Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1914, p. 3

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l ft J Mr been appoints Afgchtaory for the district New market Frank will only be attend to wants the farming community In the of farm implements A very quiet wedding took place In tt Pauls Church on Saturday when Miss Charlotte Simpson daughter of Mrs Charles Simpson was united In marriage to Arthur Tiuvcore- was very quiet on account of the Mrs BUD Marys Hospital Now Westminister and Dr Boyd who represented got at the district gave outline ot the Route ifo the- proposed Jo give way It Is to be and the benefits Newmarket the road The whole proposition w freely discussed questions and well with what Information wo have to hand This rtouio from- New- Whitby Newmarket to the Now Un ion Station Toronto In one hour and minutes The Milt en ter the pass Toronto over Us own right of way doing Fire in Kingston We regret to learn that lire did on Sunday morning andgafcgagc will bo dcllv- laflt to the Tannery fahta Into Toronto without delay and was discovered after am and firemen had a hard fight as tho of united and continued to burn all day The cause of the is unknown The building was completely destroyed It is figured that the loss will bo- friends lion Davis and in Newmarket will regret to learn ol this disastrous conflagration with faro Hallway is financed in way municipalities through which road passes vot on issue for for Vlllago Whitchurch Tp Newmarket Town KTC Matriculation Rosulto arc hold in trust v Government On strength Mowing of tho Government fed High School have taken cither though tho Commission- I rows money per cent on Bontt issue ami proceeds to build and 1 ate the Hallway Pino Orchard branch will hold Mr llieift homo of WMorfotourrejityear iadlcaM Aid sue- on traded kindly prom the program All and again heard- In despairing the of crop ori account of oxUonicly dry 1 Klbick and Master Ronald aid College areyiJdMpg his parents to theJrT tor Vancouver Mrs Keater returned from visiting friends in Toronto and John Sanders is at Waiting his brother Mr who Is quite III many friends Mrs Kca- tecwiUbe of as cruse The- On tario Sanitarium of Modern Science Woodstock A I 1 v- getting their grain in here engine We arc sorry to hear that some of our moat popular young men are called on to war complete or partial Junior Matricula This is a Middle School course is the same as Normal with the addition of French Complete W I Partial Penrose 1 Adam Deck speaking of the meeting said that with this amount of Honey the slon could build and equip too Hail- dale p and also pay any deficit that Honor Matriculation Is an Upper occur during first two School examination There are four years of operation or until the road standings for those who pass tho worked up a business and could examination First Class Honors so par cent ok over Second Class a per Third per cent and pass per cent Thus it will he seen that Second Hallway borrowing power of Honors or higher is an excellent municipalities for other will not bo imparcd or Higher is an showing The following have taken I he standing indicated Carman 2nd class In Math ematics lean Campbell 2nd class in Mathe matics Gladstone claw In Mathematics Pearson French III Latin HI German Iteynolds Pratt 2nd class in Math ematics All who wrote on above ex aminations receive certificates Miss Jessie and Miss Cotter ollege also took Matriculation standing Farewell and Last Saturday evening known to members of the Christ fan School and the Church Choir that the services of one of their val tied members had been accepted as a volunteer for manning any ship where his services might be necessary in de fence of his country and as there was no ijme else to make known the of those concerned the opportun ity was at the close of the School to present the following ad dress to our fellow worker who has been the Treasurer road people are not called upon to pay any money either for the construction or maintenance of the- other purpose I Mr John We regret to learn that you who been so closely associated with us in our School and Church work are about to leave us to sekve your While we regret your departure we feel a certain pride to of the spirit that prompts you to leave your pleasant surroundings and go to do your part helping your country our mother country in time of trouble We can only in a small way realize the sacrifice you are mak ing and we pray God that His hand will lead you to show your true work and if it be His will to bring you safely to us again We know your will a hard one and many