Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1914, p. 1

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A UMBRELLA you Suit Case- or Bflgi jgiwfeLiWifVf-pnG- JEWELLERY SPECIAL w J S Cdpies 3 eaoh I the Presbytery by John Mr of Church that ho will shortly public will bo pleased It a to contract for new Union Station bos boon awarded About middle of last week It a Job For Him ftloocr obert while mate- measurements was tunnel Slight injury to onoperbon extent and general shock ot nature to nil iho passengers were not of tt which out a crowded motor launch at Sunnyside late one night last week On Wednesday of last week about immigrant left the Union Sta tion for the NorthWest The Salvation Army camp for poor children at on the Lake shore Seventh- one little onto were taken to the Those Goods Have Proven- Themselves to bo Finest in their Respective Lines DETROIT VAPOR OIL QUICK MEAL and PERFECTION OIL GRAVITY washing machines PAINT for walls and ceilings High Standard Paint for Buildings inside or outside for all and varnished surfaces The Quality remains long after Price is forgotten A HARDWARE PHONE NEWMARKET By CLARISSA No hick reported Henry rotifer he lii home another for a position wim putting supper on the table She tall thin sallow woman who faced the world with an ezpres- falon of perpetual nieiaiieholy I dont know we will do Hie groaned Hitting down mid pouring out cup of strong tea for There i 16ft In the hank mid that Is gone where will here as respondiKl Henry rotifer cheerfully he helped hla wife to a of corned beef hash Thrtt wilt keep the wolf South End Lumber Yard h camp for a two weeks visit a Tew days ago In obedience to instructions from the General Assembly arrangement were made to release Alex Mo- of in order that ho may take up the work of Secretary If your the Hymnal- Committee this con- f at the helm my deur ho he will visit the congregations his metaphors while and throughout the hot and hush Church with the object of promoting excellent appetite but hup- Iho Church Praise he will enter will not be to lust that upon his now duties early in 0 flHre l her tomorrow I Youve felt tlmt way ever since tire as BC not and ply because you cant attend to your elected to bo by jury and let other peoples I he Canada Act goes fairs alone Into operation In County on the Miranda he wild please 1st ot August A rumor has understand that when l go out to look circuiting that the prohibition for a Job tomorrow morning shall not iron selling liquor docs return until I get one No maam not not apply to Clubs which If gone GOO years Henry THE STANDARD ANTHRACITE P W Carters Alfred Bishop Harvey Ontario J Murphy We invite you inspect our Seeds We have a full line of ttED LUCERNE CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED These seeds are selected from the purest seeds from clean OUR PRICKS ARM ViCRY LOW Also Mangle and Turnip Seed We are now booking- orders for Coal for May delivery at sum mer prices If you want the coal the market let us fill your orders W EVES Order by Phone 22 or Carters Ben Manning Church Nelson Miller or Boyd INCORPORATED Paidup Capital Reserved Funds ft The Convenience of Savings Account la at any is added to Safe and tart likely to bo t needlessly You may 117 la Ontario and the West BRANCH P A M LISTER Manager J I WHAT 18 m at Right Prices LATH feillHOLKS SASH BOOKS 4a KUfl Drto4 Sgfc WyiWa aM Wi AT ALL IS Best iLurnber IT TO advantaok LABOR THUS THE IN THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO Youll Find Twill Pay to the j J are three from Toronto The li cence Department has signified that the reduction applies to Coif Clubs as well as other places Mr George A Davis was married- last week to Miss Ethel Rev Maxwell tied the knot Mr Davis is a happy man he now has feast all the Percy Langs ton was sentenced in the Criminal Court to eight in Ontario Reformatory and it serves him right The accused has compelling his wife to lead life of shame Officers of the Provincial Ioard of Health charged with the duty of in specting the sanitary arrangements at Summer resorts in Northern Ontario and on the Island Lakes will see that the Jaw in strictly enforced this sum mer A young girl by the name of Mar garet Hayes was arrested last an charges of shoplifting at stores On a charge of bigamy Mary aged years was arraigned in the Police Court last week It appears I she married Wiley in Kincardine three years ago and as he afterwards would have none of her she came to Toronto and boarded with a family called Silk She afterwards son As it was a clear case of bigamy the magistrate sent to the Mercer for six months A team o horses bitched to a streeti watering cart got Tightened last week and ran away At the cor ner of- Hastings avenue one fell and broke its leg the driver was lung from