Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Mar 1914, p. 3

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I It Council will at oa Tuesday the Wednesday the A partial eclipse of moon took on Wednesday night near mid night ycaterdayi morning had entirely disappeared funeral of the Donald here on Saturday on Hon day to Kir City jajWJftiS Son merchants only I the Mb Snturday Gale Of Store lord Co In their Worth a tore colore vacating Liberal eons tl nd Association Will In ho Town Hall on See advertisement of years of and highly respected throughout the township PATWBHS w A Monday April date for grand In Town Hall to ho giv en by Ontario Quartette Thee a are ladleo who put up such a ftto concert or Fall Big Co undergoing a general The groceries are la again together with al other allday current makes it poseiblo to utlllto what formerly waste pexe Canadian Homo The regular meeting will be post until i Monday evening March in order to bear the report the Supreme meeting in Hamilton this week Will members please ac cept this as sufficient notice and all fry to b present Dont forget the Friends oyster sup per tonight Hockey match at tho rink last night Irish Concert next Tuesday night Dont forget to wear your next Tuesday Dig Conservative meeting in the Town Hall here tomorrow afternoon be by m Minister of VAUKY The arc Very busy getting in ice now Was Maggie Nettle a lew Mri Jessie continue at Cedar Valley J Alien and daughter halt ed in ilouht Albert last Friday Sorry to bear that been under the doctors care but glad to know that lirer covering House held a special meet ing last Saturday night on of one of the capturing a muskrat How are the new moustaches com ing along How Is it boys that when we go to an oyster supper we always have to walk home or Bleep in the Mow Cotton V Hew Vostlnoa New Tango In fact all the New arrived and are being shown In Great Variety v The feet Boots at our are Solo Agents for the Best era of Boots in buy anything In Boots from for Wan Woman or Child wo guarantee the Mow rtlletts wills In of y all per yard Mew Silks In all trie newest of 4 Imported Tins Kippered Herring with Opener Bo per tin Pineapple Butter poivjnr Lemon Butter peisjar Buy by the Mag J W a Armstrong- flPa I I r Dlsmlsaod On Friday last alter some timely the case of Philip Clouth Newmarket charged before Magis trate Esq with ob taining money under false pretences was dismissed In the County Police Court was accused of over charging Frank Felix of Toronto a rag deal Banquet Last night at the King George Ho- a complimentary Banquet was to tendered to the Newmarket Hockey team who won trophy in the Metropolitan Hockey league this sea- con 1 was quite an achievement and the Town are showing ap preciation this manner A big time was anticipated tat LIBERALS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED 8PEAKINQ EN0E8 AT P nil DR H CLARK DANFORD ROCHE tion V WPW We will be to call for your Grocery Order regularly It you ask A Sale Register At the ritA here on Tuesday oven- WEDNESDAY- in tho for the Cup Mr Mich Howard won from Mr E by a of to Newmarket curlers are going to Toronto today to play the Gran ites Some good shooting Is expect ed Morrison lot 2nd con last cell general lot of lirses Usual terms at one J THURSDAY March Mr will have a sale of Imported Clydesdale Fillies and Canadian bred Horses Reg Aberdeen Angus Cattle and Grades together with a full line of Implements on lot con 2 East Write him at Newmarket PO for a bill W Kavanagb Auct Nov Post Plana Last Friday Postmaster received the plans for the new Post Office and Customs House which the Dominion Government propose erect ing in Newmarket The main build ing looks all right but a small an nex at the South end is a disappoint ment from an architectural view It is- to be constructed of red brick with trimmings of cut stone and a metal roof The plan calls for ft Professor Cummer of Aurora has kindly confuted to give an address on his recent trip around the world at the Methodist Schoolroom next Monday evening at eight fifteen The League consider this will bo Interesting and extend a cor- TUESDAY March 31 Mr Richard dial invitation to all to Join them in Young will have an important sale this meeting of registered Horses Cattle and Im plements- on lota in the of East stop Crossing on the Met Usual terms Sale at sharp Auct Womens Instituted The next meeting the Branch of Women s Institute will be held at the home Mrs C Cane Queen Street on Saturday the at the usual hour A good program is being prepared Two papfers will bo givenrone on the Girls and the other on Sociability It is hoped there will be a large attendance as business of importance will be introduced Methodist TUESDAY March Johnston will have an important of reg horses 35 head