Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Jul 1914, p. 6

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Ait ati- of Junior Bible Class Methodist Sunday School bo run to Point Toronto via R on Aug Bee posters for particulars a REFLECTION J MENTAL REFLECTION I for one think that if those- who bo much to cay about people more Interest In VftM would a more own It would save the hurtful feelings It causes to those who talked about and do not servo It I have lived In Mount ft number of years but It al ways been tho same and I it will go on for I feel such an inter esting place would not lie found on the map long without the gossips why do farmers retire if have to work by tho day Why not give the working man who has to work a to keep his wife and children A Mother A DIRT Mr Ins Hogg who- as butcher Ilia boot ringklllod a this week and neighbor who was present cut off a portion of the animals stomach lo feed his dog was discovered that the stomach con tained three nails four smaller ones two broken horse shoe nails a tack and a staple used for wire fencing with points as sharp ns needles It is not known the animal was car rying round Ibis collection of hardware but it seemed none worse for It and made excellent beef Those who are can see the stooR at the printing office was held en An air service on our principal street on Satur day night by some street preacher There seemed to fie more noise than eloquence In his discourse A baseball match between Ox bridge and Mount Albert was played here on Saturday result ing in an easy victory for the loc als After the game and during the evening the boys gave plenty of evidence that they bad not been very carefully I rained at home Mr J I Rowland is building an addition to ills hardware store Mrs Frank McFarland show us a green tomato measuring inches in circumference She had ripe ones on Sunday PERSONAL The Misses Hilda and Vera of spent a few days at the home of Mr Thos am Dr and Mrs Burns of Ham ilton spent the weekend at the home of Mr Eugene Rowcn Miss Scott a former principal of our Continuation School was in town over Sunday on a visit to Miss Gertrude Moore Mr Ernest Hayes is spending his holidays with his parents in town Miss Mac left last Sat urday to spend a few weeks with her cousin Mrs A Smith of Lindsay Mis Mildred Rose of Hartman spent last week with relatives in Misses Victoria and Myrtle Brown Newmarket spent a few days last week with their uncle Mr of Hart- man Mrs Walts left this week for an extended trip through the West Misses Audrey and Leila Wood cock of Toronto are visiting rela tives in town Miss MoCordick of is home on a visit to her moth er after having spent first three weeks of her vacation with friends at Doe Lake Longford Mills VicloriaRoad and Lorne- ville Mrs of Marie is visiting with her mother Mrs who is very ill Mrs Pearson of Toronto is the guest of Mrs Case Dealer in all kinds of Farm Machinery I keep a good stock on hand at all times You can come and buy your goods and take it home with you I keep general slock of repairs on hand hay fork rope hinder whip in fact almost anything you want Potato Drillers now In slock MOUNT ALBERT aiidMr8Roy guests of Mrrand Mrs Win Arnold oho lust week Mr and Mrs John on Tuesday for the Western Pro vinces Mr will attend ho has been appointed one of Judges will visit friends In Calgary Prince Albert and other cities of Dakota were at Mr Cun ninghams over weekend Miss Doris and Hillary Stephens and Miss Smith visiting in Toronto Mr Smith also spont a few days in Toronto last week Mrs R J of Acton also Mrs John Sturgeon of Brad ford wore at Mr Flana gans a days last week The quarterly service for this circuit will bo held at Keswick next Sunday morning morning service at QueonsvHIe will bo withdrawn hut- the Sun day School as usual There will bo an evening service in the Church Miss Jean Hall has returned to her homo in Hew York City after spending a week with her friend Miss J Stewart Miss Ferae Morton and gen tleman friend of Hamilton spent Sunday With her aunts Mrs Fred and Mrs Putnam Rev Dickey will occupy the Presbyterian pulpit next Sun day Tuesday was a busy day with the Presbyterian congregation of The men of church had a bee to shingle church sheds while ladies were