different doctors did the best could for mo until four months ago I began giving Vegetable Compound a trial and now I am In good health Mre Pleasant Auburn New York The above are only two of thou- lands of grateful letters which are con stantly being received by the Pinkham Medicine Company of Lynn Mass which show clearly what great things Pinkham a Vegetable Com pound does for thoso who suffer from womans Ills If you want apo dal vice write to confl- Your letter will be opened read and by a wo man and held In strict confidence Letter from i make the of live stock profitable to Saskatchewan farmer Hip city has decid- two establish yarda and or torpedo destroyers Jhoy industries which naturally with least possible delay The than of sugar reached Btearnship carried away for atoragei the If are just now and were liuil for Government of Chili happened to he at and are now at all ready for service The Dominion Parliament of Canada is summoned to moot on Tuesday next Aug to de cide on disposal of Qunadian forces in the present war and to vote funds for Imperial defense During lust week the order went forth for the moboliz- of a Canadian army division of men A cable message from to Government a few days ago announced that the offer of a Canadian army division for ser vice with the British army in present war with Germany had been accepted by His Majesty King George The organization of the force is now being formed is expected the Canadian divi sion will number men The existing European war is having a serious effect on the trade relations of countries affected Communication by tel egraph between England and Germany and AustriaHungary is now entirely suspended Direct cable connections between Now York and Germany also have been stopped the cubic lines having been cut east of the Azores On the inst the Duke of GovernorGeneral of Canada sent the following mes sage lo His In the name of the Dominion of Cana da I humbly thank your Majesty for you gracious message of ap proval Canada stands united from the Pacific lo the Atlantic in her determination lo uphold the honor and traditions of our I la You can splint the tan A Hit- trouble Ike I very luQtf You KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE Kcndaut farmers liorcnien will i to Our Dr 9 CO li fills Uiulcdcalm and resolute and trusting in God This was the Kings message lasl week lo all the Dominion overseas and at lime of war and na tional unrest il will a loyal and hearty response in the hearts of alUlrue subjects of His majes ty and an unwavering and earnest heed The prayer of overseas Dominions will he earnest in fav or of the dethronement of despotism and autocracy and substitution of civil po litical and religious liberty JONES queen St East PRACTICAL PAINTER of natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you want the very BEST WORK AT THE FIGURE You cannot better Jones My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Submitted and all work carrier out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed AH Kinds Signs Just Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed Canada appears lo have Ger man sympathizers At least fact that an was made last week to blow up a train on the Canadian Northern at station near Parry Sound on the road lo Winnipeg the explosive was dis covered in lime lo prevent a dis aster but since this evidence of the presence of dynamiters in tin country orders have gone forth precautions have been tak en by the cooperation of mili tary and railway authorities lo guard bridges and tracks of all railways through lines RAGE IN NORTH COUNTRY 66 i EXPERIENCE Mark Q wid it uiUia our oh IiUiiU tor Ox Ion of JoofuiL Jcrois I British American College Leads In age and ucofiaful graduates lr Gregg A Pitman and all clal Subjects The P6II Term opens Aug Address Prin cipal Yonge MbQII for pur catalogue Toronto Ilaileybury Aug Bush which have been sweeping the North Country grew threatening today when fanned by a favorable wind and heavy damage is reported from a dozen points Fire brigades were out all day to save the towns ol New Porcupine and other places in the path the flames and according to phone messages received here late tonight they were success ful though the flames licked up on the outskirts of several points Four buildings were destroy ed on the edge of Casey Cobalt and and station at Elk Lake is reported burned Farmers have suffered heavily along the line be tween this place A score of settlers are known to have lost not only their buildings but their crops as well and there may be many more remote from the line communication who suffered loss The village across the lake from in Pro vince of Quebec was completely wip ed out this The village consisted of about twenty houses and storesl A had blaze is also reported from North where the Government is erecting a large dam The entire country north of here is a- in a hundred places and unless rain comes soon the situation will be very serious Cobalt Aug The whole North Country Is ablaze and South Porcu pine is likelihood of being wiped out Help has been asked for from and they are sending an engine and hose to assist The wires between Porcupine are down To all appearances unless the fightfrs succeed holding back the fori South Porcupino Is doomed preparations are now on the Way for a special train to take the people out from the town if necessary Ben bouse is gone down This house Is close Into town fa exhibition grounds which contain acres and a great many largecattle barns faavo been turned Into stock yards until such times as the city Is able to secure a suitable i alto and pens and build ings exhibition grounds at llcglna are well equipped to take