mm Ml4UaHE8 LIFE MINT it you or sell see mo Ave Newmarket Upon too promises and Colt requested to describe the pro- port- Pay expensed end take thorn away I UK A Point OUOUHOECIO WANTED Tlo undeleted are now in to mate a few more contract for the growing Cucumbers during the coming season Free A post card will bring any in formation requested WW CO Ltd Front St East Toronto ft NOTICE On Tuesday evening a Streamer across at the corner ot Main and Lot Streets erected by tho Was torn down and badly damaged partial commit ted act arc known and unless they settle at once legal be taken WILLIS OYOUNG Chairman of Com KILN DRIED WOOD FOR During the next month have for naif Lath Trimmings which usu ally burn in our furnace hut Which owing to repairs being made on our boilers and using electric power in place temporarily do not need These arc short splints not in long arc dry and Will burn giving oft Intense heal 5200 PER LOAD Also other pine blocks Hardwood slabs and saw dust THE A SONS CO Greenhouses St Phono Of haying lieCn of candidates leal cinrilHuiioiea will lake place Monday June and Iho voting At a mooting Of Execu tive of iho North York hero last Saturday It was decided to hold a Liberal MaHMeoting on Saturday the 13th of- commencing at when he delivered by Mr J M Walton of Aurora Hon Mackenzie King of Toronto Mr Sain Clark P of Toronto exMayor of Toronto and others are in vited to the topics of tho day Heats provided for ladies Everybody welcome WORTHY OF SUPPORT In Iho person of Mr J M Wul- the Liberals of North York have a for whom they can work with confidence and do- Ho is in the prime of life a native of Hie Hiding a true Canadian an effective in HE WdvlnolaVclcmfl from next short tlm hut todlcaWonsJ lead to conduBloti that tovo t y change ACvWesf Convention on Monday last Mr It defeated the late Mr Peek is an avowed supported of the policy 16 -abolish- thenarl Tho country is- A proas deopateh from Monday staves that the crew of ship Kafluk havb reached St Michael- Alapfci They report that the ship was crushed in ice hut they were able to escape with supplies The exploration work will go on all summer they report T Sunday rMiss Fountain over- Sunday with Michael- the past two with friends at Hichmond have gone to to spend a thWr brother Sloan of Mount Albert Is bet rMro is spoadlnga few weeks on the old homestead Union Street tMr and Mrs P J toredto City and vlsiUd tves on Sunday Miss RUcbrough of spent Wednesday with her aunt Mrs Waiter Stephens 1 1 1 I w t rfP AT IV A ft v i A i BICKE8T Konssa has decided not to Mr Jas had a slight any quot saloons within lour morning is blocks of its now union station Com- rervtrlnff slowly recovering Mrs Alex is a couple of weeks with her on thla action the Toronto facetiously I Toronto will not any Mann union station within four blocks of a saloon This is few days her- friend Restive Stephens Iks Mabel Mortimer and gentle- man spent last Sunday at Mr I ir y- bright MIbh has been en- gaged to sing at a Concert in the last week in June Dr and Mrs Hutt left for a We prepared to furnish flowers for weddings at very mo derate prices Our Brides Bou quet right up to date BOY WANTED learn the Printing business No one need apply who has not attended High Scho BRA ELECTRIC PLATING AND FIXTURE CO Having established a modern up- todate Polishing and Plating Plant we ate prepared to do all kinds Polishing and Plating in Silver Copper Brass or Zinc Tea Sets Cruets all kinds of Ta ble ware stove parts Jewellery and all kinds of Metal Goods finished to new Prices on application at West side of Town Hall iret WALSH Proprietor platform speaker and lias the respect and confidence of all who have the pleasure of his ac quaintance without regard party In Mr Walton North York will have representative enjoying their and respect a man who stands for Liberal principles cradled in the lap of He form and ready to make reasonable sacrifice in order insure the public weal The peo ple of this Hiding with- such a man as their representative in the House of Assembly will have one who will stand faithful lo pledges and prove an honor to the constituency When he makes a promise the people may expect its fulfillment Mr Wal ton is cast in a different mould from the man who led this con stituency to believe on the eve a former election that Hie Reformatory would be located within its area and heaps public money spent among the farmers yearly in purchasing supplies for the Institution Yes the chickens are coming home to roost at the end of Che present month The political atmosphere indicates a change and the temperance barometer gives assurance of a more pro mising future The prospect of victory stands out in bold re lief North York expects every Liberal to do his duty and every voter to Vole as he Prays c TIME FOR A CHANGE in North Toronto on Tuesday last down Mr the late in the Legislature and chose Mr Mark Irish as the running unite of lion Dr A cablegram from in its parly plans J Simpson and Tam il of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs Cornell on Wednesday Klip slates Ihal the Royal family and Mr have shown their deep j Ramsey of Bond Head Tor the bereaved occasioned with friends at by contributing to the relief fund and walker of To ns follows King Victoria Day with Mr J the Queen l30 the d Y