Proven lo bo Finest in Ihoir Respective Lines DETROIT VAPOR OIL QUICK MEAL and PERFECTION OIL STOVES GRAVITY filELLOTONE PAINT for ceilings Paint lor Build insjdo or outside for all stained and varnished surfaces The long ho Price is forgotten HARDWARE PHONE NEWMARKET out on majority voio electors so decide dither in a Municipality or a Ql till JI Shop licenses cannot ho issudlin tho place of bur licenses abolished The Abolish Hi I abolished The Hup Policy does not mean of Kara J NOTE In of the municipalities of Iho Province there arc at present no shop licenses In of municipalities Rowel I means at abolition of tho sale of liquor Local Option on a majority instead of a threefifth basis and coyer- County as well us a Municipality will remain lo wipe out the shops where the elector so decide ABOLISH THE BAR PLU8 A BETTER LO0AL OPTION LAW AGAINST GOVERNMENT RECORD In three successive Sessions 1014 the Govern ment voted down the AbolishtheBur resolution for Abolish Bar YOUR AND INFLUENCE IS SOLICITED FOR South End Lumber Yard 6 or A and lfeal IReffc J WALTON I Have No Interests to but Peoples A v J J WALTON THE LIBERAL 0 I THE ANTHRACITE Carters Alfred St Harvey Ontario J L Murphy EOD IfflERVqir DAN 181 THE BARROOMS I r Wo invite you to inspect oar Seed We have a full lino of RED LUCEI1NE GLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED Those Seeds are selected from the purest seeds from clean farmers OUII LOW Mangle and Turnip Seed are now hooking orders for Coal for May delivery at ftier prices you want the coal the market let us fill your orders Dr manager of the Canadian National Exhibition went to New York last week to inspect some pro- Dandruff posed for the exhibition The ladies of Toronto aro taking a your hair is lull of lively interest in the present dandruff thin streaky dull and never elections here Miss win up to look pretty do not was among the speakers at hair hick flulty the Royal Templars Hall last Wed- absolutely free from evening in interest of dandruff in a matter of car Parisian Sage frequently applied Psychiatric Hospital which is will work wonders lust one locatM in the wing of the cation stops Itching head removes old General Hospital will be open dandruff and all excessive oil It within a few days Property Com- goes right to the hair and misstonor has a nlshes the nourishment needed the letter from Dr Smith hair becomes soft fluffy abundant tor of stating that radiant with life had hocn issued to the super- Parisian Sago not only saves the intendont of tho Queen Street hair but stimulates it to grow long to provide staff of nurses as and Get a cent soon as possible from W J Patterson at once There Sir Lyman Jones and is no other Justasgood of Co -ooo- gone to California to investigate a which cuts and threshes RESOLUTIONS grata in tire field General has issued orders Toronto Conference of that tho Royal salute on Dominion Hie Methodist Church is to he fired on Garrison Era Ye of God lead forth lo Your people who fist to your calls lo obey Who wait for the sound of the tocsins clear rattle YEARS AGO YEARS AGO Prom Era Kyle June The death is recorded of an old and respected farmer of Hast Guillim- Mr James Milne who passed To wage a fierce warfare on away on the ins aged barrooms today I The pestspots to banish Forever to vanish iniquitous power destroy ing for aye source of fourfifths of the crimes of our nation in The people demand that they shall ho expunged Too long have they suffered the trades degradation grief for their lost ones too W Order by Phone or Carters Hen Manning Ed Church Nelson Miller or Boyd INCORPORATED 1855 Paidup Capital Reserved Funds inn tt The Sm lag of SmalSums Savings Account are the most approved and convenient form thrift They can be and added to at any time is added to halfyearly The Bank of Toronto receives of and upwards Ontario and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH P FIELD Manager instead of front of the Your have fiub- Buildings The reason for Willed lb them strong- the change is in the past Any which were Air Horse badly frightened by reports the guns and were menace to public j now before ho electors of tin Province of Ontario The being shown in the Open Conference all of Parade were which akahle terms he AboliahtlieBar safety Another scaffold accident took place wronged I The wealth of our country con verted lo uses That should have been spent in her name Instead has been wasted in shameful abuses In slaying her sons and marring her fame I The tide is uprising Good men are devising To wipe out the traffic her vot aries the same years Farmers have been complaining re cently of the drouth One farmer told the editor this week that he had plowed up a field from which earlier in the season he expected to reap a hay crop The American war still continuing Paper currency is down in mar ket now takes dollar bills to obtain in gold at the banks in the States Kcttlebv of picnic in the Sat- on Brass Band furnished the mu sic The speakers were Prom Era Kyle June i860 The Altar At Toronto by Rev Andrews on the Mr John Ough of the Eagle Hotel Newmarket to Miss Woodruff of The Tomb At Aurora this week George Harrison in the of his age At King on Ike Anna Rogers widow of ntfhy Rogers and mother Dr Rogers of Newmarket aged years At June Cather ine Walks mother of Mrs Charlie Lund of tins Town aged years Amos Millard and Geo Burrows of Sutton have just walked from river with pair of fine which tipped the scales at nearly fourteen pounds each Quite a number of the leading Ml mi I I Holmes Rev Morden i Queens are away to the Newmarket and Dr of Jton races Mr A Roe and family are Methodist Church has always Well at Right Prices DOORS it4 WHAT IS iJV at is Lumber IT TO AOVANf AGE REQUIRING AND LABOR THUS rim in COOT PLIGHT IT SHOULD our Youll Find Twill Pay to Use the Seat