Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Jul 1914, p. 1

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i Visa- A f than Is more moot LET TEST YOUR Optician lit r I an Loading County Paper as well da the copies each ookrairoulation I- All JEWELLERS STORE S These Hoods Have lo he Finest in their Respective Lines DETROIT VAPOR OIL Wickloss QUICK MEAL and OIL GRAVITY MACHINES I ill PAINT for Walls and ceilings Standard Paint for Buildings inside or outside for all stained and varnished surfaces The Quality remains long after Price is forgotten A HARDWARE PHONE 28 NEWMARKET ft A THE STANDARD P PEARSON Carters Alfred Bishop Harvey MoGordlok Ontario St J Murphy J Wis invite you to inspect our Heeds We have a full Hue of RED LUCERNE GLOVER AND TIMOTHY These seeds are selected from the purest seeds from clean formers OUH PRICES AUK VKHY LOW Also Mangle and Turnip we are now hooking orders for Coal for May delivery at sum mer prices If yon want the DCS i coal the market let us fill your orders W H V Order by Phone or Carters Ben Manning Ed Church Kelson Miller or INCORPORATED 1855 Capital and Reserved Funds 11176578 When You vol Take money with you In of Rank of Toronto Cheques or letters of Credit are absolutely safe and and are a against loss theft fire or other Their coat is Oblaiuhle from any the Bank Toronto Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West BRANCH p FIELD Manager WHAT WORTH A at Right Prices HOSTS SASH DOORS Vtatercd Kiln AT ALL IS Lin IT WORKS TO ADVANTAGK REQUIRING LESS TIME LABOR J THUS THE IN COST IS SO THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO FIGURE Youll Find Twill Pay to Use the oat saw i7 has at various sent or Walker arrested S i v Court the Wojticu A shopkeeper on King was on in front of his last when a came along and name The storekeeper told him to gut tho name from Ihe awning over window This exasperated Mr Policeman and ho summoned the shop keeper or sidewalK from false Sometimes truth becomes the sittings or separating cause as at our Lords First Advent our Lords of the the covenanted na tion Israel- as the longpromis ed Deliverer King to that people as a whole a test separating the Sl mass J Of the nationseparating the Club held lhJ g ta on Saturday a dance A large crowd witnessed the One day last one hundred de positors the Hank met at the Walker House and decided to continue to press for com the Government Two automobiles were badly dam aged and two telephone poles smash ed last week when to tho drivers of both maehiuca swerved into the poles at the corner and Jarvjs 1 Both drivers saw the possibility a col lision at the samp time Mr Justice has decided that Mr Forbes Godfrey waa duly elected for West York finds Mr being one minute with his pajers was fatal to his legal nomination A free for city poor is now being discussed Motor surveys in counties highway systems have not yet organized are now being inspected under Good Roads Commission preparatory to future work under government engineers On a charge of following women on streets Win Doyle was lined and costs William promised to be good in future John of Township was charged before Magistrate at Richmond Mill for assaulting his employer by striking him over the head with a shovel his em ployer reprimanded him for way he was treating his team Daly was sent to jail for three months Mr associate editor of the Orange Sentinel that position because the Sentinel is supporting Whitney candidates who opposed the policy advocated by that paper The connected with the Police Court are after the almighty dollar all right During last week a man was fined for walking on the green grass in Park without knowing he was committing any offence and another man was lor Jumping ofl a ferry boat at the Island before the boat was docked at the A third man was fincdl for having only a wooden partition his kitchen and cooks bedroom On Wednesday of last week during the electrical storm lightning struck tho dwelling of Mr Nichols avenue and tore a hole in the roof then down the wall of one of the bedrooms striking brass ball on the of a curtain pole piercing a hole in it the size of a bullet Mrs daughter of Mr was sitting in the sewing- room The lightning struck her wed ding ring and she felt the shock up her arm hut the ring was not injur ed On charges of theft him by tlfc Company and the Walker Com pany James Brown the young man who is alleged to have recently shot at his fatherinlaw on Madison Ave nue appeared in the Police Court last week was sentenced to two tells of the end or of this Age and of how the Lord will now permit or years in the Kingston Penitentiary Herbert Hudson charged criminal negligence in driving motor car whereby Nellie a little girl was knocked down and was found guilty by Judge on the Sentenc ed defer rbd and meanwhile prisoner held in bail A deficit was sustained by the Toronto Hydroelectric sion durlrg