Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1914, p. 1

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iR a- Because it is made panel of with looli lakes the place of lath plotter and wallpaper for the walls and ceilings of every type of new or remodeled buildings it more durable convenient and economical all convenient which can be put up easily and anyone handy Became it keeps out heat and cold resist shocks end strains deadens sound retards does not crack or because you can transform and cellar space into comfortable rooms in an incredibly short time at little cost Wo can toll you many mora about Beaver Board coma In and lEFB PHONE IB NEWMARKET BASK in the Heat Produced By J- I I And You Will Have Comfort Peace and Happiness Good Coal for the Cold Season Always Procured a MM EM Order by Phone or M s A or Boyd i Manning Ed Church INCORPORATED I ofIOOOD Paidup Capital Reserved Funds r I Honey Orders and Drafts C5 6170678 Whoa remitting money in large or amounts do so by means of the Drafts and Money Orders issued the Bank Toronto It takes only a few minute to purchase them and they are a protection to both sender and recipient branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH J FIELD Manager End Lumber Yard THE SMALLEST SCUTTLE Of our free burning go as fair as the largest of the other kinds There are as many grades of coal as of eggs- and be sure of she host you should buy where only the best is bandied That is right here as many large coal users can tell you P W Pearson Phone Cor tad Carters AH Bishop and George Every Thing in Lumber and Shingles WHAT IS WORTH 1 AT ALL IS ILi at Right Prices LUMBER LATH POSTS SASH DOORS la Veneered Doors and Trim ia Goods properly MM Mrtwc Oak eto IT WORKS TO BETTER ADVANTAGE REQUIRING LESS TIME AND LABOR THUS THAT IT SHOULD CUT NO FIGURE Youll Find Twill Pay to Use the Best n During- the past month over a en private houses been burglar- now ttfc five of tbe private lodging rooms of burglars a of and goads found which owners have One last week P one of the drivers In the street cleaning department met a serious acci dents the eastern stables His fell down and while he was holding Its head It made an effort to rise and kicked him on the shin knocking him several loot away The kick leg and he was re moved to St Miohaela in the police ambulance Health Inspector Is kept busy those days Although thd weather was often down to over three Ions of firm were condemned during February Also barrels of apples and hags ot potatoes When David Tosh and hear were up before th Sessions last week charged with aggravated assault on proved that Hun ter had drawna revolver on them hence they acted in and the Judge discharged them A couplo of men not having fear the law or the dcoalogno were up before the police court for stealing bags of from a car on the Es planade last week Of course they went down Eva Booth Commander of Salvation Army in the States with Major Griffiths and Mrs had the honor of lunching at Government House one day last week One never enters the flower stalls on the market without a fresh reali zation of the beauty sweetness of the flowers There are Easter lilies at Rc a bloom Pots shamrock range to Wall flowers primulas hyacinths and many other plants range from 20 to cents each while daffodils are and cents a dozen tulips roses to sweet peas a bunch and marguer ites 35 cents a dozen For some reason the health of the citizens of city is improving The mortality rate last month was over than In the same month last year and the low est attained in that month for the past ten yearsi although the importa tion has largely increased It has been decided that the city will not buy the Interurban Electric plant Nearly immigrants chiefly from England arrived at the Union Sta tion last week aljbut the firstot present season Nearly fifty went on to Winnipeg the stayed in this city and nearby towns except a few who went to Hamilton and Catharines A fatal accident occurred last week at the Toronto Electric Light lug when Thos Wright was killed by the of a derrick at the foot of Scott St He supervising the raising of flywheel when the der rick gave way Six shopbreakers were arrested week from to years of age who had been making systematic and profitable expeditions to stores on Carlton and College streets They were dealt with in the JuvenileCourt the parents of some of them shed ding tears They- appear to have spared the rod and spoiled the child Just some people predicted when County Police Magistrates were by the present Government the administration of law has considerably increased to ratepayers of the County enlargement of a room In the Adelaide street Municip al building for a County Magistrates Court is likely to add additional cost In order to pleass court dignity The- County Magistrates now cost more than 500 J pis In days gone by On Wednesday of last week His honor Judge Coatsworth recently ap pointed took charge of