hours may be spent in so on behalf of the School please accept this small Bible the Book of all books and may Its light always keep and brighten your On behalf of the School Eves the Sunday evening service in the Church the Choir pre sents Mr with a handsome tiepin and the following address was read by the choir leader Stephens Jack It is with sincere regret that we Ham of your departure from our midst We have appreciated your help in all departments of Church work especially in your faithful in the choir We are proud that represent us among the noble dealers of our Km pi re though we loving citizens deplore necessity that takes you and others from our shores We hope when troublous times are past and our armies once more victorous a we sure they will be that we welcome you once more to our Wldt Meantime that our memory be kept green In your we ou to accept little token of and with it our united wish es for your in all times of both on land and sea address was signed all the of the Mr replied to both addresses expressing thankfulness for the privilege of in his old capacity on board Manofwar vessel and expressed the hope that lie might bo to to Newmarket when war should be brought to a close WV on Monday tor W to take whatever position should J him on board vettl had previously attained the with the royal navy the to Hydro Commission promises that by bringing electric current to Newmarket along with the Hallway wo will get cheap current for use street lighting etc Mr Gaby chief Engineer lias promised to ho at our next public meeting and give us as nearly as he can the exact price of power to Newmarket also to by figures and comparisons with other roads now in op eration how this proposed road will be able to operate at a profit A copy of the Hill which was pass ed at the last session of Parliament jis at present Id Clerks ridfcrson any person who wishes to read It over This Bill is the law under which the Hallway will he operated The agreement wnicb the municipal ities will enter into will be contained the upon which we vote It will be published in the paper for three weeks previous to voting for all to read The next public mooting will ho held in the Town Hall on Friday evening August All voters both women arid men are urged to tend If there is a question any vot er would like explained kindly hand it into chairman at the next meeting and it will be answered Jroa tho Town Line accepted Invitation and at tended a ketW at Mrs Robinson on last week arid port a meeting Johnnrodio In greater part of last week I Mr of Jwa Morning- spent Tuesday i J Mr George is spending bis vacation in Snowball George Is the nport Miss Ferguson and Miss Laura Morning spent Thursda Miss Katie Miss is visiting at Miss Browns The Ladles Aid was hold at Mrs T on and had ft attendance Mr Will Morning Is working at homo this wet weather Miss Percilla Trainer has returned home spending a month with Miss Casey 000 ay Miss of the Lino her cousin Miss Mary Lloyd of Miss Lizzie Hanigan of the Robert Simpson Co Toronto eompuniud nephew Is two vlsil to the of Mr and Mrs Fred Webster Mr and Albert of Toronto were Sunday visit ors Fred to the city in evening Some from vicinity attend ed the public sale of the Curtis farm in Newmarket on Saturday last but as we are informed the crowd was small and the bidders few and the offers made being not satisfactory and falling short of the upset property was not sold Mrs Griffith of Aurora is visit ing at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs John Line A severe thunder storm ac companied by high wind vivid lightning and heavy rain over this district on Sunday night last Mrs Dr Wesley and Miss Beatrice Wesley motored out with Mr Dale on Saturday and attended service in the Line Church Mr Dale congratulated the congregation on the large turn out on though the heat was intense We understand Mr Harry dlOj our has made for more than one farm in Ibis neighborhood f Direct LacenTrlmmedUn on at I Cotton o Shea Palp for Mos- J 1- ft hfiSiv The Best Makers the Cost the Fitters- These are theOhooa Carry Shoe uptodate in eyery particular mm I t Stock In Town to choose from wear guaranteed ftii- if i Sugar Going Up Buy Onion per bottle Celery Relish per bottle 10o Oatmeal 2oo r I bo pleased to calk ft for your grocery order If ask us hi- rrvi is visiting Mr nd Mrs Hal Penrose Mrs Sunday at Bond Head Mr Hugh Shaw over at Mr A Starrs Mr Stuart Penrose of Toronto was homo over Sunday Wo believe that Mr Hois had company from the City on Sun day was that what made him look so happy ftVlv v TIPSY AND 1 To the Editor I some