Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Jul 1914, p. 7

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fiTiCciii I i Pro Yellow specie aro for bibber prices- CLOVER At Specially Reduced Prices for No and No quality TIMOTHY A Snap tor the balance the Block No ALFALFA or At Reduced I DUTCH lbs to go at ft only at price W I Mr sold Ills a Milton lohWaynn I the mm Estate Agency WML If About uniform left Newmarket oh the It Tuesday morning Niagara in charge of Merritl and they were all expecting a lino holiday if lot til rler of staple A Kino China China Hall Grocery T Tim rtogular Monthly Meeting will he held in the homo of Wilson on Queen on the of July com mending at p A largo at tendance as busi ness of importance is to be next Make a- note of July heavy on Day day pdbi plcnld Bond at down vbaUwc week for stock taking the Monday night there was no elec tric a large- pulley at the light station- but for lunately particular dam- age wan done- It i aeam of the pulley about Of each yide tyvo but tearing the places The again in T goto Watid fnce4a4uteMe Girls under fiilWVm Dorta Brent Boot putting Cook i for McMlan COOLING onDEn WEATHER The Plating Fac tory on the Market in pleading its immensely anil the work already ia bringing other curttomora All IkindH of table knives forks and apbona look just like new at a small Call around and see of the work done and bot tles Orangoado berry and Grape 2Go Tho all Wow Goods of the Very Boat Quality Try them and convinced of their Wo have a stock to none of all Fresh Goods loo of tho followlnu and Huntley Palmers a mmnm Tim The fiununer Meeting of the Of the Wo mens Institute which was held in Friends Sunday proved to ho a very mi Miss Hose I Way to Broadview Jorohto Jtfcns jawHArUiur of Mr Kennedy Another of the old of passed away on Mon day in the person of Mr Michael Kennedy Of Deceased was a by trad ability especially requiring measurements or angles and built two or three entirely alone has been ail ing since Christmas He leaves a widow two daughters and one son One daughter is a teacher at the Separate School and the other has been bookkeeper at Drug for years- heyday morning to St Johns Church and Cemetery i the speaker for The Misses Ml ecu Hewitt and Lei fa Manning favored the ladies with a very duet which ice ereain Phono Quick COltttfOR OF Main Timothy Streets- line was the occasion I I and eake were served Particulars next week for July meeting Now is the to fees Nov members always welcome i Mr is erecting a new house on Timothy St West Mr Tate butcher planted a flag pole on his lawn on Tuesday The new wells were connected the reservoir last Satur day of wafer now Time the corporation scythe was on the move hack streets Some of the rooms in George School held ex 1ivjsis last Friday afternoon A big crowd of Newmarket people spent Dominion Day in Aurora Christian Endeavor There wafi a splendid attend ance at the Inst meeting of the society before the two summer months in spite of the handicap for lights a fine meeting resulted Miss Morion Look charge of a some what patriotic evening while Mr gave an excellent talk on the subject Civic He form that should pro mote A solo was rendered by Miss and readings Mr Is getting were given by Misses Flossie along his new house and Traviss Sparrow The members and friends were oo tots of nice these days AVe certainly needed them Quito a hot time in the old town last Monday night Every one scorned quite excited Poller spent Sunday with bis lady Mr and have returned home after spending a couple of weeks with their daugh ter Mrs of Mrs and Miss Vera spent three or four days in two city this week Miss- Tato and Miss of Pickering College spent Sunday in Bogarttown Sorry to say I am afraid that the boys have beaten the girls in contest So hurry girls and give us a Garden Parly Next Sunday is Childrens Day and we expect Dr- Wilkinson of to be present wilius in our Sunday School Glad to see Mr John William- sou back again We miss them very much and are we go ing to do if he IcaVca us next Oc tober for good Sorry to hoar that Miss instead is going 16 leave us for a few we wish her a good lime I How many of uo appreciate many blessings that have thrust upon In this wonderful country of ours Wo have boon so blaaod with good crops and Industrial activity that many of overlook tho other reasons for thanksgiving Would you like to go back to the days when you could only buy heavy poorly made footwear Fine shoes as we know them were unknown then on Christian I near Vin- I Toronto upset and was drowned According to the meagre information Next Sunday morning the received bote there Were no at he will bo of the accident and the first ted anil a will he held intimation of it was the overturned at Oroya Lake just this side of Keswick sta tion A special ear will leave the Newmarket Station at a m picking up passengers North King j Newmarket Lane and