Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1914, p. 2

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A mm ft 3 I it v Apply- at top lircH in At inquire at Bra Offic A between Newmarket and last Saturday will oblige by leaving It at the Era Office i it WAtinina All persons found in South street after this notice will be with out Armotrong- I I j I i IT lib NOTICE a taking wrong parcel from about J weeks ago wilt oblige by returning the sumo For Painting and Decorating Prospect St will bo re ceived up lo July of and 2nd floors to receive one coat Mureaco and Woodwork one coat of paint or any tender not accepted ROBERTSON J-C- be- dajr lor Ufafl AoW ft plctifc under ita auspices in KfttUeiy one i fooiWt tournament fe J xib and fld but ttift feonBtraWr meatiiigr commencing A addressee by Hugh GuUirie I King Walton Au rora The Aurora GUUeB has been gaged to furnish l muaic for- the oc casion KfMeby to bo a grand rallying place for both political and temperance gather- Inge and wo makerlo doubt should weather prove favorable tho dcm- tomorrow will be an old time The aro men whom the electorate or North York will be delighted to hear and a of gathering we are looking forward to the revival of the Riding Now that the King Lib eral has not It in rumored that other of North York may follow filmllar demonstrations This evi dence of awakening Intercut In the He- form party in an encouraging sign of times and augurs coming at next Dominion election Save MUNICIPALITY TP OF COUNTY OF YORK NOTICE hereby given that or delivered to the mentioned in Sections and of the Ontario Voters Act the copies required by said sections to bo so transmitted or delivered ol the Hat made to said Act all persons appearing by last ABiicsGinont Holt tho said Municipality to be entitled to voto la the said Municipality at Elections lor Members the Legislative and at Municipal Elections that said list was first pouted up at my in on the day and there or Electons are called upon to examine said list and any omissions or any other errors aro found therein to take Immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected accord ing to law Dated July CLARK Clerk Township of Whitchurch FOR BALE BY TENDER Tenders will bo received up to the August addressed to the undersigned loi purchase of Half lot acres of lot both in Con York County containing acres more or less The soil is black loam About cleared balance good pasture land and hush There is a good brick house and frame barn and the place Fences fair This farm is situate about miles from Newmarket and is an excellent farm for stock and pasturago purposes There are two streams running wa ter per cent of purchase money to be paid in cash upon ratification of acceptance tender and balance days thereafter Possession given for fall plowing after harvest this year and full possession given on 1st April The highest or any ten der not necessarily accepted For fur ther particulars and conditions of sale apply to Solicitor for Executor of Isaac Estate Newmarket Dated July 3w31 NEW Mrs Smith will open up anew Dressmaking Shop on July 13th at corner of Main and Onta rio Newmarket NOTICE shareholders in Grain Ele vator at Sutton a fourth Divi dend of five per cent has been de clared Call at my Office Sut ton ISAAC KENTON THE WHY Speaking of the recent Pro vincial Election the ExpressHer ald of waek says that in King Township where J M Walton was born bo was defeated and like marly other candidates bo runs better where be in least known Mr Lennox pretty well known in King Township where be has practised law and politics for the past years tho election returns and the friends of Mr Lennox may get what comfort they can out of them Lennox Vote Lennox Maj 1008 lull 1014 A falling voto and shrinking majorities are surely not a great tribute lo Mr Lennox after all bis advertising and holding brass band meetings in every village Eor the ExpressHerald lo try to shame Mr Walton on the above figures is rather a bard task Mr Lennox bad reduced majorities in out of divisions A great jubilation is made over the result in No King where for the time since Confederation a Tory majority was recorded and a Liberal majority of was turn ed lo a Conservative majority of In Mr Lennox got votes there and lie got just the same Ibis limo There were less Liberal voles polled tins time owing mostly removals The credit for showing in this di vision should njDt be given lo Mr Lennox but to his friend and henchman Win bar tender of the Hotel To ronto who worked Ibis division with his auto Mr held a liquor license at King City in his name while acting as bartend er the Hotel in To ronto and the illustrious Charlie Nurse and Mrs Nurse of number fame ran the hotel till the law and public opinion ended the game Later Mr figured in the police court in a- bad gambling scrap in which bis friend Mr Lennox gave him professional service at the trial The assist ance he gave Mr Lennox in this election was considerable No King was not his only sphere of influence connection with North Yorks polities has not been creditable to Mr Lennox nor the Conservative Parly and more of it may be beard later The Liberal vole in Aurora has only increased slightly It was in in and in The Government Candidate has the advantagethere of three with their following Four Toronto hotel- keepers also