Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1914, p. 1

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tJ- fc JEWELLERY The Paper as well as the Oldest 10 each J J a FOR BOYS MEN I Iherh Is JEWELLERY been convicted arid punished diir- had been but a month In the really mine You the last ton days big house on the hill but Ma that wasnt really hundred men in this time oho had Von the and you would have found In volunteered for active confidence or her- who had time MravfJrayBon- It would be I been reported as being rather hard to if I had the j a A V I as where might have picked it up for mo- helper in tho kitchen but her bright hut in your own roommo I couldnt Hon of those offering them- ani appearance soon won take any reward for service is being or the half as I might not found it for Have Proven Themselves to bo Finest in their Respective Lines DETROIT VAPOR OIL QUICK MEAL and PERFECTION OIL 1000 GRAVITY WA8HINJ MACHINES PAINT for walls and ceilings High Standard Paint for Buildings or outside for stained varnished surfaces remains long after Price is forgotten GA ARE- PHONE 28 NEWMARKET South End Lumber Yard THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE P W PEARSON Carters Alfred Ontario Murphy the brooch only mislaid hundred city 1 service war is on in this or her a Place in the upperhalf City solve organized in Toronto special to her mlBtrcas time if you had not been Miss of I much happier thorough in this morning to General has received jne had expected to be might more from graduate J days and well there are nurses hi Canada for war serviee una be had not thought to ways than one to show appreciation are on the W I feci that I have found two down street every tarts the now life Sue jewels instead of one this to hoar tho latest war news was love the one to whom I And if anyone had wen Tuesday and of fi face as she went back to her work when she came into the they would have said that she too room one morning and found her mis- found more than one jewel tress with swollen eyes and Hushed had found what it meant to be own spirit Urn is mo matter Mrs Hon the usual staff Grayson she cried impulsively J lordan Augusta was arrested week at Niagara- rails while attempting dispose of a of Jewelry lips were a triile unsteady said to have boon stolon from a orl thcre n u I suupose am very foolish to feel and cured- the rheumatic last week ho less than hoys under of ago applied at tho Morality Department for per- so newspapers vuU- WWSSSW too She the the craze old llino way sane and simple when we were we took it on the street wore it the after- moaddwland ami on it would store in King St east and has brought horo for tral a few nights ago so annoyed bin sister that she de termined to call a policeman whereupon jerked the phone loose from the wall In the Court he was fined or days in jail A carousal at Richmond street afternoon re sulted in Geo of that being luken to the Gener al Hospital and in the arrest of and rank Graham to me as I have shed often I have had a Jag on lichmond westboth of whom it I am afraid that I of tea skunk root or sago HO address I hey are it again I a my brew the evil charged with vagrancy- rcward if any and I must drink it or shod rage was Jilt over the bead with a hot- on the street they In those old times kept on Ion stitches were required W0U returned it until they shrunk and blew away 10 SiuSr thcir but Mrs read the speaking face for she smiled nod heard of germs his long years and said I through When he was feeling tough you You are very a pint he of honest drank- and so much hut there is ace know Hut in these modern days nothing you can do to help mo in diseases are expensive you take care of tho things from stomach ache to would tale this phony they run up doctor bills by Mrs on the jinks Walt Mason know house dont London AugV persis tent of a naval light In the North Sea which suggest that the a truth Incoming fishing boats brought tho stories of to Lowestoft The fisherman said they had a lively between the After that there was a succession of reports from east coast j towns that orders bad been issued for preparation of hospitals A shipowner at Whitby has announced that he been informed that a great battle has been ought and nineteen German warships have been sunk The people Hull Grimsby and Harwich are convinced of the truth of this reported battle London Aug An re port says that the British cruiser was sunk this morning by striking a- mine Paymaster J Sedge and 130 men were lost The Captain sixteen and men were saved London Aug It Ib estimated that when England declared war on Germany there were German V suupose ram very to reel somo as I dobut lost a valuable brooch or pimple pnd meagro were our doc- steamships and German sailing one that I prized highly and I tor Mils We did not blame trie mic- lWpa W Englishmen cannot help fueling badly about it robe critters for all our ailments Hut where asked excite- pains and aches we simply