Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 May 1914, p. 3

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I I I IB young flood at Guild In Presbyterian Church lost Monday The address by the- Persian Missionary was and pictures very good The col lection amounted to Day Mr Moravian of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday making arrange ment for a Field Day for York County on of Juno when every pulpit will bo filled by worker from the Alliance Tin meeting on Monday evening will charge tof the Literacy Committee who have planned a yoTy Interesting program oallcd The Library All are cordially to come and bring their col ic ion in coppers I There wan a very good attendance at the service on Thursday evening of last week and the excellent address fey a Wallace of Moor Presbyterian Church Toronto was sacramental service on Sunday l was largely attended new were added to Ho church Womens The Newmarket Womens institute will meet at the home of Mrs St next Thursday commencing at twothirty Miss will give an account of A Trip Abroad Other programs will also he provided This Is the annual meeting for the election of officers and committees and it is to 1 Imped ajl members will bo present shoo shop is now opposite Iho Skating lUnk at the North End driven out of his old the post office A week from Monday is a holiday Mothers Day was duly observed by the churches last Sunday The maples are just coming into leaf ha Mr Markers house on Grace St Mr Khowlbs the north end grocer is putting In a tenbarrel gasoline lank for the accommodation ol Mb customers Good On Monday the Council unanimous vote selected Mr I J Anderson as Town Clerk the office being rendered vacant by the death of the late John Hughes Mr Anderson has been in of corporation for pome 10 years and has given excellent service is well acquainted with the routine of municipal work is care ful and obliging Kind will bo a worth successor Town Hall a fitting cloejjfor the Grand which is being held In connection with the dedication of their New Parlor Social About attended the Par lor Social of MrsXS last Friday evening under auspices of the Womens Class Rcv A P Addison took charge of a splendid musical and literary pro gran comprising solos by Miss Eliza Stephens Mrs Walter readings Miss Mrs Addison and Mrs Cane In Miss Mar- Jorlo and Mbs selections on after refreshments were nerved by the ladles proceeds about A Flow The Town Council were happy and so were the citizens generally as soon as Jcnown that on Thursday of last week drillors on the now artesian well struck flow at gals hours at a depth of 265 frxrt When tluf valor cleared how ever it only measured about half tho flow wero then made to pump tlic nam and restore if poo- slide the original flow but In this they only successful Is hoped now the supply of of water will adequate for all pur poses for a number of years Wrtfce Era THE QUEENS Y v- if j PINE OUCHArtD The I i Ut from another for Jove too- yV meeting andnewvoHieerace to ho elected for the doming year PATTERNS Of brpttieci who uphold tnc just Today I would a favor beg you if I dared Id a do For I It is the birthday of io Queen twJll be her day her own Ah each new Maytime decka the world in green She is more dcaVtoiitfirnoXe queenly grown Then hail all hall the twentyfourth May I Long live our sainted Queen her birthday Christian Endeavor The meeting last Tuesday evening was led by Miss Vera Mann There wan a largo number present to hear the topic Converted Purses which was in charge of Miss Collins gave a solo The Contest Is a big help to Kndeavor work Next Tuesday the topic is to he in Large of the Social Committee Whet a Christian life On the last Tuesday of this month Hay the contest will be wound up a delate which promises to be very interesting Dr Clark dentist- will continue In his old stand until his now building is opposite tho King Hotel Wests barber shop Is now located a floors South of tho King George Hotel Mr the watchmaker has moved from Park Ave to tho Mar ket Building The old buildings on the Post Of fice corner will bo pretty well re moved Saturday night It a fine location New Telephone Directory dis tributed this week now stylo are now connected with Central and tho men stringing more wires In Town last It of Aurora was serious ly Injured while playing ball at High School last week It is expected that another meeting will be held week to boo if a School of two or three teams cannot be formed in remarket slnc so much encouragement 1 offered in support of the National Game which is being revived places throughout the Province Monday calling MIbb Clara and friend were Hie gnosis of