Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Jun 1914, p. 6

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terfv- annual of the Zephyr Methodist Sunday School will be held to Fri day July 3rd Via regular train on body come FESTIVAL annual Strawberry FoatU vol of Presbyterian Church will bo held in church ground on Wednesday July 1st A good programme will bo provi v i 1 i i FAMILY Mr and Mrs family reunion early this week There were present Mr Gardner of Stratford and Miss of Mr and Mrs Charles loft for homo in Port Arthur on Wednesday morning MKBTINO A public mooting in of Mr J M Walton liberal candidate for North York will bo hold in the factory building for merly Geo Sons Woollen Mills on Friday June at p Hon Mackenzie King Mr Walton Mr J A Hopkins and Mr P Pearson will address tin meeting All cordially in vited Seals- reserved for ladies NKW SIDEWALKS The corneal sidewalk on Cen tre St has been continued to the top of Hip hill where it joins the running east A strong iron railing has boon built along tin- ftleepest part of the bill which will a great convenience lo pe destrians in slippery weather The work was done under the su pervision of Police Trustee John Smith and is a firstclass Job A new cement walk has also been built on the west side of Kin St end of he street nm the walk on Main SI has been continued the proper ty Mr Albert Smith steward of the Franklin Fishing Club was taken to the hospital for an operation for appendicitis is said a operation will be necessary AM the farmers in this vicini ty are looking anile cheerful since recent rains Polling will lake place on Mon day upstairs over J How- lands hardware store Mr Amos Lapp is deputy returning officer A heavy frost took place on Friday night and played havoc with a good many gardens Cu cumbers beans tomato plants and potatoes suffered severely in flic lowlying districts The annual garden party of the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday last was a errand suc cess Mount Albert and the Vic toria Church Quartette were the chief attractions Children FOR FLETCHERS I A A CARD We the undersigned hereby agree to sell a package of five standard size boxes of Sil ver Tip Silent Matches for twen ty rents Quality guaranteed DUNN 4w20 Ml Albert J COOK MOUNT ALBERT General and Agent lor Farm implements Buggies Wilkinson Plows and Page Wire Fence Prices Moderate Call before buying British American Business College Toronto la pioneer of new it is doing let ter work than ever Write yea want to prepare for a good My Ward Union street A- of the Dp minion Alliance llib day and One lowerd our Aid Tea will bo hold at oh July Meeting from three o- clock Young people are cordially invited in ladies halve a beautiful quilt they wiah to sell that Veiny hart rented and It lie will soon bring a young lady lo rule homo Mis8 Grace gave a daisy picnic last Saturday af ternoon I Two of in School woro in vited Mis spent the weekend at Mr Goo Mr and Mrs the wedding of Delia of and Mr of Koswlok this week We are Horry Miss ounliiin Is not able to get out days Hope recovery may speedily was time spout Friday and Junior Ladies Classes met at the home of to to and McNeill A was given by each class while addresses waretr FOR Bay years old good roadster Apply to ROBERT HUTCHINSON Lot Con Scott 3wl WANTED a T j Wanted at No littsln6ss transacted on Sun days Apply at Harry Fox Albert HARRY A public mooting will bo held In Skating Rink on Satur day night at In inter est of AbollDhlng will to exMayor of Toronto and Mr of Conservatives ore invited and ladles will bo wel comed Everybody turn out and girls too The Annual Garden Party Strawberry Festival under the auspices of the Ladies if the Presbyterian- Church will be held next Tuesday eve Mine ou Mr Unitholders Lawn Strawberries which are to be of choicest will be served six to eight after which a program will he given McLean of Bradford is to address the Come and have a good lime One of the strongest and most forceful temperance sermons we have ever listened to was giv en by Rev A McNeill last Sun day morning the text being What is Unit to thee follow me Mr McNeill though a conservative in politics strongly urged his hearers to consider the real issue before them Whilst giving the government credit for an honest attempt to enforce the law he opposed the attitude of I he government for following reasons First It had again and again flatly refused any advanced mea sure of reform to aid the people in abolishing the bar pushing the responsibility of that upon the shoulders of the people them selves U Second present govern ment had handicapped the peoplo in their effort lo abolish the bar by the threefifths clause Third All true temperance men should avoid accepting a pol icy where they are compelled lo stand with the solid liquor vote Next Sunday Mr MxiNcttl is to compare the abolish policy with that of the Whitney Government is sincerely hop ed that especially conservative temperance men will hear this side of the question as well This will be Mr McNeills last Sunday with us Mr and Mrs Allan Howard of Newmarket with relatives from California have been visiting at Quensvillo this week Mrs J J Terry was in over the weekend Mr Ray has gone on an extended visit to relatives near Niagara Miss Applelon of Keswick vis ited at Mrs J Smiths and other friends for