J Suffering j ess iii- Ml UKKT A A Hence iii comment op- the may I I criticism rather- than otherwise TJlSINfLCTS ale of yorkVrhit coihirg your for Mr Walton Court 9 case Ho said vxn V llV s -W- if- i v vvrfr ntf TV remedies have done for I Was a from and I arid I ouch tlrcdj worn out alek and Fink- ham Compound and lam how well and strong and can do all my own work I owe It all to Vege- Compound and want other Buffer to know about It Mm If Spring St Mur- This famous remedy of are derived from native and herbs fox nearly forty yean to bo a moat yalua tonic and of the Women bear willing to wonderful vir tue of Vegetablo Compound Why No woman Buffering from any form of female troubles lose hope un til has given Vegetable Compound a fair trial If you want special write to 1 1 1 ii Your letter will and answered by woman In strlot f ill W WW a bylaw prohibiting and cast aspersions oft passenger on toe motorcycle law just how the fines will in- croace at Hardware state that the price of under the new of and unwise from a ad a keg This one In was prolonged a wearlspme lengthby peanut politics considoratlonof really Important a City has been moMum the Hoard Control back of a individual members have been rife The course of one Government flupportor How ard Ferguson of boa been Noting as a blocker the Accounts md invoking the brute force of a vast majority to enquiry in various matters has given a sinister aspect to which might quite reasonably be regarded as Innocent His con stant purAiit of Mr Howell whom all know to be an estimable gentle man however they may differ from him In politics has been foolish and from oven sordid stand point of the practical politician This extract Is in A TREATISE on Morse FREE We you free IhiuV that you nil 1Urar one I hem Call for It at I or write THINK OVER I Wio increasod cost of living gossip has it that premier will continue in his present relations as head of the Ontario Gov- till after the coming Pro vincial elections after which bo drop out and bo appointed as succcs to Sir John M Gibson as On tarios now Lieut Governor Strang er things have happened In the realm of politics and it begins to look by the turn politics is taking In Toron tos nominations the above may become a reality The Hebrews of the city celebrated the Jewish holiday of in memory of bringing down ten commandments from Slrml from yaurday evening at sunset till Mon day Morning This holiday with the Jews occurs seven weeks after Pass- Possibly some con In Ontario will continue to support I smallest human beings in the aid of the to KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE It cum Cuib lrfii it I I r nil i I i Oil 1U M I 1 I It j hi I- IV If IM jour J COMPANY Vermont No Friends Like The Old From girlhood thro urn middle tnd tight to old age Tabled me womans friend the nerves atop keep the blood rich and Assure good health Try He ft j by and Mann but we have no idea that the elector ate of North York will condone the Wrong imposed upon the Dominion The proposals involve a Federal bond guarantee of with a fur ther credit if necessary of interest payments at four per por an num on these bonds for three years after- the completion of tho transcon tinental lino from Montreal to Van This means In all human pronability alter giving the company a straight cash gift of nearly during tho session of that new proposi tion extends a further credit of some and what Is more the present representative of North York gives his approval by his If the road should become insolv ent Mackenzie and Mann could step out with their profits and leave the people of the Dominion to shpuldcr obligations Incurred Although the Opposition have pointed out that the under Its proposi tion can only take oyer control af ter insolvency of the company yet Mackenzie and Mann thereafter in which to finance them- Bathroom the Shop JADING TINSMITHS a TC r SON Grocery Lignite the Can Be a Source of porly an a f era which visits Toronto next weeaC The man Is inches tall and his inches shorter High Constable Phillips rbports thai the of the County Council re garding the reformation of the coun ty constabulary has now been fulfill ed The Council decided to place five salaried policemen the thickly pop- I ulated sections bordering on tlm city Judge sentenced a striking cloakmaker to three months in the Central Prison for assaulting I a private detective Some peoples zeal upsets Judgment Tho permanent force of the Royal Canadian Regiment has gone Into camp at Niagara to perform neces saryfatigue work in connection with forthcoming militia camp East York Conservative Associa tion will hold a convention lo-mor- row to nominate a candidate for the Riding the Ontario House On Tucfiday of last week Kale aged 20 years was sentenced to one month In prison with six lashes add ed for committing a serious offence against a young girl About children from the Sick Childrens Hospital have been re moved to the Lakeside Homo on the Island Tin Toronto Suburban Railway -Co- selves into possessing all possible as- decided to extend the Weston sets and no liabilities Although worth millions ihey arc placed be yond personal liabilities This is Borden agreement and this is the scheme Conservative members arc supporting PROVINCIAL GENERAL ELEC TION i line to Brampton con necting with their to lino West York Conservatives will hold a convention Friday to nominate a candidate to the Legisla ture for election The thunderstorm last week made things Point The all the moat populous lion of Canada lying between Mont- real Quo Moose Jaw flask re- lies solely on tbo United States for its supply of anthracite coal Fur ther there Indications that the I United States may In the near future prohibit the ex- port of anthracite and asthe only anthracite deposits thus far In Canada confined to the area near Banff It is of Importance that suitable substitute bo found as soon as possible Such a situation makes It clear that Canada should carefully hup- band her coal resources and so far an possible check all wasteful moth of mining and handling coal With this In view report suggests greatly needed changes in form of coalmine leases the pro- visions of which should be carefully j by a competent engineering authority This would go far towards preventing the careless practices lowed a in many coal mines- In to this It Is urged that should carry In vestigations with a view to determin ing e suitability of slack and low- grade coals for use In gas producers for generating power and their J adaptability for manufacture of briquettes for By uti lising these products In this way not only would there bo less waste but the value of public coal lands would be considerably In creased Again It Is pointed out that cen tral power stations situated In the vicinity of many of tho lignite fields I of Canada could develop electric power for transmission to neighboring manufacturing centres This would mean a great saving es pecially In