Miss Laura 0v Morning In all Mr White will spend at Never shell po next lime Hill still hunting Bedford Cords Tho Goods will all bo very J PIANO PLAYER Best for and As embrocation for sprains rheumatism etc nothing like ite powers are so Kat that it gives Instant Mr of Messrs Win ter Incoming wellknown piano manufacturers of Toronto used and this is lis experience I have much pleasure In stating that two applications of entire ly cured mo of a very severe strain of the back While not given to in discriminate use of or belief In patent medicines can conscientious ly recommend is used the worlds foremost athletes Why not give it a trial Price per hov at all drug gists and stores- Is also best tor eczema cuts sored bruises- ulcers piles and all skin injuries and diseases v M ioc per Tomato Catsup quart outomor and keep funeral of the late Wesley was very largely attended on Sunday last The family tho sympathy of the entire community The friends deceased showed their last kindly respects with many beautiful flowers J Hall conducted the servi ces at the residence Quite a few ratepayers were In the city one day tills week as witnesses for Mr trial concern ing bridge Glad to report that Stick wood Is getting along nicely Mr and Mrs Albert Starr attend ed funeral of Starr at Pino Orchard on Tuesday Miss Mary Headman spent Sunday with Miss Saddle Fry One of the main principals of the bake shop Is seen frequent ly anJnd the corner Mr and Mrs of Thorn- hilt spent Sunday at Mr A T Mr Norman Rogers spent last evening in Miss Vera spent Sunday In is I Electric Power A the Toronto interviewed Councillor Boyd on Mon day night and is credited with say ing Our town has joined up with the other municipalities promoting the hydro radial and when it comes we will get hydro power per hp cheaper than the quotation of- the hydro viz per The Metropolitans offer at that time was 2550 that when we do ot the hydro power it will he a lot cheaper than the railway juice At present we are just making the old plant as we are confident Hat it will not be long until the hy dro power is here St Pauls Church A Memorial Service in late Canon of was held In St Pauls evening rector T MGonigie the preacher Canon KETTIJ3BY The King will a in the Tcm- Ifall Keltleby on the evening of May The talent liarf IV violinist IWontO Miss lionisl Toronto Miss P Bak er soloist Toronto Miss V Iluglioy Toronto talent will furnish Quar tettes ami Duetts Addresses J Aurora ami J Hall The on Monday in the church Mr and Miss Jen- lleaeoek made flying visit to flu city one last week Mr ami Mrs Stevens wore at Bradford on Sunday Mrs 1 lleaeoek spent Mon day ami Tuesday at King Dyer of Aurora addressed the Sunday School in regard to the Home Department on Sun day last Miss Kerry gave a very much on Sunday night She was accompanied by her air ier Mrs Ford They were over Sunday guests of Miss Mabel El liott Mel going to move Miss Myrtle Campbell has been con to the with the measles No 3 K March ami April llcport Johnny West Pottage Mildred Kncesliaw Lewis Owens Garfield Newton Hi Willie Greaser Florence iieosiaw Waller Terry Taylor Leslie May Buckle Ernie David Owen Myrtle LizJo Newton Bruce Watson Jr Mary Milgalc Bruce Lewis Clifford West Florence Campbell Beatrice Laura Cos ford Owens Blanche Pottage Vorna Taylor Aubrey MacMain Nellie Buckle Ernest Lewis Newton Dorothy Haines ab TOWN LINK ITEMS our district school has been I he Insl teacher Mr suffering from mumps Hie wealhii- bold favor able for balance of his Week farmers in bis vicinity will be well through seeding The olli Line Church Choir purpose holding a in Die Town Hall on the of Saturday Die bis month Sunday lust being Day in all the churches Mr Dales of the Line Church preached an and ap propriate sermon lit congregation Late and early the creek puts on a busy being numerous Same of the fisher men are well repaid for their trouble the hauls varying in size The late Mrs John T Curtis or the Line whose maiden name was Margaret Black was a of the lair John Black of Hie Sin all her life in this vi cinity She was one of Oods good women a person of great strength of character kind and generous in her relations to all who knew her a woman possess ed of a sane and clear religious experience and one who was in tensely loyal Lo her church the Methodist of which she was a member for many years In church work she was to ho al ways relied upon In her home she performed the duties of wife and mother The very Styles in it rf i pounds This undeV the worst circumstances brings five cents per pound LIVE MARKET Prices in Toronto this week were as follows Choice weighty steers to good butchers from 87- to