of cat tle sheep hogs lot in the of North Sale at oclock Convey ances will meet noon car at shoe crossing on Met Kava Auct TUESDAY March ST Mr Robertson Spent Thursday evening with Mr Nelson Proctor A large number from here attended the Sunday School Convention at on Thursday and Friday Miss Aleta Cook spent Friday with friends at A number from here attended the rink at on Wednesday ev ening Misses and Cutting spent a day last week with friends In Toronto Mr and Mrs Graham were in Toronto last Thursday Mr and Mrs J Jarvis spent Wed nesday and Thursday with In Toronto Mrs J has returned home after spending week with friends in Toronto Mr Geo Dove has returned home after spending a number weeks with his uncle at Brown has returned home having spent a number of weeks with her sister Mrs Black Miss Annie Pat ton was the guest Miss May Graham recently After spending a Tew days at Albert with his uncle Mr Ward Cook has returned home boo- Miss Grace Gray was home over Sunday Glad to see her smiling face in our midst once more Mr Albert Robinson has taken his departure If Charlie had a good strong pair of lints he could have shown where the violets come from Nellie says she would rather see a hockey match than a carnival but Willie Is dead We are sorry to hear that Mr Hec tor Pollard and children have the scarlet fever When the leghorn rooster from Vi vian met the black rooster of there was some crow ing i They crowed right down the road Miss Essie Hopii is laid up la grippe Now Jf could only lean upon the strong arm of tho strong man no the brave man it would be pleasant Do not forget the Tory meeting at Newmarket on the What is the matter with our store- V A a A SHOP FURNITURE AT HALF Tables Mirrors Show Cases Shelving Lumber Chairs Coffee Mill Grocers Clock Gasoline Plant Desks Machine Sewing Tailors Machine Harness Robes Lace Curtain Show Rack Bedstead Barrels Plough Tin Iron Pipe Stoves Iron Desk Electric Reflectors Egg Cases Cream Waggon Top Sleigh Buggy Shafts Crocks Hot Water Radiator Iron Truck Bath Pan Wood Partition Typewriters Desk Stove Pipes Wrapping Paper Holders- Paper Bag Holders Oyster Cabinet Biscuit Stand Thread Cabinet Iron Stools with Plush Tops Iron Letter Press Hardwood Stairs Cash Register Cheese Cutter Cheese Safe Clothing Stand Comfort Soap Waggon Ox Yoke and many other articles J OF PREMISES BOLD TO ME SAMUEL Walker Son will sell horses 20 The prayer service last evening was 0 cattle to bo in chargo of Women s Bible fl e St inches on Mam Street and feet and a attendance was an- near Indus- I keeper What storekeeper John inches ion Park Ave with roadway trial Home No reserve Usual Gray Why hes all right on the Wast for and Miss Williams of Aurora will sing terms atl livery of mails There are two at the service Sunday evening Auct atones and a tower in the corner A departure is to be made from tho usual on Sunday evening Af- FRIDAY March 20 Auction sale of ter preaching service congrcga- farm stock and implements on lot they have no gun are Invited to spend a social 9 con 2 King Old Survey the j Dont forget the bee on Wednesday hour in the schoolroom where the property Wm Sale at boys Turn out and help the widow sharp Terms mos W We are sorry to learn that we are eoing to lose John and family feet high in which provision made for a large clock is Disgraceful Last Sunday morning no less than a dozen empty whiskey bottles were strewn on the lawn in front of the Methodist Church and at least thirty Were counted along the street from the Registry Office to the corner of Park Ave Evidently a booze par ty had been on the rampage on Sat urday night and lacked sufficient re spect for themselves to keep it quiet Whether the bottles came Au rora or ate an intimation that there are some blind pigs in Town yet is not known but it has been hinted to us that the latter Is no If its whereabouts can be discovered profits of illicit sales will disappear quicker than the snow June sun Ross says he could have shot a hare last night if he had a gun with him You have heard the old story Ross what some people see when where League will provide a musical pro- gram in order that strangers may Auct have an opportunity to get acquaint March 21 Executors with the church people sale of Newmarket property on the premises belonging to the Estate of the late Eves also house hold furniture Sale at 2 otclock J When bills are not print- Charged with Forgery A warrant by the county police for the arrest of Baker a Whitchurch farmer who accused of at this office notices under the name oil to a tins heading are cluirged at promissory note in insertion and for la alleged about four months ago subsequent insertion it to accompany- order purchased a number of cattlefrom Masonic Last Friday evening the District Deputy Grand