Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 4

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v I- SOc V IB- A By Perfect ii woman and fe In ft wepwed or TH8T0I0H A woman customer paid to fee DEATH OF SIR pit Geo mi nets away day in town Remit W Sir I would III present Province That to thlckln l So aaid ot ablest men people said have our produced- man JO tboi4call ounddd ttair et force of at all w jo that had a defender fcbout tome of you who tuff et from todc In public Six lion heartburn I55rwT Ontario on other stomach complain K of Sir Georges death expert- Tt- J S They contain and trial of itrK aid it friend and medical her ayaUm has a free allowing altbcc to tuner and comfort pro- Pieafbt It la to the militia that Canadas elgoai system owes in first use of the for storm work on the con tinent was been a at but was abandoned through the stress of the civil war until when It was to Canada VionM Austria K Europe h4 Now backed the of w a- rt copes to to re- resumed under the of the la known and used ttwift- pate and cure It was through ths that had La and which was a hiiUdinf of lojjrs with and was JP on all Wood aiWood Finisher also Inside Decorator with any J oi mentioned Mi get forms tbe information Notice sons having of V j I I J I fltQfart whom I the secretion of Juice ftLator P to iclcl and tfa a it rich ted blood the jaays By his fellow Senators he WW bowels M much mloscd as a leader who believe tobe toe always courteous and nde for and rpcr ribt ate and anxious to W We certainly wouldnt them opinions of others He was a most at our risk unless we 1 t5zpUIocbo Ibirj manone whom it was al- felt sure would do you a lot of with ell lt3 orfdco of a ploasuro to work with Dyspepsia With the foregoing telbutc3 to the j relieve you indigestion check en end wttUc-i- dtooarfod it will be scon what a large and make It fit me In which wcrnea In the esteem- our to eat what you come in i nbjeet la the injury deceased- who Oasblfne i I are the Colonial and In the men with associated In going blindly to the I woman at this time i iydla meat tonio of the cranio molly homes there of the feet i J that to ffia Compound make a normal healthy and strong If you want advice write to Medicine Co Haas Your letter will be opened read and by a woman and held In strict ol her very get your money Sold only at the more than in this town only at our store J Three and In nil countries for our will he sent University Time Card GOING NORTH am pm Toroato 546 AHaxdato 4030 3i0 815 1050 GOING SOUTH Leave am pm Newmarket Toronto a The Chronicle tioB to the broken of the Bor den Government and wants to know It is a organ In all tho land sufficiently courageous to to claim that Canadas Min ister kept hie prelection pledges and if so tho Chronicle wants to know when Appealed to the country on the naval Issue Created a western division of tho railway commission 31 Transferred the natural resources throe prairie provinces to their respective provincial governments Nationalized tho telegraph and telephone systems ot Canada Did away with tho spoils sys tem Created a groat chilled meat in dustry Purified elections provided tor prompt hearing of election peti tions appointing a prosecuting offi cer to ferret out expose and punish all electoral wrongdoing Practiced economy and reduced the public expenditure Took over all terminal ele vators of the country 10 Reformed the Senate are some the pledges there are others all broken IE PIE The Hamilton Humid rises to remark It question If members of parliament should be endowed with privileges of say ing in Parliament what they dare not say outside lest be pros ecuted for slander The Herald is right Col trie Hon Sam Hughe was told lb his face oh the floor of the Commons last week that he had a state ment in the House that he dare not make outside i Thoro many way a of I thorn Ho two and lot uo toll you Hew and Why and If Wo Tree Health and upon your Clio The London Free Press re marks The contribution to campaign funds made through Mr has been fully ex plained Is this true We doubt it As the Globe says No one knows except Mr and Mr Geo Taylor whether the Provincial Secretary took money offered to him or politi cally held up the contractor by a request which was really a command What has North Yorks member got to say about it crested- it VU 1ST van the was tie that the aer- wan which the made a at IB follow ed by the eatahllshment ef a station on the and a exchange reports was made with the weather bureau at Washington which alio had at that time a few stations United When Washington knew of a Storm head- Ins for tho great word was from that city to Toronto and from Toronto to the signal The Dominion now atorm signal stations Of these three are on the British Columbia coast SO on tho great lakes and balance In the maritime prov inces Newfoundland rocelTes warn ings of storms through the Canadian storm signal service which Is In a most excellent position to know of storms heading for Newfoundland from the The difficulties experienced In tell ing exact course which a storm will take Is shown by the fact that of weather charta now In possession of Toronto Ob servatory not two can bo found which do not bear a marked differ ence In view of this it Is remark able bow rarely tho bureaus are wrong In calculations S irritation and ftei Kephaldol will now to pain- raid iwst par- vViWOanadiana the enticed having regafd In the Old Perfect life again to who perhaps for many years dragged trough a Get a tube tab- at your dTUgots Limits St to claims ftlod Dated day si Solicitor for Execnfcoro W4 On Given at Timothy St Newmarket Apply to Mrs Comer WORK WANTED Furnace Work I to m mm Town end farm properties parties who wiit3 i OfBoe Ave three of Metropolitan