Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1914, p. 6

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fe MOUNT Shields Olive I to If of our Con- School are as follows The names being arranged alpha betically Allan Nellie Do Lapp ftllnnlo Eldred Rsss Ralph Toole Vnndewaloiv I Jt ii I Miss Dorothy of is spending her vacation with her town Miss Laura Cook of Toronto lias returned after spending two weeks vacation with her parents in town Miss Delia Cook is spending few days with friends Toron to Mr and Mrs M Mninprfzo loft on Wednesday for a trip to the Coast and California Miss Minnie I nek has returned from the West and is spending her vacation at her homo in town K 1 I CONDUCT Complaint has neon made about a number of hoys and young men who gather the pond make a practise of using profane and very indecent language On sev eral occasions ladies who are in the habit of coming across from the own line have been compelled lo turn back The grounds around the pond are very beauti ful and this lias been a favorite walk for our young people and others and we are informed it is no longer a fitting place for ladies on account of the language used which is certainly not whispered If not discontinued an example will be made of some of these youths that will a warning to Others KILLED AT TUB CROSSING the assistance of Comity Constable the follow ing jury were empanelled at the scene of the accident last Tues day D Foreman Robert Lewis Alex Dunn John Eu gene llowen Marvin John Steeper Win Mitchell Gross John Hogg Stuart Traviss The inquest was adjourned until Tuesday iusl at p m and will probably held in the fac tory building if the owners con sent can be obtained The crossing where the acci dent occurred cannot be regard ed as anything but dangerous particularly to rigs coming from the west A short distance from the track the road curves and there is a thick growth of trees extending close loHho road on both sides The trees also ex tend south for a considerable distance on the west side of the track which renders it impossible for any engineer to see anything on the crossing in lime to even slacken speed Two more vic tims have been added lo the long death roll of the level cross ing FOR FLETCHERS I A killed at to day when CQnvbyaiico in which wore traveling was slruojf by the Can adian Northern- flyer terminals rig was to pieces and the leain of horses attached thereto killed v Jlhoiacildcnt happened on main leading from Sharon into Mount Albert about rods from the station and was wit nessed by many pooplo Win Robinson the R agent who was standing on platform with the orders for work the between arid the After road ought a lot Mr Gordon inaptoh Sunday V Another flito sermon last Sun day certainly- to turn out to hear Mr Dont forgoMhc next these holiday John- Taylor fee Tand calling arJund neighborhood TO la the for you lo out for the very best Corn Cultiva tors I have a great variety walk- lag and riding I know pretty arly what you need and have It for you in the John Deer International Har vester Co Do not forget that the Separator Is the King of all sure and see fat it you need any- MOUNT ALBERT J COOK MOUNT ALBERT General Blacksmith and Agent for Farm Implements Buggies Wilkinson Plows tad Wire Fence Prices Moderate Call before buying WANTED live Woodohucks Wanted at No transacted Apply at Allins Fox Ranch near Albert HARRY or Stories of are to the effect that the- young women wore apparently endeavoring to head the special off and the track before it entered the sta tion Miss Mary who was handling the roins was seen to whip tup horses and to track The track- at this point takes a sharp as it enters yards and owing to the presence of considerable brush and marsh willows view is partially obscured train was upon them bo- fore and crash ed Into the democrat with tremen dous force Frederick Thomas of Parry Sound the fireman who was looking out of the cab window says it was evident that the horses became frightened at noise of locomotive approach ing and slowed up for an instant at the crossing The delay was fatal and the engine struck the vehicle just in front of the dash- hoard The two girls were flung about feel and were picked up terribly mangled Death must have been instantaneous Owing to the curve at this point which hid a complete view of the crossing from the engine crew the train was upon the rig before liny effort to stop could he made bodies of the two women Were taken into the station wait- flngroom and Dr Cody called hut medical aid was of no avail Coroner Wesley of Newmarket was summoned and on arrival a short time later quickly empanel ed a jury inquest was ad journed after the remains had been viewed to sit again at Mount Albert on Tuesday next The dead women were making I heir regular trip to the Tuesday market here and had just deliver ed a load of chop at Dikes mills east of Sharon before cming to Mount Albert lo dispose of their remaining produce The Misses Starr werc well- known and highly respected Tliey were the daughters of late Charles Starr who died about two years ago Since then the two young women had practically without assistance run their fa thers farm at Their courage in keeping up the old homestead had been the subject of many comments and their tra gic death is greatly lamented The family is one of the most widely known and highly respect ed in North York They belonged lo the Society of Friends The accident has stirred