his to the road way resulting in breaking two ribs Mr J Minister of Agricultural for the Bermuda Gov ernment arrived in Toronto last week to confer with the manager of the National Exhibition The beau tiful Island of Bermuda with its tro pical fish and vegetables is going to show the products of this little is land for the first time this year in Toronto Over applications for Ontario farm hands are still unfilled Toronto has a whole grist of men who would rather have a political job than an honest living Maybe this accounts for a number of people are now residing here living from hand to mouth- advertising was right eously denounced at the recent meet ing of the Canadian press Associa tion Mr has been appoint ed General Secretary the Reform Association in succession to Mr P In wood The Kingston Old Roys now resid ing in Toronto will run their an nual excursion to thcLimestone City on the instant Kingston is pre paring to make the occasion one of more than usual interest Miss Mable Huron Street swallowed two tablets of bichloride of mercury for headache and died seven days after Deceased was to returned to her old home in next day after her death Murray was given a suit case to watch while Cameron of went do some shopping- the latter re turned Murray had decamped Police arrested him Great preparations are being made for celebration of Labor Day Sept parade will anything heretofore jatUmptdd by labor organizations Yes you can Henry me and you can ben peek me went on the angry women get to gether and Why leave home I dont know hut I can ell you why half the men leave home Its because theyre imaged there Whereupon Mr loft his imp per unfinished indsluitped no his lint old meddler TO sioir it HOIKED and slammed the front door and went downtown and a moving pic ture show Mrs washed the dishes dripped tears Into the dlshpan and then sat down and wrote a long com plaining letter to her married daughter by her flret husband The next morning when Mr awoke It was with a vague sense of some impending calamity Presently he recollected bis rash threat of the night before He Jumped out of bed and dressed carefully So when Henry appeared well brushed and from his morning toilet lie carried suit ease an umbrella Mrs who bad been making waffled for breakfast as a sort of peace offering to her husband poked her head Into the dining rooingaw the suit ease and fell to weeping noisily I never thought Id be by my husband she moaned Now Augustus Inkle my first husband was devoted to me put up his band with a new commanding gesture fie was enjoying the scene lie felt tike an on the He believed tie have made an excellent actor Miranda lie said kindly your husband did desert you when he died I not ready to die yet but Cm not back until I get some kind of a Job If I rind one home tonight If I dont come theres money enough to keep you until I do return I of going on the tinge lie ended with a dramatic ges ture An actor gasped Mm Pot- Well you neednt come back at nil be it Miranda Mr Potlffc- I will take will breakfast at a dairy lunch down- town fateweU lifted wonderfully He felt us If he were on the eve of advouture bis bag umbrcjla the of a hotel Henry ate bid breakfast then forth to look for a Job He had scanned the morning paper while there were eyera places where he might apply for a as bookkeeper At oclock that afternoon Mr acknowledged to himself that It to look further that day had been too Into or too old or too something for every Job that he ap plied for that day and late found him wondering whether ho bravo Mrs Potlfers ridicule and go home In spite of his threats of the morning or whether he should really remain downtown and stay at tbo hotel until another day promised better luck He decided totnke a trolley ride and while he cooled off from the beat of days exertions he could decide what to do trolley car whirled him Into green country through pretty vil lages At the end of the Hue he got off and went for walk along a babbling brook that reminded him of his boy hood days on farm a I on banks of brook Mr Potifer found waiting for him and a steady Job lurking In background although he didnt know that until afterward A pretty girl In a pink was struggling with tall dark vll- looking man who held her slender hands In his big ones Unhand me villain shrieked girl Just as Mr Potifer came running upon scene his heavy gold headed cane poised for action Never cried the man angrily as ho dragged her toward the path that led across nn open field beyond which ap peared red roof of a farmhouse What are you doing here old he roared at Henry Get out of tho way spoiling this Intend to spoil It roared Henry Potifer valluntly Let lady go you rascal lady laughed hysterically tho villain swore lustily as Mr Potlfers cane circled around mans head and finally