St of Wales and the Kj Vcrn0n KlllK8 mother Alexandra J Mr Hamilton Cook Lemonville on Friday last In the coming Provincial elections Conservatives and who Mr8 attended MrVSOooka profess avowed principles funera t should both drop politics for Hunter wife and those Who Mr j policy to aboil ib- thenar of a friend wi C ami Mrs DMi attend- Jan Whitney talked about abol sb- C0UKi treating but he never had the courage of his convictions or feared the power on his side of the i I i U 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 J 1 -S- J I 1 If sion I 11 can offer you clothing values that are on a par with thoco you got at Huntoro Thats ve have A built up which enabled to buying that moan a groat 1 Wo buy our stocks or Quits from country foromost We select them carefully always with a vlow to the and requirements of Newmarket The Big Four Our notable quartette of clothing values- Is result of years of experience coupled with the shrewdest buying No Newmarket should buy clothing before he has seen them TO v on addei The Conservative Convention North Essex turned down a Hamilton Cook at last Friday Sorry to stale that Mrs Chester not in joying good health Hope she will soon be fully member of the Whitney Govern- menl and nominated Mr fsear ill Place of lion College on although a evening was sent lo the by Premier Whitney recommending his colleague No use talking tin tide is turning and we shall be disappointed if North York is not counted m Mrs Neil Morton Joseph Ave left last Tuesday to visit her daugh ter Mrs ft English Mass for two or throe weeks Mrs Will In hero from HELP WANTED Kitchen Woman and Diningroom Girls 1 with experience to charge Apply to Jacksons Point BARGAINS IN PHOTON As an excuse for dissolving Hie Ontario Legislature it is in timated that the- Government is desirous of obtaining the opinion of Hie electors in regard to the compensation bill recently enact ed but as the Toronto Star points out Hie bill passed the House unanimously and The Govern ment was criticized only because it delayed the enforcement of the Act Docs it- intend to ask the people of Ontario to justify the delay Let Conservative lieialis say what they may the pretext the Government wanted to have the approval of Hie Province in regard to the Act referred is put forth to cover up the real fact that the members of tin Jab net wanted lo have I In- election take place under Hie leadership of Sir James Whit- among the J jj W a change on the gW day of last week in her honor By order of tho Genera here from an adjourned meeting of York County a lew days She is going and Toronto City Justices the 1J rerjldo with her sister Mrs Peace Irwin Esq Clerk of n the old homestead on for said has issued in pamphlet form an alphabetical list I an old New- of the Justices of for boy has purchased and city also names of Court Judges Police Magistrates Coroners and County Constables as confirmed at a mbetirg of Just ices ot Peace held on April last The names of Reeves and De puties composing the County Council of York are also given making the pamphlet an excellent work of refer ence for County officials sacks of letters Racks of newspapers and six baskets of parcel post packages the letters including registered pack ets the face value of which is not known farm near His many friends here wish him success in his new undertaking Mrs Joshua Moore Mrs Will Stark and family of Toronto also Miss Simpson of Toronto spent the Kings birthtoy with Mr James Stark and family MY Ceo Johnson and wife of Toronto spent Victoria Day with Mr and Mrs Ross Mrs Johnson has just returned from California af ter a ten months trip The engagement is announced of Here are a few questions asked by the for electors to have candidates at the approaching elec tions answer on the hustings to Daisy daughter of the late Titus which Conservative candidate formerly of Newmarket to for North York will be expected to ow Toronto The reply a campaign Where is marriage will he on Juno the campaign money coming from J Webb got home was an exhausted timber limit day night after spending a at THE Uadertaking House can buy your Cheap For Gash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phones end We are now making a canvas f I own in order lo give each ami eviMv person a chance to save froin lo in photos Our representative will call your and explain to you ilit- great bargain lie a holder of a coupon which will en title lo the cut prices ami re mains good until Nov I BUT YOU MUST BE A COUPON ED Secure it Nov Phone Fergus Studio Cor Main Sis pro- WOOLLEN MILLS Are you in need of PURE WOOL BED BLANKETS for winter if so let us out of your own Wool The cos will be less to you than if you buy Ihe socall ed woollen blankets It Would Pay to Investigate us or ring us up about matter rt LKMMAN SONS Out That no doubt was Hie underlying motive Then again the Province has boon asking for the re form but the Queens Park Administration has shown un compromising opposition lo le gislation in that direction and in different occasions called up- 11 its slavish supporters lo re ject ibis reform it has also forked every effort to extend Ihe franchise to women and like wise refused lo give to married women tin- franchise a previous Liberal granted to widows and spinsters with In regard social questions loo be