the whole district deeply and yester day crowds of people from all di rections drove lo Mount Albert lo get firsthand information and view the fatal crossing The funeral will take place on Thursday afternoon at Pine Or- chnrd Church o- UUOHA -t- Quito a number from Iehdejl the funeral in of the Silver on Wed nesday afternoon Many of the older have very kindly of Mrs Silvers helpfulness and unselfishness in of sickness or trouble in Che days gone by Congratulations are duo all the high school pupils from who wrote on their Lower School exams this summer viz Misses Smith Doris phens and Master ltss McKenie all passing suc cessfully Mr A McKenzio is home for a week or two holidays Mrs and Miss Mc- Causland are visiting at Mrs The Ladies Aid of Hie Church will meet at Mrs Fred Cowiesons July 10th Dont forget ice cream ladies are keeping up reputation in serving good goods Mr and daugh ter who been making an londetl visit lo relatives and friends have left for their home in Berkeley Cal Misses Inez and Edith pard of are spending the week with their uncle Mr A Putnam Mr ex tensive improvements on his farm Mrs Matthias Doane leaves on Friday for an extended visit lo Hamilton and Niagara Falls On Monday evening next July the League will give a Lawn Social at the home of Mr Jacob Smith for the purposeof rallying the members ami those interest ed A short program will he giv en followed by games and lunch Program will begirt promptly at p Sunday at the homo of Mr J ORCHARD URACIL Send your order and have your fencing done properly and promptly Apply to SMITH NEWMARKET SMITH STRAY Came upon tho premises of Hie undersigned Lot Cgn about June Two horses Owner la requested to property pay expenses and them away Jw ARNOLD Zephyr Reeve and councillor were in on Friday hav ing a look at A Smiths work with his engine attached to the grader and themselves as being well with the innovation as to its effic iency and saving compared with the use of horses More and bettor work is done with the traction engine and at saving of about half in the cash outlay Misses Young and Duncan are eon- ducting evangelistic services in the Orange Hall here The church service of tho was held on Sunday afternoon when the pastor Rev Jef- preached an excellent Orange sermon on the character of Gideon I be service Sunday afternoon gave us an inkling of what wo miss by not being attendents of church eoo The members of the Presby terian Church held a very successful Strawberry Fes tival on Dominion Day About persons partook of tea which was furnished by the members of the Ladies Aid Society After lea an entertainment consisting of vocal and instrumental selections which were highly appreciated was held in the church The chair was occupied by Jo seph Davidson of North The Mr Merchant reports the function financially successful OWEN Baldwin AND PAPER HANGER hows Mrs Linstead was vis iting one day last week with her sop Mr J The road scraper has at The arrival of Mrs J Marrow and four children last Mon day makes at Mr Canes cottage this week Mrs Dr of Newmarket and Mrs of Toronto are spending a few days at Lloyil Lodge Atkinson Mrs E Man ning and Mrs Hewitt spent two or three days this week with Mrs Jackson Mrs of Is spending a few days with her sister Mrs Somebody was out for a boat ride last Sunday and put out a trolling line When opposite the farm a lunch was hooked and drawn in Mr Victor Vokcs of Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mr Fred Ross has tho material on the grounds to erect a wlrujmill near his new cottage that is going up About ladles attended a Veran dah Tea at on Tuesday afternoon Miss Jean and Miss Viola Richardson of are spending a week with Miss Irene Yokes Miss is a gradu ate of Whitby Ladies College and Miss Richardson is a gradu ate in music at the same institu tion and they are on their way home Mr Arthur Thomson took a trip to Cochrane over Sunday Mr B Sheppard has caught six lunge this season the largest weighing IDs There are now cottages on the Beach and most of them well filled There is nearly al ways a bakers dozen at Mr Hunts It is all over now The Post Office Inspector was here on Wednesday and arranged for the Post Office to be opened next day at Wilsons Restaurant A large steamer form Barrie is making regular trips now on Sundays BREEZES A goodly number of our long head ed farmers with a prophetic fore sight are quietly preparing lor a change that is sure to coin ere long I the decline In the price pork and a strong advance In cattle Is going to knock us on Pork advised a local to go In for the Improvement of stock by using sires That la good advice and ap plicable to all firstclass prlceo A local man got for a months old fat animal that Frank has a herd handsotr Jersey cows To complete the herd he his lately Im ported from Yankeetown a Jenny celt eventually to be leader fee herd Its a beauty gen tle as a Iamb but byandhy theyre a animal It is Franks Intention to keep both fcbd YoriuAteft Billy Taylor ltdi all our horse- ipsa la good for A young fa vloltlnij his chiirn Owen He takes amazingly ypung folk and young ward Aojio The charming aniee for sake doritsdy ad Mr Mount Air up in theirflhcneand spent Sunday with her Alas Im not a Id racy for your delectation Id take a snapshot of Our gay little barber as ho down the harbor With that fair aboard Ah a Ayo aye sir good view would be Abner as he flits by in carriage an angel beside him Not JuBt At present