Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 31 Jul 1914, p. 1

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p Wry buy an umbhelw to Some you curry lit suit or Bug JEWELLERY J I Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssistantEditor Loading County as as copies each week during JEWELLERY STORE SPECIAL LINE AT Copies 3 cents J Roman Catholic episcopal Cor- hero has taken to- Work was commenced last week Va a block or workmens cottages at cost oi a now edifice which is to bo constructed lor the Flint Church of It la expected that Christ Scientists at St George St be employed in erecting and Ave Too them and they will be rented to church at Howell St and tradesmen and mechanics verslty Ave has been purchased by I at has promised Temple of the Masonic Or- to Install the water and sewer connections The houses will One day last week as Alfred Gads- modern In evert respect con- by reached the corner of King and taking arid bath and Yongo street bo received blow on- his side and arm when J construction of gal hit him which had slipped for city of has from the hands of a workman I WW A large gang of him in the Royal Bank work Many residences are being erected at The latest permit is for a dwelling for J stories A Story ol a Brave Girls Struggle These Goods Have Proven Themselves to be Finest in their Lines DETROIT VAPOR OIL QUICK MEAL and PERFECTION OIL 1000 GRAVITY WA8I1ING PAINT for walls and ceilings High Standard Paint for Buildings inside or outside JAP- A- LAC for all stained arid varnished surfaces The Quality remains PHONE lifter Iho Price is forgotten HARDWAE NEWMARKET I South End Lumber Yard IV THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE p Carters Alfred St Harvey Ontario St J L Murphy full line of We invite you to inspect our Seeds We have a RED LUCERNE CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED These seeds are selected from the purest seeds from clean fanners OUR PRICKS ARK VKHY LOW Also Mangle and Turnip Seed We art now booking orders for Coal for May delivery at sum mer prices If you want the coal ir the market let us fill your orders Order Church H EVE by Phone or Carters Hen Manning Miller or Ed INCORPORATED 1855 O Paidup Capital Reserved Funds I Business Accounts of Toronto Accounts of Men Its ample resources exten sive connections and Complete facilities as sure customers of the Rani of Toronto a per fect service 117 Branches in Ontario Quenec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A lister Manager WHAT IS WORTH AT 11 at Right Prices POSTS BOORS Vficd Doc- Trim Li l l Kittle ALL Lumber XT WORKS TO BETTOR REQUIRING LESS AND THUS IN IB SO SLIGHT THAT IT SHOULD CUT Ho Youll Find Twill Pay to Use the Best Kind The building It would probably fractur ed Ms had the hammer fallen on his head The- 118th anniversary of Robert Hums was duly celebrated by the Hums- Literary So ciety last week York Co High Constable Mr orders recently to County Constables to apprehend all motorists who contravene stat utes respecting the passing of station ary street cars As a result over a seoro of motorists chiefly on the Kingston road were hailed to court Eighteen heavy horses requir ed to haul the huge steel door frame and hinge for vault of the Do minion Rank and the Wagon on which they rested from the CPR freight yards to the new building at the cor ner of King and For keeping a house of Illfame T I leaning was sentenced to days in fall with hard labor Tho army worm has reached York County and farmers are becoming somewhat alarmed A poisonous mix- consisting of bran Paris green and sugar is being used in an endea vor to rid farms of the pest Toron to Township Council has voted ten pounds of Paris green to every farm er the municipality who makes ap plication One day last week Magistrate had M Tucker before him on a charge of reckless driving in his auto on the Weston road have driven for ten years in Toronto and never have been fined yet said plaintiff You arc going to be fined today said the magistrate as lie found him guilt attempt ed to pass Ceo- Barton on the wrong side of the buggy and struck it do ing damage estimated at lie did not stop to make any enquiries The fine imposed was and costs which with the damage to buggy made altogether Some people should not be allowed to wheel a barrow the road said Tucker And some people should not be allowed to drive an auto retorted his Worship The experience ol a young man who was picked up by a motor boat nine miles out in Lake Ontario should be a warning to campers After shoving out from shore on the Island he his paddle in the weeds and drifted out in a helpless condition A Nottingham street domestic nam ed Dora Wilkin was arrested last week on a charge of attempted fraud on a departmental store She pur chased a for and some days later returned with a bill raised to and asked her money back While working on the new school on avenue lack nagan fell from feet to ground He was seriously injur ed It is announced that two specially interesting exhibits are to be seen at the coming Canadian National this year by the Toronto School Hoard One is to be a model forest school with boys and girls as who will demonstrate the advantages the instruction