busy in manse papering and preparing for new pas tor Rev Atkinson who will bo inducted on Tuesday next at P ML The Ladies Aiddescrvo credit for the financial help they have given church Owing to their efficient work many im provements have been made in the manse Miss of New York is spending a few days Mrs Putnam and Mrs Fred son Miss of Newmarket and Mrs Thomas of Aurora spent Sunday with Mrs I Mrs Macham has returned to her home at New Lowell after spending a month with her daughter Mrs Monday aightv The MiflsesKlta and Lillian Fr lot Tbrphto visited last weak Mjss Ada on lawn on Tuesday evening of last week f Mayor raised his nights rhc Army Worm has been envcrcdon the farm of Mr Herb Hail Mrs K Williams of to Is spending a week vvjthMrs Crops fair MMMBM Mrs from j i A Wedding a Wedding Last week our- village was thrown into convulsions and shaken from the news of- the of Aimer Foster and Miss Taylor Gum- Swamp fair one been watching Aimers courtship with interest and when his spans time to basking ioath her WIMJVJ thought the would soon bo reached Wednesday July J MKUeley Mrs J Lyons of was the happy day and Aimer Virginia spent the weekend there arid his darling immediately left ptr also Mrs of West locomotive engine for Nottawacafca her Mrs A Pipher of Aurora Monday with Mrs I Another stretch of new sidewalk is laid in tho Village Our organized a foothail earn Mrs C Montgomery of Toron to spent Sunday at Mrs Abb sons- J Nimjod I 9 HOLLAND LANDING Miss of Acton is vlbltlae with Mrs Mrs la spending a fow days with friends in Sutton Saratoga no Co left for friend flatter his vanity therefore Ray young couple have Whole neighborhood for welfare amongst whom thyaro well thought of and respect- AlracrJa one of our model young for and good clean rec ord and much Kays sturdy independence of charac ter fall in being a model benedict boys amongst whom he is gen eral favorite gave him a rousing chi- ravari for fun of- the thing and were donated which they at presented to the charming bride Handsome men are out fashion Beauty only skin deep James Albert A you know has quite an exalted opin ion of hla good and as his few WwokuV stay at pugs- Crocker homo frpmtheWest bh8uriddy owing to the illness of his Miss Marjory Mr Jesse Noble of is a- guest of- his this week Mr and Mrs MissPedrl wenCtoJho city bb Miss Pearl under went an operation for her- hose and throat thosame day She is doing and Airs- Brooks of To ronto spent over Sunday Sut ton and Jacksons Dr A con- duotor of the Choir Mrs paid a flying visit to Mr Dick on Saturday night- Mr David sang a solo in St James church on Sunday evening very acceptably Mr and Mrs I Allison and family spent a portion- of last friends at Keswick and Orchard Bench Mrs P Deacon and Mrs Wil son of Toronto spont the past week the guest of Mr and Mrs J Merchant Mr f Toronto spenl over Sunday here her right cod her duty S i m health and in who brings into the world the offspring Every woman can bo strong and healthy Dont yourself to a delicate life If you suffer headaches backaches nervousness low spirits lock of ambition or have lost all hope of befog well more than an even chanco that you speedily regain your health if you will try In Tablet y Worm This envy la of years of patient a has made ailments a life Introducti m fattf women la part of Ifca have to merits will find It beaeflcfaJ will supply you or yoa can for trial box Pierce Hotel on Wednesday in tho week thby were here and gave a prize valued at to the lady receiving most votes Mies Nellie Davison was the win ner Mr J spent a few days last week in Port and city Miss Mabel i visiting a low days in thb city Mrs AWcrnhgm who has teen ill for some tlrno passed away suddenly on Friday evening last of heart fail ure Deceased leaves three daughters Mrs Allan- and Misses Winnie and Olive The funeral took place on Monday last to Christ Church Cem etery Rev Hums officiating Mrs and Mrs Abbott of I- visiting at Mr D Delis any amateur artist seeking for some object to practice their diabolical art on find in him a most amiable and willing subject He has many little photographic of such a char acter laid away for future genera tions to gaze upon His latest and some would say his best shadow graph was recently taken by a