worked there and hen there are in Aurora more men holding Government jobs per population than any place in On tario and ibey did full duty The Liberals have no reason to leave A iefl tpJea meeting and board meeting of Urn Auxiliary Canada to be held In Vanco A nangcr iVolunteer named Tulliran neglected to go Into camp was sum bf Police Court He said he was not that his attendance was com pulsory Niagara and that ho family take care Magistrate imposed a fine of and costs Sullivan will know better The Orange parade last Saturday exceeded any former demonstration ever held this City OriYohgtf St crovffi on either side was a liv ing mass of people Tho speeches at the Exhibition Grounds were heartily appreciated Forest- aged living in Avenue Is in ad vance of bis years and has learned art of receiving and sending InesBagsi not from anyone but from Ho has also con structed wireless outfit Ho in fcls work Up To present the greatest distance ho has received messages from Is miles Ho messages dally from all over the country On July the cou ple from Cleveland came to this City obtained a marriage license at London on their way and tell ing a good story married I he man said ho was and the girl whereas bo was and the girl a few months older All went well till boys father ar rived from Cleveland and hust led i him back to his homo with his young bride At Cleveland they were separated tho boy to a reformatory while proceedings are being taken to annul marriage A young woman of Port Credit sued automobile owner for the price of a dress injured by splashing mud auto passing her was awarded The body of Com David of Salvation Army who perished in the Empress of Ireland disaster reached Toronto on Sunday At request of the Mr was arrested on a charge of assaulting a constable and was sent hack to to answer the charge The prediction that Toronto several autobus lines York trip S3a i Miss is spend- a with in MIbh Grace of 16 was visiting on rfr AubroDavls Is in Moot- real this wcfSkin the leather Mjsif of Toronto vlsileol with Miss MraiiaMrs bead are visiting friends at Hill week and Leila have returned after speed ing a rnonlh in is visit ing Mrs Coombs at their miner home Port Mi and Mrs AWisI inglbfi of Toronto Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Cornell Mr and Mrs Chafl Knight from the Slates wore guests of Mr and Mrs Hewitt a few days i Clearance of Clothing At lovvost you opportunity to buy a cult and a big supply iii various directions is about to lie fulfilled A new Company- with a capital of 250000 will operate a Suburban Bus line almost immediately from into business sections of the oily As the outcome of the vraious competitions throughout rural districts this summer it is said farmers sons booked for free courses at Ag Col lege at next term The work of demolishing old Cornell Block on the corner if Adelaide and Toronto to make room for the now eleven storey Life Building was commenced this week NO liquor licenses are granted for open bars on steamboats Ontario but the allow Ihern lo do business and gel the of licenses in fines Over 1100 have been in li quor lines of Torontos steam- bouts Three men who stole an auto and hied themselves off lo the States were caught near New York city and are being brought back to this city for trial Thrown from a motor truck af ter the driver bad lost control of it and the truck bad jumped the curb near the corner of wood and Avenues Mary aged was almost in stantly killed This makes nine motor fatalities this year The prediction that Toronto will have several aulobus lines in various directions is about to be fulfilled A now Company with a capital of will operate a Motor Bus line almost Immediately from into the business sec tions of the City Mrs James nee Miss McCaffrey and child- of Brant- ford arc visiting at her fathers Mr Andrew McCaffrey for five or six weeks Miss Muriel of To ronto is spending a couple of at fin home of her grand father Mr John Bolton Ave WANTED For Kast holding secondclass Nor mal Certificates Duties be gin Sept I Boarding near school phone rural mail anrj within one mile of York Hallway sta tion Salary from lo application to Treas Haven shoe PO LOST Between Vivian and on the Inst small Brown Hand Grip or Bag containing Gentle mans Toilet Articles Suitable reward will be paid for the re turn of the sumo to Aiinetle Hi Toronto or to Vivian Post Office OLD Vbr Bale at this Office ft Wi ll be discouraged by the result of voting on June Another tiling Conservatives have been parading the secret ballot as an advance on Liberal Administration but the returning officer in one of Hie Newmarket Divisions placed the No of the Poll Book on Ibe back of every ballot thereby removing every vestige of secrecy and annulling vote on a recount o July Mr and Mrs Harry Lindsay and their twelve-year- old daughter Neva had a close call from being electrocuted at oclock when the little girl grasped a live wire which had been thrown across the front lawn of their home as result ol last nights storm The girl was terribly burned about the hands and arms and her parents were thrown to the ground went to Iter rescue The wire was finally sevaed by Thomas Burgess with an axe or Send the Era to It looks with considerable certainty that Premier of Manitoba has got notice to step down and out Campbell wife and two boys