Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Jun 1914, p. 7

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rv J A liters who town tot to look our their and a books or belonging to 7 -VJ- Hall Packed field Our first shipment Is tow In store Early Longfellow White Cap Dent BightRowed Yellow are for higher prices RED Specially Reduced Prices for No and No quality TIMOTHY A Snap for the balance of stock No 2 ALFALFA or LUCERNE At Reduced Price No DUTCH Its to go at lb only at this price Phis lot i Importer of staple Fine I China Hall Grocery COOLING THE ORDER FOR SUMMER WEATHER and Raspberry Vinegar bot tles Oranooado Rasp berry and Tho all Nov Goods of the Boat Quality Try thorn and bo convinced of tholr Wo a to of all too of following makora Brown Noble and Hid Loading UptoData Qrooer Phono CORNER OF Main Timothy Streets Notice to The management of Shaws Business Toronto bogs to advise all Senior and all High stu dents that it la to mall a copy of Its to any ono who desires to qualify In a short of or 8 months for a good sala ried position Addross Shaw Schools Toronto Ont Head Offloe Yongo Sts NEWMARKET ELECTRIC PLATING AND FIXTURE CO Having established a modern up- Pollening and Plating Plant we are prepared to all kinds of Polishing and Plating in Gold Silver NicUe Copper Brass or Zinc Tea Sets Cruets all kinds Ta ble ware stove parts Jewellery and all kinds of Metal Goods finished now Prices on application side Town Hall Proprietor The Market Bargain House Bargain Sale OF 1 Mens Womens and Chil drens Wear Boots anoA shoes Drew Wear Sale of also Mens and These goods once and Youths Suits must be sold Newmarket Three doors south of King George Hotel one Sunday July faas apart by Director Newmarkot Cemetery as Decoration Day tbis year and OddFellows Band has engaged tor the occasion Now is tbe time to sea that all repairs attended to sbtbkt grounds may present their usual ex cellent v Meeting Breaks Up in Disorder ii Li J- nil rat j a 1 J Early Who was first to peas Oils year Vroaser planted seed on tho of April and pioked a touquot Oh the of Juno Thats quite a rec ord Mrs planted seed Fall and picked beautiful bouquet on the 20Ui of June Her rosea also asp as a picture Take walk around and sco thom On Monday June borne of Mr and Mrs 11 Brio- was a quiet wedding when their eldest daughter Linda was united in marriage to Mr Ern est loth of bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of blue looked very wiWi a bouquet of orange blos soms was assisted by sis ter Gladys who wore a of green silk The of ficiate The wedding breakfast Partaken by numerous and table was tastefully decorated with white brides travelling suit was navy blue serge while fiho a light blue hat happy couple left for their home Id Hamilton with the host wishes of many friends Christian Childrens Day will ho observed Sunday The of morning will be especially under direction of Mr Stephens the Choir Leader and ft committee from Sunday School In the evening there will he a fipcclal program and the pastor will speak upon tho Tem perance Issue It has been stated that clergy should have nothing or do in this campaign This with others will he thoroughly dealt with All those who can come and listen to a plain statement of facts and the truth about the temperance question with out getting angry arc cordially in vited others warned to go else where or stay at home Wo that this great question is not that can be treated lightly when it so seriously Interferes with the church the school and the home es pecially is sale of intoxi cating liquors that is the greatest curso today on i the face of earth If you want to hear question dealt with severely hut fairly honestly come Com Resolution The committee appointed last year represent Yearly Meeting of Religious Society of Friends on the Council of the Dominion Al liance made the following statement received the approval of tho Society at the Annual Conference held at Ontario the to the inclusive of Sixth Month view of the awfully demoralis ing results of the licensed bar poverty producing and home destroy ing of the treating system which- the open bar is the father of we the Society of Friends in this our annual conference held at Bloom- field do most earnestly advise our members where over located in Province to vote and use all their influence to banish the bar in Ontario including the sale of liquor in clubs as now advocated No political leader in our Pro vince has gone so far in his advocacy of the Temperance cuse as Churches and or ganizations have for years the banishment of the bar in Ontario We sincerely hope Christian and Temperance men will support the cause irrespective of party alliances we have a leader now who lias shouldered the re sponsibility of the proposition Outlifg for Boys A number of boys of the High School and the other schools in the Town expect to go over to Niagara Camp next week The Principal of High School will go along and assume charge of the party well as exercise full control over the movements of the boys During short stay there the mornings will le devoted to drill and exercises in Physical Culture In the afternoons the lads will he free from any of these duties and the time will be given over to athletic games or ex cursions to tbs Falls and other very interesting spots- under supervision course On Monday afternoon the Principal will bo at the High School to over lifting of the lads with uniforms Iach one will requiee a plate cup bowl knife fork spoon soap- and towel a comb boot polish etc bathing suit if desired This trip will furnish a delightful short outing without expense to the boy with complete safety and under moral conditions thoroughly platform was filled with Indies and gentlemen and stand- room in thoTown was at premium at the Nomination Mooting on Monday afternoon Promptly at oclock John Monro of MtAlhert the Officer announced nom inationclosed and that lie had grunted certificates to J M Wal ton and If Lennox as duly qualified candidates to represent North York at the approaching lections The petition of former was by- Mr P Pearson of Newmarket and Homo others thatof Mr Lennox by Mr John and about 00 others The Returning Officer an nounced that a poll will