shes fust a pretty little Irish maid Ab does tho boys with dashing nearly heartbrok en Some forty or more years ago this section was startled the frolics of of the rising generation A young lady highflyer as they said had a beau so unfortunate to bo weak in the finances Another young chap became Infatuated with the damsel and tendered a large sum of greenbacks If lover would back out and give him a quit claim The bargain was hut shortly the highflyer new away leaving a man who gained wisdom by rough experience One of our boys in a small war recently reenacted the above act It is said ho purchased anothers right and title to a chojked lassie by the expenditure of two a huge Investment No names this time Crops hereabouts have picked up wonderfully The rains have done wonders Last week Ren under took to deliver- a fat heifer to a pur chaser In Sutton Ho found he had nearly bitten off more than he could chew In other words he un dertook more than he could perform animal turned wild from the word go and In its mad frenzy it rushed through Frank cedar hedge as if II were mosquito netting fury it rushed anywhere and- everywhere Then it took sulks and it wouldnt budge to please Then it said 11 will and It did go like Go Devils The last seen of it it was charging up Wormwood Hill like the famous charge of tho British up Al mas Heights and thundering on hollow into Little Hell and then on to Jim long shanks wore uncommon handy on that occasion 11 Johns Gordon Dolby and Miiind Miss Perry are at Dolby at present Miv8mith of Toronto over Sunday in the guest of Mr I I A i i Aged Woman KCiMMVinaiiM mm rtiss Winter of is the Of hero Mr nHturtfidge spent over the weekend Toronto Crocker -Qhil- drenaro Visiting Jrlorids here Messrs and Shop- paid bad their horses at Sunder land races on Saturday At the time of writing Mr McKay is low from a stroke Mr Headway of spent over Sunday in town Mi Schmidt add Miss Viva Taylor were married in Toronto on Monday July We wish them much joy We are pleased to see Mr Hen ry Park of Vachell out again his recent illness V THBBBooni03atlnioIneTeTy womans- llfoirhfin an Important critical period It la timolin heeds her fall health arid Vot yonr own you should anttoipaethii The latest lna lent science is contained In Dr Common Medical 31c Ac- rmiDrrlzrca I boa hoon for over forty for women is helpful in the 1 on of the circulation of the blood In latlnff action of the bowels low spirits and con- take their place r Sold in tablet or liquid form by Medicine Dealers or tend BO cents for sample box 1 Call at choice ties They keep the newest News Items- Mr Hen Johnston lost a couple of hogs Owing to the heat last Tuesday while loading Dr Noble is adding a verandah to his residence It is a double decker and is a big improvement Sanders of was up on Monday night and installed the Officers for the ensuing term- is V Burrows Taylor and A Dixon Treasurer IVI IV up A General Manager Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits At You Can Start a Savings Account with 100 It Is not necessary for you to wait until have a large sum of money in order to tart a Savings Account with this Bank An account can be opened with 00 and more on which Interest is compounded twice a year MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager I not in a thoroughly humorous frame of mind today My noddle feels funny hut Im not generally feel ing funny all over Ill adieu Private Picnic Two loads of pupils Of Miss A music class at drove to Jacksons Point on Tuesday and spent the day Daughters of theKrhpire The regular monthly meeting of the Daughters of the Empire was held in St James Hap on Tues day July There were- mem hers pre sent Miss Bailey gave a very inter esting report of the annual meet ing held in Toronto in May It was decided to hold a special meeting in St James Hall on Tuesday Aug to arrange about a Bazaar to he held some time during the month The meeting closed by prayer and singing the National Anthem PATS INTERPRETATION One the bosses at Baldwins I Works had to lay off an ar gumentative named Pat so he discussion by putting discharge writing The next day Pat was missing but a week later boss was passing through the shop and ho saw him again at his lathe Going up to the Irishman ho demanded fiercely Didnt y get my letter did said Pat Did you read it Sure read it Inside and read it on the outside Pat and on the inside said was fired and on outside said Return to Locomotive Works in five If some of notables of ancient times were living now how differently they would act Noah would charter an ocean lin er Nero would step into par lor and turn on the phonograph while Rome burned and the heathen raged The great Ren would pilot a sixty horse power racing car and spin around saucer tracks Jason hire the great detective to find the Golden Fleece instead of go ing after it himself Icarus would mount to the sun in a monoplane without fear of its wings melting off Napol eon would invade Russia a Pullman palace ear Demosthe nes would go on Chautauqua circuit Cain would plead cir cumstantial evidence selfde fense and emotional insanity In a suburban electorate the was being heckled and though an amiable man as a rule- he was provoked at the suggestion that the con duct of one man in the meeting was asinine If Im an ass roared the there are two of ua here Ha I ha Ive noticed you said the candidate quietly Ive heard you bray but dont see your friend Tim