the Sessions succeeding Judge Morgan The latter alter hearing his last that after noon said he was pleased to be of his duties on tie- bench At the last Sessions his Honor bid good bye to the Criminal Court He re tires on a pension Too much booze led to Williams appearing in the Police Court charged with crashing his auto through a store window on Queen street He was remanded and It is said restitutio has been made by him In the Auto Repair Shop on Sim- coo street one day last week Sidney Crocker was nearly decapitated when the top of a gasoline tank he was working on with a blow torch blew off With the roar andv concussion of a cannon the heavy steel head weigh ing seven pounds shot through the air with the speed of a and was blown clean through the ceiling Into the flat above Two young fellows were fined each for taking a motor car out for without leave and causing damages the extent of Boys playing with matches firo to the home of Mr Morris Balmoral and caused over J200 damage The Toronto Sunday School Asso ciation at second annua -conler- to be Carlton street Methodist on 20 will discuss plans for the maintenance of the tea thousand girls in Sunday schools W of AT NEXT IN Af Newmarket Town Hall- was crowded- on when the North York met in annual well- known being present and chair was occupied fry the President Mr A E Donovan in opening staged the temperance ques tion was the greatest before the province at the present JJmo and would probably be the issue on which the election would be fought out He absolutely the criticism leveled at the Con- party by and his followers to the effect that they were working in the liquor interests Mr Donovan in to the lack of interest taken by Liberals during their years term of office in the matter of legislation regarding liquor trafllc compared with Ins party who had passed 39 amend ments in the matter during short regime Surely this goes to that the Tories have the liquor question foremost in minds he said The member for laid great stress on amendment which prevented magis trates in the province from issu ing permits for liquor The esteem with which J A M Armstrong the North York mem ber is regarded by his adherents was expressed by the which followed when Chairman called upon him to speak He immediately attacked the Seri al with vigor The naval bill the proposed highway legislation and tariff commission were all rejected Senate he said Thoy are a body of political scrapiron body of and the whole system Is wrong It costs this country a year and in absolutely no good Mr Armstrong went on to say that the parly had been accused of a donothing govern ment but the peoplt who said such tilings did not know what they were talking about Regarding the demands of the western provinces for free wheat and agricultural implements Mr Armstrong exclaimed If any one tells you I voted for free wheat he doesnt know what he is talking about I do not intend to vole for it If we are to be a great country it will not be accom plished by means resorted to by the Liberals during the past twa or weeks i New Armstrong then referred to the twelve hundred families re ceiving a mail delivery and said that even if been the only thing the Conservatives had done it would be more than the Liber als ever did I dont intend to say anything about the Newmar ket he said I pro mised one for Newmarket and Au rora and you are going to them The Hon stat ed that be would prefer to be pall ed the minister of play rather than minister of labor and when ever he thought of the word la bor he always associated it with something unpleasant If a man is not happy in his work just as if he was at play then he has no right lo be engaged in it Play- is something you like to do hap py to do and will always be want ing to do Comparing the work of the two parties Mr said the Liberals had promised expenditure but had not they had promised to reserve land for the incoming settlers yet when they came into power had distributed land freely among their own friends They also promised that if the people wanted prohibition they would pass a law to that ef fect but nothing was done Referring to the work accom plished by the Borden administra tion he said Every pledge made by the Conservatives which it has been possible to keep in so short a lime has been kept The Liber als only carried out one pledge in fifteen years but Mr Bordens public pledge was quite as sacred us a private The minister thought that instead of ten mil lions for ten years being given for agricultural purposes it should have been ten millions for one year He also referred to- the im provements in rural mail deliv ery and the erection of grain ele vators which was taking place all over the country Mr Crothers then attacked the actions of the Liberal Parly in connection with the naval bill Sirtcrj Wolfe fought on the Plains of Abraham Canada has protected by a royal navy yet Canada the which has not contributed a dollar to