i Ifr J Wedding Ring on Saturday July In Town or on Mot cat and Mrs Marsnall Rose to thank their many friends their PAPERS containing and Insurance papers etc wan stolen from ray on 26th July Any finding name Will kindly return to me as they are no value to any other than myBoH Geo Colo Ml week by work in Canada by which could weeks Vacation In earn living- Dow anyone for such a reason In the daya of I A email Wooden I I I A NEW TERM opens Sept lot In the popular i f J and school a great reputation lor super ior training Write today for Cata logue TO Light All now work must be left open for Inspection also any extensions to old Now wire ho Meter connections to be on lower floors of buildings In an easy place Any particulars may bo obtained from Chid Engineer at Power House who must bo notified when work Is ready for Inspection p J ANDERSON Town Clerk i Consumers Clothing Co OPEN A in the Promises First Door North of Dr Scotts Residence ON Saturday Aug si Complete Slock of Clothing and Furnishings for Men and Women Everything will he sold for less than price of the Haw Material FOLLOW THE I ADELMAN Manager the total lure of the Dominion wan Increased by 111- the first two years of Borden Government the ex penditure was by jDaeh away and the money la tho Borden the people pay construcUon of of a the Dominion would have given employment to of workers In months unem ployment and hard times One of the first acts of the Borden Government was to toss Into the waste baskets the tenders secured by Cabinet for tho construcUon such ships in Canada i Mies Johns- vaoatlon In Toronto Miss of Toronto Is spending vacation with Miss Gib- SPSPil Mr and Mrs Freer were guests of Mr and Mrs- Cody Ardeh Ave last week Mr homo alter Chief justice Meredith has allowed ballots in Kast Lamb ton election which the County Conservative candidate is declar ed M1M for tho Hiding by a major Sty of four votes A number of the ballots had been deposited In the bal lot box without the removal of coun terfoils The election will now be ap pealed People may think as they please hut the nonremoval of counterfoils on which tho number of tho voter is placed is suggestive of hidden In tho fence That section of the Conservative press of Dominion seeking to cast blame on Sir Wilfrid for Inception of It are entire ly unwarranted In their endeavor I ho original land grants and agreements that formed tho ba sis of tho system were made by the long before Rec ords of Parliament prove that during the entire period that Liberals were in power from to the Gov ernment never granted a dollar by way of- guarantee or subsidy for the Pacific Division of the It a The Missel with their Mrs Albert and of Toronto spent a day with Mrs Miss Leila Manning Is spending a couple- of weeks in Lindsay with Miss Wallace Alfred of was calling on friends In Town last Friday Mrs Scott of Toronto is visiUng her sister Mrs Prospect Avenue Mr It Murray has been pointed assistant station Mr Cameron Currey spent Sun day at Orchard Beach with Mr my the Kng r Panoy to Ladloo A worth up to Aug Dravora Hog 30o on Auq ft Aun Up yd Up yd Up en Up Clean Up Mrs Rev Webb Is visiting at her old home in Wellington Prince Edward County Mr of Sudbury ar rived home on Saturday on a vaca tion of two weeks Up ft I Aug Up pp Ladles 300 Aug Up pp LadloV ttog Aug Clean Up pp J Ladles It Is that the Government of New South Wales will abolish tho death penalty It will also propose the abolition of sex discrimination for all elective positions The enfran chisement of women Is growing AGENTS WANTED For Private Christmas Cards La dies or Gents Sample Book Free Large profits Carder Darlington England 6w25 GOOD PONY For Sale Cheap sound and perfect ly quiet for children to handle Also buggy cutter and takes all or would exchange on a good home Apply to Robinson The drop of about onehalf In North Yorks majority for the mem ber is significant of his waning popularity The fair promises made In previous contests respecting Pro vincial Institutions being established In the Hiding the ores Ion of certain lands in the Whit church and King etc not panning out according to expectancy and akin to the cold shoulder of the Borden Government to the canal beginning to have Its in fluence and will have a more marked effect by the time the next appeal is made to the electorate Unsuspect ing people may he fooled soma of the time but the day of reckoning comes around in due season when the chickens come homo to roost o it Explained And what la that strap under chin fori That la a Jaw strap madam tc rest our Jaws when wo are tired answering questions THE WAR Servian troops blew up the railroad bridge over the Save river at on Sunday Sir Edward Grey British Foreign Minister officially announced that he had appealed to Germany France and Italy to join in endeavoring to avert war through mediation An engagement between Servian and Austrian troops Is reported at the mouth of the river cast of Belgrade All German naval officers on leave have been ordered to return to their posts Haven fleet has been ordered back from its cruise Runs started on German say ings banks of Brussels Vienna and Budapest have closed Reports from declare Mon tenegrin army has been ordered to moholize in support of Servla The Greek Minister at Constantino ple declares that Greece would furn ish troops to aid An official despatch from St