other will be a model playground in operation The Hoard of Control has decided to seek the advice of the Social Ser vice Commission before taking any stepswith regard to taking over the building of the British Welcome League Mr who died id this City last week was well known in Newmarket some years ago He sold out his bookstore to the Starr The invitation of the Ontario min ister of education to hold an Im perial conference In Toronto in was unanimously accepted at a meet ing the Imperial Union of Teachers held in hall London Eng land All the difficulties between the lo cal Hydro and the electrical work ers have cleared away The men were Informed by Mr A Ac- land Deputy Minister of Labor that the Toronto HydroElectric Toronto HydroElectric had officially accepted the award Floating weeds on Toronto Bay are becoming a nuisance to motor boat owners a At oclock Sunday night lifesaving crew picked up a launch with six occupants near the west end of the Ray the feed pipe having become cnocked with is The veterans of braved the downpour on Thursday of last over at Heights and bare heads decorated the monument erected to the memory of Sir Isaac A Great Dane dog mad near the Humber bridge fortunately was captured it fln one Dr V diagnosed the case as aggravated by a sore on the dogs head to cost in the neighborhood of I The Government farming train has been a comMetc success the sessions h61d at various towns along the having been very largely attendol The cost of Mils to the has been in tho neighborhood of 6000 represent a por tion the cost as the Canadian Pa cific Railway has borne the entire cost of operation of train the Government only paying for up keep of the exhibits and the salaries of the lecturers In charge A novel way of lowering the cost of garden produce has been worked out by the Vacant Lot Gardeners Market Association This association Is comprised of men who have made good use of vacant lots by planting vegetables and have now taken united action to market their produce Al- Kcenlcysido has provided the store where the produce is sold The first few markets have proved an en tire success both from the point of view of the buyer and seller Sugar Refining Company has erected a building on the property of the town planned indus trial district sold to themNby the city Considerable improvement has been shown in the earnings of the street- railway Up to the present date this season foxes worth approximate have boon shipped out of Sas katchewan Fees paid by the govern ment on these foxes amounted to Representatives of Associations waited on the Cabinet at recently to present resolu tions urging immediate action to se cure an adequate market for the live stock raised in this province This action shows the necessity of estab lishing stockyards and abattoir with out delay 70000 pounds wool have been shipped out of Regina since the sea son first began The wool has been sold at 1750 per pound which is a better price than the could have obtained individually It was shipped out by the Government Ag ency and after paying charges the farmers will net per lb o o THE PRICE CANADA PAYS For the first- time in a score of years emigration from Canada is likely to exceed the number of new comers entering the Dominion during the current fiscal twelthmonth For the first lime in the history of the country a government is called upon deport settlers not as criminals or undesirables but because there is no work by which they earn their living This is the situation which has come upon Canada since Borden rule was substituted for that of the Liberal party The facts must be faced Nothing can be gained from an attempt to disguise or conceal them It is worse than idle to follow the lead of parti san Conservative papers and de nounce as who set exist The truth must be mot Under the administration of Sir Wilfrid Laurier there was increasing prosperity in Canada and a constant flow of desirable new settlers to a land which afforded work and oppor tunity for all Under the administra tion of Sir Robert Borden there has come industrial stagnation alarm ing slackening of Canadian peritj and widespread unemployment accompanied by a steady increase in the cost of living The Government cannot escape the condemnation of the facts Its re actionary tariff- policy its extrava gance its inefficiency has brought a complete reversal of the prosperous progressive conditions which prevail ed under Liberal rule oiio A woman was fined 2600 for allowing her children to mingle with others while under for July The fine large barns on the Farm about four miles to the west of were totally destroyed by fire this afternoon caused by- lightning TJiere were forty tons of hay in barns property is owned by of The loss is about with insurance of V By CLARISSA MACfOB plain was a level of broken hero end there by wan- trails that crossed each other at angles At foot of the dark blur of trees against cloak of win ter growing fainter until at sum- tho gray clouds down and all lost little cry escaped net Hosed her mid turned Into the spruces that marked the of the Wallace through the spruces she would reach cabin by shorter Cut and at the same bo sheltered from the fury of the storm How loud It sounded