fell on Ida shoulders man grasped the girls hand and shouted Beat It and leave- the Well get the Back for this Whereupon tho couple flow along tho path Into the field across the field with Mr Henry Potifer hot pursuit his flying his fat faco dripping with perspiration and mouth wide open like a gasping fishs And there fell Into the pursuit from behind trees and ancient barn sev eral policemen who waved their and fired revolvers Into the air Mr stopped at the first pistol shot Just as a bee wlnglug homeward grazed his head Mr Potifer thought that ho had stopped a bullet with cranium and ho fell to earth and groaned Immediately there was a circle of oddly dressed people around him most of them laughing some of them scold ing but all of them most concerned In the appearance of a dapper little man who almost danced up and down as ho surveyed the recumbent form of Henry professional meddler Id like to kill him roared tbo lit tle man his fist before Mr startled eyes Mao youve spoiled fifty feet of film Film echoed Mr PoUfer blankly mimicked the little and then he proceeded to explain to Mr that he had Interfered In thy making of a moving picture film- that It would cc3t hundreds of dollaio to good the damage he had done that afternoon ISt listened and stared and looked aghast and with each change of expression the actresses giggled and the men smiled until the manager of the company amtled too The star whispered for awhile In managers ear and the manager slapped bis and cried I believe youre right Barton Ill talk to tbo old duffer Bo be smiled upon perturbed Mr Potifer and took aside and made him a proposition Tbo proposition almost took Henry rotifers breath away He to enact the part of the fat uncle In the ploy Just be himself a professional meddler and It would all And there was a Job of keep- big the books of the stock company Mr Potifer could have on the side If he wanted it The manager sure that there were other plays where Mr could Juat himself and get away with the part So Mr accepted the position with becoming gravity made an ap pointment to come the next morning and repeat his involuntary entrance Into the scene by the and go cavorting over the turf after the lady and the villain while police brought up the rear arrived at home at 10 oclock that evening hardly knew He wore trousers and coat of a large check pattern a derby hat and white apata But the so glad to that the throw her arms around hla neck and hugged him tenderly No matte bout Job Henry aba assured Mm when he would have spoken Im to sea you What If tell yen that have a pa an asked If a In striking a dramatic I car what ft at warmly THE 12th Never in Iho of the town has audi a through its street as that which on last celebrat ed the anniversary the battle of the The was the largest ever held in North York and it took one hour to puns a given point the first part had encircled the the toil was leaving the park where tho formed Ten districts rfent fifty- lodges and twenty Band representing a total strength of over Among Hie lydgos in line were ladies lodge Thorn ton Aon Lake View Churchill Port Credit farmers No Grouse Hill Weston I amnion Star John Century Golden Star Sandy Now Volunteers Victoria Coronation North View Newmarket United Empire and Mount Albert YEARS AGO From Era July Married- On Inst by Barker at the Eagle Hotel Newmarket Mr John Allan to Miss Jennie Wed- In Kast the vS ultimo Elizabeth the beloved wife of Jason Jerome aged Jerome aged A Sabbath School TeaParty is an nounced the Two particularly line contin gent were the McCormick and lodges headed by an elaborately decorated automo bile which won the admiration of great concourse of people who lined the entire route When the Newmarket Ladies Lodge some strong entered the grounds they were cheered heartily by all the Orangemen on the grounds Toppers and frock coats were much in evidence though they must have contributed to the discomfort of the wear ers for the sun shone fiercely and many of the marchers who start ed out with the intention of braving the heat to the end were forced to relinquish their task and rest by the way whilst the majority returned to the grounds weary footsore and sweltering especially those carrying banners or other accoutrements A large number of while horses with their gay bedecked riders gave a touch of color to a parade that passed off without hitch Con fin gent won the prize for the best dressed whilst West Toronto bad the largest turnout numbering The Regimental Hand won the prize for the best organ ization on the grounds and the Hand were winners of the lift and drum class Worshipful Master Proctor of Aurora Lodge presided over the speaking in the drill hall J County Grand Master of West York Dr Godfrey MI A Jesse IS Wright T Lennox MLACapt Wallace Rev- P Campbell it