I TV V J i us I V unit ZEPHYR Mi la i I- IS mi lull of renewed orout 6ui by Toronto a points Goo Long- will- as Vj I i v i mWi a conncrr May tin for Jndl- and Willi most excellent and continue to be my only I am highly pleased with IruUatlvea and am not 1 me to have the facts published to the world When I first started about fllr afjo to them I four for a do bull cured myself of the above troubles and gradually reduced the dose to cue tablet at night Before taking I alts and other pills but the treatment was too thought I might a suffer from tin- disease from these treatment finally I adver tised with a letter In which someone recommended them very highly no tried them The results were more thou satisfactory and I have In recommending them They have done a world Af good I get satisfaction from and that Is quite a lot ANNIK A a for trial size 25c At all dealers or Pent on receipt of price by Ottawa HOUSE FOR On RENT Rooms Apply to St Newmarket For Sale ox exchange or Town DAVIS McGARTYi Newmarket FOR SALE Two good Lota on ISaglc St and on Niagara St Mr of wiilKtbwnthlawetk Mrflaco onb day I Hiss of vtbo la vfttltlngL ftjlsa Watson aid friend Miss- Nowmar lb town lor last A Whole of the town last Tuesday night when a row of marsh hay situated along J it- tracks caught thought from a Toff stacks wore com pletely destroyed about same were saved Mrsh hay in this year but it Is too bad that a more judgment wan not In making Hie Election of- a place to these flight was very picturesque and from dry hay long tongues flame would roach out and- leap from stack to stack The firo continue for about an hour or mail train wcrit up and the whole of the town Bradford looks well when properly lighted tlte marsh hay system Is too expen sive a year agoI much a temaeleud that I could I by a friend about GIN I got a It helped mo immediately- have taken about ffk r To ho sold worth at once to BUY Town farm properties Wo who for to 373 at ienw Ave three blocks wont of lEjtropolitan Station facing Hot- ford St Phone NEW HOU8EFOR On Andrew St lot Cistern domestic light Apply on promises la the evening or address Win Kane Newmarket HOU8E FOR SALE A New Brick on rooms domestic water etc Apply to GEO Newmarket are some- mild casts of scar let lever in the district Mr 1 XT has disposed his general business hero to Mr Hi the new taking possessing the latter end of last Mr Is well Mown having been resident of the district all his life except a few years spent Toronto In re moval of Mr one of its most residents and business men During Ids twenty four cars residence here he has been very prominently associated with the social and business life of the district and his removal Is greatly was very active member of St Allans church and ho will ho greatly missed by the congregation of that church has not decided where will locate as ho Intends making prolonged visit with rela- lives in Colorado Representatives of the proposed Toronto and Railway have been in the district securing options on gravel pits in the district just east of the village twelve boxes ind the my back and hips are all gone- cannot top highly of wonderful GIN wont cure Back cause never reAch the part that is causing the pain The whole trouble 11 with Kill must cure the Kidneys In order to stop the pain cure weak strained Kidneys else will drive away the pain every time promptly refunded a box for fa Sample free If you write National Drug Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto AND TABLETS help pale nervous women to get well a box 199 if FOR SALE New Brick House nicely situated on Ave side of Town improvements Apply to A WHoughhy Box HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Mod ern in every way rooms besides and wash room Now fur- Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain on easy terms Apply at this office WE A SNOWBALL Mr Sunday with friends at Davis Mr mid Mitchell spent Sunday afternoon with Mr 10I1 Morning- Mrs Will Storey is still under tin doctors earn Mr Will Morning Sunday at Ijvonslfty Mr I Ilotliwoll is busy his new A couple of our most popular young ladies spent Thursday where We understand that Mr Hoy Haines Sunday under the sice roof Mr J spent a plea sant evening Holland Mr I of is buck until Tim I allies Aid was held in the and was a good hoy shooing is a very pleasant pastime hut it is most after sundown Will and George spent Friday evening Willi Mr and Mis men for their In reaching works On evening last week Mr Willi Simpson of nlilp of enjoying a snooze on Mr Washington lawn As the weather was not to oft sleeping Mr Informed Constable who undertook to awaken William but ho was too oblivious to his surround ings end unable to walk the corporation ambulance was out of commission no taxi cabs could obtained Dunham for a time was at loss hov got William to the corporation bedroom to Mr Dunham secured n wheel narrow with which lie succeeded in William to the comfortable corporation bedroom whore ho slept ie balance of the night Net morn ing he was brought before Magistrate Love who taxed him and costs amounting in all to for his comfortable sleep ride in the wheelbarrow No doubt