Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 May 1914, p. 5

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IP- I a -V- to entity Duncan AUCTIONEER AND v v dp Clark DENTIST- Street W Wilkinson DENTIST over Grocery Insurance find Ileal Howards NevrnaxVot want to Buy or Sell Bee Mo LE880N8 Given at Timothy St Newmarket Apply lo Mrs Corner V p Cans OBNEW HOY A I Main Newmarket Office Hours to am a to pm to pm Telephone 223 The Young Mens Social Club are rooms week from Bank Toronto building to the flat over Show on Main -rrrfrr- a drunkard formerly or ic in tho on Sunday and bear what do for a Industrial Home Friday May let to audit and pass the accounts for the previous month Food light and fuel cost Clothing and drugs 32 Wagco and MificeUoncouB I tf rr our grandfathers them Half 4 before Confederation in every or general In the Cariarta of that y and wens the recognized cure In of homes and Kidney and Trouble- reJWftjas ever and nothing Utter train here and accompanied the to Newmarket Cemete ry tho J Boyd Graduate In Medicine Toronto also the Royal College of mem ber of Royal College of Sureona of England Former clinical assistant In Moor fields Hospital and Ear Nose and Throat Hospital England Oinco Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone HO Consultation 1B PAINTER AND PAPER Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House- Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Street Newmarket i i i i J fl on all kinds Wood Natur al Wood Finisher also and Outside I guarantee my work as to compare favorably with any man for to WOO WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Market Building fl stouffep NEWMARKET Teacher Piano Voice and Violin Dealer in all Kinds and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Stock Prompt Service Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Newmarket Office Private tar Papers Issued at private resi dence if NEWMARKET Otal number of Homo is than J Death of Mrs Fred on last in Whitchurch of Mrs of Mr Fred had been to bed for about and days hoforo her death was to nit up for a olvort Thiiyiday was sitting up was suddoily and in hours She was a young woman a genial and kindly dis position and always had a pleas ant for everyone Deceas ed vaa in hoc year and was youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs John and had nil in this neighbor hood a husband and one daughter to mourn Ions of a loving and Two iJo Salter and Salter and two Mrs Filler and Mrs J Davidson also survivo her funeral took place on Sunday to and was largely attended J Hall officiating The pall bearers Dr Wesley J Fuller Salter Geo Wesley and Foil to His accident which caused death of Walter out on Road in Whit church on August last led to on action in the County Civil NonJury Court at City Hall before Judge jCoatswoith Piphor owner of traction engine which Ins tead was driving and which plaintiff was steering at tho time it wont tie brought suit to recover from the Township of Whitchurch Mr Lennox MPP claimed bridge had not boon in repair causing the ret give way beneath weight of his traction threshing The township with Messrs Me ns counsel that in first Hough Button of fltouffvilio place the action was barred as the plaintiff had given notice within limo required under tho Municipal Act that bridge was in and that was driving an engine of over ton tons weight which re quired that ho lay and thus strengthen tie bridge in not doing which committed an illegal act township asked damages for of their way of counterclaim The case proceeding LATEST DESIGNS IN and Head Stones- all ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Kept in Stock and made to Order GEO Just as you are I wouldnt a thing That is the spirit modern photography And with Hi fast plates and last leases of today the clever photographer can take you ai you are Long exposures it uocomfortable conscious at titudes are a thing of the In fact Laving picture taken a Modern Studio is as pleas ant as an Informal call on good friends Make the today E U THE PHOTOGRAPHER IN YOUR TOWN Phone NOTICE to coming to Mrs As I have opened a Workshop I prepared to do all kinds of wood work on wagons sleighs buggies cullers also turning bund sawing ripping All kinds of saws filed A few secondhand rigs for sale Also wire fencing sold and up St first St west of Fire Hail Phone WORK WANTED Plain Laundry or Out by the Day Mrs It Ontario Street or Newmarket PO Death of Mrs Oliver Stevens following from In- Mirror ft is imp duly week to tin which look I if- of her sniiffulnw Dr Driunmond on Ilnsday May an illness if six days Deceased who was 2nd was horn in Eounty phi i Pa In sh was united in hi Mi Slovens the man al IVrro Hill Pa Prior her I deocasid lived lor a of years in New- and Toronto Mrs a woman of and disosilion and won with all whom she in sin- was a lifelong of the and a keen interest in nil wirk eoneerniiig His King she was a regular attend- a 1 1 1 Divine worship every week Up the lime of her illness Upsides a sorrowing husband dereased Is survived son and one daughter namely Win it Milwaukee Wisconsin and Mrs Dr J of this town Tlie funeral will leave the re sidence if her soninlaw Dr Colli street Friday May for Newmarket interment in the family burial plot in he New market Cemetery on arrival of the Service at the house Thursday oclock pastor of A number of met the wo copy the following from lucknow Sentinel Mrs Armstrong a daughter of the late John of a cousin of the Bra drug store with dwell ing belonging to J Garnet Armstrong was completely gut ted fire early last- Sunday ev ening almost completely de stroying the largo of goods the household furniture and even the clothing of the family Only inside and front