of all live stock from now on and farmer Is better of bettor prices Arrangements boon made for packing houses to buyers on the ground so that tho farmer Is assured of a ready market and compotitive buying The Saskatchewan Vctcrlnarlcy As sociation held a convention during summer provincial fair at Many operations wore performed by expert vetorfnarlcs on delegates to convention lecturers included Dr Fowler of To ronto Dr John Scott of Peoria Illinois of Calgary and Knight of Vancouver first annual convention of the Saskatchewan Funeral Directors find Association was held in the normal school at llcgina recently The first convention of the Catholic Association of Polish Cana dians was held In during the Inst wqek of with fully dele gates in attendance The Saskatchewan summer fair at during latter part July and the early part of August was a record breaker The fair lasted six days and on one day alone citizens day over people viiiltcd the grounds Dr Shybra of Prince Albert has returned lo alter having de livered a valuable consignment of black and silver foxes to Prince Ed ward Island The consignment num bered head and it valued at ap proximately Practically all the foxes were caught in their wild statu in the north of the province Work has been begun by city of on the of water mains as authorized by the council recently As a starter some fifty men arc employed but it is expected that the number will be increased to well over one hundred next week when more pipe is expected to arrive The plans providing for the carry ing out of further- town planning measures In connection with the lay ing out of the city of the Saskatchewan government grounds have been forwarded by Pro fessor to his son at Van couver They are however only of a preliminary nature and will have to be revised before being forwarded to The first passenger train to travel over tho Grand Trunk Pacific Hail- way from to St Paul left on Saturday 1st It consisted of coaches pulled two of the largest on the division The fire chiefs of Western Canada gathered in during the last week of July for their annual con vention One of the interesting feat- ures of the program was tho demon stration of the use of motor fire fighting equipment given by tho gina The provincial fire commissioner 1 McLean deliver an address dealing with the rela tionship between lire prevention and fire protection and pointed out some ways in which business men could materially in dealing with the problem The election of oilicert resulted as follows President Chief While Vice President Chief Moose Jaw Secretary Treasurer Chief Bran don reelected 0 gram Id President at Washington on Friday- express ing the deepest sympathy of the of Toronto in hie be reavement by the demise of Mrs Wilson i There are about- Toronto and last Friday night at Hall about two- thirds oMho male portion a willingness to to Switzerland to defend their na tive country in case belligerents invade it In consequence of the war across the sea the Ontario Assocation matches formerly an nounced for the of August have been canceled Everybody is talking about war and lis outcome commanding officer of the Toronto District will likely be coinmander of the first Canadi an army division an nouncement from Ottawa that Minister of Militia will send a contingent from the Do minion to help coun try has created much attention in military circles In response for men in Toronto many He- brows volunteered for active ser vice The body of Rev Leon ard a superannuated Minister who had been missing for a cou ple of days was found on Friday last in a hush near Weston During the past ten days mes sages have been received by To ronto people from friends in Eu rope Staling that lliey were safe but from many others no word has come According to the superintend ents of the Toronto Hospitals the have a sufficient supply of drugs for three months Dr Haywood of the General Hospital slates Hint the hospital supply will last three months and if absolutely necessary for six months The moil service at the Toron to continues uninter rupted with the exception that money orders to AustriaHung ary Belgium Germany and Egypt arc not issued The panic of the past week in the sugar trade is entirely with out reason declared the President of the Co Ho further declared that the refin eries did not propose to allow speculators lo unduly enhance the price Grand assurance in these times While playing on Irwin Ave on Friday lasl a little lot of a boy named Freddy Hall toddled under the wheels of a delivery wagon and badly injured that death ensued at the Sick Child rens Hospital a couple of hours later The Chief License Inspector has decided lo again enter charges against the Canada Steamship Co for selling liquor on their boats plying the Lakes Tho company was pretty heavily fined a short lime ago hut are re pealing the offence The Ontario Rifle Association matches are announced to lake place at Long Branch during the week of Aug A staff has been appointed is stated in the city press that one restaurant keeper in To ronto has purchased a full years supply of food at a cost of with the view of providing against a probable shortage in victuals should the worst come lo the worst Other hotels of the city have been protected by year ly contracts This indicates the UNDIVIDED TOTAL ASSETS at all Impel taut York Every ON DEPOSITS ALLOWED HARVEST HELP ft inn FOR CANADA GOING TRIP WEST RETURN TRIP EAST TO WINNIPEG FROM WINNIPEG GOING DATEO AflJiC From all stations Ontario Kingston Renfrew and West certain joints in Saskatchewan and Alberta and all points in Man train Toronto p on date via Stratford Full particulars at all Ticket Offices or write Horning P A Union