Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1914, p. 6

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landN i visiting at- home of her slater j Mr Love of Port Ar thur of Mb place with his bride spending his honey- J 4 his bride is spending Mb honey moon the homo of Mr and Mrs Love homo at Port Arthur on July ink B I I AN Something certainly bo done lo improve our streets in order to lessen dust In addition to the ordi nary vehicles there arc many more automobiles this year and they make the roads dustier than over One auto will make more dust than a dozen farmers wagons The experiment of Oiling the streets with crude pe troleum was tried last year but did not work- out satisfactorily We still maintain that sprink ling the streets is the only rem edy and surely some plan along this line fieri he worked out At present it is impossible to open a door or window on any of our principal si reels without having the premises invaded by a cloud of dust Which is the despair of all good housekeepers We would like to see the matter receive some attention in the near future Our town baud is practising regularly and have a line pro gramme of music prepared Come and hear it at the Presby terian Garden Parly next Wed nesday evening Mr Join Moore has been ap pointed Officer for the Hiding of North York We Mr Moore on bis appointment as he is certain to prove a fairminded official Wednesday and Tuesday were hottest days of I be season so far is very badly need- The Presbyterian and Method- is Sunday Schools will hold their annual excursion to this year some lime En July Examinations are in progress in connection with our Continu ation School The Entrance will commence next Wednesday afternoon Miss has resigned her position as Principal of the Con tinuation School and will leave at Midsummer and- Sunday intend holding annual Excursion and pic nic Island Park Lake as on Friday June 20lU Cars starting from Sharon at oclock a stop- ping at stationsoil the way north Mr hold a very successful barnraising last Saturday afternoon The Shar on Hand made their first appear ance and Ifvencd up the occa sion several selections The boys deserve credit for- I lie way they are improving We hope to sue them out quite often during the summer Mr Jesse Walton of Aurora was pre- and made some very com plimentary remarks Wo are glad lo see our old friend Mr Graham out again after his severe Illness Mr Horace Mall accompanied by his was spending days visiting friends and Relatives in the community I While working at a lawn mow er Lome cut bis very badly Ladies Aid held a very successful lea last week at the home of Mrs Shaw over fifty being present Mr Shaws new barn is nearly completed Mr Titos Brown is pulling a line new fence around his pre- miscs Wonder what a cool breeze would fed like after such a hot wave Sandy Hank HORSE FOR Hay years old roadster Apply to ROBERT HUTCHINSON Lot Con Scott 3wl9 landlord WOODCHUCK8 WANTED Live Wanted at each No business transacted on Sun days Apply at Harry Fox Ranch near Albert 1 STRAYED J fame upon the farm Mr Shields East a -car- old Ifolstein Heifer about May Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take her away SHIELDS Mount Albert FLOUR Cream of the West made of Manitoba wheat Monarch and Daisy Pastry exchanged for wheat and aborts always on hand Oats and mixed grains chopped for sale Chopping Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays The Power Mount Albert C DIKE FENCING Send your order and have your fencing done properly anil promptly Apply to smith Newmarket or it SMITH QUEENSVILLE TO FARMERS Now is the time for you to out for the very best Corn Cultiva tors I have a great variety walk ing and riding I know pretty ally what you need and have it for you In the John and International Har vester Co- Do not forget that the Separator Is the King of all lie sure and see me if you any thing PEQQ MOUNT J COOK MOUNT ALBERT Blacksmith ad tor Farm Implements IJarrte Buggies Plows Wire Price Moderate Call before buying Business College bMi School of Mvr it doing than Writ If ye to prepaid tor a good By in our new Station we were to have this summer also Station Agent No sign of eith er yet Our Library is being renovat ed both inside and out The new coat of paint adds greatly to its appearance Juno is the day set for the annual Strawberry Festival to held by the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church on Mr Tuwn Mrs old home Particulars later lee Cream served every Sat urday evening in Dunhams Store Annual Banquet of the Young Mens Bible Class last Thursday night was an exceed ingly pleasant affair The ladies of the Senior Class prepared the daintily served supper The toasts were humorous Interest ing and instructive During the evening the young men present ed their teacher Rev A Mc Neill with a handsome dress ingcase Jilted tip with ebony as a token of their esteem and ap preciation of his work amongst them to will Mr McNeill re plied in a very feeling manner The singing of the national an them brought the evening to close everyone thoroughly joying themselves The Methodist pulpit next Sun day will be supplied by a dele