William will lie more careful coming to to sleep There will be a special childrens service In the Trinity Church next Sunday at 3 oclock Mayor of Toronto will ad dress the Trinity Mens Association on Citizenship at the annual ban quet on May At the annual organization meeting of the Club th fol lowing officers were elected committee Dr Hillary and Chop- pin of- Newmarket The Old Boys Association will approach the council on May for a grant of towards the sum mer celebration It is expected at least be raised in Tor onto and a considerable amount will be reaizcd from the sale of badges The program for the first two gala days includes a parade one mile in length aj concert sports fire works Alexander is President of the local organization and A Proctor is secretary On Tuesday evening Alex ander addressed the young people of the Presbyterian Church on the Ul ster situation On Thursday evening a congregational meeting will be to receive the the or gan committee- Hamsun A property situated on Prospect A Urgesited dwelling with all conveniences all in first Quarter of an acre grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and cement hen kou6e This we consider tins best The assessor Mr J A has in town so act quickly Terms completed his work and handed in his The total tan be arranged to suit Apply to P Morton box Newmarket MEN DO NOT WANT Improperly prepared young men and women In their offices Attend 6 roll to the clerk meat this year amounts to an last year of and over of The population according to the roll is an Increase over last year of Ml and over of The rapid increase both in the assessment and I is certainly is going ahead SCHOMBERO homo a at a rapid pace TORONTO that has a great reputation for superior tor placing many In choice poll Write for catalogue Constant complaints are being majlo by farmers adjacent to the of their places being visited by young men and boys with doge kill- rabbits birds and in some ducks and geese REAL INSURANCE Only tewlTago Debentures and bought and sold to yield to per cent Farm and Town Property bought sold or rent ed Rooms to Marriage fc me know your wants MORTON Phone P O Newmarket Out NOTICE As time is coin ing on and people wish to dis pose of their junk prepared to buy same Will give you full value for your rubbers Iron cop per brass rags etc If you have anything dispose of let me know personally as J am in formed that others are passing themselves off as myself and I give you prompt attention floors south of King George Ho tel Newmarket Phone visited the farm of Mr George How ser on the second concession of 1 church and killed treee at which was sitting A neighbor of I Mr Dowser had a number ducks I by dogs These boys and young men be taugjit a lesson which they will not forget after midnight Saturday the wood shop the Positive Clutch Works was discovered to be on fire Ray Dond who lives a little west of the works sent in the alarm the firemen Mrs were soon at and the fire t appears workmen boon cleaning up the yard in the and burning a lot of rubbish although had taken every precaution to extinguish the fire be fore leaving spark must have blown to some other rubbish along side building and smouldered un til gale of wind about the blaze caught on a trestle alongside one ot the windows and ran up until the window frame caught lire and was fortunately dis covered Wore getting Mr flood is fcurtWnly to be TJHTTf for his promkt action ana the I interior of Mr brought motor car on Wednesday There are fourteen automobiles in town and immediate vicinity We are sorry to earn that Mr Walter Proctor is on the sick ist Mr Win Ferguson motored to town on Friday night with Mils new car J A Armstrong M P arrived home on Saturday with a new car Mr Albert Sloan of Toronto spent Sunday with his brother Mr M Sloan Messrs Harvey Clark and V At- trldge brought motor cars to town on Tuesday Rev of Toronto occup ied tho pulpit of the Baptist Church on Sunday Mr left on Tuesday for where he has secured a situation- Rev Geo Lawrence of Bond Head the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday very acceptably The ladies of the Angli can Church held a successful Bazaar and Tea in the town hail here on Thursday afternoon and evening The hall was suitably decorated The va rious department contained candy icecream fancy work and baking On the stage a bevy of pretty wait resses served a neverending number of people who sought the of tea Altogether the affair was unique and very successful On Monday evening the of- the Methodist held a successful Tea and Concert Mrs Lambert and the Misses Hani- mill of with of Bond Head nd Mrs of Newton rendered a splen did ably assisted ter by children Har old Davis Steve Clark Hel en Weaver rendered recitations Tiw affair a success both socially financially The proceeds will go tho church the not only find that Ohurchi but cannot any reason why these should more is plainer than thai bur Sectarian divi sions Our- neglect and loss of faith once vered unto the Visions the errors in with thtn the errors go out so also will pass away not under or Sectarian name- nor divided by creeds but united as ore people