Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1914, p. 2

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i wanted House to JlV- Apply Box Br t TO RENT Suite of Six Room at Box WW Or North Sunday last can by property tor No Nonrattikot t id I it CARD Mr Mm to the and neighbor sod dur ing Ifeo fir which destroyed their lat DOG from lot 31 con King Mar colle long tall with on throat end of seek and two white front foot Two rears Last seen in vicinity Howard Finder leave word at tins office A to Journals announces that under iho and a baby narrowly I J to A Ala Toronto will have six seats and County of York tour seats Tho only change in Worth York Is that the whole Village of goes into Boulh York The population of Toronto approximate and in the County about ac cording to tin cerisiis fug out Worth York will help Mr end of the slrfug somewhat but not to prevent Mr Mackenzie King from being the Hidings next representative i REWARD The North York Protection Society oner tho above Reward for such in formation as will lead to tho appre hension and conviction of the person destroyed Fruit Trees on the prcmiBCs of Beverley St Newmarket Chan President Dennis March v On Friday two womwi we hurt death At one in the Ontario House is feeling uncomfortr able days The Globe remarks It la claimed that under the Ontario Ferguson has forfeited his seat and become liable to a penalty for every day ho baa in tho since accepting a commission from Do minion Government car akidded plunged up the evening paper rises to remark Something to be thankful for is the fact- that bats do Dot have to with expensive early etrtle to an appeal of against the of ha regard to the graceful revelry at Ms hotel on Years Eve HIM of a disorderly therefore Another Are broke out la Eastern Avenue yard of the Lumber Co on Mondayj night and eauaed a low of Soma men thrown out work by this fire The Board of Directors On tario Motor decided on Mon day last to offer for competi tion yu among the school child of Toronto under of Age These prizes will be J and The move accident BOY WANTED I a permanent position for a bright energetic hoy The right boy can earn from to or more a week without interfering with his othor duties Apply to J It Y Newmarket f Mrs gave a yea- aiternoon will not receive again tb Mr Brodle will again this Mrs Ken will not again this season Mrs had a thimble tea yesterday aftettioon Mr Fred- Glover next week for Mr Clerk of Whitchurch is very poorly x P wife week for their home In England Vm Potter of spent last week with Mia Hulso Schmidt gave a large party Tuesday after noon MIsoEvehtti Everest left last wcJc fo York to train as a nurse Walter a few days last week in the City visiting relatives Mrs Cane spent two or three days with friends in Toronto week Mr J Maclean started to prevent motor day West where he expects until Fall A I t is i TO THE OF OUR TRIP TO NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that ail persona having claims against the Es tate of Christopher late of Abo Township of North yeoman deceased who died at Keswick North Gwillimbury on or about the day of September shall the properly proven with the undersigned solici tor for William and J of the last will of eald decease on or before the 10th day or April 1914 as immediately thereafter said executors will pro- a year Hon MrFoy made to dintrihute the amongst this announcement the House city papers in reporting the death of an inmate of the Victor Mission who collapsed on sidewalk last Monday night and died before Police could him to the Hospital state that while posing as a pauper ho had consider able means World says A matter that is puzzling the police is that the man in place of wearing an overcoat was wearing four small coats and instead of trousers wore two pair of overalls Yet in spite of his apparent poverty four bank books found In his pockets showing amounts at crcrllt at- four banks to talling nearly Other papers him to bo a shareholder In Homo Bank From papers found on him it is thought he has friends in Ireland is a great travesty on public charity o The proposed Act submitted to Hie Ontario Government by Sir Wm Meredith for working out of the Workmens Compensa tion bill provides for ap pointment of a chairman and a hoard of two others under whose control will come the settlement of ail disputes which may arise It is stated the offer of chairman has already gone to Mr Justice A Commissioner has been ap pointed to the Court of Toronto Mr Edward Boyd of the