Pet- received in Washington de clared that war is inevitable Austria ended the suspense by a I declaration of war against on Tuesday Germany rejected Sir Edward Greys oiler of mediation but prom ised to do her part to preserve Euro peace Wheat jumped eight cents in Chica go and cents la Winnipeg on receipt the war news Belgrade was bombarded from Au strian war ships on the Danube on Wednesday Many buildings de stroyed and the Servians retreated The greatest fear Is felt in Europe that a general war Cannot be avoid ed Russia and Austria have failed to agree on a compromise Negotiations of to is spending her holidays her fa thers Mr I Mr and Mrs Win of North Dakota are visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity- Mr and Mrs Courtney are visiting Mr and Mrs p Manning this week Bradford Witness Miss Kathleen lefts of Bond Head is holidaying at Newmarket Aurora and Toronto J and family are spending the holidays at their sum mer St Elmo Muskoka Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent last Sunday week un der parental roof on Ave Dr Cody and wife of ML Albert and Mr Lyman Rose of spent the weekend at Beach Miss May Taylor of Lome Park made personal application on Monday for a position as teacher on the High School Mrs A Gould a grandson from Rochester vlslt her niece Mrs Hall Prospect Ave a few days last week Mr J McDonald wife and daugh ter nee Miss of Newmar ket have gone to Edmonton on a months visit Our High School pupils who wrote for Normal entrance are in great glee Out of all passed but one a splendid record Mr Hall and family of Mich motored to the home his father Mr Hall Pros pect Ave spent a few days Mr T Cuyl of Medicine Hat Alberta in his subscription writes The Era is a welcome pa per in our home and we look forward to Its arrival each week with and Hog and up to 10o yd And Dozens of too Small and too Mention Aug Up pp Aug Clean Up Be yd COME EARLY AND OFTEN mm W ftyWmO worthless homo is not only of a beautiful song hut it Is the expression of every heart that knows value of the shelter of thoi right training of tho heart-to- heart life with ones that tho homo affords comfortable artistic costly as thy purse can buy is a true ideal worthy of making earnest to realize but whether or not can do anything to im prove its material appointments It is worth remembering that everyone In the home from the to the least can be ever making the home better in the highest sense of the wort by trying to make It the place I where love is for everyone under its roof BLANCHE YOnKB8 CODY HAS BEEN FOUND it Mrs Morton of Spokane Wash Miss Stella of Newmar ket Is over on a visit with friends in this section until the of Sep tember Mr Gordon McCracken of St Louis Missouri and his sister Miss McCracken of Toronto were calling on friends In Town one day last week Mr W Jackson Toronto Observatory who was on a business trip miles North Edmonton got home last week and spent over Sunday at Orchard with his parents He was accompanied by his wife and daughter BOV MAKING HOME FINER I do wish we had a better home Why my dear girl it lies right your own hands to moke your home a great deal HoV so auntie I dont under stand was the eager reply You know it is impossible for me to learn anything while I am at school have to help about the house too Im not talking about anything that money can buy The beautiful portraits in any home Almoit It Wiggles worth let me introduce lfrahMrali Keep on Youll get It In a minute Confound ltl I know your name Veil as I do my own but I cant get It Off the end of my tongue Macintosh Thats I knew It had to do with wet grounds and rain Chicago fit Main St North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention W the sweetest music men I A heavy artillery duel took place on Wednesday between the two forces near Belgrade is made by loveturned voices the spired the finest furniture is that which is used in loves doing Just home fieeb has sailed I as last as you sealed orders while the fleet Jul and and in For Sale at this Office in the Pacific is at Wei- Hal- wci Important moves are taking place In German Belgian Russian French and Italian armies had the blackest day on Wednesday for twenty years on its seven failures being re- parted The war Is hurting business In Par is and fashion opening have been postponed After thirtyone years of service MlB3Mary Blake retired from the staff of the for the Insane at Hamilton recenty She was pre sented with a purse of gold on leav ing looking for true home interests your home will be growing better a rich er possession for every one of your family is a dinner herbs where love is than stalled ox and hatred therewith you know suppose many of these things look shabby and perfectly worthless to others but to me are dear and sacred thoy wore used hands of loved ones as in struments in service I dont remember ever wishing that they were bettor they were so a part of our dear old home said the eldest daughter of a family as up her fathers home and disposed of articles that had been a part of it since her earliest many I of them truly shabby next to The In Newmarket on Monday July to Mr and Mrs B Terry a daughter WILLIAMS In Newmarket on Mon day July to Mr and Mrs Norman Williams a daugh ter Newmarket on of July to Mr and Mrs George a WRAY In King on July 21st to Mr and Mr Cecil Wray a daughter CHAPMAN In King Tp on July