gation from Hie pom Alliance Rev McNeil being absent at I Conference League June Our neighbors and their Church Home Speaker Mr Richardson Reader Miss Nora Die Apologist Early Church Speaker Miss Reader Harry Knights Truthfulness Speaker Mrs Pearson Reader Levi tooo of the KESWICK The Keswick T have arranged to hold two special prayer meetings the first in the Methodist Church after the ser vice on Sunday evening June the second in the Christian Church after the service on Run- day evening June Every praying man and woman who wishes lo see Ontario clean ed of Hie open bar is urged to meet with them to make special prayer 1st that the Spirit of God may prompt every Christian lo support only candidates who are pledged before witnesses lo vole for the abolition of the bar in Parliament and 2nd that the pledged candidate may be kept strong to keep their promise and that we may see every bar banished from Ontario after the next Election Sec W June Anoth er gas flow has been struck at the now famous Oil Springs Holds the Donley farm a couple of miles from bore a gusher of a quarter of a million feet- was struck this morning and the new well was Capped without difficulty The Oil and Gas Company of which W J of is the principal shareholder are the owners of the huge gusher the oili er day which lias an estimated output of feet and which has not yet been capped owing lo ho gigantic flow The gas is of excellent quality no odor of any hind being detected Egypt have on June for their anniversary vices a Lawn Social weather- is awfully patchy these days but I wish Ihem wali shall not speak Now would bo a fitting time Tor friends to come out and join with lie brethren here Youd find just the thing Some of times dipped Presbyterians with such unbounded faith tenets and doctrines of belli- that verily would deein you Ark if wure you not in Presbyterian fold They always give strangers a cordial welcome The Free Methodists have pitched their tent right in the wilderness at the Devils or a of a fortnights duration or perhaps longer A rousing time is anticipated Sergeant was at Long Branch ranges Saturday He qualified as a representative in the team to shoot against a Yan kee team of military marksmen at Niagara Camp on the top line in the competi tion for place on the team of ten Mr Harry Park is now steadily recovering Medicat treatment succeeded in poi son from bis blood Mrs Pringle was attack ed by an unusually severe case of lumbago last week It stub born- resisted drugs it was dosed with for some days All once it gave up the unequal contest and now Mrs P is her own self again You see she has a very attractive flower garden and as may suppose stooping over and admiring her floral beauties so much gave her a creak in the back which grew and worser as Geo Foster used lo express- himself Mrs P has an exceedingly hand some and attraclivc bed of dai sies Daisies fresh are blooming oer All my heart can but adore Shall I see thee evermore Sweet Bella Sweet Sweet Belle Wail for mo at heavens gale Mahone Sweet Belle Mahone Tho- Queeusville Scribe used lo make the welkin ring with this sweet little Irish melody Willie has done some of the handsomest and most artist ic cement work ever seen here and which meets the approval of those who are judges of such work His work at Pringlcs and Johnston have es tablished his claims for fine work He has- many orders pouring in John Miller is building a ce ment and stone wall as a support for the of 8 Store It will be an ornament to the property John Miller has a cement mix er- finest out uptodate in all parts gasoline motor Many are Ibe favorable com ments oil the Misses summer house Every form of rustic work and decoration arches braces brackets trusses fluted arches etc are display ed I speak Willi all sincerity Ive got to see its equal dared an expert at such work lo in spect and compare with his own Owen work He wouldnt Mr Stephen Hart is putting up a handsome veranda and oth er carpentry at Johnston Our farmers surely have got praties on brain They are just stuffing the ground with Ihem All being well a great drop is expected with great pleasure attended the death bed and burial of Mr Pox last week explanation I sup pose is necessary You see for considerable time there has ex isted hard feelings between and Fox TV At Manse Sutton on Wed nesday June Robert of Miss Crawford of Sutton by Roy Keswick team of ball players come downhere on Sat urday and beat our boys by a score of 10 to It must be our boys have never practised- this season so they were prepared to take defeat They return the game next Sat urday Ask To show you bis samples tit Holeproof Hosiery for men wo men and children tenant lot tenant lot con BroblsB Rons J Wood cock SSOO Clark as owner lot Con A dogs removed and few added to the roll and the Roll confirmed The Council then took up the general business of Kelly Proctor That Coun cil grant sura of to gravel Hill con and to grade Salters Proctor Colo bo to build a Concrete Crossing on opposite Grace Street Carried proctor the ClerW bo to notify P John ston to remove bis Fence from tho Highway north of ana In the event of his refusing or neglecting