several days this week Friday is civic holiday Do not miss the Union School Picnic at Island Grove Car leaves Sharon at nine a in Sharon Rand in attendance Schools close on Thursday night on account of the picnic Ofl Mrs and her two boys from Bronte are week with her Jack son Much dissatisfaction is presseu at the mismanagement of the postal arrangements at Or chard Beach The office was supposed to open here On the of month but so far this Season- the mail has been bungled One day the bag arriv ed but the was not provided with a key to open it The bag was sent back to Keswick but he Postmaster there had no authority to open it After a Iclephblui controversy by p tho bag was opened at Keswick and so far Beach peo ple lire put to the inconvenience of going there for their mail It is rumored that politics are at the bottom of the trouble but Hie campers have to suffer Mr Campbell of Montreal who is attending the Ad Convention in Toronto was a guest at Mr cottage over Tuesday night The Union Church at the Beach will open next Sunday Campbell will preach at the morning and Hyde at the evening service The care taker is cleaning up and getting the church ami grounds into or der Miss is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto O o o KESWICK SHARON Friends from Richmond Hill are visiting at Mr J Marritts Mr is spending two weeks at Camp Niagara Keswick Sunday School are going lo have their picnic on the 1st of July at Point We are looking for a good lime come Mr Stephen Draper is putting new knobs on his fence It will make a great improvement to the fence Mr Alfred Diaper is visiting his friends around I he corner week Mr Stanley is very sick with typhoid fever We hope that Stanley will soon gel around Mr and Mrs Carman Mnrritt are spending two or three days in Toronto this week Although it was a wet morn ing about attended the- Chris tian Sunday School last Sunday It was Flower Sunday and each of the classes responded by se lecting a flower and showing how it was like the Saviour Tho service was excellent Mr J makes a good Superin tendent The whistling chorus by the boys was quite a unique feature At the Church service which followed Mr J J Morris of gave a practical temperance address and a lady visitor from Toronto contributed a line solo Tho Church would greatly miss Mrs Jesse Council the faithful and efficient the choir The oldtime popular Method ist Sunday School will take place on Wednesday July by steamer Ottonahee from Roachs Point and Jacksons ami returning in lime to catch the last Metropolitan car at Roachs Point for home The tickets are only for the round trip Make arrangements to take a days sail on Lake Sim- coo Rev McNeill the very popular pastor of the Methodist Church for the past three years will preach his farewell sermon next Sunday evening at Mr and Mrs Win in tend taking in the Mackinaw trip next week for the benefit of his health Dont forget the WCTU prayermeeting at the Christian Church next Sunday evening at the close of the church services TheroVa Urn in win at present ca of and stir- ringup of the at- CampMeeting nobody Insinuate is dull place VAX the On lliey had a glorious timd to their thinking There wore a number of good including oifr good and Snider former pastors here and a real live Yankee divine Our Idea are quite and the Devils is getting great elbowing dud shaking up If it could would or should maintain Us present spiritual air wo should dub It Sainted Paradise But after a storm comes a calm In spect this is exceptionally good location for such a meet ing as is little likelihood of its peaocfulness being dis turbed by lawlessness I feel perfectly assured our boys can ho depended upon A very largo number- are located in close proximity to the great- Clover has a tent for the accommodation of board ers and lodgers likely to rake in some spare cash for saints and thirst for temporal as well as spiritual nourishment A Gospel Feast of six services a day must eventual ly All saints with glory that there will be great shouting and praise Great throngs of visitors in our burg Amongst them I noticed Mrs Eves an old schoolmate of ours and Miss Minnie Clark of Newmarket at her Mrs Duncan Crawfords A sister from is visiting Mrs Charlie Owen Three brothers from Wil cox Lake visited Mrs Walter Green also Mr and Mrs Cole nee Mary Green of Con Walter Greens Youd there had been an au to meet at Jas A on Sunday Mr Pearson and of North West ern Michigan and others were not wincing there Win HOLLAND A grand temperance rally toreata Great Eraanpipatloh the BarRoomB wilt be at Hall Holland leading- Saturday night Chair at are A A J of Dr Wilkinson others Everybody invited especially the ladles The Garden Party was- largely attended On Tues day evening The proceeds amounted to The Shar on Band and the Lanllihg Or chestra things Miss Mary Marsh returned home from for summer holidays Mrs of Toronto spent Wednesday with her riioth- Mrs M J Mr J Chapman of Toronto is spending a few days iii town Mrs Thompson has opened an Ice Cream- Parlor Ice Cream Call and get a dish irwn Is blood cleanser that and Into vigorous action thai body to rich red blood brain ftndoreano of body Tho organs In oil You feel clean ana of tired weak and faint you can obtain Dr Golden Medical well as liquid form from all dealer or trial box of tablets by mail on receipt