Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Mar 1914, p. 4

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Aifastv j 7 QMrta that the Government appointing new Settlors from Help in Pink- the March Sir wacompIeteiwredcIhdgivennp all of hotter living any lime m I Mcb a sufferer triable Compound Mid I am la good health and have- pair twin boy two old growing finely I surprised few doctors and neighbor for alt what a wreck I NoTIrrahosllhyKappyand hearty letter women ou Id better health- Mm Cook Lot Cape Canada cess doctors hiring done no good do not wnUnoo to suffer without giving Vegetable Compound a periodic pains and It may bo exactly you need The record a proud end one It Is a record of constant victory over the women ilia that deal out despair It fa an es tablished fact that VegetablcCompound restored health to thousands of Buffering women Why dont you try it if you need such a medicine PROMPTLY SECURED In all countries for our will ho item free MARION University Montreal T Time Card with the in Senate Chamber A general election meanwhile however may alter HicMvnieipal Calendar for March light On the 1st of tbeVorith the financial statement of to Kdncatloa Depart ment is duo also Separate School supporters to notify munici pal clerks Tho last day of ttiis month is the latest date year for Councils to bylaws limiting number of shop licenses for the ensuing year Soak Signal of last week spooling of the Calgary County Loyal Orange Lodge annual- session held on Feb 3rd says Over one hundred delegates from the various Lodges from the as far as South to High and Bast to as well the vari ous city lodges went off record as being In favor of any act or legisla tion leading to total prohibition in whole or any part of the Pro vince Not one dissenting voice was heard NORTH 340 am Toronto GOING SOUTH Newmarket Toronto or pm 45 am pm 800 255 800 bo ard bo DrLGTHOMSON NEW YORK DENTISTS if idc r- or YEARS EXPERIENCE Copyrights Anyone lending a opinion free ftq roe teener for taken through fa ttlthoatchBrgo la l lsprbbiblrptcf HA l4iton foaisUL tu New Bunch fc A press report from Ottawa data respecting the Parks Branch ol tlxj Department of tho In terior- The Dominion Buffalo Park at VValnwrfght in Alberta con tains buffalo elk mule deer and four antelope In the Rocky Mountain Park at Ban there are 21 buffalo moose elk mule deer 3 mountain sheep and Persian In the Elk Island Park Alta there arc 41 elk Buf falo moose and mole deer The report adds that the buffalo are thriving admirably Canadian Magazine for March contains an attractive list of- contri butions perhaps the most important of which is the full text of a speech delivered by the Hon Root in the United States Senate in favor of the British contention regarding the equal Imposition tolls on the Pan ama Canal This speech gives a com plete review of the negotiations that led to the building of the canal and as the attitude of the United States is likely to become more than ever a subject for International discussion this contribution to the The Canadian Magazine should be read A few days ago a representative meeting of prominent of tho Anglican Roman Catholic 1st Congregational Presbyterian and Hebrew bodies was held in Toronto when a resolution was adopted urging Dr John of Education In Ontario to bring his proposed scheme for religious instruction in Public Schools before the Hon Min ister of Education and the Provincial Government proposition Mr means that a pupils success in theology examination will be a help another subject to pass examination to a pupil who may have failed in in the High School On Thursday of last week alter the letter of the member for had been read In the House stating his attitude towards the liquor traf fic a liberal caucus was held when it was decided that Mr should not be again Invit ed to attend Liberal caucuses or be recognized as one entitled to take part in the deliberations of the Lib eral members the House Mr who may to expelled stated No I did not get the job was too late I got a letter from the HotelKeepers Association and they said I was too late they had another man The question agitating the House is Who is the other man X The whole episode is disgraceful but who is the substi tute people of Ontario want to know the name of the other fellow who was subsidized V- aft PUa em and open up 1st the accumulated atism and star Doctor rs u b of ago old Doctor John the rest of his name not his fortieth mi fop torn Ifae tt will coming Howard Ferguson for vplo read a letter by for Prepcott offering his sendees In House to men and in return Rowel I and other Liber al members out of the party at once on learning from himself that ho actually did write the letter Mr asked to re- Hon J J acting Prime Min ister hinted that the Government will toko