through our consecration to the our desire to know His win by the study of Hie Word We thus represent the Scriptural or ideal Church of Christ of nationality language caste and of all Sectarian creeds pnd bondages we arc simply solely as children Clod to bo Bible in the School of Christ to bo filled aid prepared for JohtholrshipSwitb Him in- His coin ing kingdom ami meantime to learn at Hls feet the lessons necessary for so great a coming service The Joys of the present arc merely a of perfect glory we will we enter- Into the Joys of the beyond the Now we know in part the things of our Heavenly Fa thers char- and plan and our Redeemers love and then we shall know even as we- arc known is the guarantee of- the Inspired apostle Now we sec through an obscure- glass tho things which natural eye cannot see neither can enter into the heart of the natural man but which God has revealed unto us by His Spirit Rut they are still or less obscure to us We cannot weigh nor appreciate wonderful glories which God has In reservation for us but then we shall sec Him face to face as St Paul de clares As Now Creatures in Christ wo seek to know each other as Cod knows not after flesh hut af ter the spirit But for all that we experience dif ficulties It is difficult for us to rely overlook- flesh of our brethren as they no doubt have diffi culty In overlooking our blemishes in the flesh But oh what will it be to bo there All the imperfections and weaknesses of the flesh against which wo must now fight all these will thn bo gone Have we not the shall like Him for wo shall ceo Him as Ho is Have we not tho promise again that Sown in wcakuess shall be raised in power sown in dishonor we snail be raised in glory sown an animal body we shall be raised a Spirit body Have w not the further promise respecting that glorious resurrection change which shall lilt us completely out of tho human and into the divine nature that We must all he changed for flesh and blood cannot inherit kingdom of God Corinthians We remember that wo have yet resisted unto blood striving against sin and fighting the good fight of We still have need the scriptural exhortation Watch and Stand fast Quit you like men Put on the whole armor that ye may be able to sUind in the evil day and having done all to stand spiritual help and assistance we receive are parts of the Fathers good providence for us whereby we shall be- stronger the more courage ous the better prepared for further trials difficulties and conflicts with the world the flesh and adversary But when we reach the glorious condition mentioned by the apostle all the fightings and trials and test ings will be past For us therefore tUXrc will be no more sighing no more crying no more no more fightings ho more crosses no more sufferings hut instead life eternal joy eternal glory honor and immor tality at our Redeemers hand of favor Well do we know that this hope of sharing in the General Assembly of the Church of the First- bom strengthens and nerves His own to loyalty and faithfulness to the Lord truth and the brethren as the days go by us console ourselves with the thought that whatever is the will f God concerning us must necessarily he for our highest welfare and best interests If therefore it is not time for us to pass beyond the veil it Is because our Heavenly Father and our Redeemer have a work for us to do In the present life either a work of further polishing upon our own characters or a work of helping others for we remember the declara tion that the Bride is to make her self ready for that event We are to build ono another up in the most holy faith encouraging strengthening sympathizing with and assisting one another in running the race for the great prize Another thought we 1 vv flag Day the Qriat Festival of ruling language la the and ibVAvlaUt grant great iias- paid for Wme to the cultivation of a spirit of patriotism cult of In bearta of that people and feast of the flag checurrlriiNovomberlleJrtcd with more and more pomp and slasm all on every Brazilian ship It may be In a country noted f or Its meroUa saints- days celebration of festal day VV Commenting on this of Rio Janeiro flays Our lmagiuntlveand flog In the breeze it pasfies by to the strains of martial iniiifjtiiit with the sword and which everybody up- covert speaks more strongly to the heart of people than any dry his toric dato which presents nothing In concrete and which to the Ignorant recalls nothing of significance lesson of the flag Is taught to nil The children of the schools In and on Flag day they gather In the pub lic squares the city and town and In the United sing patriotic Indianapolis News t 1 si Have and your yield In Roots and Garden Vcnotablca a lawn thorn iio in kinds of Feed Seeds Grain and Seed Corn A splendid sample of WheM Grain Try I Phone COLLEGE HAZING J It Wat Called In Carthago In 8t Timo At moat American colleges It Is called hazing at West Point it Is called crawling and at English eehools fagging Is often applied When Augustlno wob n boy they called It wrecking In a translation of his Confessions for which I am Indebted to learned clerical friend St Augustine