took a Did you just mislay it or dose of hitters and then we whipped was it lost away from house our weight in snakes My granny No I do not think that I mis- in ah old poke bonnet her form laid it I am quite surc that I lost tired In ancient garb would seek the on feel that a good Inroad on these vessels was made on the first day of war by England In addition to the German steamer more tnan twenty German vessels were seized in or captured outside British ports hunt These included three steamers of noon of Mrs Robertsons reception and find the healing All do- not of having seen wtxtfs that smellcd and tasted It was not found in the like something that had long been room after the reception and If any dead were much- too precious to he of the guests had found It would washed they hung in hunches in the It I We invite you to inspect our Seeds We have a full lino of RED LUCERNE GLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED These seeds are selected from the purest seeds from clean farmers OUR PRICKS ARK Also Mangle and Turnip Seed Before room J wish nolo over to avenue large brown one on the We are now booking orders for Coal for May delivery at sum mer prices if you want the lies coal the market let us fill your orders W H V Order by Phono or Carters Ren Manning Ed lurch Nelson Miller or llobt Boyd The INCORPORATED BANK Capital and Reserved 11176578 St Aye was crush ed to death Saturday beneath several tons of earth while be wan engaged in lessen ing Hie grade of street hill to care near street With a hum- dor of companions lie was clear ing away a high bank near Hie brow of the lull when the earth on top gave way and before he could be was buried While awaiting bis trial in tho Police Court last Friday morn ing Geo Wcllwood who was rested on a charge of vagrancy was suddenly stricken with an at tack of heart failure and when his name was called by the Court Crier the man was dead About bakers from Ontario and Toronto left on Saturday for Winnipeg to attend tho eleventh annual of the Bread and Cake Manufacturers Associ ation of Canada on the Ilk and inst A number of private dwellings in the bad wireless message outfits but since the war broke out these have been ordered to bo removed from service Mr J Sutherland of the De partment of Public Instruction in Quebec Province for days past has been a visitor with rela tives in this city In a fire on the property of Mr Where was it just at Jennings Euclid Ave last she wondered Had it week a stable and four horses were burned The remainder of the words to express her them chps of lea day by day Mrs Grayson must have The father lived till he was ninety HOW TO GOT ON IN THE WORLD you the corner All the way down the street and j Most of our successful men began across to the avenue without a dollar They have wop were to the sidewalk It had Success by hard work and strict beon three days since the brooch was You can do tho same lost but it might have slipped into a dozen rules for getting on in the world Be honest Dishonesty seldom makes on rich and when it doe riches are a curse There is no such a thing as dishonest success Work The world is not going to cent of what men call ta ta STUM wounded German which you like best for which Hues are seems to you Joint Accounts in the BANK TORONTO proving to be a very great convenience to many of our With accounts either persons of the may deposit or withdraw money Interest la paid on all balances twice year In tho event of death ol either party the survivor may withdraw the money Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH LISTER Manager crovice she thought and miss ed being picked up It would have made very happy to have seen the glitter of gold and opals gleam ing up at her from the pavement Rut nothing but the lull gray the cement rewarded her search and when she again entered the room ol mistress it was with a face full of disappointment Mrs Grayson had left the room and began melancholy to put it to- rights in the precise way she had been taught and which had been one of the many qualities that made her satisfactory to her mistress Hut this morning did not put much heart into the work Her thoughts were with tho missing that been picked up by someone who had not seen the advertisement or was it still in some the passer by How proud and glad she ty men have received have been to be the one to lion to hold themselves in the highly prized jewel to her to go to Halifax at a mo- mistress notice About thirty of oI Mw Graysons rules the regiment went to each week her dressing to do it las week thoroughly dusted Be polite Every smile every One hundred thousand dollars rearranged and had been gentle bow is money in your pocket is the sum the Imperial Chapter ol each article He generous leanness makes of Daughters of the Empire removing the embroidered scarf enemies ana breeds distrust Spend less than you earn which had valuable cargoes London Aug The House ol Commons this evening unanimously passed