of Hie building wore damaged the walls which are of and his roof remaining as they were he- the tlv Fortunately Mr Armstrong had followed thai wise business inax- keep insured and as a re sult he is able lo business He immediately ordered new slock of goods which will he placed in the store some lime vacated Mr Cameron The goods will Jie here in lime to he opened up and offered lo the public on Saturday Che lire originated in the sim plest way imaginable While Mrs Armstrong and the children wen preparing lo retire Mr Armstrong went to the basement to start a lire in the furnace Striking a match the ignited tip flow off as wo ail have seen match tips do and falling among a Quantity dry excelsior set it ablaze Mr Armstrong tried to ramp out the lire hot in the light combustible mailer it soon got away on him He then hurried get a pail of water hut by the time he returned Ihc basement was so filled with sinoTfo and fire that he found it impossible to go inside The next move was lo get Mrs Armstrong and the children out this being of fee led under considerable difficulty the house having become so filled with smoke as lo make it hard for them to find their way down the stairway A lire alarm was at once given and within a few minutes several lines of hose were laid and a good pressure of water turned on In spile of the calm evening I lie fire proved a stubborn one to hold in check There was so much smoke lhat was impossi ble to get inside there was much light material and I he woodwork was of pine so that the fire was no sooner put down in one quarter than it broke out in an oilier Gradually it made its way up through floors and I ions- until the contents of the upper as well as of the store were destroyed A large section of the upper floor finally fell in after which the four streams of water which had been directed into he building for nearly two hours seemed lo have more effect and fire down For a fire thai so much damage there was of the spectacular about it the flames scarcely getting outside the building At times it looked as though a serious conflagration might as right by the burned building there are a num ber of old frame structures The building was put up in ami was one of the first brick buildings erected in Luck- now It belongs to he Berry id I employers goods they fetters to Rtolah Society Is ours in itifi- hi ine fcoverelgn bend the head jap government In order to see so- eletyln retersbnrgi the Couot Tie very good tomonnd on bin Mil for Wnaii of Importance coming off One evening at ball at tbe I wds fdjfbe room of the delicate there when 1 girl whom bad noticed for her beauty of form and face her vivacity general attractiveness I bad an to her and bad been promised later in ovenltig Wo were all In the supper room sumo drluklng It was crowded very near object of my admiration with back to mo pledg ing mi elderly uiau whoso marked him mi oint Each held a Ing wine Feeling something- touch me looked down saw the girls left hand In right her glass while her left bung beside her In tho It Hod been prefixed mo The man emptied bin turned to a table near him to replenish It While he was doing the turned her bead gave me an appealing glance lowered her eyes to her hand looked down and saw some thing between her thumb layer I dropped my hand against hers and she placed a tiny phial within my flu This had scarcely been when the gentleman tuna to- sire a window representatives of which live in Toronto We understand or here was insurance of on the building The alarm was given just as folks were oh their way home from the evening church service and a large gathered on Ihc opposite the burning building Members of the Fire Hrigade I hough caught with their dress clothes did splendid work and were fori una in having good service from the power house The supply of wafer and pressure were all that could be asked for We offer One Hundred He- ward tor cats of Catarrh tliat cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY A CO To ledo We the fcsva P J Cheney for last fifteen years and believe In all and financially to out any obligation mads by tola firm Toledo Halls Cure la acting upon blood and mucous surfaces of the isum jt per by all Take Halls Pills or her with a of In hand filled her glass tilled bis own I have narrated bare fact my as tonishment not attempted to depict The girl sipped her wine the tossed his oil then set down both offered her his arm and she renting her lingers lightly upon it went to another apartment Instinctively I slipped the phial Into my pocket concealing so far as what I did for I knew that the girl passed It to me gel rid of it and I surmised that She might he watched With a view to getting an explanation from I went to the why hud promised me an Intro ductlun and asked him introduce me at once lie went oft to look for her returned that she was In company with a minister of state and he would not of upon her at suih a lime very tills sin left the pa nee leaving who she was and learned that she was I lie daughter of a colonel hi the It whin army one of the nobles win in stand between and the common people a that have no voice In public and thai are as much opposed to the of the czar as those who are beneath them name was Vera ho I went to lodging and as soon as I had entered and locked the door of my I took out the phial I bad received to have at It l contained a liquid I tempted touch my tonjnie to- the content but dure not a chein let I the liquid and refrained my tot it a flictioi emotions Had It not 1 not moment tempted to meet likely reaolfff a position of dan- of nib In mo other hand could dot lMih her my mind wiw-bpr- stricken that one so to shopld implicated pni longed to prevent ber a step fur and becoming