to the bo authorized to take- ha nccesHary eteps to have same re moved Carried ved that Reeve Issue his order on payment lit Golden help weak to healthy helps them to digest tbo food good rich red blood which nourishes the entire body- This vegetable remedy to a greatextent puts the liver into activity oils the machinery of the human- system- so that those who their working hours at the desk behind the in the home are rejuvenated into vigorous health or mat jean It can tin Or Plarort for ate Personals A number of Masons from Ma- attended di vine worship with the Cunning- Ion members on Sunday last Messrs J and were in the city this week Miss Florence McKay is im proving after her recent illness Miss Nellie and lady friend of Toronto visited her parents here over Sunday Mr and Mrs McCrae were guests of Mr and Mrs Norman in Sutton this week See Those Outing Shirts At They are just right for this weather Picture Show The Picture Show is to be a permanent thing in Sullon trial was made last Wednesday and everything proved satisfac tory This show will be every Wednesday night with an en- lire change of program each week Posters will out announcing the program so look for Ihem each week follows vjz Ben Phillips sheep claim Boyd sheep claim Boyd killing dog B Howard Curtis work Morning work on road Watson gravel P Williams tree Curtis Forester tile Canada Ingot Iron Culvert Municipal World Odd Hospital A furniture A Dunn teaming Little making tile Park work on team on W Equalizing Stationary postage And that tho Corporate seal be hereto attached Carried Council adjourned to on July at tho Municipal hall at Sharon at am 1100 360 6400 3 up MitlOfinU fr A Manager The Business Of Farming Ilka business of Manufacturing should In a practical business Proceeds should bo put In a bank Payment be made by Cheque A certain percentage of tho be put In a Savings Account as an fund man has a cash surplus In Is protected against bad and hard FIELD CO Our first I prospects At No A Snap ALFALFA At DUTCH lbs only MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRV Manager Importer Court of A meeting of Ibis Infill on June The following were the McKay no dog no dog J no dog no dog Holy no dog II loo high J Wheeler loo high A Kemp too high J Allison too high loo high ast too high Lawrence ast too high Express Co too high Sweet should be resident was taken off the as sessment of and 200 off P No other changes were made Council The Council met on Friday evening last and transacted Ibe following business The Clerk was authorized lo order signs from the Ontario Motor League was order three axes a chain some rope and seventyfive pails for lire purposes The chief was instructed lo offer a reward of for evi dence of the parlies who are guilty of damaging boat houses fences etc in the village Messrs Dr Noble and J A Taylor were appointed to Briars Cemetery Hoard The following accounts were ordered paid Murrcll J Small J A Taylor CHIPPEWA STOCK IN DEMAND the 00 Wo clip the following from Marie Mich News fames A of the Sailor Creek farm in Bruce Township has sold to Frank of Baldwin one of Hie best bred Jersey that over left Chippewa coun ty The of this royal youngster was bred at farm Hough- ton county in the herd that produces the purest and best commercial milk of which the world has any record This was so certified to at the Na tional Dairy Show by United States government authority It also is the home of Bess world champion Jersey cow with a record of pounds of J rich Jersey milk one year The darn of Mr pur chase is- Lee one of the best bred Jersci cows in Chippewa county and winner of first prize at the Coun ty Fair She is owned by Judge L and is highly prized Tb fame of Chippewa County as a dairy section is fast extending Have You a Bath in Your Home In most of the homes of the cities there is no means of taking a bath It here where The Robinson Bath Tub fills a longfelt want ft lakes the place of a Si bath room The inside dimensions of the Tub are inches long inches wide ami inches deep It is made of heavy rubber ducking perfect in construction and with ordinary care will last from leu to fifteen years The bottom of Ibe tub rests on file floor There are no pipes to leak or Cpg no plumbers bills meet weighs but fifteen pounds and when not in use can be folded up and placed out of the way One the greatest aids to health anil happiness is fre quent bathing The Hal It Tub i- very convenient in case of sickness in the home It can be placed beside Ihc sick bed the patient lifted out given a good clean refreshing bath and placed back into bed without any excitement or undue effort that might be detrimental The price of THE BATH TUB is f To ronto Shipped anywhere on receipt of price J YOUNG UTILITIES COMPAfiY Jarvls 8treet TORONTO iwJ8 in pi feet Pigs if oncE Wo The Phono a ir are warming things Up as well as weather Mr Arthur an independent Conservative is announced lo address a political meeting at Aurora on Tuesday next Wo are the solo agents Sut ton for the Holeproof Hosiery Co of London Wo can get them for men and women or children and they ar6 sold in boxes of 3 pairs and six pairs guaranteed 3 and