medium from to 8765 and common from to Choice butcher cows from lo good from lo medium from lo corn- from 85 to cutters from to was a true helpmeet Butcher bulls choice ranged STORE J lhiti7ar Dept and an affectionate parent and her children were brought up in Hie fear and admonition of the Lord She now awaits the trumpet of the resurrection and bur spirit we believe is in the Fathers bouse 3000 VISITOR8 The above Is an excellaut cut the medal Is being offered by Mr Cornwall for competition among school Leagues Twelve of medals are giving win- time rector here and it was I team where group consists during bis incumbency that the least eight clubs Send the to absent friends WATCH in the schoolhouse on Tuesday May at oclock Mem bers an- requested to make effort attend this the most ImportaDt tin- whole The of officers will take piece on bight and places proposed for starting again In Pall County Will Appeal At a netting of York Count Com- held on Tuesday last the of Judge Morgan was consid- respecting the dispute between County and Township of as to what the cost of constructing should be borne by municipality Honor that the County pay and the Township onefifth Aifc with County floHd- J K the tesiioners to appeal tee iht that the case d have dealt with before being of York County ot will be 4 without any gain the solicitor CLOCKS JEWELRY J- CUT GLASS ENGRAVING FINE Solid Gold Ihrougboul Seamless and handwrought fashioned to look well Willi every style of engagement ring which it will be worn next to is marriage band that bat be come so immensely popular of lat Various- widths comprise our assortment the Tiffany deep and narrow patterns mostly used Prices range from to Jewelers and Opticians ft TICKET MARRIAGE LICENSES St Catharines May Promptly at oclock this morning the Duke of Princess Pa tricia suite arrived at the Grand Trunk depot where they were receiv ed by Major and I Mrs Aid and Mrs J Chaplin Mrs Williams representing the Daughters of the Empire Dr and Mrs and a number other prom inent citizens A very large number of citizens had gathered at the sta tion and the appearance of the Roy al party was the for loud cheer A guard of honor of the was lined up at the depot which His Highness inspected and a salute of guns was fired by Field The party were then driven through some of the Streets which bad lavishly decorated to the Park accompanied by a mounted es cort from the Second Dragoons On arriving at the park the vbterans had been drawn up line and noticing these his Royal Highness stopped and going down lines shook hands with every one and chatUrf with them Over three thousand together with the massed church choirs sang number of patriotic airs Medicine Hat May Hon T Malay former minister of Agriculture the Alberta Govern ment died at Vancouver Saturday night He was a lumhfer merchant and rancher May Last week at a village mile south of told fish valued at MOO to Buffalo dealers Saturday John Toms lilted his net and an catch wash ed it tipped the scales at from to 85 from to medium from to common from to lleavy went at from to medium light 9025 to Milkers brought to for good lo choice and lo for medium and common Calves choice veals brought lo medium to good from to 8 roughs from to 86 Bucks to ewes to spring lambs to There was a slump in hogs lo the extent of cents per hun dred weight They sold generally at off cars fed and watered and on board at country points Newmarket Markets May 1814 Wheat per bush JO 1 Barley per bush 0 Oats per bush per hush CO- Ladles Night Robes good cotton some fine Nainsook Lace Si Embroidery trimmed long and short sleeve from to Ladies Corset Covers 35c Ladles White Cotton Combinations Corset Cover and Drawers combined fine quality 100 to Ladies Fine White Underskirts 50c 200 Full Range of Pretty Blouses Crepes Voiles ITIull and Fancy Lawn our Dept upstairs LUNDY i Bran per ton Shorts per ton Hay per ton Eggs per doz Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb per per i 26 0 27 IS 0017 0 0 20 15 10 to In cost of boxes cost of seeds and general cost of production are compelled to charge more for our plants From now on Tartars per lb Toronto Markets Hay 14th Wheat per JO 7U Barley per oust Oflts per bush 45 Barley per bush 0 per bush peas per bush Hay per ton Butter per lb 0 ic per tt Ducks per 0 Turkey lb per lb is Asters Verbena Snapdragon and other box plants will bo Cents Per Box Box Plants by the to We now have a carload of DavleV Potato Fertilizer on hand Dressing Fertilizer forjjtrawberrles and email Nitrate of Soda Bane Moot and Blood PERM The GORHAM ST rfy ded ARCHIVES OF ON i A ho

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