Station St Phone I THE SKY rf YEAH3 EXPERIENCE Marks DE8IGN8 Copyrights c sending a end pi 1 fucerLala our opinion en lnvuillon lBprobsblrpatenlahln CommanlCft on cent free for In f I flmericati- of tot in FREE to MO ill it car Co- VJ- ftUikv I Intfuci Til IB in tU It is stated that on Saturday last a racing automobile was driven at a speed of more than an hour for miles- about equal to the wind the following day That was indeed marvellous but the Globe of Wednesday calls attention to mother automobile marvel aud says Sikorsky is the name of I be Russian aviator who has in vented and developed the sky bus In a flight last week he carried up sixteen passengers in an aer oplane the wings of which have a spread of feet The ma chine itself pound and the passengers pounds so that the propellers of the biplane had to drive forward a to tal weight of almost five Lous The engines which the driving force were of power the largest yet installed in an aeroplane In his arrangements for pas sengers Sikorsky bus gone ahead of anything before at tempted in a machine The car is entirety covered in The how contains a small pilot cabin Next come- The Redistribution Bill Com mittee appointed to define con stituencies have held a couple of meetings this week Very little change will he made in Ontario So far as York County and To ronto City are concerned all not yet definitely decided here will probably be ten or seats One rumor- current among members gives seven or eight members to the City and two or three to the County If only two is given to the County South York will be added to To ronto and the rest of the County divided into two Ridings East and West York If only seven seats arc given to Toronto the three Yorks East West and North will be continued We the statement simply as a rumor To divide York into two Hidings with South York- attach ed to the city would make two awkward constituencies in boun daries Turk Hon J Hanna who as Provin cial Of Ontario has Insti tuted an experiment In prison reform which Is attracting attention all over tho world was recently describing some of the characters who have to be bandied by the officials at the Guolph Prison Farm where la bor day after day without even a guard to supervise them and sleep at night In unlocked dormitories very hardest class we en counter he said are those fellows whoso nature made more or leas Irresponsible I mean the men who no definite trade but who are apt to be found anywhere doing any thing For Instance theres Wood who lives near my house In You can never know where youll him or what he will be doing me tell you bow I met him at PanAmerican Exposition In Buffalo twelve I was walking up the and paused at the Turkish Village to hear the barker describe the wonders and at the same time to study the Turk who was the platform with the barker Turk addressed ft few words to the crowd In na tive Turkish of I couldnt understand Being interest ed In his national I moved up closer to get a better at him When the barker his mono logue tho Turk chancing to turn and eaten my eye leaned over me Hello he said how are all folks In Plain Laundry or Out by the Day Ontario Street or Box Newmarket PO for a Horse Saw ft hone and you wont have to buy one Dont Mil or destroy any on account of Spavin fipllut Ringbone CurbSpraius or Lament one dollar for a SPAVIN CURE caved a great many horses put them back to work even have been given up Over year of hate proved J f El lis Qnt J tart fca i to HA with due 7 rer m IJTbMU Dr J Jl Co 3 of Our- Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS Sl SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery A year ago he couldnt eat the gers saloon with We sec it slated in press that at the funeral of Lord a Minister of the Presbyterian Church made the statement Lord Strathcona was a loyal and gen erous son of the Church of Scot land and with his last health he told as he had often done before how deep wa3 Ins affection for her simple worship and how he valued her ordinances most of all But in saying this lie added and speaking as one who was delivering a testimony lie bade me repeat it to he can eat three square meals and sometimes one extra Chamberlains tared Stomach Troubles and gave a good digestion You fry them a bottle and Dealers or by 3 Excursions To Manitoba Saskatchewan EACH TUESDAY March 3rd to October inclusive Chicago St Paul or Winnipeg and Edmonton and Return Full particulars berth from Truai or write Horning District Toron to Ontario J City tzd J TieVot Ageirt 10c fold I I to fit ti We told lie lriut fifMM of I Toronto Hovel Toronto that in his long life ho had scats for persons Behind teamed a great toleration and this is a small had come to realize that God re- and a lavatory The entire veals himself to His faithful peo- is heated by the lips of all the Churches by the exhaust from the for it had been his experience AH the machinery of j that he could receive benefit from all so that to him Dissipation A New Brunswick Jury once found a prisoner guilty of assault and robbery the late Judge Gregory sentenced him to five years on the first count and three on the second The clerk of the court arose to re peat the sentence but having taken a glass too much he was unable to give the total sentence correctly you he announced addressing the prisoner are sentenced to seven in the penitentiary No thats not right You making a fresh start sentenced to nine years No not right You might as well make it five years said the and the clerk got through the remainder of the formula without difficulty I saved the prisoner three years by being drunk he later and time counts at Dorchester Satur day Night are engines the craft is controlled from tin pilots cabin and the four motors can be