and its sup porters have likewise stood op posed conditions of labor among women also op- jecled Li appoint a commission inquirn into labor conditions ami rfusl Act providing stricl gislalion against child labor inn sanitation etc calculat ed lo ensure heller health to working youths of both sexes ami refused to prosecute com bines This is the kind of Ad ministration now seeking a re newal of power To vote for lliose who support them in the Legislature is to bought by the Government from a friend with the peoples at a fancy price Why was a valuable limit sold at a low price- to another friend contrary to adopted policy of selling by the thousand Why dors the stop inquiry Mark the answers to these queries when visiting the ballot booth The Cradle In Newmarket on 3rd of to Mr and Mrs Frank a son BISHOP In Newmarket on May to Mr and Mrs Alfred Bishop a son Old Scribe wok A Will the electorate of York endorse Ihisjiind of and vote for Us We cannot of Hi is management in the admin lievo The vole on the will tell We are among those who think it is time for a change A now broom will swim clean The old one is loo do efficient service Hollo there up again Flossie was rule wee lass We must admit indeed Sin got tired of lb And changed it Mr Job is improving very slowly The Rev Orion preached to- a large congregation on Sunday night and he handed out some real facts Mr Hood got a bad kick on the face oil Saturday night while playing football Doctor was soon called ami the cut was attended to right away ami is nicely The Ladies Aid was a grand success at Bakers he other but two strange women kicked up quite a row takes Charlie to tioodwood Now boys lake Mikes advice If I here are any more rackets kicked up around the Church there will be something doing Miss Davis was home over Sunday Mrs Maggie- Irwin and her mother were guests of Mr Ja cob on Sunday Rev Philip re turned lo the city after a weeks vacation in the country Mr Alfred lost a valuable horse on Sunday Look out for the annual School j Picnic on June Everybody Will he welcome Come along and bring the kiddies Happy Mike Union Springs New York State where he attended the annual meet ing of New York State Friends Messrs Fred War ren has Atkinson and Gordon Wright of Toronto and An drews of Aurora attended tho Odd- Fellows Demonstration here on Wed nesday Rev Hairier and wife are spending a couple days with his daughter Mrs Gilford Mann They are residing at again and the Elder passed his milestone in good health on Tuesday Miss Hover Mrs and her name of Hood K now to field and Mr Maitland oi Toron to motored up on Sunday and were this guests of Mr and Mrs E Cane also Mrs and Miss Stewart and Miss of Vaughan Mr Jack Gray was looking up the old hoys in frown a couple ol days last week He used to work in the old Foundry for the past years he has been engineering for the at He is looting well He visited his sister Mrs A and expects to return to the Weet next Mr Geo Wiley of Maple Grove Farm Red vers writes It has again come around to the time of year that we have to think ot our old friend the Era man and thank him for his weekly letter from home and old friends in and surrounding neighborhood for like to hear from them every and would like to able to go and see you all again All who come to see this great West I should be glad to welcome at any just like our friend Mr last Fall Hope to more of you soon The Altar MANN At the Chris tian Church Newmarket on June 3rd by Rev assisted by Rev J Hall Mr Cyril to Miss Vera Mann both of the resi dence of Rev and by the same on May Jesse Dews- berry ot Pine Orchard to Miss Anna of SHANK At Alberta on May las A Athabaska to Miss Adeline Shank of St Al bert Alberta formerly ol King Township They are spending their at after which they will return to to reside The Tomb At Victoria Memorial Hospital dune Jean widow of C Robinson and daughter the late Col T Macleod of Oak Ridges STARR In Newmarket- on Mav William Nel son Starr in his year At Bradford on Saturday May 30th brother of J of New market in his year Interred at Aurora Cemetery on Monday Wo have Oranges from to per and Fruit from to 10c each A FEW SPECIALS TO OFFER Lombard Plums 10c can Green Gages 10c can Pineapple A good rod Salmon vorth more money but while It lasts will sell at 18c tin PHONE PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes a liliii MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Ageiit for Cameras and Photo Supplies Weekly- TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phone No 161 Phone No ft Office Department has an that one peo ple have lost thiir mail Through In- lv of Ireland wreck It is reported the vessel carried itkiH ST AH orders will Careful and Prompt VALL1CY Corn planting is all the go Mr Jesse is repairing his mill Miss Johnston has return ed to the spending a lew- days Mr is putting up a new warehouse Tune up the fiddle Joe A number from here attended the Fair at Young men must he scarce around here as three of our On Saturday a despatch from North Oxford stated that the Liberals that Riding had unanimously Mr as their candidate lor term Tho contest is now on lor young drove out Cbeer of June up girls Utter time coming Miss Gertrude Allen spent at home I do feel for some people Norman wants to take an umbrella time The Apple Worm ARCHIVES