to Annes terri fied ears The animal must be very near the cabin and was Jim Wallace that ho did not answer with a bullet YEARS From Era Fyle July By an Act of Parliament passed last session all dealers in tobacco are required to make true and cor rect return writing by the 1st of Aug to the nearest Collector of In- land Revenue of the quantities of each description of tobacco in their possesion and the Collector Is re- bis- challenge of ired to mark the same by stamp watcher Hereafter there is to be a stamp duty Either was away or he was til nil tobacco for sale or worse Anne walked f f I along the crust of snow her the chair At last sho reached tho fallen spruce 6 had often sat with Jim Wal lace strained her eyca In the direc tion of the cabin and saw nothing the North Yorl now Society on TucsdayMt John Rogers lantern hidden behind her Lloyd Asa Phillips and Committees Were appointed to can vass Newmarket and Toronto for scriptions towards themrize list jiii ttUU trial At the base of mountains flying flakes that clung X acatteredcablnaofbomeateadera to her face I ln wcro many apart and each Nearer crept and nearer until J a alls Ohio roughly built was half bidden made out the dark bulk of I vSfrf Morgans under heavy snowfall cabin and against IU whiteness at last On a certain March morning Anno sho descried tho dark shapo squatting Bellow opened tho door of her fathers on doorstep- Public School and drew In deep breaths of howl ceased and there hebi a picnic last Friday turned toward her two blazing balls of is building a Crystal Pal- flro ace for this years Exhibition crept nearer and flashed her A elety meeting was held lantern in of tho l Hall last Monday watcher flery balls receded fining The officers are Rev graceful girl of twentytwo with approached sho gained the Fulton Sec golden brown hair and eyes and a sweot doorstep took her stand and Depository that now drooped a little sadly her lantern wolf who was perceptible inches Anno put her hand behind her and felt for doorknob turned it and the door gave a little threw her lantern at eyes At that in- watcher flrst leap at her and fell short by several feet Anne darted Into cabins dark Interior and closed the door on 1 A clear cold air Her cheeks were tin gling with tho ley contact when sho reluctantly closed the door and threw chunks of wood Into tho stove moved about tho kitchen a slcn- in to thoughts Her father camo In to breakfast from bis ablutions a big strong ruddy looking man with crisp gray hair Bomo colder Anno my dear he said cheerily as ho eat down to ap petizing meal of corn bread and fried bacon with fragrant coffee Yes dad I suppose you will go Into forest today No I shall try to get to for more supplies I shall walk and I pack the things back by sled- I rather wanted to go over and see what has of young Wallace Havent she took her aland and Depository tern in of the Jackson Is Chairman of the drawing nearer by this year and lea rent muzzle of her revolver as wolf made his second leap Impact against door flash of and report of the weapon all sounded together and wcro From Era Aug outside softly scon him for i fortnight I the lad isnt III He might be and no one mw would know It Thats worst of claim its the last of the bunch and on of all crea tion Annes face Its lovely color and her hand trembled as alio poured her father a second cup of coffee If Jim Wollaco la ail and why is no ono to wait upon him and perhaps ho hasnt anything In tho house to eat said practically Thala worst of it Anno Well Ill make an early are my Yes as I was saying Ill make an early and try to get home by sundown If I dont Anne you neednt worry I shall atop at for the night When tho dusk fell Anne placed a lamp tbe window although ahe did not expect her father night storm was Increasing fury and now tho wind was around the house seeking through some unprotected cranny I wonder I wonder was the re frain of thoughts all through that lonely day I wonder If be Is all right Anno Bellew was not thinking of her father She knew that ho was housed at but thero was an other Jim Wallace who had only a year before taken up a claim on tho Married Toronto by Rev Galbraith on July A Pearson of Toronto to Miss Hannah Florence only daughter of Mr of Newmarket I I Royal Hotel bus now sports a A groan from the corner of tho dark room I ast while walking on Who thero somebody whispered railway track between the depot Did you get tho watcher Ned aml John Hopper of It isnt Ned McLean its I P Orchard was struck by a pas- Anne suddenly of the train and instantly killed proximity of her former lover While playing on a raft on Fergu- Well whoever you are wont you sons Lake King Tp one day last make a light and give mo a drink of week the eldest son Mr R water Ah Silence from corner nearly lost his life owing to trembling Angers found a the raft he was on falling to pieces lamp and lighted it When turned The wife of Bailiff of Sharon Its rays around the room she found died on Sunday years Jm Wallace stretched on a couch funeral on Tuesday was large one white and unconscious One foot was The Indian Band continues to draw clumsily bound in white cloths I big crowds on the Market Square Now Anno emptied her pockets of Mr Geo