Lennox Picnic The Point was gaily decorat ed for tho picnic on Wednesday and everything passed off satis factorily The crowd is estimat ed between and 20000 The procession was a great at traction especially the band mu sic The crowd was divided between the speaking and the sports Aurora was victorious over Newmarket al baseball and at la crosse Ore of Maple and Jones of were flr3t and second respectively in the farmers race More youthful athletes competed in running and swimming races and en deavored to walk the greasy po Still younger and less interested look part in the baby show Thirtyfour proud mothers of York County exhibited thirtyfour wellfavored infants which were judged by Mrs Alexander of Au rora and Miss Marks of New York There were three chief prizes but by the time the judging was over it was found that all thirty- four were in the money Early in the afternoon two young men were apprehended by the county police and charged with collecting money under false pretence It appears that they made it known they were asking subscription for a farmers Jour nal and with every subscription Received they gave a fountain pen They had made many victims of their story throughout the day hut when they tried it on a wily old Irishman ho became very of the existence of tho Journal named and right away In formed the authorities with the result stated The Rand of the High landers attended last night and togethel with the other organis ations rendered musical con certs in different parte of the grounds The midway was quite an attraction and drew large crowds of people to try their luck at the many games of skill attd otherwise It was nearly midnight when the last car left Point for Newmarket Ml g AND AY Talks tot There are few people in the world who do not believe there is any heaven There few who dont lake the trouble to look into matters material or spiritual but the person who has enough horse sense to investigate will find that we sell them something the other fellows do not as they cannot carry the goods in a general store that we carry in an exclusive furnishing store Cull in and see what we have and compare our prices Better have a new hat for Lennox Picnic Lei us fit vou up n iiVm outfitters Jo I MarrIage SUTTON WEST Council Sharon July The regular meeting of Mu nicipal of the Township of East was held the above date at the Hall Sharon oil the members Communications read from J re dog asking to have them removed from Assessment loll The Council referred to the ByLaw which forbids the removal of any dog after Court of Revision That a gratil of Si be expended on Road Con Carried Thai the Clerk he instructed to notify the York Radial Co the ne cessity of a culvert at the Rail way Crossing ou the south side of Lot Con 3 Carried ProctorCole That Councillor be instructed to build a crossing opposite Miss Doans residence Lot Con 3 Carried The reeve introduced a ByLaw at the request or the ratepayers of School Section No East for the purpose of issuing debentures for the sum of three thousand six hundred dollars for the purpose of secur ing a site and erecting a new School Bouse ByLaw read a first time Moved by Proctor seconded by and resolved that the Iteeveissue his order on the Treasurer for payment as fol lows viz Seymour Andrews drawing gravel Sharon sidewalk Edmund Andrews ditto Fred Andrews work Div Con 1950 Fred Smith drawing gravel eon GO Express- Herald ad Court of Revision Canada Ingot Iron Culvert Co culverts 5040 O S putting in cul vert Lot Con 3 Curtis work Con 1150 Geo Tate rep road Fail barn work 3 Con Robt Harrison cedar feet 2375 Harrison work on east it Laurence team on plained 225 Harrison ditto Martin Rose Culvert Lot 29 Con 975 culvert A gravel Con 1580 J A Cole Com townline 1 Watts operating Grad- and moving same 5425 Edgar Scott gravel Con 5 Amos rep Grader- Gordon rep Culvert 1020 Rowland ballot boxes for Township Harry Manning work Fred Williams gravel Div Con Roy gravel Con Geo King wo tot Geo work Geo work Ed Joyce gravel Stuart days grading with engine Little making tile Harry Allen on ac culvert drawing grave for Tie Edgar Powell work Lot Con 7 Rye gravel on Rich w He a Warren work Con Hector McDonald work LAV gravel Peter Morrison gravel Mrs Cunningham gravel Wrighlman Gravel Jos Harrison gravel French gravel Kennedy Peter gravel Walter gravel Geo Cole gravel Geo Pegg gravel Hunt gravel Walker gravel D Moore gravel A Mackenzie due Treasurer Audit and that the Corporate Seal M hereto attached Carrie Council adjourned to Aug at a at Ihe Mu nicipal Hall Sharon Mackenzie 1020 1090 1880 195 180 oo ME I It Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly How to Remove Hewi Miss to try a remfcdy for freckle with guaranty of a reliable that will not cost you a removes fee freckles while If It give you a clear completion the la trifling Simply get an ounce of double strength from any and a few application should i you how it is to rid the homely and get a ful complexion Rarely Is more one ounce needed for the wont Be sure to ask the oiruIflt for double strength as Ihti Is prescription sold under guarantee back If it fails to remove freckled Beth Woodbury was a old His brother William dying drove into town to a none- inserted about his death in i weekly newspaper There aint no charge they he asked anxiously Oh yes indeed the editor Our price lings an muttered six foot TORONTO I I I I

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