relates what boys did at the University of Carthage I would take no part In the wild do- the wreckers a cruel and name which was looked upon as stamp of the best set I about with them and of somo of them I mado friends yet always disliked their ways of going on their wreckings their wanton attacks upon the shyness of freshmen and tbo unprovoked fronts with which they carried on their malignant amusement Nothing could bo more like the conduct of devils and what name could be filter for luern than wreckers That sounds as If the Carthage soph omore was fully much endowed with self importance as the American may add that Augus tines criticism of wrecking is one ancient proof that boys will be boys Philadelphia Ledger we find woman who once ni It pretty sure to come for more Iff v an Long Walk In Bohemian Days In Fleet Street Is this Incident which hap pened when was in the diplomatic service and was sent on a mission to Petersburg Before starting he had a dispute with tiro foreign about his expenses Tho foreign office had Its Idea of scale bad his But the office refused to reconsider Its deci sion took his leave cross ed the channel was to all appear ance lost A week after the appoint ed time he had not arrived at St Petersburg A representative of foreign office was sent out on his trail Ho was traced to Paris and from thence to where ho was run to earth In reply to his discoverer be coolly said Tho foreign office refused to pay me my expenses and to fit Petersburg the Economist THERE are three distinct kinds of laving in actual dollars and cents which may be effected through the use of in your home adds years to the life and wearing quali ties of your floors and interior woodwork eliminate the necessity of replacing ex pensive furniture because it makes the old like new enable you to do the work of hiring repair man for the Made in 21 beautiful coloif providing for your every re quirement is always put up in bearing the name CLIDDEN for color and a copy of the litl A and One of JAPALAC at your vAro Hi J SOLD BV A A far me MtJtVy w Precocity Little Willie is really too precocious I met him the other day with his school bag under bis arm Well well said I and so you go to school now Sure said little Willie Aint I over six And do yon lov your teacher I asked nit said little Willie The old hens too old for me Washington should carry with us day Is the Lords promise I will never leave thee nor forsake thee and again My grace Is sufficient tor thee for My strength is made perfect In thy weakness And again We know that all things work together for good to those who Lord to the called according to His pur pose Romans So then let us not lose heart and Hi from the fcaUie like an army corps In retreat but rather as a company good soldiers who have and encouraged and stimulated we will return to our full of good courage full of Joy ful anticipation of coming great Adams Apple projection in the front of throat in men denoting position of the thyroid cartilage Is styled apple It develops rapidly usually when voice breaks being com paratively small In both children and women Tho name arose from the tra dition that when Adam attempted to swallow the apple to paradise It stuck In his throat giving rise to the swell ing since seen In all his adult de- My the great home remedy which has proved its power to relieve safely and speedily the minor ailments arising from defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion find themselves spared hours of suffering and able to ward off the attacks of serious raj never disappoint those who take them They help the digestion stimulate the liver clear the kidneys and regu late the bowels By purifying the blood they increase cheerfulness create confidence As actions depend on health and strength those who know Pills Of only by Ttomii Si Sold la Cacidi S la Quito a Comedian- Whats differ- between a young girl and a codfish Second Comedian- Give ft up First ComedianOne has a chance to become a fall bride and the other to become a ball fried Brooklyn Eagle Connection I remember reading of a very rich man who said hed sooner be poor Molt Yes and probably you re member reading somewhere that men are Boston Transcript Poolleh Its a foolish man down count bis troubles dat only gives em chance tor swat him Atlanta Ono pounds of eenM to FOR Sew weight about April Home Gathering of the Church of I I- THATS merchant said in our omce re cently We had just him an Elevator for use in Ins small but grow ing factory in a little town in Western Ontario He is enthusiastic over the econ omies he has been enabled to effect through the Installation of a small handpower Elevator costing but He has discovered the secret of efficiency in handling goods and filling Orders He has learned how to cut out unprofitable methods and reduce the of labor by eliminating waste time and needless effort Perhaps you may fad in Book the solution of your moat difficult Isnt it worth writing COMPANY BO WAY I I COUPON PieaM we your book Fill in this coupon wrth your djcm and address Then tear off and mail at once Youll get the hook by return mail pot and ft i ARCHIVES OF ON rsfBMalTsf