firm of Thurston Boyd the man His salary is to be entitled thereto having regard to those claims then filed they will be responsible for assets or any part thereof tec Dated March Solicitor for Executors Newmarket Sale Barley No Banner Oats and Peas J Proc tor St Newmarket WANTED Apprentice to learn DressMaking Short Apply to Mrs Brood Sow weight about lbs due before April 1st Arm- New Telephone The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is soon to print new issue of its Official Tele phone Directory for of Central Ontario in cluding Town of Newmarket parties who contemplate be coming Subscribers or changes in their pros- cot entry should place their orders with the Local Manager at once to insertion in this issue CONNECTING COMPANIES Should also report additions end changes in their list of Subocribcre either to Local Manager or direct to Advertising Directory partment Montreal Mortimer Local Manager on Monday t Mr McFarlan has Introduced a bill to extend limits of Police vil lages It reads as follows la The council of the county on petition as required by subsection in the case of a police village having a popula tion of less than hundred acres may by bylaw increase the area of such village by adding to it any adjoining land that the total area shall not exceed Ave hundred acres Mr McDonald has presented a bill to amend the Liquor Li cense Act He proposes making the closing hours of hotels and saloons on Saturdays at o clock noon instead of p m al so to close all such places dur ing any legal holiday Free Drainage the man who shot Arnle Is likely to recover The official Dr Pync Provincial Minister of Education to Hands the Sea Movement for teachrs In Ontario was read at a minting to the movement local teachers In the Normal School on Saturday night Edith A P SkeaR who is suing John a Toronto bank man ager for alimony and on a marriage settlement of has been awarded interim alimony of a week the order being granted at Os- goodc Hall by the She ought to be able to live on a week at least until the trial takes place The seismograph at Bureau in street the earthquake which shook a section of Japan on Saturday It is stated in the city that a deputation of business men will go to Ottawa to urge 1Me immediate construction of tho Georgian Bay Ca nal of which Newmarket Canal is supposed to be a to some extent A of prominpnt members of the Local Council of Women visited the site of the proposed Industrial Farm for Women in Vaughan Town ship on Saturday and expressed ap proval thereof Miss Appleby of this city was de tained by immigration officers at Windsor and her father will bring suit for damages The Temperance people of coko Township purpose inaugurating a campaign for the adoption of the Canada Temperance Act An organi sation meeting will be held on the Inst No than people assembled at Hall last Sunday noon McCracken of New York give an address on Chris tian Science It teems almost incredible but it is nevertheless true that some base ball players draw larger salaries for the season than Canadas Ministcrs nnd High Court Judges re ceive for the whole year It dont much for tho intelligence of tha country The exorbitant demand of property holders has led to the abandonment of the project to widen Victoria St On Friday lafit about School of Science students In a ball light with an equal number of Mods So unskillful their aim that about twenty panes of glass were broken in the Physics building Constables appeared on the scene and made several arrests The taxpayers are kicking The rate is kept at so many mills on the all right but the assessors keep right on increasing the value laying plans to this tlra most successful In This Is what we have done the wnU we have and most fashions The now spring I stylos than entrancing outrival by a veryjreat deal Wo i Angus Williams of Ottawa is in Town this week on of the death of his father Esther Stark spent over Sunday with her friend Miss Myrtle Lloyd at Mr Edmund Walker St entertained afew of his friends to an supper on Tuesday night Hutchinson of has returned home after spending a wcefc with her friend Miss Grace Cane Mrs Allan of Toronto is week to assist in the care of her aunt Mrs Geo Wood who is very low Mr and Mrs of To ronto visited their son Mr Walter Brodio Joseph Ave over Sun- nay Mrs Dickson and lady friend Toronto spent Sunday with her Bister Mrs Jos Gould and Mrs J Mrs Wallace of Toronto and her daughter Kathleen spent Sunday with her sister Mrs Jos Gould street Mrs- John