White J Thnipson and were the speakers The ladies of the Melhodist Church served dinner to over Orangemen and the cash re ceipts of the day were over The field sports were won as follows Baseball Tie Aurora West Toronto Hoys race Plant Bing ham Gray Girls I Toy Mason Preston Boys and under I Bing ham Armstrong Gray Girls race IG and under Fritz Mason Orangemens wives race- 1 Mrs Ellis Mrs Ban Fat Mens race 2 Kidd Harvey Orangemens race 1 Tindell Campbell Lennox race I Hosier Harrison Arnold Hoys boot race I 3 Harvey Open race Trent ooo place today under auspices of the In grove on the farm of Mr A Norman Second Street A cargo of bushels of Fall Wheat forwarded by Mr J Mars- den of this place was sold in New York market at per bushel the highest price known for many and speaks well for the quality of wheat grown in this section of coun try The trial of Combined Reapers and Mowers under the auspices of North York As Society is announced to take place on the farms of John cron- and John 2nd Whit church on the A Union picnic is announced to take place in Mr Rogers grove North of Newmarket tomorrow The Congregational and Union will all take part village tax this year totals for general purposes The Orangemen of this part of the country celebrated tho of July by a procession and dinner at Aurora A public meeting was held The other day at Hotel to bring about a finan cial settlement of Council the men of last o rji if m J YEARS AGO Era Kyle July P Use Parisian Sana- It Makes Hair Fluffy and Abundant It Is needless for you to have hair that is anything short of perfect If It falling out losing color split ting or It toe scalp and itches Immediately from J Patter son or any drug counter a bot tle of Parisian Sage use it frequent ly the first application- removes dan druff invigorates the and beau tifies the hair until it is gloriously radiant Parisian Sage supplies hair needs- Is perfectly harmless It contain exact elements required to make the hair soft wavy glossy and to make It grow thick and beautiful You will Burely like Parisian Sage It Is one of the beat and most de lightful hair tonics known The Commission holds the Store tad to blame for the Em press of Ireland disaster on the of May The catastrophe it says was duo to change of course ordered by the third officer without instruc tions from the flrat who was in charge The plate glass for Starrs new front safely arrived from Toronto on Thursday and placed in position McVIeers shoe store has been graced by a new awning this week The lacrosse are working up an excursion to on the civic holiday The Town bylaw for funds to ex tend the waterworks system was tarried by majority returning from the Lake on Thursday evening of last week Mr Eli little boy had a narrow- escape from fatal injury by being thrown from an overturned rig During the last week Mr residence was struck by lightning out in Whitchurch It demolished the chimney but did not set the residence on lire The Ladies Aid of St Church hold a Garden Party next Wednesday evening The Town Line West Commissioners have reported favorably of the pro ject a the road will be constructed across the marsh this year Last Sunday afternoon a number of boys chased chipmonks through Mr Lewiss bush on the West side of the Town He had decided to put a stop to the disturbance by asking con stables to be around More cattle have been poisoned Town Line West Mr Edwin Hunter St Mon day last found that the head had be come victims of the poisonous fiend North York Pertection Society has offered a reward for the conviction of the guilty Mr Wootten of has com pleted the purchase of Mr South End Livery The Christian Church Garden Party last Friday night was a complete suc cess A little over was realized Mr has made con siderable improvements to his resid ential property on Prospect Street Mrs Cook of Toledo is in Town on a visit Carmichael of King was visiting with Mr Joseph this week Mr D and wife were left at Sutton while on the excursion last Wednesday Misses and Eva of Toronto are spending holidays with Mr and family Mr Joseph went to the City last Monday to spend his birthday Mr T J- Robertson and family left Monday to spend a month on the shores of the Georgian Hay Mr Montgomery Teller Ontario Hank of Lindsay has been spending a week in Town Mr 1 E Hughes left on Monday for a visit to the Old Mr is srending a few days with her sister Mrs Mr Alex Simpson has decided to locate at Portage la Prairie mop An appropriation of for dec orating the officers of the county sheriff cit sheriff Admiralty Court Medical Health Department and Ex hibition was struck out of Pro perty Committees report this morn ing If these officials want their decoratel let pay for it like other people in Hair You will I J I

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