I thought working in the mines at Kara or dragged to the scaffold and doing so considered her acqyalotance arid log the secret I possessed to compel her to desist from political crime i Nevertheless did nothing at tjmo done nothing had a second and a much greater temptation way Months and having flnlahed my work In Petersburg applied for my passport and started for America At tho railway station I climbed Into a compartment of a car taking a seat by the window on the opposite side from which I had entered was but one other person In the compart ment and the light was InsuOiclent for me to or her distinctly for I could not make out whether was looking at a man or a woman A long ulster reaching from the chin to the ankles concealed tho figure but thought I aaw a slight adornment to felt hat Indicating that wear er a passenger was looking out of the window apparently watching for some Presently guard shut the door hut my fellow traveler did not watch train was mov ing out of the when I heard more like that of woman than a man and looking out I saw a man running to catch train train gathered speed but from my position I could not see man chasing It passenger put her bead out the window but soon withdrew It and fell back the cushion Did ho catch It I asked There was no reply for a few mo then suddenly the other person starting up threw open ulster revealed the- figure of a woman Great heavens was the girl who hud bonded me at the Winter palace Ho Is on the footboard When the train stops be will come to arrest me That means for me mines Death Is far preferable I am going to die She made a spring for window but I caught Sacrifice very great sacrifice rarely cornea when we ore in our sober senses It takes by Look ing backward I wonder how I could have done what I did then and shudder defied the of all persuaded the girl to give mo her and her hat while I transferred to her my fur overcoat toy traveling cap and a steamer rug for a lap robe- With these articles tbp cap drawn down over eyes was well covered and sitting In a far corner could not bo told from a man put on her ulster and her bat and when train stopped sit ting by the door while Vera sat where I had been to sleep When train stopped I knew a search was made and presently tho door of our compart ment opened and an officer police looked In Has a the Repair v j OF ALL GASOLINE 01L8 I n I I P NovmarketTown Real Estate Company AND LIFE MONEY TO LOAN MONEY INVESTED HOUSES AND FARMS RENTED COLLECTED 1 ALL KINDS OF TOWN FARM PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD We have for sale some excellent E3evjliSotiriohE3ous8 with all modem on west side Main St will be sold at a right price Beautifully situated At a Bargain for Quick Sale Also a number Frame House with large gardens small Terms to suit buyers and prices right i -i- You ought to bo moving our toward getting ono We are stocked up right vlth the gopd3 that knowing drossors will wear this season Exclusive Doslgns FIT AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Call in early andmako a detection J S3 t li J J OUR TAILOR PHONE HAD ST r r Damp Salt bo bothered with FOR ALE Brood Row weight about duo before April fat Arm- I lost cried In a falsetto voice The officer wanted no better evi dence tbat I was his quarry I was ordered to get out of the car the door was closed and my captor told the guard that the train could go on My object was to deceive the officer as my Identity as long as possible and this was not an easy matter since I was a man and he was looking for a woman t wrapped my ulster about mo and kept my hat well down over my face It was night and this helped me Luckily wore no beard I j taken to the Jail of tho town In which I was captured and locked up As the key was turned on me 1 muttered Thank heaven may be saved Tbe next morning tbo mistake was discovered I was sent to St Peters- burg charged with assisting fl political prisoner to escape I wrote to the American ambassador to help me but had expectation that my letter would be given him It was not and languished In a duugeon I wrote again to the ambassador hut my letter was not permitted to reach him Some unknown person In formed him of my condition where upon he worked for me Ho would have failed had be not made personal application to the czar Tho emperor was at the time asking for a concession on the part of United States In a matter pending between the two governments and a bargain was finally struck by which the con cession was made on one side while was granted a pardon on other After months spent in captivity I was released given my passport and told to leave Russia by the first train From my parting with Vera when I was arrested till the present I never seen nor heard of her except indirectly One long after I reached America a Russian came to sea me and told that for the sacrifice I bad mode to the causa of freedom In Russia If I had any favor to ask of him It would be granted far as possible I told him that I ho except to know where Vera was tela It only favor I could for avoiding to the worm V GEflM- PROOF PACKAGE Is lul Of parity lleviid with Cubcralt III fctaJtbfulitt 124 i The Will Retail Find it in Merchant on Page 8 retailing depends very largely upon the appearance of the store and the systematic arrangement of ihe goods displayed How to get the most profit square inch of floor space is explained in this new hook The Elevator sent free upon On pages and 9 the retailers problems are dealt with specifically ELEVATOR COMPANY ill LIMIT in mail the coupon below morrow LEV US PREPARE YOU ON for a Attend you will got correct slruelion and assistance in fainiiiK whop open all five been ARCHIVE

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