field Our shipment in now In Early Longfellow White Cap Dent Yellow nrc for higher price At Specially Reduced Prices for No and No quality TIMOTHY A Snap for balance of No ALFALFA or At Reduced price No DUTCH lbs to go at Ik This lot only at this price if Staple Kino China 1 i r V W1 Mr Charlie Boyd on pi Boat had one thcop killed and some others worried by a few days ago shot one dog and is holding tf m or owner to claim him and pay the damages Ho will probably have to bold the a good while theatre party motored toToron- evenlnv to on Wednesday evening nice follows I The evacuate not yet moved- Ah hour and a half after this collections Mayo reported the two gunboats the Bravo and Zaraozatrie main dependence of forces at loft city and steamed out into the J China Hall Grocery Where the Good Coffee Comes From Hi our show ing host blond and whore it comoa from- Deans be fore roasting and when ready for tulips are making ft tog now The horse of the was frightened morning by some pieces thrown from on Main St that are torn down and ran away doing have a mooting at the King George tonight to got ready for the approaching Provincial Election which in expected to he on the last week In June Both Len nox and Armstrong arc to be pres ent Police Magistrate held court here yesterday morning when tho against tho woman on An drew St was dismissed hut the court held that reasonable grounds existed for the proceedings A regular meeting of Tuscan Lodge No AM was held last Wednesday evening when tho mem bers- enjoyed the privilege of a visit from A Crosby accompanied by his secretary and several brethren from Toronto also deputation from Rising Sun Lodge Aurora The social part oT the was likewise a pleasant and profitable occasion 1 i Methodist The annual meeting of the M was held in the Church Parlor on Wednesday afternoon hero being a fair attendance of the members The treasurers report showed that dur ing the past year the receipts were of which amount tho Mission Circle for which the- de serve a groat deal of credit The election of officers resulted as follows President Mrs A I Addison Irwin Rec Mrs A Cor Hewitt Treasurer Miss Delegate to Branch Meeting in n Try a sample half lb W ltoliablo at 40di Mrs Manning Phono 43 Quick CORNER OK Main Timothy Streets HERE I have a lot of UEeful to sell I want an automobile and must sell two good work Mares right out of hard work in the city and Team Harness and I have some cheap old Implements wagons etc Deal at any price Also an extra good driv ing Horse and pneumatic tire Buggy nearly new l Extension Leather top Carriage and Harness to suit rig real good And I must sell for as said I want an automobile and the man told me if I sold these things and got your note or money he would sell me a car A Pearson Ave Newmarket A most delightful Musical Recital was given at Pickering College last Wednesday evening by the of Mr Arthur Oliver the Assembly Hall being filled with students and invited friends The following took part on the program Miss Gwendo line Cotter Miss Kathleen York Mies Dorothy Miss Rogers Miss Dorothy Colter Miss Marjory Rogers Miss Council Hiss Katherine Rogers and Mies The double piano selection by Miss Katherine Rogers Miss Jessie Rogers Miss Dorothy Cotter and Miss Cotter was a fitting climax and was hearti ly Duke Gov- of Canada to arrive next Wednesday and will remain to May His Highness will be the guest of Osier at his resi dence far is known the United luncheon May the police review the University in the after- of the dny the Club the and Club din ner on May Stanley Wallace an employe in the Don yard of the Kliafl Rogers Coal Company foil a trestle Tues day night and was seriously if not fatal hurl- A gas stove used to warm the coop of a fancier on Sumach Street set fire to place last Wednesday and roast ed alive worth of chickens Mexican Consul to returned to this city from Washington oft Wed nesday and is now at Niagara Kails making preparation or the comfort of the mediators who meet there on Monday to ar range settlement of I rouble be tween the United States and Mexico The Hoard of Control decided to the Don Jail on Nov ID Plans will bo prepared Immediately and construction started this summer on a new central police administration building which will include po lice womens and Juvenile courts remand cells and all po lice offices which will be entire ly removed from the City Hall The new building will cost be tween 9300Q0 and and will lie built either in Court St or Agnes St If J had my own way I would wipe out every bar in the City of Toronto was the outspoken re mark of Controller Simpson amid a tremendous outburst of applause at the dinner on Tuns- day evening of last week the Central A Two cottages on Woodbine Beach were destroyed by lire last week licfore Magistrate last week Ralph and Win wore up for assault and battery While intoxicated they had a quarrel In lolling their stories the Magistrate was con vinced they both erred from the truth and fined each the sum of Mission The annual meeting of the Mission Circle of the Methodist Church was held on Tuesday evening when a full report