Warren and Miss Ml Pync of Toronto sister and cousin of Mr A spent the weekend at his home here engagement is announced of Mrs Maud Hamer to Mr Will A Walter of Toronto The marriage will take place In June Wo accidentally omitted to men tion last week that Miss of Sutton was the guest of Miss Alice Winch over Sunday ExMayor Pearson left for Lon don on Tuesday to represent the Woodmen of the World at the Head Camp in session at that city Miss Gertie and Miss Clara point top value you have OPENING latest fashions of the season with prices that bring you tho very utmost in THATS our Idea In merchandising Nothing formal about this opening sale COPE OWE ft nothing formal about this opening sale COME ALL to your content the new fashions If you care to buy you will find prices Interesting and Lovely fabrics In startling handsome pat terns Fine light and heavy qualities wondrous tones and shades dlf- gorgeous weaves Beauty Crepes Blue Foulards Black a Blue White In checks plaids aqd plain In most stores at yd Sale Price 1 yd Note our low prices on Crinkle Crepes Ratines Tango Crepes Rajah Foulards and Voiles- English and Canadian Prints warranted fast colors 10c In neat checks all colors regular yd Choice yd I r I I i The Board of Education to show to Chicago Ave Minneapolis their generosity at the peoples ex- where I have to and joined died tonight had been conducting in his newspaper a of Toronto spent over Sunday political campaign against with their brother Mr J denouncing him and The former remaining here for a Mro Edward Goodwin entertain ed a number or her daughters young friends at progressive euchre on Monday evening The prizea were won by Mia Mae and Mr Black Mrs Mortimer of Stony Brook We have had the nicest winter tnat I have scon since I have been in the Went and that is twelve years I often think when reading the Era the changes that have taken place since I left I wouldnt know the place now The Mail Empire referring to the retirement of fudge Morgan from the Bench pays tie following compliment Now that he has tiifcd from the Bench we trust Judge Morgan will take the time to write a guide book for other Ontario judges The nearer they approach to the Mor gan idea of justice the better will they serve the public Mr Elijah Johnson of Winnipeg writes Kindly change my address LEADING House bay mam top For A SPECIALTY to at reside I i A Mfioting of Council was held at Mr Hoods house Monday loth Inst of Route propos ed and amounts Assessments on municipalities interested for the proposed TorontoNorth Eastern Electric Railway were considered were passed Appointing the Reeve and Commissioners to represent theJTownship at the Meetings of the Joint Municipal Committee the Railway and Power Lino and Instructing the Treasurer to for ward the sum of Dollars to Great Waterways Union of Canada Council adjourned sine die Farmers Have you a field on your place that is too wet sour Drainage will reclaim it and make it one of the best fields on the farm Drainage does four things First it removes the surplus water and makes it possible to cultivate and seed about three weeks earlier in the spring than if not drained and this warmth germinates Hie seed properly and gives a food stand of grain Thirdly it lets plenty of air down to- the roots of the plants which is necessary for satisfactory growth Fourthly it makes the soil more porous and this in turn causes the soil to store up more water for the use of the crops in time of drouth Frequently the increase of crop in one year pays for the drainage and seldom or never does it take longer than three years so that drainage pays from per cent to per cent per annum on the money invested Have you difficulties in drain age The Department of Phy sics of the Ontario Agricultural College will assist you on appli cation They will make you a complete survey of the area to be drained or run a single lino of drain and when done furnish you with a finished map showing location of drains grades sizes of tile etc a detailed guide for the thorough drainage of the land in question No charge is made for the service of these drainage advisers nor for the maps only the applicant travelling expense in connection with his survey amounting usually to not more than a couple of dollars Drop a card to the Department of O A Guelph for the regular applioation form More ol us would make good if our neighbors would quit shoving are now proposing to buy pants for the military Cadets at a cost of An iron bolt fell from the pocket