the past month Accord tag to of the Commissioners this shortage in returns is due to the les soned industrial activity WHY UK COULDNT DO IT He was a young lawier who had just started practising in a small town and hung his sign outside his office door It read A Swindler A stranger who called to consult him saw the and said My goodness man look at that sign Dont you see how it reads Put in your name- Alexander Ambrose or whatever it is Oh yes I know said the lawyer resignedly but I dont exactly like to do It asked client looks mighty bad as it is What is your first name Adam send strong- delusions men tioned In our lest are coming upon Christendom Fallen Angels The Scriptures tiring to our attention a pluss of spirit beings which fell from Divine favor he- fore the Flood These we are told from that lime until the present day been confined in chains of darkness in Tartarus the circumambient of this planet The story of these fallen angels is briefly slated four times in Peter Peter Old and New Testament records are thus in agreement Addi tionally however we have a multitude of Scriptures both of the Old and New Testaments which refer to these fallen angels as demons unfortunately mistranslated devils in our common version Without ex ception these demons are repre sented as cunning deceitful treacherous devilish and as a special ihalignant attitude towards mankind and as taking special delight in misleading and deceiving humanity along irreligious lines and im morality We your remembrance the Apostles statement regard ing this mailer to the effect that Gods people have their struggle or contention not with flesh and blood hut with wicked spirits in influential positions Again the same Apostle points out to us that Satan is the chief leader of these spirits or demons and de clares that wo are not ignorant of his devices his intrigues bis deceptions again he styles him as wily adroit cunning lie in forms us that the heathen world while thinking they are wor shipping God are really deceived by these demons their religious theories and practices arc real ly instead of theo logy Cor Ml Peter Two Opposing Gospels The human family is in great distress through the fall men tal moral and physical imper fections are manifest every where there is none righteous no no one As a consequence all are agreed to the Apostles broad statement Ihe whole na tion and to gether Rom Natural ly enough the groaning ones seek for the cause of their trou ble as well as for a remedy The Bible sets forth as the cause of all earths woes and sorrows Ihe brief statement By one man sin entered the world and death by sin and thus death passed upon all men for all are sinners It sets forth the remedy also name ly Christ died for our sins ac cording to the Scriptures and at His Second Advent He will in troduce Times of Restitution of all things which God hath spok en by Hie mouth of all the holy Prophets the world be gan This in brief is the Gos pel of jurist Acts i Cor Gospel of the demons contradicts this from first to last It denies thai man ever was created in Gods image and fell from it into sin and death likeness denies that he over denies that Christ ever redeemed us and holds that we need no Re deemer that a process of evo lution is at work which is lift ing mankind from a mean low brute beginning upward to ul timately make of the race Gods and that all that Is necessary for- this grand result is lime As for death denies that there is death and claims that what seems to a change from Second Advent Aporlinent question for each of us at this moment is this To of teachings do we Are fast the faithful Word of God or iiro we giving heed to those seducing spirits and Irines of devils against which the Lord and Apostle gave so many Warnings our theological faith an anchor of hope holding us firmly to the Truth as set forth by the Lord are we to any extent drawlngon origin al falsehood told by Satan and perpetuated by the lying spirits the falsehood death is not death ifoi is Word and of oil i far peaking of death a Mm hid ha sent us that death is our which already has taken many of our loved ones blighted our lives and will ultimately destroy us except as wo become united to the great Lifegiver Jesus Those who do not sec that Ihe dead are dead do not catch the full weighty import of the blessed assurance that Christ is the Lifegiver and that He came into the world and died for our sins that have life and have it abundantly Nor do they sec the real beauty thai lies in the promise of a resurrec tion from the dead for if none are dead bow could there be a resurrection of the dead Only those who clearly and distinctly sen the Scriptural teachings on Valley Canal that has been going on for some weeo back has revealed many strange things and been made at different points along the river bed Some weeks ago a dam was built across the the to hold back water of the nay and