Master A of District No a Toronto A P fc AM paid his official visit to Rising Sun Aurora accom panied by several other high officials and members of thq craft special Metropolitan car There were also present representatives from Newmarket Richmond Hill and His Worshipful Sir very highly complimented the officers lor the ex cellent manner in which they pre sented the work After the official proceedings Sun invited the visiting brethren to the Mechanics Hall to participate in a Bannet when about sat down to a sumptuous After the removal of the cloih the company listened to a number of able soothes which were InWsoersd by and recitations till aft midnight The Newmarket contingent feel very grateful to Tiros Wilson and for their kind In that arrived home was with the ev enings entertainment and will ln or another such occasion Rising Sun Lodge Is worth commenda tion for healthy and condition she fa in and should be of Inspiration to other William at anl auction sale and tendered in payment a note with the forged signature of The note due recently and it was only then that the dis covery made Meanwhile ac cused has sold out his farm and the district SMAW8 BUSINESS Toronto Canada Include the Central Business College with Five City Branch Grad uates are universally Enter any time Write Tor cata logue Shaw President Head Offices St from our midst Luke says he will have tee And a little hop at night So just bring girls along Andit will he all right John Clark is not so slow he the school teacher on a lone hand Happy Mike I back of our here am the news I FINE M WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY cut glass Is Wo Time Like The I ENGRAVING Present Time Wo were never better at any time To Vou a Good Time Piece you needed Good more than at the present time Twill lake but little to make a selection hero Our prices arc low and wo anteo purchase Well boys to tell bur Sony to hear that Boss got the mumps Miss Sadie Fry spent Sunday ill that she liked the Saturday Miss Sadie Heaoock had tea with Mrs of Newmar ket on Sunday Mr Lawrence Penrose spent a couple of days in the city last week Sorry 10 hear that Victor is no around yet but hope Me will Boon be El ma says that the cutter tracks are pood to Sharon What is the matter with Frank he is wearing a smie Mr Jim Blake thinks about leaving or part iho country sorry to lose him Miss froze her little toe while skating on market last Saturday night LIVE STOCK MARKET There is a steady demand for good choice stock in Toronto From to is being paid for butchers bulls and cows Stockera are bringing as high as Choice veal calres are bringing- and medium from to Lambs are ranging from to 59- 5 Sheep are higher than a week ago Top price this week Hogs are selling at to off cars and to at points Newmarket Markets March Wheat per bush SO Barley per bush Oats per bush 0 34 37 Buckwheat pet bush CO W Bran per ton Shorts per ton 25 00 CO Hay pur ton new OP per doz Butter per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per ft Geese per ft 1 it 2S 30 0 ft IS- Turkeys per lb 0 22- Toonto Markets March 1914 0 t I Primrose a 9 Opticians PR TICKET AGENT MARRIAGE LICENSES Well March came in like a lion and is hoped will go out like a lamb The snow storm made us inpr is better than mud any time Mr George had a dance at his place last Thursday night and everybody seemed to enjoy it Whats the matter with Ar thur Jlernd an other Mr John Williamson enter tained a of friends last Wednesday evening and all re port a good time Stranger Wheat per bush Oats per bush Bailey per bush Rye per bush 0 Peas per hush 0 Hay per ton Butter per ft Eggs per 38 Potatoes per bag 1 1 Chickens per ft 20- 24 Ducks per ft Turkeys per ft Geese per lb PREPARATORY FOOD to i I I Pretty Dresden per yard White Bedford Cords fine and wide cords Ratine In Black and White Tan and White Blue and White a very new and pretty Tub White plain stripe Mulls Dlmltys Plain our large assortment of English Prlnte beat on the market Range of Hew Blousoa and W air While Sherman was out in the between Atlanta and the sea rations sometimes got a little short says an exchange but the men were goodnatured about it One day an officer found a sol dier eating a persimmon that he had picked up and out lo him Dont eat that its not good for you not eating it because it is good was the reply Im try ing lo pucker up my stomach so as to fit the size of the rations Billy Shermans us K EaONYRgAL Incorporated by Act of Parliament I J CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS ASSETS Branches at all Important centres In Canada Em New York OUcs30 Spokane Every of a INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Pointer of the to win be oeaiM as heretofore mT Ac

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