local artist for fame Ho was posed i beside a famous belle and consequently the picture was a fine combination of smiles and sun shine Oh would I were a handsome Id pose me beside latest arrival from the West and with such I THE HINDU PROBLEM and Imperialism Contrasted election Mr posed as the great Cana dian Apostle of Imperialism It is truo of course that in Que bec his chief lieutenants shout ed that we have had enough of England ami the English cried out against the thought of Cana dians rendering help to England on foreign seas and talked of shooting boles In English losiunon up a A- This Bank Off er8 Fanners and satisfactory banking Sales collected on favorable and at reasonable rate The Savings Department Is a safe and convenient for your money Interest at current rates Is on of dollar and upwards One dollar opens an account a Savings Department MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S D TERRY Manager JUU a rosebud nigh to reflect back my flag ft is also true that Mi Aug League OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern of YAW MAN Grace St Newmarket How may I in this day tho of Christ Speaker George White Header Marlon Tho Gospel as a Social Force in Industrial Centres Scott Mable IS Augustine the Father of West- Ross Ruth Richardson Justice Speaker Wright Reader Sidney Milne 30 This Church Debt to the Bible Society Speaker Robert Knlgnts Reader Blanch Cunningham Mr Roy has bought a barn at and is removing It here so as to rebuild at once and provide for his crop He got insurance on the barn J which was down last week and the neighbors raised to show their sympathy in his loss The School Trustees have bought a small corner from Mr John to enlarge and Improve the ap pearance of the grounds course there are a few kickers Work has commenced on the new schoolhouse ooo- SHARON Haying is over in this section and the farmers are busy cut ting wheat and barley The Monthly Mission Circle met at Mrs A on Wed nesday Mr Sherman Storey spent Sunday at home Mr Fred Rail of Toronto was at Mr j Parrs on Sunday Messrs Kitely Tate and Ram sey attended tho Em J P COOK MOUNT ALBERT General Blacksmith td Agent for Farm Barrio Wilkinson Plows Wire Fence Price Moderate Cell before buying NOVICE To shareholders in Grain valor at Button a fourth Divi dend of five per cent has been de clared Call at my Office Sut ton ISAAC mill Will he closed front Aug 3rd to for repairs O DIKE ohm Owen Baldwin PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Painting a Specialty WobpHUOKO WANYgtl Live Wanted at eejch No Apply tt Horry Fox near Albert HARRY Bend your order and have your fencing done properly and promptly Apply to WM SMITH NEWMARKET or SMITH QUEENSVILLE Miss MoCulloch of Toronto spent last week with her friend Miss Mabel Wright Mr and Mrs Moore of Acto spent three or four days this week with his sister Mrs Mrs Win Ronnie gave a lawn tea Inst Friday afternoon Little Miss Louise Gardner who visiting her aunt Mrs Andy Wright had a teaparty for her little friends last Saturday afternoon Union Church was well filled again last Sunday and Prof Dean gave excellent service No doubt it will be a record congregation Sunday as Rev Dr Hyde will preacher and tho cottages will be full of people staying for the Civic Holi day weekend Mr and Mrs las of Au rora were guests at ovpr Sunday Also Mr and Mrs W Jackson and little Dorothy of Toron to Everybody especially tho children is expecting a big time at tho Regat ta next Monday Executive on Saturday evening and completed the arrangements including the Se lection of tho prizes many of which are handsome It also expected to have Newmarket Band here during the afternoon to enliven proceedings Mr Andy Wright and family went over to for two or three days and I brought homo two good lunge and a string of small fish Mrs of Toronto is visiting Mrs Win- Miss Marion Ron nie Is spcading a week at Gait J Esq exPresident of Ontario Association and Rev Morton were guests on the Beach last Sunday Both fishing and picnic parties from the Beach have been down to the Jersey river this week Over were at Wilsons boarding house for dinner last Sunday The Misses Campbell gave a lunch- con on Wednesday to several of their friends Miss Campbell eldest daughter of Rev