up the river about a mile similar structure was placed to throw the water into an other- channel Upon completion of this work the water in that section of the river between the two dams pumped out and the bed of fish that were thus entrapped tho river laid bare Among the many fish workman found In one of the pools a sturgeon weighing upwards of two hundred pounds which furnished a meal for the workman in ON PASSENGER STEAMER Too often the hero worshipper Ids own hero r this subject are fortified against the delusions of these demons built upon this erroneous fea ture of theology which not only has permeated all creeds of Christendom and to a large ex tent has made of no effect the Word of God respecting our re demption from the grave and the hope of the resurrection from the dead Ihe Second Coming of Christ- Cor 12 The Delusion is Sent The reason for the sending of strong delusion mentioned in our text is plainly slated in the con test but before it can he appre ciated it is necessary to have some grasp of the Divine Plan of the Ages it is necessary to see that the Lords work throughout this Gospel Age has not been as many suppose an attempt to convert the world hut as the Scripture declare He has been merely electing or selecting out from he world a people for His name to be the Bride of Christ Acts We must see too that this elect people does not include all who become nominal members of Christian churches but merely those who through full faith and consecration be come followers of the Lord Jesus in very truth and receive the Spirit of adoption from Die Fath er These through the trials and difficulties of this life shall be proved of the world and its Spirit and accept ed as jointheirs with Christ as His Bride in His Kingdom This the Scripture distinctly tell us is but a liltle flock Our Lords words are Fear not flock it is your Fathers King dom The Apostle declares also Not many wise not many mighty not many noble hath God chosen Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith heirs of the Kingdom Cor f 2G James After we once see that only the or kingdom class are being selected during this Gospel Age we are ready to see that Gods great time for deal ing with the majority of our race in the future after the Sec ond Coming of Christ during His Millennial Kingdom whose reign of righteousness will bless and give opportunity of eternal life to all the Families of Earth Frederick Wood Tp Healthy HairNo More Dandruff Parisian June 26Crowdcd with passengers chiefly women and chil dren the Late Navigation Companys steamer caught while out on the lake bound for Barrio late this afternoon Prompt work with and hoes saved the boat averted what promised to develop Into a dangerous panic As it was tie situation looked so serious for a few minutes that the steamer was turned head on to the shore and sent forward at full speed The fire started in the woodwork at the top dock around the big smoke stack For soma time the wood hd been smouldering and finally a woman no ticed smoke It was the signal lor a rush to lifebelts women be came hysterical and vainly tried to fasten on the belts The crew lost no time and with axes broke away the wood around the stack and a twoInch hose was turned on the smouldering wood The had on board two hundred members of the a Northern Baptist Convention in session here who had been tak to Hay Point as the gucsfs of the company Neuritis Follows Oa tfco July orange ft J announced to take May Worn and return M pupils Mr a school of Belleville held a a over or country arc t i A Purchased and flhipped from place lees- than lbs of wool this season Newmarket has two other buyers advertising for lbs- of butter this week for which ho offers per lb YEARS AGO From Era July 5 Crippled Nerves Painful Effects of Chronic Quickly by If your nerves are all crippled from attacks of Neuritis can easily get a strong hold on the nerves This most painful disease is one of hardest known to expel but can reach it If given a chance This testimony is positive proof Last March I was so crippled with Neuritis in the left limb I could walk scarcely at all Tried all remedies I heard of and had two physicians Nothing did me any good until I used worth of your med icine surfely cured me Mrs Hayes Russell Sold by J Patterson Newmarket at cents a bottle 0004 Its entirely needless to have un sightly matted thin or faded hair A little care is all that Is to make It thick soft pretty perfectly healthy and Tie from dandruff Ute Parisian Sago It supplies hair be death wd Is absolutely harmless It a low form of life AMy stops itching bead and falling to a higher form to This demon leaching is to be tho scalp and make the found among all tho heautltul peoples and in all their religious writings but is not at alt sane tioned in the Scriptures Get a bottle of Parisian Sage from J Patterson or at any counter It but leaoh to the contrary as we have