he open ed on the of Juno and pro- needed to rend the list of Depu ty Officers which com pleted his duties A public meeting then took place and on motion Mr Scn- was requested to preside Mr Lennox having engaged the Halt he permitted Mr Walton lo speak for one hour and he made good lime though interrupted the audi ence He spoke of person ality principles and platform- of Mr Howell who in lhe1 short space of 1 years has won for himself the esteem of the host people of the Provinceirre spective of party There must he some reason for men leaving their party lp support him in this election and it is found in this Mint what tile Conservatives fail ed to do with a majority of 70 in I he House he has the courage to attempt Reference was made to the Workmens Compensation Hill which Mr Howell introduced the refusal of the Government to enquire into the decline of Agri culture the lack of effort in the of Labor the indifference of the Govt regarding the- settle ment of New Ontario the penal izing of thrift and enterprise by paying no attention to Tax He- form the Social Service lack of prosecution of combines growth of Bilingual Schools and lack of enforcement of the lav the Prison Scandal and Whitewash of certain members in the House the sale of timber limits and covering up transactions refusal of Investiga tions grant of 5000000 to New Ontario and using three and a half millions for other pur poses He took Mr Lennox to task for voting in favor of giving two million acres of land for Railway Purposes when in his printed appeal to the electors in 1 he said he was opposed lo such grants Reference was made lo the financial conditions for while Conservatives boasted of doubling the revenue the expend itures had increased four times There was a cut of per cent in school grants the municipali ties are now obliged to pay for the keep indigent insane which was formerly paid by the Govt the Inheritance Tax is increased other institutions are taxed and these eventually come out of the people The expenditures have increased so fast that shortly no thing but direct taxation will he resorted The Revision of the Statutes cost 275000 double what they did under Reform Govt The records show that Mr Lennox was absent when votes were recorded and Mr Wal ton suggested that possibly he had loo much private business on hand to attend to public affairs Mr Lennox had been staling that for four years the Reform Gov ernment did nothing in the line of Temperance but in one year the Reform Government did more than the Conservatives have done ever since They swept out every saloon in the Province cut out licenses by raising the population standard reduced the hours of sale in creased the age of sale to boys from to restricted the loca tion of licensed premises Local Option was passed the Liberals in and in the first contest municipalities carried it in it was defeated cases wore before Iho courts for years but as soon as Hie valdity of the law was established the temper ance work was taken up again and that is the reason so much of the map displayed by Conserva tives is white notwithstanding the clause which the Whitney Govt placed against it Only for that clause more municipalities would have the benefits of Local Option and Au rora is one of them The speak er then proceeded show how he had endeavored lo help Local Op tion in his own Town while his opponent curried favor with both parlies Mr owe policy is up political dodge if lie is sus tained every bar in the Province will he wiped out and further re strictions will be placed upon shops giving the people of either the municipality or county to wipe them out altogether a majori ty vote under Local Option Tem perance people remember if the bars are not stamped out now it will lake a generation lo get back lo Ibis opportunity it J- 4 5 J Option vote Mr Walton said that the Board had their resignations written out but this was denied by Mr Ego and Or Mr Walton ask ed further explain the matter but was refused Mr Lennox was received with rousing cheers and was so grati fied at the warmth of his reception that he took off his coat and roll ed up his sleeves He denied any wrongful act- oh the part of the Govt and was proud of its clean record He did not see anything wrong in Mr accepting for election purposes from a government contractor only that the amount was too small lie defended the Umber lim it deal and Govt setting apart 1000 acres for which former Govt had sold He objected to appointment of Commissions which were for by Oppo sition as they had cost thousands upon thousands of dollars under the old Govt The ministers of the Whitney Govt were prepared to accept the responsibility He denied any interest either direct ly or indirectly in the Mann deal and declared lhat he only acted as an honest feeling that the constituency which he represented would be proud that he was selected as the solicitor in the face of hundreds of lawyers in the city He de clared that the Govt had at the present time a surplus of a mil lion and a half in its ordinary ac count and that increase of lia bilities were covered by assets in the and Hydroelec tric loans which were benefitting the whole Province Ho explain ed the reduction in rural school grants which was not because the Govt was granting less than the previous sum but because the salaries of leaohers Were higher which reduced the proportion Willi reference lo his absence from the House he explained thai the majority was so great it made no difference and many members remained in the smokingroom when the was taken Mr Lennox then I spent over an hour in trying to convince his temperance support- era that the Howell policy was only an election dodge to get into power that he was a temperance man but was afraid he could not qualify for a charter member lo the Lodge he promised for if Mr Walton would organize it in Aurora Mr Lennox gave vent to a great flow of wrath and some of his remarks will he received as in sults lo temperance people The Liberal party he said in hiding behind Hie Dominion Alliance and womens skirls Mr Lennoxs remarks about the ministers who have declared themselves on the temperance question were not well received even amongst some of his own followers These