Campbell who has been a missionary in China for tho past five years is expected here this week Mrs of Port sisterinlaw of Mr Id Thom son also Mrs Youn of sister of Mrs Thomson are visiting at this week There were just 20 at this last Prof- Bean was the guest of Mr J over Sunday iOOO BALDWIN BREEZES Tommy raspberries are a magnificent crop They readily on ground two boxes for a quar ter A large per to fill maws of campers at Jacksons Point Tommy says a for tune in It that Is to one who thor oughly understands the business Just to show mo that John Old ham knows a few things about fruit- raising John took me Into his gar den recently There ho had all man ner of small In luxurious abundance I never saw a crop black currants especially are worthy of notice to the ground with of lus cious fruit is a close rival of Tidy Tommy and tbey eye each oth ers with watchful vigi lance Albert another more successful Uncle to glri in hi lb lite ImtvUti Ik saw Aa fine display guess it gave Win great blushes and give sigh for Id just literally do up Jas Last week our neighborhood came nearly lifting thrown Into mourning Ill tell you so youll sec for your self Uncle Johnston Jas Edward and Jas Albert were en deavoring to right up and put in or der hayloader for tho crop Is a mortal heavy concern the weight bore down Uncle Johnston nearly crushing his leg Ho called for help hut none shrived up and by almost superhuman he released himself and dlscopercd las Albert Edward pinned to the ground almost strangled to death by the weight upon them He succeeded in releasing them and none too soon Tho exertion and excite ment wcro too much for him He fell In a swoon and a cold restored him John had secured another lassie from the Home at Shes a very clever wldoawako and apparently good disposed lass Another rosebud has arrived at Charlie Owens Mrs Ed Glover visited Mrs Glover Queen St South last week Read this and watch for more br and bye tO SUTTON The annual concert in con nection Hie summer church is being held on Saturday even ing Aug A good program is being arranged Straw Hats are now being sac- rill ccd at Furnishing Store Buy one at your own price A number of people from here p nicked at Snake Island on Sun day A nice lime is reported Lee has closed up bis meat shop and Mr Bert Os borne is working overtime try ing to supply the demands Monday is Civic Holiday in pretty nearly all the places of im portance What about Sutton Mr and Mrs A E and Miss Isabella arrived home from their Old Country trip this week feeling much ben efitted Wear an Obis Shirt Furnishing Store has them and they are a dandy thing Our village Smithy Jos is nursing a sore hand these days it being torn by a horse shoe nail Aurora Ball Team came up here for a game on Wednesday Sutton Council meets Fri day evening as usual to transact regular monthly business Tho School Board have been fortunate in the follow ing teachers for their Continua tion and Public School Principal Con School Miss Ruplo Assistant School Miss Mablo Cox Public Mrs Morrison Miss McClelland Miss According to the dictation of Inspector another teacher had to bo pfoourea for the Con tinuation we have Ave teachers now which will en sure good in the High Mr and Mrs G Winter spent over with friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs John Borden chose some of these same men as members of his Cabinet though he still essayed the role of the Great Imperialist and sneer ed at the loyalty of his political opponents Recent events have shown run go manifestations of Borden Imperialism British subjects from a dis tant portion of the Empire sought entry to Canada at Vancouver Many of them bad fought for the British flag The Borden Gov ernment refused them entry Lest police and militiamen should not succeed in overcoming these British subjects the despised Canadian navywas call ed into service The Rainbow was rushed from Victoria with instructions to overcome the Hin dus The first use made of a Canadian naval ship aside from its use as a training vessel under Laurier was to turn it against a shipload of British subjects and tins by command of Sir Robert Borden In their days of office Sir Wil frid and his colleagues had lo deal with this very lion of Hindu immigration But their way