a war credit for the increase of tho British army This is the war credit pass ed by the House the sum of having been voted two days ago Premier Asquith informed tho mem bers that Field Marshal Earl Kitch ener wanted power to Increase the British army to 500 A despatch to The London Daily Mail from says that the Russian Cruiser Askod and the Ger man cruiser both have been after an engagement oil WelHaiWai China Liege Aug The German suffer ed heavily in the last attack on Liege The German army corps was reinforced by cavalry They crossed ones which had been mined The mines exploded killing whole battal ions of Germans Twelve hundred German wounded were picked up on the battlefield Brussels Aug via London General Liner in further ofiicial report of his operations in the Liege district states that in Wednesdays battle Belgians were engaged against Germans The success of the Belgians was complete attack of the Germans alonff their extended front was repulsed tbo The date is now fixed for the Firemens Excursion to Oriilia and will take place on Monday next As previously announced excursion will be by rail to Belle thence around Lake calling at by Tickets each This will be the excursion of the season for the people of New- and vicinity Newmarket Council meeting at- the Court House Railroad Hotel next Monday Whitchurch Council will meet to-morrow- at Hotel Con of Township and King Council the following Sat urday at Hotel Lloyd- town Road Mr Robinson market gar dener is supplying town with vegetables and fruits this season Ellas Monkman announces to day that be has purchased the Bakery Business lately carried on by and Brother opposite the Railroad Hotel and hope strict attention to business and slock to merit a share of public patronage Shaikh Feast is announced for September Public service in tlio Temple at oclock on Friday ev ening Hie 2nd of the month and Feast next day after the service No doubt the attend ance will be large 0 03 YEIRS AGO From Era Aug iU you for nothing Army Corps retreating genius is only territory The Belgians of the Army Medical unnoticed by- Corps which numbers about How and a vidod it is honorable Bo independent Do not lean on others to do your thinking or to con quer your Be conscientidus in the discharge of every duty Do your work thorough ly No hoy can rise who slights his work Dont try to begin at the top Be gin at the bottom and you will have a chance to rise and will be surer of reaching the top sometime Trust to nothing but God and hard work Inscribe on your banner is a fool pluck is a hero Be punctual Keep your appoint ments Be there a minute before time if you have to lose your dinner WHAT WORTH ILD AT ALL IS WORTHY lumber Well at Right Prices luubhr lath posts shingles sash doors l Venefirod Trim fc IWrfJ 0k IT WORKS TO BETTER ADVANTAGE REQUIRING LESS TIME AND LABOR THUS THE DIFFERENCE IN COST IS SO THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO Youll Find Twill Pay to Us the Best he Kind planning to raise in order might better remove the equip a hospital ship for use in duBt morning however the emergency The Ship thing looked so clean in such will be presented to British od the girl hesitated Admiralty through tho Canadian last sweep- Government Jin use the- duster John Roonoy a horse trainer around the edges and leave the things was found dead on Friday in one where they are Mrs Grayson wont of the beds that have been Axed know the difference stable hands in the horse- But was not quite easy in boxes at the Race as she the feather during the meet The police of the opinion that ho committed suicide by drinking horse oils Friday the Government took possession of wireless station at Point No thing but government business is being handled there Tom Longboat the worldre nowned Indian runner joined the Canadian contingent that leaves for the front and is now enroll ed with the Regiment During last week several class es of staple goods took an upward lendonoy of the increases were as follows Flour a bid sugar per weight beans 30c a bushel rice and ta pioca half a cent a pound a Mr teak over and above the silver and gold toilet articles It was not the her mistress would want the work done she and her movements became slower and slower until they teased ajtogether and laying tho duster aside the girl rook up a cloth and lifting each article care fully wiped it as she knew it ought to be done then placed them on the smaller table beside her until the dressing table should be ready to re ceive them again When the last articlo had been laid took scarf and as she did so a cry for there just under the edge of a scallop lay the missing brooch A moment the girl stood staring at the jewel scarcely believing her eyes the next she had caught It up and was flying down the hall to the little molding room the knew the mistress always occupied at this hour She gave one quick rap and barely I for perm I sal on to- utter have found it Mrs Your brooch It had been pushed the