of your readers think me extreme or even doubt my assertions mo advise such to a Purchase a little book which they can a It for twentyfive well as to J A large congregation listened to a very instructive sermon from Mr Pales at the fifth line Church on Sunday last The choir rendered choice music The duet part being taken by M and Miss Henderson usual able manner The war In nas its influence on the money market The Gabble- town financier finds it difficult to negotiate small loans Wo wonder if Mr Leo Blackburn and Miss Cull arrived at their pro posed destination on Sunday last We are glad to see that Teller is still on the road to recovery from the recent attack of bashfulness which assail led him We believe we noticed Mr Cook In our village last Sunday eve Mr Silas our expert thresher is on the warpath again separating the golden grain from the 1 I i ST A CASK OP NJECRSSITY GOOD honor system of using eon- victs for work on roads begun by Colorado extensively Sheaves adopted by Oregon and recently tried I in Washington State has just had was to been We must its first test farther cast says Survey In Illinois ono day in Sep tember fortyfive prisoners including murderers forgers holdup men thieves and other varieties of offend ers went out from loliet penitent iary By day they work like human beings under a superintendent at night they live practically in a camp over which files a ban ner with a significant name Camp Hope Make good fellows call ed the who behind for Gods sake make good and help us all to get out Into the sunshine Mr J Cull was unfortunate enough to loose bis raincoat some time ago Mr Geo Blackburn was the finder and soon notified the owner He would need It last Sunday Our now and will be w a It is entitled Hygiene for I Young People by Knight a Profes sor in Queens University Kingston land recommended by the Minister of Education In It will be found much useful information for young and old about the preservation of health the of the eyes ears teeth and skin etc If read and applied Is worth I many times its price Please turnio page Alcohol and Animals There you will read a very interest ing account of how Hodge of Clark University Mass sought to find out whether the mod erate use of alcohol is harmful- or not He took two puppies which he call ed Tipsy and Hum and began mixing a little alcohol for their food Two other puppies the same ago which ho called and Nig were treat ed In way the same as the others only that they were given no alcohol For the first six mouths thuy all seemed to grow alike but those to which the alcohol was given were not nearly so active nor- so strong and they were much more confess to having a certain feeling of to fiicknesSi the aid a anticipation when we heard tho pedometer attached to collars lr found out that for every yards that Wig went Hum only f I Great Clearing of Ladies Blouses I and Mull with Rod 100 to clearing at am cpo Lace and trimmed colored collar and also plain Hog for 4 3 Another Good Lino Irish trimmed Ron and a lot or Night Robpa and for 08o and 110 White 8klrto Reg for s p mor of such There is a rumor of Miss Alberta Baker going to the wild and woolly West We wonder if she is going to A social gathering was held at Glees on Friday evening Aug We think those present would have a good time as be lieve it must be a second Select Party Several of the farmers in the neighborhood have finished seas- again I he Illinois test will be cutting and have got their by other States and practic- away for another Speaking of children at i social function a wellkmown author told no doubt by Wisconsin where calling on an acijuaintance sone the plan is soon to he tried and in and finding the daughter of he Florida where it is coming to plating with gingerbread cat al attention Well just eat up that That Is very nice cat you In work on Monday exclaimed one of there said tho caller Are you the men as the air and fresh to eat it confidence kindled bis enthusiasm No sir answered the ingster and vitality Incidents have been re- afferlionabuly stroking the rat with ported which are significant as show- little hand It is too pretty the temper of this honor squad eat I A newspaper photographer Slurrying Throe or four days later the into Dixon to mail a batch of photo- happened at the house again and bis graphs left his coat at Camp Hope thoughts reverted to the ginger He had intended to return but did cat not His coat lay In an exposed place I dont see your cat Gladys be and a burglar who had been sent up remarked the child into the for fifteen years took it to Captain and handed it to him