further action against Evan to maintain the dignity of the House Mr Gov ernment of tho cooperation of the Opposition in any course they may pursue to this From members of the Legislature Conservatives and Liberals from newspapers Government and from prominent citizens of Toronto and from all parts of the Province in fact from points out side of the Province have come spontaneous praise for Mr for the courageous action he has tak en in the incident He has shown definitely that he practices what he preaches When he found a canker in his own party and among his own members he did not falter a moment but read the member out of the party demanded his resignation and declared that there was no justi fication for his action This stand is also taken by the Literal press It Is already recognized as a of the times Mr Rowells advocacy the Abol ish Vox policy has also been strengthened by this undoubtedly unfortunate Incident Temperance men Conservative and Liberal alike now realize they never real ized before what Mr Roweil has had to contend with not only the oppo sition of his political opponents and ot the liquor interests but also the plotting of one of his own members a true friend of the liquor Inter ests It is now apparent beyond a doubt that if tho reform of Abolish the Bar is to be accomplished at the next general election all temperance men irrespective of party aided by the combined forces of the women the Province must fipht for Mr The liquor interests to a man are united The forces must be similarly united Other Features of the Week The Government votes down three Opposition proposals J To grant Tax Reform for in petitions from country and city alike To censure the for not doing what it promised two years ago to introduce antitreating legis lation and for not proposing either to abolish the bar or take other ef fective steps to control the evils- of the liquor traffic 3 To enquire into the question of unemployment and to establish a De partment of Labor Dominion Alliance Once again at their annual conven tion on February the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance en dorsed his policy of Abolish the Bar a policy it declared the hearty sup port of the temperance IS AIL to uiyt for quality and Savour Dont your time In preparation VOL Asthma Catarrh VHOOJIKG COUGHS U0HCHTTO SPASMODIC CEOUP C01X3 J ffU for l dtui Mir it IrifVcJ ruket pi it Coutk Jrfftj 1 1 to ftad to ftjii WWAf At the scrutiny last week of the recent vote in on the Tem perance Act some in eight subdivisions of opposed to Its adoption The temperance people have been defraud ed in subdivisions of forty- four votes declared Mr K Here is an illustration of how it was done The deputy returning of ficer in division No Stamford where it was alleged four ballots were switched from dry to wet Mr testified that the origi nal count was for the Act and against it as given in his statement was correct though the Court showed ballots for the Act and against I Mr Hi gins also testified that he initialed every bal lot put into the box but four ot the wet now in the box were hot initialed A scrutineer at this poll corroborated this evidence tOOOt Parliamentary Railway service oh the Intercolon ial was severely criticized was promised by Govern ment Premier failure to carry out promises- was dis cussed and some sharp talk Indulged in me Back and about GIN t helped me I Canada of tbo doctor with an extended xwpedjr Or- birthday to J the heart and sent Cor Uty fer organs Ktophaldol may with safety- drunk He ol-cases- KJphaWol Ms having been fcamelest he no waeraber and not to for- ac at proved useless Yet slipping my ill little away uc by any ill to refresh It has been Kcognlzed ore in a by life The does mora than the medical rofessfoh who have refresh them tt them to wade regular and trials that ho Urea them over again Ho it their eJinicJ on of patients Wood il Wood I my work compare favorably man for a plug bat and a faded oldfashioned cutaway coat tabes a battered In you Would get quick and re- hand and atfrta out on- bis distressing pains and clonal rounds Just as bo was aches get a tube of Kephaldol to do forty ago Down to the lower ends of tablets your today and never bo without supply- Remember that It Is pay ing in advance that you are entitled to tbo dollar rate for the Era They are making- nearly every thing cement these days except feather beds Yet your best horse just as liable to develop a Spavin Ringbone SPAVIN CURE ta raved dollars horw entirely curing Garnet PeUUtfa Spavin Cure kill Serai jack removed a bunch of by a kick l chance vilh your Keep ft Otirboot it on the Hone free at druggists or J CO a Falls VL fi2 a Buy Your Seeds From a House of PRESTIGE td to MP nocm ut VapaGroidsaaCof This be a happy world If people- would always wear the smile