Station Toronto J It Phone Agent vi -i- Hell Mv M wot W til i flUtlou of Laki la KJcciiod lo Oct trio UK Aujuit lit to d III M la all tut Proline Ml to all to k ac awl to lo tr or oooo At roducod prices Wo a few loft In Greys and Browns that It will bo to your advantage to see and purchase WILLI TOUR PHONE NEWMARKET Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SOUS to Smiths Grocery South End Flour And Feed Opposite King George Hotel tore Royal Household for Bread for Pastry AMD ALL KINDS OF PEED TRY OUR MALTKD Makes the Pigs Grow Night Day Your Order for and Heavy Yearning A HOWARD PHONE MAIN ST Canadian National Exhibition E A E YEAR Americas Greatest Show Acrca of Manufactures by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibit by West Indies from Peace Year The trouble across the Atlantic does not af- feet this continent A medical health inspection of the Lake of Bays District is now only the Provincial Health Inspector It affords two pur poses a holiday outing for the Inspector when pay can be drawn for expenses BOY WANTED To learn the Printing business No need apply who has not attended High School- ERA OFFICE Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons Musical Ride AutoPolo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows In Single Hour Boy Scouts Review Canadas Dog Show Ink it Long thick heavy hair kind Hair Vigor promote growth Does not color the hair Ask Your Doctor cecia JiflobT All persons who intend to build in Newmarkot or peron putting in or Closet on premier ready built upon must submit plans to Board of Health and obtain cer tificate before commencing the sarne otherwise costs will be Incurred By order DR SCOTT Medical Health Office MHHb CANADIAN DANK Government Authorities Payments in bills instead in Gold pieces To prevent any uneasiness or un necessary trouble on the part those not familiar with financial matters and with the strength of our Cana dian hanking system the Minister of Finance has issued and timely treas uring statement He outlines the effective steps which Government is taking to ensure an abundant supply of cur rency during the war and authorizes payments in Bank Notes instead of in Dominion Notes or Gold That is to say the familiar and bills and those of higher denominations issued by our Chartered Banks nave now ex actly the same value as gold ways express companies mer chants everybody in Canada will continue to receive and make pay ments in Bank Notes Our Canadian Banks are in splendid position to meet any demands which may be made upon them as their reserves are exceptionally strong Aug 5 The various tax rates were struck at the meeting yesterday at the Township Council held here The Township rate which was set at three mills shows an increase of about onehalf mill over last due to the new bridges being constructed The coun ty raw of two mills shows a reduc tion of about mill The good roads rate of mills Is slightly above last year owing to It is slated more than i the Increased cost of maintenance vfsjtora from all of village police rate of four mills Canada and the United attending the Old Boys In London FLETCHERS to the same as Is easier for the the rent than the About Ihe time the mar learns how to be the gaint war feeling in Toronto Official notice was received by Ihe local P telegraph office last week to refuse all business for Germany and Austria A few hours before this word was received that the cahlc line lead- in jr from New York lo Germany had been cut When the news was flashed on the newspaper bulletin hoards that war between Great Britain and Germany had been declared thousands of people soon parad ed the down town streets of Ihe city Miss Mary Howell sister of Mr Howell Opposition leader in the Ontario Legislature the past summer in mnny and crossed the French Border about two weeks ago She is now in Brittany Food products such as flour sugar rice cereals and staple foods generally have been ad vancing in price since the war proclamations of Germany and Great Britain Meat however lias not advanced Mayor has returned to Canadian soil from his holiday down on the coast of Maine The steamship Olympic which reached New York on Wednesday of last week brought ten safely from across Atlantic district is opposed to annexation to Toronto and have asked the Township Council Of York to resist any action on Ihe part of Toronto to annex them The fat is in the Arc so lo speak respecting Ihe early com pensation legislation becoming effective It is announced that Hon Mr Lucas has given up all hope of being able to have the Workmens Compensation Act be ing put before Decern her Exhibition management does not anticipate any particu lar interference with exhibition nor is there any lenlion of changing the Ileal Wanted We have an exceptional oppor tunity for you in your city or town If you are a worker Our agents are still making big money and we have a good va cancy In your neighborhood Send for full particulars to Port Welter Securities Corpora tion Ltd Yonge st To ronto Time Card GOING am BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from Scotland United States and Canada Educational Kilobits Goods In Process of Making Athletic Sports AeroHydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival Creatures Famous Hand GOING SOUTH Leave Newmarket Toronto 13 55 lST Score of other Bands Dozen Hand Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Bands Musicians Aug 1914 Sept TORONTO BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE Rattan body lace tires in A I shape Era Office lop lubber Enquire at v LIMITED Manufacturers of the Celebrated 1 I ARCHIVES OF ONTARI

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