to Mr and Mrs Mel- burn Chapman a daughter The Altar MOSSDRAKE At the home of the bride on July by Rev Wilson pastor the Street Methodist Church John Moss of New market to Miss Lena Drake tomb At Wimbledon Sun day July 26th at tho homo of his adopted son McMil lan late of Pine Orchard in his 81st year At Holland Landing on July 24th 1914 Emily Oboe wi dow of Alfred Wernham in her 09th year Interred at Christ Church burying ground Holland Landing on Monday Toronto on July George Frederick Jas beloved husband of An nie McDonald formerly New market in his year ROSE In Newmarket on July Ivan son of Mr Marshall Rose aged days Rock Springs on July youngest daughter of Mrs Sarah and tle late Geo of Will be interred at Newmarket i j THE LEADING Bouse Yuu can buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING AIDING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at John Millard Phones worth Out July A revolting crime has been un- in the discovery of Hie body of Miss Blanche the dressmaker who had been miss ing from her home since July In the cellar of the house re cently occupied by- Dr K Rob inson who bus been missing for some days late this afternoon That the girl met a violent death is practically certain hut whether it was the result of ac tual foul play or the sad se quence of an operation is yet to he proved but the position in which the body was found dem onstrates that ft deliberate at tempt was made to dispose of the body after death or hide it suf ficiently to ward off suspicion until hie guilty party or parties could show a clean pair of heels Todays ghastly discovery was the culmination of a aeries of searches and consequent wild- goose chases in pursuit of ques tionable clues all over the coun try The girl had been in the ha bit of attending Dr Robinson for treatment and he was the last person she was known to have visited previous to her disap pearance hut he blandly pushed aside any inquisitive questions although a search of his house was made by Messrs A and Henry Richardson and Provincial Inspector Miller and the suspicious were temporarily removed The levying of- distress war rant was the initial means of the discovery Messrs Taylor Co and P Richardson with P the bailiff were making a seizure of furniture at the vacated Robinson home for nonpayment of debt When proceeding to the bedrooms to remove the mattresses etc Mr Taylor noticed blood stains on the and pulling up the blind saw larger blood stains on floor Messrs Edward and Samuel brothers of the deceased immediately informed of the suspicions and a thorough search of whole House was made by the party Reaching the cellar they found charred por tions of a mattress while sections were seen cover ed blood over some boxes Ed ward noticed a peculiar odor and immediately exclaim ed I have found something The investigators then threw aside a low pile of wood and rags and digging out the earth and the body was found three inches below the surface The news of the discovery soon spread and a large as sembled around the house Crown Attorney Prest on and Coroner Cowan both res idents of were notified and left for the In the meantime Dr Wilson of this town was requested by Coroner Cowan to take charge of the re mains and see that they were left intact until he arrived A police guard armed rifles was set to watch the house through the night It was later deolared that an inquest will ho opened lo-mor- morning Suspicion has now settled on the shoulders of the occupants of the house Dr and Mrs Robinson who were last heard of in Kingston after their from this place weeks Mrs Robinson was said to be lying very seriously III there It is understood that the apprehension will he al though no definite action can be presaged until after the inquest The whole community is amaz ed at the trend of recent events in connection with the tragedy Dr Robinson was comparatively un known in the district having moved here from Kingston only six months ago He had been on friendly terms with the residents and his actions previous to the disappearance of the girl had never been of a nature 16 talari a thorough rise to gossip or scandal The this morning girl on the other hand was we connected and respected an4 the nature of her has cast a gloomy shadow over the whole of the community Immediately on the receipt of the news by the AttorneyGen erals Department the case was placed In the hands of Superin tendent J Rogers of the Pro vincial Police Mr Rogers des patched Inspector John Miller to Cam worth last night and he will investigation If you want something hot to drink try Borne of our celebrated ft Or if you would like something Cool try some of our Lime Sliced to suit you Vegetables fresh every day PHONE 8 PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes Patt Plim MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Fresh Chocolates Weekly OFFICE House Phono No No lU tit tit The on th be set inuaic end The hold- Lake splend well cupted from I i WW hwwi J- CO So tho dl3on tend both Choir of sembh the Mr on for a On Evas He street lided tan ca Queen the in but re v arm speed the da a colli shows tan Mr Grove livery Mr import a tow Mr A ci Install on the New next Mr The Norm and Teach lished made showii wrote and J P i Pass high these vfaw avoid for bn was tied Miss i or St Iollini mer Up to coastal against my ws lUatito hi a an The Km to I in