from Ohio are spending a week bis sister Mrs Al derman Will Davey and family of Bradford also Mrs and daughter of Bradford spent Sun day at Mr J Mrs C Lafraugb of has been spending a few days in town the guest of Mrs Albert Hose Timothy St Mihs Helen Wilson and Queen St are spending the week visiting relatives and friends in town Mrs Or Boyd and chil dren have gone lo Carthage Ont for a month The- Dr is here attending to business all the same Mr and Mrs Levi Rogers of Plumas Man are visiting at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs Obadiah lingers of Huron St Mr and Mrs have gone on a visit to the West for a couple of months sailing from Sarnia for Port Arthur on Wednesday last Mrs J L Marrow and family from are spend ing a month with her mother Mrs If Simpson Main St and sister Mrs Keith Victoria Ave Mr J Power Director of Manual Training and Principal of the industrial Classes in Collegiate is spending a couple Of weeks with friends in tbissec- Mr and Mrs Amos Rogers of Little Britain and Mr and Mrs W Rogers of Toronto visit ed over Sunday at the borne of Mr and Mrs Rogers of Huron Street Rev Thomas the Presbytery at on Tues day and succeeded in obtaining consent for Rev W Atkinson to be removed lo the and Mount Pleasant In last weeks published list of Mrs J suc cessful pupils at the University exams in Music the name of Miss Gladys was from lioso passing in Junior Pi ano or Third Year Grade At the meeting of the Cana dian Press Association in Toron to last week Mr E Jackson of the Newmarket Era was made an Honorary Member of the Associ ation being the second oldest out of a membership of over from Halifax lo Vancouver Tottenham Sentinel The new pastor of the Methodist Church Rev A Belfry preach ed his initial sermon on Sunday delighted the congregation We welcome Belfry and My to Tottenham Mrs is a daughter of Mr Jackson of Newmarket Mr G Gamble of the Staff of the Bank of Montreal al Montreal has been promoted to accountant at Tort William and is now on duty Mrs Gamble and daughter stopped off on Ibe way there at Newmarket for a cou ple of weeks visit with her moth er Mrs J Wilson and will al so visit at before going West A Quito 760 Lines July Clearance Lines July Clearance Lines July rlEN8 at Clearance Prices A chance to pick up an extra pair or two of handsome well cut trousers at a groat caving 37B Trousers pair 276 300 pair 198 pair 139 pair At Queensvillc on July 1914 to Mr and Mrs a son Newmarket on July to Mr and Mrs Harden a son The Altar SMITH DALY In Toronto on the of July by Canon Dixon youngest daughter of Mrs H Daly to Fred Smith Met of fice Newmarket CARLISLE 38th of June at Methodist Par sonage by Rev Dr Smith Mr Root Carlisle of to Miss Lueinda V Billiard of King you want something hot to drink try some of our celebrated Or if you would like something Cool try some of our When Sir Robert Borden Premier of Canada occupied a seat in the Commons on the lcft of Mr Speaker he solemnly promised to make civil service reform a feature of his policy he were ever the leader of a Con servative Government He had a seat on right of Mr Speaker at the of the Government for three years but the civil service reform policy is still est A press despatch from Ottawa states that the proration votes states that the preparation of voters lists in unorganized territory in Ontario dispenced with for a year This would seem to indicate that the Government has de cided not to appeal to the country this year We are also told that the calling together of a Hoard of Judges in Manitoba to polling divisions for the purpose of an elec tion has likewise been postponed till The Cradle Marie Out on July to Mr and Mrs Fred Lloyd formerly Newmarket a son THE READING- Bouse Yuu can buy your tep For Cash UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John H Millard Phones 17 21 The Tomb At Jflal6j on July Otto son of John Kellington Newmarket in his year Funeral from the residence of his father Park Ave on Friday at pm to Churchill Cemetery TATE In East on of July John Tate In his year Funeral from the residence of his son Mr Tate Union St last Friday to Holland Landing burying ground At on Mon day July Josephine beloved wife Thomas Funeral Wednesday to Cemetery STARR At Mount Albert en Tues day July Mary Agnes Starr daughterot the late Starr of Whitchurch in her year STARR At Mount Albert on Tues day July 1914 Anna Lou isa Starr daughter oi the late Starr in her 34th year SILVER In Toronto on July Margaret Silver widow ot James Silver year THORN Suddenly on Friday even ing July at St Toronto in his year Benjamin John Thorne for merly of Holland Landing Interment took place at St lames Cemetery Toronto on July Mrs J died July The are Henry Thome Montreal Alfred Thorne of To ronto and of Hosmer R Iran Juice iliced to suit you Fruits day 3U PURITY I AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO T I Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Plna MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT- Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolates Weekly- G TELEGRAPH OFFICE Store No Phone No 161 c ROflDHOOSH Undertaking Main W All Receive Careful and Prompt Attention WAY lha you Bluff will fce J jjVAi ttti lilL I The Tyin Sf place i irons and I to be I iwfcftrri a

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