was not the Borden way Hindu immigration was virtually stopped by the Liberals in1908 but it was stopped by ne gotiations with the Imperial and the British officials in India not by turning armed I soldiers and armed cruisers against British subjects by the need of checking Hindu immigration the Laurier Cabinet sent the then Deputy Minister of Labor Mr Mackenzie King lo England and to India to confer with the Brit ish authorities As a result of AY Talks i There are a few people in the world who do not believe there is any heaven There are a few who dont lake the trouble to look into matters material or spiritual but the person who has enough horse sense to investigate will find that we sell them something the other fellows do not us they cannot curry the goods in a general store that we carry in an exclusive furnishing store Call in and see what we have and compare Better have a new hut for Lennox us fit von up ii iip LIS Marra0 our prices Picnic Let WEST I these conferences arrangements were made which solved problem Immigration from In dia came virtually to an end in the last three years of Liberal rule only twentyone Hindus entered Canada It was not until after Sir Robert Borden and his colleagues bad been entrusted with the management of Canadi an affairs that there was any trouble Then the methods of armed forces were substituted by the Premier and his Ministers for the methods of negotiation and diplomacy whioli been em ployed with such excellent results by Liberal statesmen Armed men and an armed cruiser were turned against subjects and a situation created which brought grave concern to Imperi al Ministers and real peril to the Empire These were strange manifestations of the Imperial ism of Sir Robert Borden as con trasted with the careful effective methods of Sir Wilfrid in dealing with a delicate subject of Imperial as well as Canadian mo ment Now lo the Time to Rid Of no loader the of your as prescription double It to the Simply ifc ta of double tottenglh from your tad apply a little it night and Top akouUT that mm wont fcua to while tt one It it moM to care the gala a W eon ion awl a or ttmtte bat it Heavy Toll Forty Insurance Companies in Ontario re porting over a period of twelve years show per cent of all rural barn claims settled were duo to lightning Prof Day of the A C says Lightning Rods properly Installed are almost abso lute protection Out of every of loss to buildings by lightning would be saved if those buildings were pro perly Send for our Catalog THE UNIVERSAL LIGHTNING ROD CO Makers of the Rod with the LockJoint Ont A PROGRAM FOR ORCHARD BEACH REGATTA MONDAY AUGUST 3RD Running Races Boys 10 yrs under Running Races Girls yrs under Running Races Boys yrs under Races Girls under Running Races Hoys 14 yrs under 950 Races Girls 14 yrs under Single Roys 12 yrs under Single Canoe Girls yrs under 1020 Double Canoe Mixed 14 yrs under Double Mixed yrs under Single Canoe Boys 14 unUer yds 50 yds yds 100 yds Girls yrs A under Boys 12 under Girls yrs under Boys yrs under Boys under Girls under Mixed yrs A under Girls yrs under under under 50 yds 50 yds- yds yds yds 50 yds yds 50 yds yds ydi yds 15 yds yds yds 25 yds 1050 Single Canoe Single Skiff 10 Single Skiff Single Skiff 1130 Swimming Swimming 1150 Double Skiff Swimming Swimming Roys yrs A Swimming Boys A 1230 Swimming Boys 14 yrs A under All boys and girls who expect to take part in the Running Races will meet at the Secretarys lawn at a Races will be run road and aquatic opposite Lane Single Canoe Girls yrs A under 210 Single Canoe Boys 16 A under nn ids Double Canoe Mixed Open to Orchard Beach 230 Double Canoe Mixed yrs A under 240 Single Canoe Men Open to Orchard Beach Single Canoe Ladies Open lo Orchard Beach J J 300 Single Skiff u 310 Single Skiff 320 Double Skiff Double Skiff 340 Single Skiff 350 Single Skiff Swimming Swimming Swimming Swimming 460 Crab Race Punt Girls yrs A under JJjj Boys yrs A under Mixed Open to Orchard Reach Mixed under mile Men Open to Orchard Beach Ladies Open to Orchard Reach toys 16 yrs A under Boys Girls 16 A under Men Open to Orohard Beach Ladles Open to Orohard Ki Open to Orchard Open to J- 12 under Tilting Rue to Orchard ri I TORONTO I i

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