remark ing Some fellow left his perfectly good coat here captain and I think we had better take care of it Theres so many outsiders coming in A watch and twentydollar bill W6re in the pockets London Aug A son was born today to Princess Arthur of Con- naught who was formerly Duchess of Fife parlor emptyhanded What has be come of It Its gone announced Gladys with a regretful sigh It go dirty that I Just had to eat it Richmond Hill held a Flower last week Moat of the Exhib itors reside in the village The show was fairly successful Read Era to frlenda VATCHE5 CLOCKS L ENGRAVING IF YOU KNEW MOW MANY PRES ENTS CONSIST OF WATCHES THEY MAKE A MOST SUITABLE GIFT For Lady or Gentleman Son or Daughter A Judicious selection can easi ly be made from the varied stock we carry Mm iy Jewelers and TICKET AGENT f safely stowed away for season By the time this goes to press some of them will probably have finished harvest We see by the Armltage items of last week that Mr Bennetts auto is busily buzzing around We have seen it in and around theblirg of Kottleby Down long lane for instance We are sorry to report the death Mr Tims Leonard a former minister in this village The ladles gave a lawn social last Wednesday at the home of Mr A Starrs a perfect evening for the event Every thing was fine with about one hun dred and sixty people present Cake sandwiches ice cream etc was served early In the evening by our young ladies who deserve great credit for the way in which they entertained the people by giving them an excel lent program the main features of which readings by Miss Hilda of Keswick and solos by Mr Frank Williams of King Everyone said had a fine time Miss Verna Linstead spent Sunday at home Glad to see her back again Mrs of Toronto spent last Thursday at Mrs Albert Starrs Mr and Mrs Armstrong made a flying trip in their motor to Stoufl- ville Mr and Mrs Evans visited Mr Evans parents Bond Head on Sunday Mr Shaw of Winnipeg spent over Sunday with his wife Mrs Shaw who is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs A Starr A certain young gentlemen took a couple of young ladies for a drive me evening last but got disappoint ed before going very far for we told the hard rubber tires are better than the bicycle ones Mr George from Sharon visited at Mr on Sunday Hiss is a couple ol weeks with at ffcksou Point The Lawn Social given by the lad ies of t the home of Mr A Starr and was well attended A most excellent program was provided and everybody reports a fine Mr Brace Penrose went and for every yards that went Tipsy onh- went In fact the drinkers were always lazy and were not able to keep up the run ning so long Tipsy and were also more timid and nervous than Nig and In short theeo two dogs behaved in exactly the same way as drinkers who in mines factor ts or millsl Employers tell us that drinkers lose much more time than nondrinkers and that they can not work as hard or as long When these dogs were two years- old a disease broke out among the dogs of the town and these lour took it Topsy and Nig the dogs that no alcohol had it very lightly and recovered Tipsy and Bum the dogs that had the had it very severely and died This accords with the effect of al cohol on men and women It weak ens the delicate little organisms that defend us against the germs of dis ease and so renders us more liable to have dljJease and to give it more severely Experiments conducted in German Schools by giving a certain number of a small quantity of beer or wine and them to work at a similar task with those who did not have any or wins showed that even in small quantities beer or and setting them to powers MB i Markets Aug I i NEWMARKET A resident and day school for boys and girls Preparatory Collegiate and Departments Music and Art FOR THE FALL TERM TUESDAY SEPTEMBER For particulars Fees etc apply to the PRINCIPAL P FIRTH A it 41 0 1 26 CO S7 CO 0 O 16- 0 Wheat bush Barley bush Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush Bran per ton Shorts per toa Hay per ton Eggs per Butter per lb Potatoes per big Chickens per lb Ducks per Turkeys per Is Toronto Markets per bus Barley per bush 0 Oats per bush GO- GO Rye per bush ton 20 per dot 0 Potatoes per bag now CO Turkeys per ft JO SS Ducks per ft Dont Trust To THIS ERA I who to spend a cent And never With little gain must content While others take the prizes No matter what your wares may be Nor how The world tis by the telling much worth selling will none the wiser be f WAY til tt Br M msi MAKS WW j ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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