operated individually in pairs or all together QUO Canadian Hair Restorer ft i- and After Using Restores Grey Hair to original color Two might from tame bottle hair of one becomes the other blond or other color as they were la youth Stops Palling Hair Dandruff Itching Cures all ScaJp Produces New Growth Iloa or money back or trio for Dollar Not M In address Canadian Restorer Co Mr P who was read the Liberal parly by Mr and lift caucus of Liberal l for out of Rowel mem- to exist The exercise of more of this broad spirit of christian toleration among the churchgo ing people would soon bring to pass the church union talked of in this and other countries Highest beans kept whole and mealy by perfect baking retaining their full strength Flavored with delicious sauces equal EXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each March 3 to October Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return Prom Toronto end Stations West and North of Toronto Proportionate fares from StaUons East Toronto Return Limit two mentis REDUCED SETTLERS FAKES ONEWAV SECOND EACH TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL travel Hue with live tptfL e5ects Ufa SPfcClAl TRAIN which leave Weit Tuesday during MARCH after pm train Toronto without live should use REGULAR TRAINS IwIpf Toronto DAILY Through Colonist Tourist Supers traics Toronto to N RAINS West COLONIST CARS OS- No charge for Canadian or write Murphy Toronto FARM PROPERTY Power of Sale in Urdcr and by virtu of contained In a certain rooKago which will be produced fetet there will be foi tale by public auction on the at the hour of afternoon at No St In tho city of Toronto fey Messrs J Co following farm proper ty viz All and singular those certain par cels or tracts of land and premise situate lying and being in the of King old survey l West in the Country York and Province of Ontario tad being composed of the West lot No in the 2nd con ol tho Tp of King and lots and in the said eon- described as follows Park lot letter A on the side of St and Park and on the St 3 and the East side of St tnd on the East side of St and on the side of Hearers St 1 and 2 on East aide St and lot on East alCj 3rd con of the said of St IB the Town of Am sterdam in the County of York said also the SouthWest lot No In the said 2nd coo of King also lot No Hi la 3rd of the said of Kfcg containing altogether about This farm Is situated miles from the this fann there is abort lit acres cleared land 52 cleared and the Is composed of marsh and a good portion of which dry weather is fit for tte or lot 17ln leoa a goodsizod fcanobra fc email frame hams stable sheds and otter iulldinga would make a very farm for in action to good wells property river a px3 There i plenty of water for pasture oa the lowlands property will sals to a purchaser shall pay par eat of the purohase money at ilea sale to the Vendors or and the balance in days without Interest The Vendors will to a of Title and to sneh copies thereof or of title as are la their possenlofl la all respects the and tloas of sale will be of the Supreme Court On tario Further particulars may from Messrs Mark A Solicitors Bradford or from Atkinson Newmarket Adelaide St East Toronto Date4 this day of Feb Popes Life of Sir John A Of all Sir Joseph Popes to Canada perhaps the greatest Is the preparation of the Life of Sir John distinctions I A bio- main a classic among Canadian of the Ontario Legislature last week was also read out of the party by the Liberal Execu tive of his own county on Satur day last He accepted the only course left open to him and re signed seat in the Legislature Moving Picture Machine i K j it Hill Mi ft tor til ttMT J In Hie Ontario Legislature last week the Opposition scored the Government for its extravagant expenditure on the new Govern ment House Mr Clarke pointed out that the outlay on the prom ise equalled in value to any town in the province of 5000 inhabi tants Mr declared the Department of Agripulturo was suffering from inertia He said it was strange that a country with the agricultural of there Via j food to populu- lion Bacon eggs arid other staple comiribiiiUcs wore import ed in large quantities a situa tion that should not if lh Si DREAM lotion which will you the of cheeks chapped hands end tore tips and your soft and whits 25o at your graphics because of the Intimate light it sheds upon the political life of the Dominion A companion piece to It is a collection of Confederate documents Including a diary of the Quebec conference which is Indis pensable to the man who wants to know how we came to bo Sir Jos eph Popes labors as a public ser vant valuable though they are may be forgotten His services as the lit erary executor of Sir John A Mac- are a permanent part of tie life of Canada a LIMITED Manufacturers of the Celebrated HlUIALCO ciid Hon Monk P for Works tendered relgnaVoi a mem Fur Animals Diminishing In leas than ten years practically all the furbearing animals In the County of Kent Ontario will bo ex tinct If the prediction made by P Conway a hunter and trapper from Ont Is correct Con way brought In over skins con sisting of At toon and In three days he caught coons on the Government park at to hunt and trap which preserve he a permit GET THE BEST IT PAYS for the Catalogue of in mm ft I was alive to its op- rt With vast land lying idle there v as- no announced Jhat resignation why therotihoulr he an been accepted and the formal writ situation in new elecWon had been issued Let us add this is the kind- df Government North York supports through its present The SirxaU tat and ON It fully offered this open til year Com- roBncauow at Onto Uprights Queen Street to Iron to f i I I I W I I rf a

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