men whom we pay lo preach the gos pel of God are insulting the intel ligence of the people of Ibis Pro vince was of his remarks Other phrases were these men who are howling from their pul pits and these creatures who are shooting off from their pul pits Mr Lennox said that the Whitney Governments method of dealing with the liquor question was best although perhaps it is a little slow During the course of his re marks Mr Lennox misquoted Mr Mackenzie Kings speech of a few days previous At the close of his speech Mr King stepped for ward on the platform and asked lo make an explanation Lennox refused There were cries for Mackenzie King from the of the Hall and the man I lit IS How many of us appreciate the many blessings that have been thrust upon us In this wonderful country of ours We been go blessed with good crops and Industrial activity that many of ue overlook the other reasons for thanksgiving r Would you like to go back to the days when you could only buy heavy poorly made footwear Fine shoes as we know them were unknown then Wow with Improved facilities and greater experience footwear has almost reached the of perfection more conclusive proof of can bo found than in Invictue Shoes f a thankful that wo to offer you a largo to from Youll be thankful for foot comfort when we have sold you a pair of II r Main ClASVt- OPTION IN AURORA honor to the thousands of Tern- THE BARROOMS MAKE To the Editor the Newmarket Era Sir Mr Lennox iiii candidate in North on the Mr J M Walton can on the not ground that the latter did not lake an active part in the Local in man THE DtlUriKARDS over with no evil will be made welcome The party will leave here by the am car and will tare the boat at lory with no military ligations Any boy years age or right thing to do Will you do it your vote on tho Cheers During his recital of events in connection- with the Aurora Local King There were cries of Throw King out I and then a rush for the platform A light started on the platform and it looked for a moment as if the Tory mob would assault the Lib erals on the platform Mr Len nox however succeeded in re storing order hut not before many had left the Hall The old historic riding has seen many great political battles and even real fights but this was the only thing in recent years that approached the real old limes It was like one of the meetings of the trouble of said one oldtimer It was like it in more than the fight aspect too for it was a great party lighting for re form as of old and strange as it may seem one of the central figures was Hon Mackenzie King grandson of he central figure of the rows- thai featured po litical life of the district hack in the old days The Irulh of the matter was the supporters Lennox which were in great at lb meeting were afraid to let speak Tor fear he might spoil some of Mr Len noxs arguments Conservatives in this Province remarked Mr at Stratford on Tuesday that they refused to fall in with such above partisanship in this con test The Government has dis solved and called for an election but we have made Ihe issue Applause Option campaign in A Nov and Dec These attacks upon With Mr Waltons temperance re- man who believes that the bar is bad grace from a curse and yet who for the sake Monday night etin the bar Although a Conservative I am over i working for the abolition of the said Mr J P Snook the for every president of the Methodist Loc- blast- Preachers Association for Concluding his address Mr Howell declared I say to the en id come with was immediately set upon by Lennox supporters The meeting 1 who remained under of party votes lo r into riot some cheering during the Local Option thai he must carry Lennox and calling foi barroom makes the drunkard the law makes the barroom the members make the law and the people elect the members We should choose righteous men lo make righteous laws This was the main trend of the enthusiastic lent meeting that took place on the corner of road Toron- and we believe fought science lo his dying against Option from am- share of responsibility home blighted every li The temperance people of Au- every child ruined by the con- the barroom killslhrchurcheV on Siil women know thai linued existence of the open bar Walton a staunch temper- cannot dodge the issue liquor traffic is lined j r man side with The Charge sources can Organ- lost ft untrue an active pari tion campaign is Walton contributed iuj the expenses of Mr Walton the re- Vienna June 20NTae aviators is lined up on Upfized Christianity the other You Option vote for one or Ihe olh- canvass- your chance Will You to the J while both were flying at a tragic reality be accidental a dirigible airship by a Walton subscribed be rise If Tine o o toward a lb provide open bar in ease doors in the event of the bylaw army manoeuvrea Doth were being carried Mr Walton worked on com mittors during the campaign and was active during the day the vote was taken in bringing vot ers to the polls Had Mr Lennox done one-bun- part as much for the good cause as his opponent did Loral Option would be in force in Aurora today Yours truly Aurora WOTU r CANNOT DODGE THE ISSUE up and smite the so the of June destroyed and their occupants nine death signal of railitary and llie Province of commissioned wfere burned and mutilated beyond recognition TION AT NEWMARKET An Auction Sale without A V ft IP iff I 1 no nueuon wiuout reserve will be held on the properly Gardens Newmarket on Saturday July Sib is the of men principles If mejnbcrs believe What profess they will vote out bar on Monday Ihey the The Government thought they trifle with of in the Province lhat they could get the support of the liquor Interests and yet expect their Conservative friends to stand by lhem at noon All lots have a frontage of 50 feel by a depth of feet and are situated in tin befit part of Newmarket a few min utes walk of the street oars and Trunk Station arc 2500 down and balance to suit the conveni ence of purchasers Free luncheon will he served This is an opportunity that all investors Write for particulars to HEADMAN Auctioneer Newmarket MoKfCNORIOK NICHOLSON CO flay t Toronto ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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