Sharon arriving at the lake in to service thereat Notice to Students The management of Shaws Schools Toronto begs to all Senior Public School and all High School stu dents that It Is prepared to mail a copy of Its car- to any who desires to qualify In a short porlod of or months for a good sala ried position Address Shaws Schools Toronto Out Head Office NEWMARKET ELECTRIC PLATING CO established a modern Polishing and Plating Plant fte are prepared to do all kinds of Polishing and Plating Gold Silver Copper Brass or zinc Tea Sits Cruets all kinds of stove parts Jewellery a Muds of Metal Goods finished new Prices on application west side of Iowa Hall J WALSH Very Unfortunate Mrs little girl seems to he sin gularly unfortunate Last winter she fell and broke her nose One day last week she was getting over a rail fence at their summer collage at the Lake when the rail turned and she fell break ing her arm She is eight years of age and expected to write on the exams her teacher being confident I hat she would obtain honors but that threw her out suffered quite a lot loo be cause it was five hours after the accident before they could gel a doctor to set it To cap the she was crossing the street in front of the residence on Prospect Ave Tuesday when a man came along on a bi cycle so quietly that she did not sie him and she was knocked down and it is feared that her broken arm was injured again Moating in tho water old fell from the third storey of a new build- on St on Sunday and was probably fatally injured A twentyeight foot launch was found by Mr A Miles front ot Now with Improved facilities and greater experience footwear hao almost reached the stage of perfection- Ho more conclusive proof of can bo found than In Shoes t thankful that wo are able to offer you a largo range to choose from- Youll bo thankful for foot comfort when we have sold you a pair of I I DM summer home at It There is to he a preach- must have drifted from across the service baptisms fellowship lake at the time wind storm meeting and Communion was nothing wrong with it ex- Keswick church will join its andj a small hole which was above it will be a great meeting in this beautiful grove by the waters annual outing of The return fare from was w held Friday to edge Proprietor Wet Day Monday was in Will he only 3r ca ton where the railway men off the city had a grand time A special Jamas W The Men Main West in awful day for election constant rain near following heavy show ers on Sunday The result was very muddy roads and disagree- with a great array of bunting and flags bearing such terms as Wei- more than one ear is needed we will have two and in order that the committee may know how many to provide for everybody is requested to purchase their tick ets early It has been suggested and very appropriately that each one lake along a basket lunch Tickets may be secured from the following Messrs I Rose Kelley Fred and- J Stephens Let all who can go do so Any who desire the rite of baptism are re quested to see the pastor It will be a great meeting The Sunday eveningservice will be held in the church as usual AURORA On Dominion the Aurora Old took possession of their home town and inaugurated and gala celebration in the history of York an early hour the visitors and natives poured in from all parts ot Dominion by railway lines radial musical program was provided by brass and pipe bands while a regular program of sporting events was also held There were interruptions in Hy dro power during June King Council The Market Bargain House Bargain Sale OF Mens Womens and Chil drens Wear A Special Sale of Boots and Shoes Ladles Dresses and Mens and Youths Suits These goods must be sold once OH ing this almost the whole avail- aide vote was got out The au- wore covered with mud and two or three of them are said to have skidded Into the ditch on country roads where assistance was necessary to put on the road again Before six oclock sufficient returns were in to know that Lennox was elected but those who were betting on majority got badly left Between seven and eight the sidewalks were lined with people and Alderman Smith obtained the of the Hall so that tin I people eould get out of the damp- fair grounds It was headed by the and he also announced the Aurora Hand followed by Newmarket doors south of King George Hotel Phone Three i returns as they came in For a while the racket was enough to people At oclock a free car left for Aurora where enthusiasm broke biose The band played and a torchlight procession was form ed which escorted Mr fennox to Newmarket subsided sufficiently he ad dressed he assembly on the Mar ket Square and the torchlight procession marched in triumph through the streets the above Council met at tonfi Hotel on Tune alj present Minutes o la t ajJI read and approved Several communications re and read The following mis were presented and ordered pay 37- Black yd ftravel