of the years work was given The total amount raised during year was nearly It was with deep regret that the Circle received I views Notice to Students The management of Shaws Business Toronto begs to adviso all Senior Public School and all High School stu dents that it Is prepared to mall a copy of its car- to any who desires to qualify In a short period of or months for a good lied position Address Shaws Schools Toronto Ont Head Office Sts resignation of their Sunt Mrsi Dr Wilkinson The officers for tho ensuing year are as follows Miss Stark 1st Vice Miss 2nd Vice Miss Myrtle Sec Miss Stark or Sec Miss Kathleen Socles Miss PianistsMiss Manning Assist Miss Annie Meek Heralds India Miss Lulu Christ Stew Miss 1 Houseman Temperance Miss Rhea Atkinson China Miss Hewitt JapanMiss Louise Addison FrenchMiss Annie Smith Strangers Miss Miss Jessie Delegates Marjorie Manning 5 and costs Another case of whiskey John aged years met instant death on Saturday when ho was buried beneath large landslide of earth while excavating on Ave Mrs A Is the newly elected President of the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the of Canada Although Toronto people by four to one favored tax reform not one of the citys representa tives in the Legislature got up in his seat and represented these There will he a break who for they next election The three Maori Kings visited the city lately left I Montreal on Friday where took shipping for England Mrs Win of run to was reelected Chairman of the Financial Committee at the International Council of Wo men in Home last week II he Duke of Con- naught of Canada is announced to open the International Conference on City Planning on May Township Council is considering a proposition for building at a cost of a permanent roadway to run from the mouth of the lumber Silver the Lake Shore and Hearst the view it hi said of urging the Dominion Government to bring the session t6ah early close members of House can lend a the Provincial Olivet to Calvary- was rendered the of the Church last with niuoh acceptance The Church Wis Crowded who has a calivvtoCalflry preached a lengthy sermon on the Howell in the -St- Methodist Church last Sunday night He rank of both leading parties are sup pressing to force In to the an evil which was responHible for nothing hut misery vice and degradation fessle Thompson was arrest ed Store last Satur day Oil charges of robbing chatelaines of shoppers Mrs Smith Street who accidentally sfumbled and fell in front of her own home on Sat urday broke her right thigh and bad to be sent to the Hospital MaMon of street while walking behind one ear on Street last Saturday was struck by another ear and had her leg fraclured A new historical painting of Toronto in was hung up in the City Hall mi Saturdaythe gift of Mr J of the Telegram The City Hoard of Health hav ing become suspicious in regard lo the sanitary condition and quality of milk supplied by the dairies of York Township have ordered sanitary inspectors lo visit all said dairies and report It may not be generally known that Public Health Act im poses a of on any djiirv- selling milk in a municipal ity without first being inspect ed and obtaining a the Medical Health Officer It looks like June as the dale of the next Provincial elec tions No less than cases of mumps are reported in the city A I brew a brick through life window of 1 pawnbroker Hay Street but he did not get anything Too many people were near by Fruit dealers in this city have received word from the fruit dis tricts of Ontario that the poach crop will not reach per cent of the crop last year The new Police building to lie creeled in this city will be a sky- eight or ten stories high and will cost from to June lie at Weston is date and place for holding a Conservative convention to nom inate a candidate for West York for the Ontario House seal The demise this week of Mr Joseph F removes one of the best known wholesale grocers of this city He was born in Out in is announced that Mr J MeKenzie is joining M Johnson as private secretary to Mr W Howell leader of the Op position and will work through out Province in the coming elective campaign Last week when Mr If Lennox K who appeared be fore the Railway Hoard in be half of Mr was asked about his whereabouts replied The last I knew of Mr Moyes was that he was in Algonquin Park No less than twentysix cases were on the docket when the General Sessions opened Ibis week before Judge Coals worth By far the great majority of cases are for theft The old home of the Hank f Cpper Canada corner of King and Frederick Sis is being torn In make way for a more modern warehouse A lineman of he Hell Tele phone Co fell feel from pole Tuesday and sustained a fractured skull and several brok en ribs WILL TAKE A HAND IN MEXICO on Lnk lo the J Mcc corner of Street and Miss L City will buy andkill slock and deal in the byproducts Lionel at Mexico dealing when Ihe new is com- exhaustively with the Mexican and that ho will submit them to London Thursday May Hi The Standard says this morning that Sir Ed Grey is considering the despatch es which have been received