the maintenance of the British navy Australia has fifty millions and even Newfoundland has contribut ed two hundred thousand pounds but Canada he richest and big gest of these colonies has not a cent to maintain the greatest influence for peace the British navy He then referred the imperial in London in when Sir I hid lhai ARJEAL AND spending a largo sum of money j but would consider the matter of contributing to the naval defence VObYfcBUlLDINCI MEDICINE fWe Oil of the empire He and cabinet remedy made for did enriching the blood he to another wasted tissues renewing and said that- after strength energy the best c6nsidTinthb mhttor for five you can you are run yearsthey bad decided not lo give- down tired out nervous anything to the maintenance what the It the navy left Ho the doesnt depend for good up Conservatives The Liberals did alcohol or druce the would have a are sure just as tonic majority in the when as and food properties- it contains have Mr promised the navy a- chance to get into the blood and bill would bo passed and the three through the blood the rest Pure Olive Oil and the J ML have been ftp greeted by physicians but with prolonged applause and Iter- f firrit downlo business I to say that Mr S wilhdefeal Mackenzie King at Iht a oI federal election be said Robert m aged overflow resulting tdestruc- several bridges sixty were chased Newmarket by and health we believe has no ejUal dort feel well begin taking to Kvanturels 0Hve that were other men and strbn in I he Liberal agaDSt ill- not in favor of the bar i Mr asked what those pre M oi leader with the children and ail are Ivirtucs of Mr Howell who was ffilSi willing to associate with our and have as one of his advisers Phonal promise that it a man who he knew was opposed you well and strong again t to the policy I nothing If we Mr Howells policy is to slop utmost In it we would selling the bar yelii it with this guarantee cor can be bought in the shops and even recommend it to you We are taken into your families He I sure that once you have used it you will recommend it to your friends and thank us for having recommended it to you Sold only at the more than Stores and in this town by J Y your families He concluded by staling that the Conservative policy was lo do away with both the shop and bar when the people wanted it Preston M A in a short speech referred to some of the legislative measures passed by the Conservatives At the election of officers which took place previous lo the speech making last years were reelected Honorary President P Ste phens Aurora President Dan ford Roche Newmarket 1st VicePresLloyd 2nd ViccPrcs Isaac Kenton Sutton West 3rd Vice- Geo Vivian SecretaryTreasurer Clark Newmarket Committee- Case Aurora Fred Holland Landing Newmarket A Sutton West and Fred Button vnle Bride The Remise of Cardinal Wiseman announced The funeral procession was three miles long Prof Kent lectured in Mount ItrfcIty- Prest announces that be is now prepared to fill orders for boots and shoes at his shop on Main St By vote of ttie ratepayers the County of Peel has decided to separ ate from York A letter from Mount Albert Urges the Counties of York and Peel to purchase the York Roads stating that the persons at present reaping of tolls have made pile if if- Til YEARS AGO m v- Parisian Sage Makes Thin Life less Hair and Abundant Beautiful hair thick soft fluffy lustrous and free from dandruff is one of womans greatest charms yet so many have streaked thin and life less hair and there is no rem edy Pretty hair is largely a matter of care Frequent applications of Parisian Sage rubbed into the scalp is all that is needed it acts like magic Try it will really surprissd with the result Not only will the hair become soft- flufly ra diant with life and really doubly beautiful falling hair and itching scalp cease your head feels fine AH druggists sell a large bottle of Parisian Sage for fifty cents Get it from J Patterson He will re fund the money it your are not satis fied -a- EDITING AFTER PRINTING An exchange states that you can read the newspaper proof three or four times and repeatedly pass the same error without seeing it Alt newspaper men tell you so- But as soon as the press is started and the paper is completed in its complete shape there stands the error in front of you so big that you cant see any thing else a strango fact and probably the reason why it is so easy to edit a newspaper after it is print ed KEF HALDOL 6 20 CURES PAIN BUT DOES WOT AFFECT THE HEAD First of all it may be well to men tion that is the pre scription of one of the worlds great est nerve specialists the famous Herr Doctor Stobr of Vienna Austria He has used in his private practice and hospital clinics In thousands of cases of Headaches Neuralgia Rheumatism Sciatica Neuritis La Grippe and other forms nerve exhaustion The mere fact that Dr or iginated is the only comendation needed by most physici ans and surgeons to commend the formula