Hewitt a former sales- and brandy and sho forced man in The leading House now a few drops of tho latter between Ohio is spending a few Jims clinched teeth When that days in town young man opened hla black be Mr Bailey is packing up this stared amazedly at the vision week to move to Portage la Prairie Anno attired In her Man garments ministering to him Mr Oliver the efficient as an angel as ho had dreamed of her organist ol the Church I I during periods of delirium Anne ho whispered hoarsely is id SSAwTmm calamity howlers those down conditions as they had worked hard clearing bis place and had developed from a city bred man into a great browned pioneer She had seen Jim Wallace many before they met and after that Jims wooing had been very short and sweet as well for Anno loved him There wouldnt have been any to write if Anne and Jim had not quar reled one autumn day- and then three month had passed by without a word spoken between them I wonder I wonder Jim all right Anne went on thinking and at last her found relief In ac- la Anno she said In a low tone Tell me Jim what has happened He told her briefly Two days ho had fallen and broken an ankle Ho had dragged himself Into his cabin and suffered of hunger and thirst in addition to the agony of his Injured ankle He told of crawling outside and sitting with tho foot burled in the snow until almost frozen Ho had painful efforts to keep his flro going and to prepare food and drink Fever had set In night be fore and ho could not remember half of his suffering but ho did recollect a to make rich blood alcohol Sola Asa Yaw Ho Leaving the fa the window she ftad went out Into storm- bending her head to tho piercing blast Turning northward sho faced bitter blast and more than onco she was tempted to go back to tbo warm comfort of the bouse but a premoni tion of danger to Jim Wallace possess ed her and she fought sturdily ahead go panted Jim as no Mi tale He came tonight and I believe ho got In when tho rest of tho pack arrived If It bad not been for you Anne What happened Tbe watcher is dead said Anno quietly I shot Jim Just ho leaped at me Ahf There comes It was five to the Wallace claim facing wind every inch of Outside was a chorus of yelps way A man Would have suffered that subsided Into growls as the wolf keenly but some Inward exaltation pack found the carcass of watcher kept blood singing through Annes and fought over It veins and her feet stepped out brave ly and her fur gloved hands as warm her tender heart was going to Wallaces place to see if he wereallvo and well and last they had met had told him shs hated him and he well Jim bad quoted something about a woman with a serpents tongue which had been tbe final straw on camels back of her patience All at there came an ominous long drawn cry Wolves and half collated In her tracks might bo alck and plica oho but though her was gone alio kept on cry was growing louder and aha of a vrolf if it La aha thought apod on If it it means that Jim la In Indian BUI that aiwaya gee to apy and ha and fcowta draw Oh Anne fouud herself shuddering as finished binding the horribly swol len In soaking wet cold How cams you here Anne bo far from home and why were you crying demanded Jim suddenly up and catching hand Anno went down on her him and told him of her fathers anxie ty concerning bis neighbors safety and how she had forth alone to find out whether he needed help by lit tle Jim drew from her the story of her Are mile Journey through of her fear of lbs wolf pact and tier determination to reach tola cabin When Anna bad finished bet story ber was laid his and aha felt checks did It ma Anno What can do to amends for Just tatarrppt- Anna aa bar fail on his That la too Jim tot leaves today to complete his musical education with the Masters in Ger many Reeve Jackson is for Manitoba this week to visit his daughter Mrs Joel Black of Buffalo is visit ing at Renville this week MA Parisian Sage If your hair is getting thin losing its natural color or lias that malted lifeless and scraggy appearance the reason is evident and failure to keep the hair roots properly nourished Parisian applied daily for a week and occasionally is all that is needed It removes daiutrufT with one application almost immediately stops falling hair and itching head invigor ates the scalp and makes dull stringy hair soft abundant and radiant with life Equally good for men women or children ev eryone needs it A large bottle of IhU delight ful hair tunic can he had from J Pattersons or any drug counter for 50 cents You will surely like Parisian Sage There is no other Justasgood Try it now Geo farm at ville was the first point of attack se lected the army worm in township invaded a pasture Held but have not yet done damage The pest is also reported to be at Locust Hill Chicago lul Chicago contri buted four more lives today to the heat wave which killed four persons Tuesday aid six Wednesday heat Is spreading all over coun try of the Rockies and is es pecially severe in the cities Twelve babies were killed In Cleve land and persons died De troit Children Cry FLETCHERS ASTORIA AM Rev is the Methodist past or this year YEARS AGO 1 V ARCHIVES OF

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