from Sir LOSS OF LIFE HEAVY hi or the decisive if the Mexican Revolution I jTlie Market Bargain House Special Sale GOODS CLOTHING RUBBERS etc Discount on All Lines GOODS MUST UK Come and Secure Some of Those A hoy about three years met a horrible death by jammed in a wngron wheel May week has fallen and is now made by I In Constitutionalists nearly much the first The Federal force evacuated the three months of Ibis year as ally and are retreating over Lite Muring the whole of National Railroad of Mexico lo- a lire about- midnight last ward San Luis where Thursday night the probably will make his bouse of Mrs J next stand of the boarders lb- fall was one only had time lo escape in of most decisive battles of night robes I lip most important strategic vio- i women are fighting over lories that the Constitutionalists Hie estate of the late Three doors Hotel Phone south of King have Brained gives them an important port on Ihe Gulf of Mexico the first they have had it puts their hands lie most valuable oil fields in all Mexico it opens up a source of revenue and it also gives them an impor- new base for their prepara tions for march on Mexico Military experts here say though that it will be least six weeks before and bis followers could hope to I rate from to the capi- lal of lift republic deports indicate losses on both sides have been heavy Tampieo was cap tured shortly after noon Admi ral Mayo reported to Admiral Badger at this afternoon who cabled the filato as a traveller claim lobe his widow The es tate is valued stated recently thai Hie Dominion Alliance re- gardless of parly would support candidates at the approaching Provincial On Thursday of last week the Presbyterian Mission Hoard an nounced the appointment of three more missionaries to China Ireland has sympathizers in Toronto on both sides of the fence touching Home and on the same day the oppo nents of Home held a dem onstration up in Queens Park Most people have the notion that Canadians had better let the Old amount to town line Cabinet soon with his Sir Ed wards notes thereon It is understood Sir Edward Grey will advise the Cabinet that in his judgment no useful purpose is to be served by the A mediation conference hut that at the Same time a line of nolloy will be indicated which will go far to minimize the possibilities of further bloodshed EAST AND WE8T YORK ROADS It is stated in a report from En gineer James to the York Highway Road Commissioners on Tuesday last that the Ontario Government has approved of the program of work submitted to them and will hute their share of the cost The Commission expressed the hope that work would bo commenced Immedi ately and that a system of good roads of which the County would feet proud will soon be enjoyed A deputation waited upon Com mission from and Whit church municipalities urging that something- be done to improve the highway between and Villages which is In a had state of repair North York Is beyond the jurisdiction of the Board but it was filially decided to the County to contribute and Whitchurch Township similar v A i i r l I ii t STOCK OF A D IP mi I D CD If 1 1 imam Tho Wool flow market Incorporated by Act of THE GREATEST VALUE OFFERED IN FARM PROPERTY J CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS 104621710 TQTAL ASSETS at all important centres in Canada and in London New York Chicago Spokane Mexico tad Newfoundland Every description of a Basking business transacted- INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of Ontario Bank will be accommodate as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH G ROSS Manager arc always found In genteel circles The last word In ele gant ties In handsome shades and artistic blends In superb effects Our create that aristocratic and elegant effect Let us give you a few hints concerning mens uptodate wearing IF J Mens Outfitter And will be Sold at a Bargain acres of choice day land a cor ner farm Township of North Co of York Well fenced all enclosed with wire fence Mail delivery twice a day brick House with telephone Uptodate hiproof barn on atone wall with silo and all modern conveniences crusher tetraw cutter root and a wind mill that cuts wood Driving house pig pen and hen house Watering troughs all cement Con venient to Metropolitan for shipping cream acres seeded acres of fall wheat plowed of pasture A wellbearing orchard of choice winter applefl trees One acre of well cultivated strawberries strawberries and other fruits plum and cherry tree all bearing well The fruit Is being sold along the lake shore In summer time at big prices For quick sale will accept a reason- able deposit and a mortgage at per cent for ten years Immediate pos session given Will also sell the entire Stock and Implements consisting of registered some also some firstclats gen purpose horses This Is a chance In a lifetime so act quick For further information apply to P MORTON Phone Box TO RENT House on Park Ave to Newmarket WOOD A quantity of both Hard and Soft Wood for Sale Delivered desired Orchard Beach- or Roach Point Apply to Box HOUSE TO on SI Possession Ap ply at this office ARCHIVES OP