last week Ralph Baker fell titty feet ik while in the act of clianging his e was so Injured ttat Dur hls life is paired of at the J He was factor and Annual llanna avenue and Of ft SOI em anna avenue The question of abolishing the four year limit for Ministers on any one particular station or circuit was dis cussed at considerable length at the recent Toronto Methodist Conference but was finally sent on to the Gener al for decision About couplea attended the dance of the York Radial Railway employees at Scarboro Beach one night last Week Mr J during the post week made the largest cattle purchase in Ontario when he secured head of or cattle at a cost of from A Son of The court of Hall will continue grind during July and August It Is announced that Chief Justice Meredith will bo the vacation Judge during July and Judge Latch- ford during August The Hebrews of this city have pointed a board of arbitration among themselves to settle all civil dis putes Same old story John McDonald aged a fireman on the was found dead in his berth one day last lite had been drinking heavily A fire out in Francis Street last week and did damage Dominion Day Horse Parade will be and better year than ever No wonder the Magistrate imposed lines on two foreigners for keeping promises in a crowd ed given showing that ja six small rooms of bousfe persons had slept one night while slept the house of Petto similar fn size The cellars though flooded water as MecIag cial Hoards have spoken boldly and fearlessly in advocacy of all measures and means having for purpose and cur tailment and destruction of the liquor traffic We recognize that a unique crisis lias now arisen For the time in the history of our Province Hie policy of the Churches and temperance organ ization become the issue of a general election This new situation lias placed the Church mi trial as never before Never has such a testing lime been ex perienced in our history The prestige of the Church in stitution is at Our in fluence in moulding the lives and in saving Hie souls of men will lie increased or lessened accord ing to our action Therefore We urge all our people both ministers and laymen to do everything in their power by working and voting for the elec tion of candidates who will sup port the poli cy Second While our Church has not looked with favor on our ministers taking active part in elections we regard the present contest not as a partisan but as a moral issue adopted by can didates of both political parlies and as the Church as an insti tution is on trial therefore we heartily approve of ministers taking a decided stand and such public action as in their judg ment they may consider neces sary to effect the best results Cant afford it a mans excuse but it seldom to bankruptcy Your voles as the cannons to break down their ram parts The strongholds of salan built up in the past Like Jerichos walls at the blast of the trumpets Ho will hey lie leveled if true votes are cast The worlds great evangel And covenant angel Will pilot to conquer Gods enemies Oh happy the day when bar- era A committee was appointed by the Agricultural Society last Saturday j composed of Messrs J J Rogers A Phillips and ADennis to select field for reaper a mower and make other ar rangements for the show At the Mechanics Institute ReUn ion last week the readings and recit ations were given by Messrs Davis Hunter Shaw and Rev Warden It was a success rooms are lacking And passersby bear no rousing and din Protect the Heart From Rheumatism Purifies the and Throws off Complicating x4i Weakening blood by continued attacks of scenes of obscenity and the heart and produces talking wWch reau fatally- oft were the products puts the blood in condition to those hotbeds of sin diseases and Oft the stillness of night from the whole Would be thrilled by for all V of Rheumatism 50 cents at J hen streetboys scamper letter to view the sad scene w Local Option is proving a bless- r work owing to my being badly rusticating at Roachs Point Mr J Johnston of was in Town this Allan Thompsoi of Minnea is visiting with her Cyrus Rogers Mr Charles was the guest of Mrs Or Rogers two or throe days Mrs Mat Brown of Whitchurch is visiting relatives in Whitby for a few days Rev Rankin of Aurora the pulpit of the Methodist Cbttrcb in Newmarket last Sunday with great acceptance Mr Martin of King Town ship is now visiting a couplo ot weeks at Reaver Harbor tho identical locality where his mother was born- Mr J Far is the new proprietor grW friends in with tie Anglican Church Sharon held a successful garden party last we J I if Li where from Rheumatism I also Constipation to be foe to health Correct at One at bedtime Sold for 60 years Ask Your Doctor Co has adopted and also t suffered pains in the back A- using two bottles THE MENACE OP The Lindsay Post says The man who operates an automobile on highway at reckless speed in his sober senses is nothing less a criminal but what must ho I no I man who loads up with its he every war fully miiLius containing of containing other occupants on one of endorsed London June It is reported our much travelled highways An feo peaceful and quiet the tireless incident of this kind happen No Of Wot Iventor has obtained a last when number of men In public the question is often contract from the under the influence of liquor were on discoursed I numerous aerograph stations in that there to l from Hill is a nice Government for instalment of Lindsay They had a most difficult country time In the and when j bars have no room Mrs P j Hill June oyo Bra to I Children Cry FORFLETCHUS a placed road again and the iiiidge Was crossed with safety a little tber on the ear again left tie crashed Into Jhe was badly damage and those who came upon soon real I red that not only were oc cupants drunk but that the oar con tainer goodly supply goods