of a carpenter when mounting the stair case of the Howard School and fall ing strnckMiss on the head as she passed along the corridor She has been suffering ever since and has taken proceedings for compensation fromthe School Board for the in jury Hon Edward Boyd late of the firm of Thurston Boyd has been appointed successor to the late Mr Starr as Commissioner in Juvenile and Womens Court Joseph McNally is very unfortunate or thoughtlcssperhaps both He was taken to the Hospital a short time ago suffering from a fractured rib in an automobile accident He was discharged last Sunday Shortly my on in business It is twenty years since I was last in Newmarket and I want the Era to follow me to my new home- as we look upon it as a weekly visitor from our home in early life and it advises us of the changes during above period in Newmarket and vicinity Winnipeg and Western Provinces have enjoyed a beautiful mild winter The snow is practically gone The Toronto Star remarks that m point of numbers Irish Judges and Lawyers overshadow all other professions in the city Among the best known representatives the journal singles out Sir William Mu- Chief Justice of the High Court of Ontario and says lis was bom in West on- Jan 19th educated at the University of Toronto called to the bar in was a member of the Senate the before midnight on Monday while University of Toronto established crossing Queen street he was again struck by another auto and had three ribs broken A deputation eight Western municipalities passed through Toron to this week to Ottawa they will interview the Government on the question of establishing a harbor of refuge at St Patricks Day was duly cele brated by the sons of the Emerald Isle The widow and six children who was electrocuted In barn at will receive has a civic electric plant but on this occasion the Bell Tele phone Co wires crossed and- were re sponsible for the accident For selling spirituous liquors to a minor was fined and costs Torontos Spanish Consul Enoch Send the to absent J Thompson quietly married a lady in New York took a six weeks in Cuba and Jamaica thenreturnfid to this city bis bride to the of many of his friends I Mr Send tin to the Department of Labor as member of Parliament in appointed PostmasterGeneral and ac cepted the position on the bench of the High Court in He was knighted in Speaking to a press reporter on Tuesday he said I am spending St Patricks Day working at my judicial duties at Os- Hall hut it is with the thought for Old Ireland in the shape of a shamrock in the lapel of ray coat- BLUSTERY Whats the matter with that fel low over there fn tfce corner- who is purpl in the face and Is waving his arms a windmill thats in an meat- Hes evidently trying to make somebody take what he considers the view of a situation Paris March There Is a tre mendous sensation In Paris over a political crime corhniittcd tonight in the office of Figaro Henrietta of the Minister of nance deliberately shot four bullets into the body of Gaston the editor of Figaro which be Cradle In Newmarket on the of March to Mr and Mrs a son In Newmarket on March to Mr and Mrs a son CLARK At on the of March to Mr anrl Mrs J Clark a daughter In East the of March to Mr and Mrs Edgar Davitt son TRIVETT At Aurora on the of March tb Mr and Mrs Trivett a daughter The Altar WELBURNCOLTHAMOn of March at Street Methodist Parsonage Toronto by Rev D of Holt to Annie of Newmarket Tomb CALDWELL At on the 12th of March Mrs Caldwell j mother of Mrs CJatk of Newmarket In Aurora on March William Megill in his 6Stb year WILLIAMS In East Gwillimbury en Jdarch If th Addison Wil liams in his year DALY At on Thursday March William Henry Daly son of the late Luke Max well and Margaret Hall Daly and husband of Sarah Lundy in his year please copy WILSON Newmarket on 15tb of March Catharine Wilson daughter of J Wilson Joseph Ave sged and 10 months We have from to per doz and Grape Fruit from to 10c each A FEW SPECIALS TO OFFER Lombard Plums can Gages 10c can Pineapple 15c can A good red Salmon more money but while It lasts will tin PHONE 35 I PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and- Family Recipes 1 arson ftu MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies Chocolate Weekly TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phono No Store No U I- you Li a J ct mat A a w will j MHj 11 th no j mwk tetfe taw tad ul ctocroto ftaabosttect4ca aioir I rial j ft torkmel V W i

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