of Dr Greet ComrncaScsaMcdlcal ho teat ITIEE 31 Stampu SUTTON PEHOUJQ Send ypui order and have your fencing done properly and promptly Apply lo SMITH NEWMARKET or p SMITH TO Now tor you to lot Ibe very beat Corn I a pcoit tiding I pretty ally you and it for you la Co Do not the Separator all Mo see me it you need MOUNT Mr and Mrs and son Harold of Toronto an spending Lheir holidays at Mr Robert Lloyd Miss of Burlington is spending a few days with her sister Miss our popu lar school teacher Mr Herbert Hall is having his house Minted and lino Young Ladies Sewing held a very successful meeting and lea at the home of Mr School closes on the with an entertain ment There are prospects for a big crowd at the annual Sun day Picnic to Island Park oh come and enjoy yourselves Sharon Rand is going Mr and Mrs of Newmarket spent Tuesday after noon at Mr Bert Gardners Road work is now completed Mr Frank Tail and Miss M spent Tuesday last at Niagara Falls Wo are glad to see at tending in Newmarket pretty regularly of late Sandy Hank En to o THE TWIN Two men went up to the polls to vote The one was a Christian The other a bloat The one carried under his arm the God The other a license to sell forty rod Hut the Angel above looked with grief and shame As the ballots they cast were marked just the same June A stabbing affray took place yeeteriay la the works Charles Wiley a piece Iron at Charles Clements Clement torWi by another piece hit Wiley in shoulder Wiley then threw a mower guard at Clement It entering below the rib and ln- a bad the ribs lacer ating the lung causing an was arrested a charge wfclcb will likely be changed to murder or if dies the Era to absent friends a L i Pearson and Mr came from their home in Michigan per automobile and had just a time Mr Pearson is and Mr a son of Win of On of the at the CampMeeting on Sunday a number of our homes had to do duly as hotels for the pro loin and feed the famishing saints Our popular teacher Miss Foster has been reengaged but it costs to persuade her do so ami accepted her a big Im a jewel of a teacher and well she might be Seven hundred dol lars I Uist think of it ye in the flesh who have labored In the old limes for the munificent salary of less than hundred She most certainly is a Century Sclioolinarm Mi Stanley Anderson of Auro ra is visiting his cousin Mrs Arthur Smith Stanley is popular with our hoys fJvvl rath er likes him loo Mr Frank Tomliuson is year as in the past handling ce ment by ear lots Five ear lots already gone Our strawberry growers will have only a partial crop Dry knocked their prospects En the head Our dames report a shortage in poultry lists Unfertile eggs produce no chicks Just as I surmised Our has enlisted as a Ladys Guard A young belle from far away is in town My son is thy heart true to Poll thou last summers delightful holidays in Oh would I were a dove How swiftly would I fly To meet her for whose love Id lay me doon and die In the Sweat Box The sec tion men jugged a number of vil lage which they found trespassing on 0 tracks Im not surprised at that as I frequently hoar the whistle cat tle on the track Many were the expressions of thankfulness for the glorious showers last week But I fear here wore few who remembered lo humbly bow and thank the Al mighty Giver of every good and perfect gift The rains are doing millions of good Mercury period passes on about its business winding up suppose with Cold and gales Thursday Sergl reports the shoot between the York Hungers and the American troops of Youngstowii rosulled in a Yankee victory Score Uncle Sam Canucks points possible showed up on the top line in scoring Delightful weather and a great throng and a consequent financial success characterized the Egypt Presbyterian lawn meeting Adieu my friend till time Grand Field Day The Sunday Schools Sutton North Gwilliinbury will have a grand union at Jacksons Point on Wednesday July 1st A splendid Sports has been arranged to commeneo at under the direction of Field Committee A Shield will bo given to tho School winning the highest num ber of points Every 1st counts points 2nd prize and 3rd prize point Friends ol tho Sunday School aro asked to take baskets If tho weather la favorable It will bo a reg ular play day for the whole surround ing community Personal Mr of Toronto is home on a brief vacation Messrs J A verwell and lady friends motor ed over lo Whitby on Sunday Mr and Mrs I Jackson of Newmarket and Mr and Mrs Jackson of Montreal called J in Sutton on Saturday Mr of Toronto spent visiting her mother hero Mrs Mr A of Winnipeg is visiting friends and relatives here The Misses Johns of so tir Sunday at their home here Mr Millard has gone to New Ontario to see the country and if satisfactory will remain there THE i HP ft VIOIPniOlDIMT A Manager Capita Paid up- Reserve Fund nd Undivided A Savings Department Is conducted at every Branch of the Bank where deposits of upwards are received and Interest at current rates added It Is a safe and convenient depository for your money MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH D TERRY Manager fc Have You a in Your Home In most of the the cities there means of lakin here where homes outside of is iio factory n hath- is Robinson Bath Tub Barn liaising Quite a number from here at tended the barn raising at A J Shaws on Friday last Di and J Silver were