Into the scalp dandruff shown that death is the penalty your flee for sin that it is a real penalty hair fa pretty and perfectly Wealthy a real death that the dead ore really dead and that there is neither wisdom nor device nor knowledge in the A sound proof house In has 50 rooms and a musician ma any tone of in whither all go and that the- hope Jibing with his neighbor BOILER AT OSHAWA Juno About oclock this the toiler the plant of Mr J McCutcheons residence on King Street where he has for the past few weeks had gas- boring expert at work boring for gas exploded causing conladesable dam age to the house and property com pletely demolishing the entire plant and causing injuries to Mr Mc- son Arthur aged which are feared will prove fatal The cause of the boiler exploding is not known as yet The explosion carried portion of the boiler to the north about feet landing it on the lawn ol Mr Had it not been that this was im peded by striking the derrick and smashing on large trees it would have undoubtedly through Mr residence with fatal results Another portion was carried block to the south tearing of portions off two houses Small pieces of iron and coal were thrown in all directions breaking windows and otherwise damaging houses and That several fatalities did not result is a winder as the ac cident took place in the midst a thicklj populated and fashionable part of the residential district For several Mr Donald assisted by Arthur McCutcheon has been operating the plant boring for gas The well was down about COO feet and they had struck fair flow of natural but were proceeding with the work The two men were standing side by side at the time of the explosion but fortunately Mr Donald with but slight in juries Young was badly injured about the head and was re moved to the hospital in an condition from which he had not at a hour ral lied and his recovery is doubtful oofl- Start a scanUal about your neigh bor and watch it grow Not all high liters are Interested In aerial navigation The Altar At the Methodist Par sonage Newmarket by Rev Hill on July 2nd Win Prince of Alpirna Mich to Miss Rhode Moulds of East Mr Gardner of Toronto homo over Sunday Mrs is visiting at Mrs Den nis this week Miss Parkhill of Toronto spent Dominion Day with Miss Keith of Newmarket Mrs Pearson of Berlin sister-in- law of Mrs Irwin Victoria is making a visit here Mr is on a trip on Muskoka Lakes On his return he ex pects to rusticate with his family on Strawberry Island A large family gathering of about persons- reit a pleasant afternoon at Mr last Saturday Mrs ot Toronto spent Sunday in Newmarket on her way home a visit with her sister Mrs John Mann North In the Or fa Bicycle race on Mon day Mr Al made four laps in the mile race to three laps the next best competitor got cheer as the Newmarket and cham pion Mr Herb Warner returned from the Atlantic side of New York State on Monday after an absence of over a year The families of Mr Ross and Dr Stuart left for Roachs Point last Saturday to enjoy the of Lake for a few days Rev and Mrs arrived here on Tuesday evening on their way to their new station at They visited with Mr and Mrs J Bel fry while in Town The Sunday School mass meeting at was a grand success Over people were in attendance on the picnic grounds Ten Sabbath Schools were represented A good many people from Kettleby and vicinity attended at Aurora on Saturday last A picnic was held in Gambles Bush on Dominion Day About members the Kettleby Christian Church assembled at the resilience of their pastor Elder on the evening of Dominion Day with baskets of provisions and spent an enjoyable time Mr J Robertson of Newmar ket read the service at the Sharon Church last Sunday Mr and Mrs A J Hughes of Sharon visiting D M Hughes at Bolton this week Rev preached his well sermon in Sharon Methodist Church last Sabbath The Christian Church Newmarket will hold a garden party on insl at Mr Stephen Howards re sidence Over tickets were sold at the Depot here on Dominion Day Yonge St Union School will hold a lawn social on the grounds of Mr Phillips next Wednesday A Temperance mass meeting was held in the Methodist Church last Sunday evening Green peas new vegeta bles strawberries etc are on the market here The Town Band gave a serenade on Saturday Evening to the delight many citizens Johnstons barn St East was burned on Dominion Da It was set on fire by a young man who was shooting pigeons the wadding falling in the haymow COUGHING Keep coughing one way Slop coughing that another To keep the cough do nothing To itop the cough Cherry Pectoral Sold for year Your Doctor June S3 located on the bed of what was once the channel of the Missouri River is flooded the business of the aity being waist deep In water the reeiilt a cloudburst the ten of the city Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I ARCHIVES OF

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