the case of lignites The chief deficiency of the lignites which provonts their widespread use as household fyel Is that will not uir transportation In the first place their heat producing do not Justify the cost of freighting and In tho second place bey will not stand shipment and weathering In addition to these defects lignite In Its form Is scarcely suitable for stove and furnace use I In this emergency the coal brl- gives promise of being the vSUpn of Canadas vast prairie bo far as cheap fuel Is concern- and the Commission of Conserve- Hon Is bending Its efforts towards Do you resent having a merchant message to you In form of advertise In our columns On tho contrary Is not your to respond to his over- always glad to let you sue the peat egg producers The Best to Lay The Rest to Eat The Best to Sell The Heal t Save some chlckenB this year that turns you will delight to show to orders WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO being Booked Every Day Price to local customers Pees 1 a per Pens 3 Wr Baby Chlx 35 50c each Re member satisfaction guaranteed REV J HAU Newmarltt I Time Card GOING NORTH am pm 1030 310 SOUTH Leave am pm 1340 Newmarket Toronto loiigexnectcd date fori partially blown down and signs Ontario Provincial direbtlons Several boats has at last been decided were torn from their moorings The following sentiments were ov erheard on a certain street of the City a nights ago When a lions has at A lias been issued dissolving tin Legislature and another appeal the Llecloralr Nominations will hike place uii of uni ami on I if was generally Pany it begins to look though a from Sir Was not far distant James as Premier of p died this City was her would be She had been made by Saturday and f came as Properly speaks Hie of time of IIiq now dissolved IJouso extended months lieiire The last Legislature was doc tod it Dec Mil I and would expire until 11 1015 How ever as thorp has been a partial seats it in ore or of an excuse for Hie action token a resident of To- and tears ago for she and her had a acre market garden on- Avenue Mrs Brown was the grandmother of Aid Meredith Sir Melvin Jones has been created a Chevalier of the of Honor by the Government of France Rev Francis Walsh member of the teaching staff at St Michaels College died suddenly In his room on Thursday night of last week as re sult of apoplexy ROOT JONES 662 Hi Katt PRACTICAL PAINTER of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL i- And Hung on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you want the very BEST WORK AT TUB FIGURE You cannot better W Jones My paper hung at per roll any other puper per roll mates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction Guaranteed In- view situation and likewise of the issues dividing we are prone to lielieve Ho of Ontario will he pleased at the opportunity a election will afford to emphasize public sentiment in regard I hereto for York we are pressed with that the will rejoice I another privilege is I ml to expression Hieir views on Hie temperance and loniarb disapproval of late Assembly in white wash legislation of men a Hi- member for who in open violalion of the House will lion of the Government and members supported hem Ilia unwarranted not I use a harsher term to identify llM Opposition with similar of our law deserves the vresi censure and sliales to what extremes poll of the stamp are prepared to by way of attempting to justify their mis conduct Under the Ion who rover the impropriety refer ed to alsodOHorva helfsappro of be when J their the of tii month The time is short lllir HOME STUDY coal It is possible to manu facture on a commercial j basis only where supplies of pitch be secured for binding purposes In the case of lignites the quantity of pitch required Is far less and It young lady tries to find out a youne by can be made without the mans salary a a young man drops a all Germany in to call upon a lady un- the greatest advances in expecteflly find out how she dress- 1 industry have been made anenor- arly when she is not expecting quantity of low grade brown- coal or lignite has been utilized and handlness and uniform size I of tho bricks has made them very popular In the cities where they j form the greater part of the fuel used The uniformity of size makes I the briquette burn more f and they give off less smoke which In a city residential district Is a strong recommendation While crude lignite is extremely brittle and Is reduced almost to dust on a journey the briquette made from it can bo transported long tances with very little deterioration either from the Jolting or the wea- and when kept under cover will remain In perfect condition for months At the present time In the Crows Nest country where of the coal in the west Is being rained the Is to make It into coke which Is sold to neighboring smelters The high ost of makes it elMe to market the slack coal to advantage The organization of the manufac ture of briquettes In large quantities however must be retarded until sufficient quantity of binding mater- 1 i lal Is put upon the market The most desirable binder Is tar pitch and re cent of the- river reveal the fact that there are deposits of tar sand there which when developed ill supply a huge supply of pitch for the Industry For the present however coal tar pitch may he considered as the for the development of bri quette manufacture Another method of utilizing the immense lignite deposits Is in the development of electric power and on this the commission sets considerable store The report points out that the are so the large quantities of could be used to run steam plants from which the pow er could be exported for great distances to serve the greater ber of the present manufacturing cen tres In tho west a well as creating new ones within easy reach of the generating centre- The byproducts of the lignite beds are manifold and give promise of great industrial wealth The chief of which can be pro duced In large quantities where a market Is near t be pro fitably sold for domestic and lighting purposes It can also be to ify for the mines WELL painted floor is a sanitary floor- easy to keep clean and bright Floor paint has to stand the and wear and stay fresh and bright under all kinds of kicks and rough usage The Floor Paint for allaround satisfaction is Tie DM It keeps thousands and thousands of floors spic and pan with its freshness and newness and cheery brightness SENOURS FLOOR PAINT is really the cheapest too because it covers su and wears longer than any other We have FLOOR PAINT in 14 colors suitable for every floor you want to paint The Alts Course may be but to must it one QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS APPLIED SClCHCE tDUCATlOti MEDICINE SUMMER SCHOOL JULY it Y CHOVN W MAMS Oct it turn ft ecu J urn A l I I vr Manufacturers of the Celebrated ARCHIVES oi I A i 1 be of In P I on C At t Out Pi a ti As fln work rippii A P A and fowl in doc OLD