captains and the Mr won by a rafter nils a longfell want It lakes the place of a hath room The inside dimensions of the Tub are inches long inches wide and inches deep It is made of heavy rubber ducking perfect in construction and with ordinary care will last from ten fifteen years The bottom of the tub rests on the floor There are no pipes to leak or clog no plumbers bills lo meet weighs but fifteen pounds and when not in use can he folded up and placed out of the way One of the greatest aids to health and happiness bathing The Robinson Hath Tub is very convenient in case of sickness in the home It can be placed beside the sick bed the patient lifted out given a good clean refreshing hath and placed back into bed without any excitement or undue effort Hi fit might be detrimental The price of THE BATH TUB is To ronto Shipped anywhere on receipt of price THE J UTILITIES COMPANY Street TORONTO News items Voting takes place on day at the Town Hall often hi vision Court was held here week Some interesting were of heal and the ormick dandy peoplo Morton Picnic The annual picnic will be bold I Jacksons Point as usual on July 1st The proprietor is arranging to have a- baseball match in the afternoon Danc ing will be enjoyed in the pa- in the evening and a To ronto orchestra has been secur ed The refreshment booths will be open and there will be plen ty of row boats and launches for hire A good day can be spent at the Park so make this place your headquarters Meals served at the hotel high GENTS OUTFITTERS have an extremely choice line of Hats now on sale We have them in all from the narrow brim and crown to the low crown and wide brim They are it We also have a nice line of assorted fancy bands in and see the J of Marriage Licenses SUTTON WEST i See those nice Outing Shirts At They are just what need for this weather Knox Church fi preaches his farewell sermon at Knox Church here on Sunday Hev Thomas of Newmarket preached last Sunday at Sutton in the morning and in the af ternoon and evening Tennis Keswick and Sutton played at the Court here on Tuesday af ternoon Sutton came out vic torious Tea was served at the close of lie contest Try a Silk Outing Hat They arc light cool and comfortable has them Holidays School is closed now for eight weeks and the teachers aro leav ing for their respective homes Promotion exams were held this week and we will publish a full of those passing next week HOUSES Came upon the premises of the undersigned Lot 21 Con oolt about June Two horses Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take them away 3w ARNOLD Zephyr OWEN Baldwin Onl PAINTER AND PAPER MnMhff a The Party Wednesday night was a great success j crowd good speaking and good mu sic Proceeds nearly ZEPHYR Michael of Newmarket is residing at the homestead Humor has it that Tommy Khight who has been manager of the Leaksdale baseball team has taken the managership of the Newmarket International Base ball Team We have no doubt but Tommy will meet with great success if he is as good a base ball manager as he was a hock ey bummer We also hear that the Newmarket dentists arc gel- ting in a good supply of false teeth as they intend doing a big trade with the new manager Messrs Kay Bain J Meyers and Walker attended an agricultural meeting on Friday evening of last week at The fair will held at the above place on 2nd Quite a from here attended the nomination at on- Mon day Mr his parents here on Sunday The Leaefce was well repre sented Jon Saturday last to Point from Zephyr Mr of at the- entrance examinations here last while Mr had an appointment at Mrs Heath intends leaving for Edmonton on Monday next to visit her daughter Mrs I The Methodist Sunday School Intends holding their annual picnic on July 3rd at I THE COWS FAULTS An old Scottish farmer went to a cattle show to exhibit favorite cow with which he of win ning first On 1 fault and that cow bad been plac ed fifth his auger bounds pushing into ring he verbally at tacked tho judges Why Is my of not first He Inquire angrily What are her faults Id likot know At this point one of Its judges approached him and lire faults my good man are what akin to your own she good breeding o LETTER FROM SUDBURY As the news contained in En has always been of great interest to me I do not want to inns allowing my subscription Sudbury has witnessed a spell of weather th nonth being in the grip of an exciting po litical campaign it no v- 1 1 warmer for the reat of Public sentiment seems to be favorable towards Mr Howells pol icy In Sudbury district as well as Newmarket boasts of it new Post Office now in course of construction It will be stone structure on the cor ner of two of the main slieeta will be a improvement to town The contract calls for com pletion 1st Wort of all was never in better demaa Is now going ahead on to trie railway which wo l finished this year The wute railway lakes in Collision Mine Copper Cliff and the mam streets of Sudbury The Warren Paving Co haw been awarded the contract paving the streets here ana have a large number of employed on the work at present This with the railway other improviimoils tend l make Sudbury in tho lead progressive towns in Outer Id Wishing you and your pap every success I remain Your a very truly Herbert Smith Bell Tel Co r Oil Comi I ii in

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