months Give us a call and we will ex plain them to you OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON WEST It is expected the Dominion Parliament will prorogue today ami for the next two weeks mem bers of bat House will be taking an part in Ontario and Manitoba Provincial elections hi all den lo I dee mo Shi On a fine flock of poultry producers of- lien fruit in such and at such remunerative prices that they promfsctl to land in the millionaire ranks should he live to or thereabouts Brer Fox and his family doled on chicken pot pie rare done or not done at all Bo be used to stand oil the hills and lick his chops till finally ho could not resist temptation longer The evil spirit says Go for em brother Fox made a dash and snapped up one and was up and away be fore could turn out These neighborly calls were as frequent as to be a nuisance as every call decimated the little flock and Jimmie couldnt catch Pox neither could Hie dog Fox laughed a kind of laugh Come on if you fin ready got riled up and changed his tactics At peep May bo crawled up in the hay loft and when Fox was about to put his teeth into one of Jims hand somest birds his indignation got the belter of him and ho let flicker and gave Fox a dose of PainKiller Fox died Church Anniversary Anniversary Services will he held in Knox Church Egypt on Sunday June 230 and p m If of Newmarket will conduct the services On Monday uric the an niversary Lawn Social will bo held on the church grounds An excellent tea and program will lie provided The chief features of the program are Address by Rev Thomas A Scotch Songs by Mr Cochrane Toron to Voral and Instrumental Mu sic and Readings by Miss Coch rane Toronto Mrs Hamilton and Mr Sutton and local talent The Sutton Orchestra will delight the audience with instrumental music Tea served from lo clock program oclock This promises to surpass all previous anniversaries North Ray June The town on the National Transcontinental west Coch rane bad a serious fire last night Ten stores and nine residences were destroyed OWEN Baldwin PAINTER AND PAPER The Ontario Government alien ated to Mackenzie and Mann the Canadian Northern Ontario Railway Iwo million acres of our finest Hand in the clay belt without a dollar in cash return as a land grant to Hie Transcon tinental Railway The Opposi tion resolution was that the Can Northern Railway before secur ing extension of time should he required lo provide for settle ment along the line its road in iNew Ontario The Government with majority including the gentleman who represented North York voted down this pro position Perhaps rhe can satis fy some of his Conservative friends hat in so doing he did the correct thing but en thinkers will entertain a dif ferent opinion and vole accord ingly North Bay June The thriving j little town situated on the Grand Trunk Railway twenty miles south of North Bay received a blow this morning a disas trous fire which out twenty- five buildings Including some fine business and residences Julie Two young lads Fred and John Archer about years of age while bathing this evening near the Government Spur Line touched ft live wire were instantly electrocuted Another ad Wilbur Lewis was hadly burned but will recover St June Dur ing a severe on Friday night the fleet of fishing vessels The Farmers Mutual Lightning Protected Insur ance of Michigan as its name implies in sures only redded buildings and that only after the Companys inspectors have carefully examined the rodding and approved of it During in clusive in a business which for the four years total led risk this Company paid only for damage to buildings by lightning iu three small claims all traceable to defects in which were overlooked by the Companys Inspector The Patrons Mutual Fire Insurance Company which also does business all over the Stale Mulli gan insures both and unrodded buildings In the same four years 19091912 this Company on a total risk of paid lightning dam age on buildings to the extent of which is one thousand and eight times as much as Un protected Company paid Of this loss the damage to buildings consisted of three small claims only ami per cent of their buildings are rod Deducting these rodded risks we see that Ibe damage occurred on risks amount ing to At this rate the loss on the of risks the same as the Protect ed Company Would he which is tinted as great as Ibe loss on the same amount of buildings Thus when the damage to properly rodded buildings amounts lo the damage to rodded ones amounts to or in oNier words rods have saved out of an expected loss of indicating the efficiency of per cent or out of From Prof Days address at Winter Fair December 1913 Building With Universal Lightning Rods on It ever been Damaged by Lightning I Write us for a Catalog THE UWVER8AL LIGHTNING ROD CO Makers of the Rod With the LookJoint ELECT tomato we are in Cold Tea bio war all kind A QOi Coin on- lli a north shore of the was badly crippled reports vary concerning number which have been though it is definitely known that nine men have been drowned the ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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