to their attention is the only painreliev ing remedy used by Dr Stbhr be cause it the only one that does not affect the heart or other organs and may be taken with perfect safety un til a complete euro results Tablets maybe ob tained at stores in tubes or they will be sent on receipt of price by Kephaldol Limited La- tour St Montreal to absent North Gwillimbury Council A regular meeting of the Coun cil was held at on March 2nd Present Reeve Councillors Hint and Hamilton Minutes of prev ious meeting read and approved A presented from Womens and tho Clerk was at Newmarket Cemetery to forward a resolution Mr of and Mr favoring thej same ot Toronto were in A Bylaw was Newmarket last week Road overseers fence viewers and Miss Perkins of Toronto ere j tory of Music was home over A resolution was carried appoint day fog the Council as a whole the Road arid Bridge Com for the present year Auditors report was and accepted and the Clerk to have of same printed for distribution following bills were passed and ordered paid J Woodcock Municipal World suj lies Printing stationery GTR on sacks Mann of J B CowiesDD sheep killed Ontario Lime Co cement The Clerk was instructed to write Clerk of Georglna for a statement of their expenditure on East town lino for the years 1913 and 1913 Council then adjourned to meet again on May as Court of Revision and other business Road overseers Diva Huntley Stonehouse Merchant and B Com B Com J King 111 A Critten den R and Com John J Morton 20 Wash Winch 21 York J Nelson Bos- worth Shaw 2 S 27 King 28 Kay 29 P Boadway 30 a 3iJ Q A A Hamilton 35 J 36 P Pearson Small wood J Till R Sprague Wight Glover and a Com J B War den 45 John Anderson Peters 48 R and Com J Brecon jr Shop Stephens P Reed A SheppardQONol J Graham Wm Fence Viewers J Breckon J McNeil J Hamilton Jr J Stephens F King Wm W Mor rison From Era Mar The Tomb Davison At nth of March Ann Davison wife of the late John Davison of Newmarket in her year Sharon on instant Ira Bella aged years- Interred over Miss of Vaughan wai visiting over with to sister Mrs Lloyd Cap Armstrong returned from the West on Wednesday Mr Bradley was acting Constable in the courts at Toronto the past two weeks Mr Andrew Street moved into town this week Mrs Baldwin Dennis of Aurora was visiting Mrs Dennis street on Saturday Mr Albert Rogers left on Sat urday to make his home in Califor nia Cases mill at Cedar Valley shut down owing to a break in the shaft of the chopper has come on earlier than usual The following parties left Aurora for the Wist last Tuesday Joe Gra ham Alex McLeod Geo Curtis and wife Martha Elliott Mr and Mrs Hands Ken Lloyd Bert J JJiss Williams and others A Parlor Social will be held at the parsonage Park Ave this Friday ev ening in aid of the Choir Fund of the Congregational Church Millards factory shipped a large or der to Toronto this week Mr Atkinson sold tickets for Manitoba last Tuesday evening Town Band gave the citizens a serenade last Friday evening The Christian Church presented a heautiful cushioned chair to Elder and a purse of money to at a church party last Fri day evening J ii 1 i i I i Expositor has the following observation relating to the Dominion expenditure by the Borden Government Electors of North York will please take notice In the last complete fiscal year of the government the total expenditure of the department of Militia was During the first fiscal year of the Borden regime this expenditure was jumped to 18606397 an increase of over During the next fiscal year that ending with March last the total expenditures for militia purposes according to the auditorgenerals report amounted to another Jump of over For the fiscal year which ends on March next the total appropriations voted by parliament for purposes were The actual expenditures for the year are not yet available but It Is safe to say that it will be pretty close to the total appropriations Col the Hob Samcomes high- but we suppose we have to have Compare this statement with In the Town Hall Newmar ket Saturday Prof was Quickly Relieved of Roth Afflictions by If you from any form of Rheumatism remember that RHEU goes to work quickly to remove the cause not simply to relieve the distress Many years use has dem onstrated that ft goes to the seat- ol the disease arid expels the poi sonous matter through the natural channels kidneys bowels liver and skin For many years I was troubled- with Rheumatism also Disease of the Kidneys I sufiVred awfujly Tried many advertised rem edies After using your truly re markable preparation I was fully cured Prof Sound View Conn RHEUMA guaranteed by J Patterson who sella It for a VI March A serious earth quake occurred today in prefec ture of Island of A number persons In thb city of were silled and many houses de stroyed or damaged In the village of Kowakubl was there were many casualties The disturb- I I f a ftnee the railroad and

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