they- do when they have their picture taken ever get it into your head that the editor of a newspaper in bread and honey The men- who spend all their spare time reading the bible will be surprised when they get to heaven and find that the men who always paid their printers bills are occupy- Since I Got a Box Gin Pills Church St January About a year ago I so wiOi a dreadful Hips I could not I was informed by a frit PILLS I got a box immediately I taken about twelve boxes and pains in my back and hips are all gone I cannot speak too highly of the wonderful effects of your GIN PILLS C DAVID Liniments and plaster wont core Lame Back be cause they never teach the part that causing the pain The whole trouble Is with the Kidneys and you must cure the Kidneys in order to the pain GIN PILLS cure weak sick strained Kidneys as nothing else wflh GIN PILLS drive away the pain every time a box for Sample free If yon write National Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto AND TABLETS help pale women to get well a box and streets goes Limited 31 St Wont- the doctor to where i once lived He does not see that nave aged and grown shabby like himself Up he stumps to the faded doors and In stead of a neat housemaid ushering blra In taking his hat a lodging- house mistress blockehla way To her dignified old ghost of memories Is only a fuddled old drunk calls a policeman The old doctor Is taken to court whore Mr Kills kindly remands him to sober to come out of the past But In a sort while the aged man goes again to the bosom of his memories on feet Old Dr John Is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and served as army surgeon and soldier In several Indian campaigns with the Royal Irish regiment In he came to Toronto and set up prac tice He owned four chemist shops one at the corner of Queen and one at thocorner of and streets and others at places forgotten by In the ad vance of days He had an extended medical practice but it grsw away from him and when eighteen years ago his wife died the doctor began to subsist on memories Seen In the cells Dr John said he knew of no relatives I once had property but it got away from me he said still this top hat and coat 16 make my calls in He was still several years away Comptroller of Household Lord Spencer Coropton who has arrived In Canada to take oyer the duties of Comptroller of the House hold of His Royal the Gov ernorGeneral Is he second son of the late Marquess of Northampton and brother of be present marquess He belongs to one of the famous old families of England Sir William was present at the Battle of Spurs in and at the Field of the Cloth of Gold in He had es tates In twenty counties In England and the favor of King Henry VIII Hi grea grandson first Ear of Northampton and Lord President of the Marches of Wales The se cond earl was one of the bravest of tho cavaliers and fell at Heath In The marquees became President of the Royal So ciety fourth marquess married Hon Mary Florence Baring eld est daughter of tho second Lord Ash- burton He was In the Diplomatic and was private secretary to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Earl Family Herald and Weekly Not Enough Spoons Under the lecture pulpits of Rev Dr Robertson and Rev Prof Law of Knox College Toronto some Sun days ago were concealed seventyfive sets of table silverware which caused so much furore and no little annoy ance to prospective at the college dining hall on Satur day morning Annoyance It was for seventyfive students In the resi dence had to eat out of five porridge spoons which It must be admitted si a difficult matter when the vora city of the student appetite is intro duced into the equation While the Janitor slept and while the other students were attending the meeting of the university literary society on Friday night half a dozen students committed the theft which caused so much annoyance at breakfast time on Saturday morning The assistance of the police was call ed Into requisition to locate the miss ing silverware which however was not found until long the break fast hour was over J claims against estate the Newmarket widow deceased who died at Toronto on the sixth flay or file tor Executors of last will said deceased aaW claims pro perly prove- on the day of March XM as- Immediately thereafter tho saM will proceed to distribute of estate amongst those par tea entitled thereto having regard only to claims then filed Solicitor for Executors Newmarket mounted on covered fop Abo- for Ml and Qrioderitpulliea 3 Belts and Write or on Town and farm propertlerTc parties who have for fab to write w dence Ave three blocks of Metropolitan Station facing ford St PROPERTY FOR i Under Power Sale In Work Plumbing r 1 3 of Our Specialties to CD Q It I Cit- Sea the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS ft SOUS Next to Smiths Grocery Excursions To Manitoba Alberta Saskatchewan EACH TUESDAY March 3rd to October inclusive Chicago St Paul or Winnipeg and RetQffl Edmonton and Return Full particulars etc from Trunk or write Agent J B City J No More Headaches For Me This can be your experience if you use Chamber- bins Tablets they cure head aches by remov ing Co cause- net by smothering the symp toms womans cures cure for womans most common ailments Try them fcots Druggists and Declare crby mail Cbmttrlain Medicine Co Toronto HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS MANITOBA ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each March to October Winnipeg and Return Edmonton and Return From Toronto and Station West and North of Toronto Proportionate fare from Stations of Toronto Return two REDUCED SETTLERS FARES ONE- WAY SECOND CLASS EACH TUESDAY MARCH AND APRIL travelling with lire effects SETTLERS SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves Wen Toronto during APRIL regular train from Toronto Usica without live thould REGULAR TRAINS Tcrorlo ra DAILY Through CoIocUt Tourist Through Toronto W aril West COLONIST CARSON ALL TRAINS No charge for Berths Write Murphy Tcrontc Atkinson Agent take a mortgage Uader and by virtue of the payer in a which will be produced at of sale will be fox rale by public auction on tho at tbo hour oclock in the at No 2 St in city of Toronto Messrs J Co following farm proper ty viz All and singular those certain par cels or of land and situate lying and in the of King old survey West In the County of York and Province Ontario and composed of West half of lot No in the 2nd con of tSw raid of King and those portions lots and in the said con described as follows namely Park lot letter A on th side of St and Park lota 3 and on the Wist 1 3 and on the East side of St and on the East side of St and 3 on the side of Kthers St and on the East side of ar mors St and lot on East of 3rd con of the said of Kbp St In tbe Town of Am sterdam in the County of York afore said also the SouthWest of lot No in the said 2nd con tht of King also lot No in 3rd of the said of Kfcg containing altogether about teres This farm is within miles from the Town of Bradford On this farm there is about acres ol cleared land 52 acres partly cleared and the balance is composed of marsh and swarrp lied a good portion of which is dry weather fit for grazing On the West of lot in ta con there is a goodsized frame also a email frame house- frame barns stable sheds and other cut- buildings This would make a very desirable grazing farm for In addition to good wells on property Vie Holland riv passes through a of it There is therefore plenty of water for cattle and cci pasture on tbe Iowlanda This property will bo for rale subject to a resetTe bid purchaser shall pay per cent the purchase money at tinD sale to Vendors or their and the balance la SO dare thereat without Interest The Vendors will only to foralnh a Regiotraro Abatrcrt Title and to produce such copies thereof or evidence of as are In their tho terms and of sale will be Court Further particular may from Mark A Solicitors Bradford Ont or Gordon Soiicfto Adelaide St East Toronto Dated this 17th day of Feb I Public Gecfrge and Ellen notify the public that we will not be responsible for any agreement November 29th 1913 re farm Wert half lot 103 First Con East limbury the not being correct and no money paid We will not transfer the deed to Joseph Cody 0 lift I Misunderstood school teachers of one of the eastern provinces are entitled to a small special grant for gardening on filling out a form which is sent to each teacher by the Board of Educa tion One new teacher however wrote to the board Inquiring how to get the grant and received the stereotyned reply Simply fill out your form accord ing to requirements bave taken Xs course wrote the teacher In re ply but cannot fill out my form to any extent What shall I try next Octopus at Vancouver While diving in the first narrows at Vancouver recently Fred encountered a huge and but for the promptitude with which his signal for assistance was answer ed would have become the victim the devil fiBh monster lodged in one of the crevices with narrows abound and had drawn shackle weighing forty pounds Into lair It was while trying to get the out that the fish got hold of Maddfson and even when ascending Unmade every effort to fasten Its suckers on him THE BEST T Write for Catalogue of ICE FOR SALE BSiSSgSl fog reserved In front Having procured sole use of ice in Pond on St I am to con tract forcutting as on the pond delivered and packed in Newmarket and vicinity FRED LLOYD Newmarket It explains fully tbo any ad by open how OLD NEWSPAPERS For it Office AM mil Ml f

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