edge of the table Oh am so glad- Mrs was as bright Do not run in debt Watch the little leaks and you can live on your salary Make all the money you can do all the good you con with it while you live andbe your own ex ecutor Selected am Parisian Now that Parisian Sage can had at drug counter It Is certainly needless to have thin matted stringy or faded hair No matter how unsightly the hair how badly it is falling or how much dandruff Parisian Sago Is all that Is needed- Frequent applications and well rub bed Into the scalp will do wonders- it like magic The hair roots and stimulated to grow hair itching end falling hair coats your head feels one Beat of all the hair soft fluffy abundant and radltnt with life and beauty You will be surprise and delighted with Par Ulan Sage Try at one fifty bottle from J Patter son will refund pure pries you ace not satisfied Dreamjuus aweet dreams comes natural ton cist as a London Aug The first naval engagements between English and German ships in the North Sea has resulted in a victory for Great Brit ain The battle took place on Wed nesday off the Dutch coast and lasted for five hours Seventy English sailors were wounded and it is reported that more than Germans were killed in the engagement ships engaged were those of Englands third flotilla and flying squadron of German vessels which had been out to protect the mine-lay- operation of the German ships It was in this engagement that which had been equip ped with minelaying paraphernalia I was sunk by the British and short time later two of the German boats surrendered to the enemy The Amphion the flagship of the third flotilla was the only British ship that sustained any noticeable damage Her batteries were put out of commission temporarily by an ex ploding shell from one of the German boats More than 200 German prisoners taken from the two boats that sur rendered were landed at Harwich and are being held there Paris Aug Official announce ment was made by the War that English troops are landing on French soil under the direction ol French officers Brussels Aug The following statement has been issued by the General Staff The position of the German troops has hardly changed since Sat urday Their advanced detachments are retreating under the irresistible pressure of the French troops who are In considerable force In all the country south of the which they are clearing of German The offensive movement has been completely stopped The French and Belgian take the offensive simultaneously In accord ance with concerted plans London Aug The occupation of Liege by the Germans confirmed a despatch received here from BrustiSls early this morning Belgians blow up toe old dis used fortress to prevent the Germans lifting it Brad Bra to afaeeat The Altar ScottTrent At St Pauls Church Newmarket by Rev John on the inst Mr Scott of Toronto to Miss Annie Isabella third daughter of the late Edward Trent of Oakley Farm near SmithRoss Hie by Rev of King at the residence of the brides brother at Mr Robert Arthur Srivh of Newmar ket to Miss Ida Elizabeth Ross of The death of Mr John McClin- of Holland Landing is an nounced He passed away on the aged CI years An attempt was made to bur glarize Mr J jewel lery store last Wednesday night The burglars first entered blacksmith Shop to ob tain tools for their thievish work The noise awoke Mr and tin thieves made a hasty retreat Mr Win Brown has moved in to his new house The high wind of yesterday de molished a pane of glass In bun- combs Show Gallery An unusually happy gathering assembled at the new Lodge Room of the Newmarket Branch A O on Monday evening tho members having invited their wives to be present with them Addresses were delivered P Oliver and the Fore man P Irwin The ladies furnished refreshments and wore tendered a vote of thanks Mr P J OMalley announces lie has received a supply of famous St Leon Mineral Water direct frorp the Springs natural and aerated An elderly lady slipped and fell from the Market steps last Sat urday and was slightly stunned Rev Father is arrang ing for a grand picnic in Newmar ket on- the 3rd of September A number of athletic sports will take place on the Show Grounds and a gold headed cane will bo among the prizes Mr Cane was at Roachs Point on Sunday Mrs and Miss Hillary of Aurora are visiting at Sutton this week Mr and Mrs Atkinson are rusticating at Roachs Point Mr Dan Budge of Montreal la spending a couple of weeks at his old home in Newmarket Mrs James Allen left this week for the Canadian Soo on a visit to her daughter A tent meeting under aus pices of the Keswick Christian Church was largely attended last Sabbath postoffice has chang ed bands Mr James now the postmaster- Arthur of Holt died Aug 1889 HE WON A Yankee Wtod glory once accosted the hero of the American SqusdronlAdmr il with- Admiral I bet you roe You win said the Admiral Children FOR FLETCHERS I J v ARCHIVES OP ONTARIO TORONTO

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