Chalmer bridge and culvert steam coal Hugh Archibald grave grant yds gravel Geo Forres ter steam coal Joseph grant cutting hill yds gravel and road work Harry Parr reps to culvert Curtis slush scrapers Harvey work on 560 Rankin ggldlng grader D operating grad er Harvey Snider freight on reps 55c Rose blacksmiths bill J Maw steam coal got by John A Ireland reps to Bridge j gravel grant Samuel grading hill 75 road work Ifanley work on deviation road Hunt yds gravel and work Edward Elmer 72 yds gravel and gravel grant Patrick all nations whipped in by I Joel Ed wards work on Sohomberg bridge Elgin Evans engine on grader RJ Deacon London Concrete Machinery Co cores for moulds J Mount operating grader Jb grader Robert White yds gravel work Bridge Co drags etc J J Coulter gravel grant Courtney steam coal John gravel grant Miles plank J Sons grinding grader blade gravel grant Cana da fron Culvert Co cul vert 84600 Alex Hurst reps That Wesley Dove and Harry Hoover be ap pointed road overseers in lieu of Smith and Cain resigned That a grant of be given to gravel Line Lots 25 Hugh Mc Lean Commissioner That the Ten- dor of McDougald Tool lump sum being for building bridge over Cold Creek Lots 5 Con be accepted and the Reeve be authorized to sign con tract for same RobinsonCampbell That a grant of be given to clean lo grader John Barry out the ditch on Townline east of reps to road Sawyer Bradford Road J and Massey reps to grader Martin Dew Commissioners pro- come to Your Aurora Wants You and The Town Sis Yours Every house store and hotel lifts given its share in decorations and never in its history has the town presented such an animated scene Hotel accommodation is at a prem ium and numerous visitors have been glad to accept the hospitality them by residents who had foreseen the to be met with and provided temporary accommodation The fair opened at oclock with a huge procession which paraded the town and finished in the Win slush scrapers Thos Blackburn gravei grant Win Hoover gravel grant Win yds gravel Hoover equalizing poslage Win Perry yds gravel Percy engine on grader Win Smith grading de- viation road Con Smith men shovelling pit Martin Dew grant given In Geo Jj Vomer yds gravel and dam- age lo crops Wm re cutting brush Jno reps lo culvert viding grant equal amount the grand and J stanUard- drum majors and heeleaters Next came a float bearing very fine tableaux of Canada Uncle and Again a tableaux of British American College Leads In age and successful graduates Spe cializes In Gregg Pitman Shorthand and all Commer cial The Fall Term opens Aug Address Wauohope Prin cipal Yonge Write for our catalogue Toronto RobinsonCampbell That J A Watson bo appointed commis sioner to carry on the building of the Bridge by day labor On motion Council adjourned to meet at Hotel King Station on day of July EXECUTORS NOTICE TOJ3REDITORS Public Notice is hereby given ac cording to- the Statute provided that behalf that all Creditors having against Estate of JOHN HOSIER late of the Town of New market in the County of York gen tleman deceased who died at New market on the day of April are hereby required to file the same properly proven with un dersigned Solicitor for the Executor of the last Will of said deceased on or before the day of July 1914 as immediately Hereafter the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate amongst those entitled thereto fcaving regard only to those claims then filed and the Executor will not be responsible for the said assets thereafter Dated June Sol for Executor Newmarket Ill clowns and burlesque Indians rioo mounted heralds clown bands a circus of comedy characters eluding lions tigers hears and keys also members of the farmyard fraternity The Old Hoys and Girls if in were headed by Toronto Hand Irish were the Mayor ind and J Jenkins freight express postage etc J I Jenkjos Hog etc 1400 Thos road work RobinsonCampbell That the Deputy Reeve Watson Council Campbell and Kaake be dep utation to view condition at Con it re surplus water and report at next meeting WatsonKaake That the fol lowing sheep claims he paid Martin Dew 800 Myron 2000 WatsonKaake That Win Morning he paid for de dog caught worrying sheen the Treasurer be authorized lo rptfrom fiT Co re consideration of road allowance Lots Con and that said amount be nil Solicitors AT NEWMARKET A An Auction Sale without reserve will ho held on properly known as Connaughl Gardens 011 Saturday July at 1230 noon AH lots have a frontage of feel by a depth of feet and art- situated the best part of Newmarket within a few min utes walk of the street cars and Grand Trunk Station Terms are 2o00 down and the balance to soil the conveni ence of puirhasers Fro luncheon will be served This is an Opportunity that should attract all investors Write particulars to p flCADMAH Auctioneer Newmarket or CO Bay St Toronto J rUICfv

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