ill SETS One at it i line it a In Importer ad the During the part a aM The of of IV loca China Hall Grocery veil is row jrunmeg a the reservoir Kelt Monday I Special convocation A J The tfeQl Board that vili Urge lvil ana Quality the Tuesday of Triutt too 1st School ptl of Test of Cheapness- a 1W Or Christ as Fruits are all No Quality at the Price Choice Currants 6 He for Us foe Kite Valencia J Its lor 20c Extra Choice Crescent It for a Seeded Rat ins in Urns the bird I on trill gue to a lUl Hull louill for Mr did a big in in lis new Or dot enters bid 5 in ittecdiLe vro fiiMaUd lb Nine new v to da night and the School was an Las fteld Mr J A Walton of Aurora gae an prettily with immense The erii VJMi a Lis at I the ird ile ball aUltad I he to Die floor io over IkoM v- orange A ciUoa DSCA The schoolroom was arid Utf electric sparklers v as it and weie linked could not out without could tot get the in ball was some time before sided -t- Mo Table Figs Mid pulled Figs very good Walnuts and and in bottles in A bulk Very Table wis wefiorU cave is Miss Foe the a- ii achool themselves excel- Silently especially the drills Indian I own Fee the teacher Discovered program and the iViivo the entertainment through- I P JunUd to iD M Id a tLe moi The for 19U took place List in of same plate at regular Monday evening last ifae svme ago lhe As- e Artar of lhe Court J at thc of lato urcoveied more was over a hour pent In Orchard modelled from clay pipe over a hour was in TOOW with a framed lj fiJJJ impkctecU Delivery CORNER OF Main Streets CHRISTMAS NEW YEARS mi Excursion Fares Iictwocn all stations in Cana da Fort William and East and to Marie Detroit Mich Buffalo and Niagara Falls SINGLE FARE Good Going December 25 Limit Dec 26 Also going Dec Jan Return Limit 1314 FARE AND ONETHIRD Goo going Dec 2125 Return Limit Dec Also Dec 23 31 Jan Return Limit Jan Minimum Fare Full particulars from any Agent- M MURPHY P P Ry Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket At the regular meeting of the An- cient Order of Foresters on Monday evening the election of officers for resulted as follows Harry Parks Sub Ayers Treas A Ayers J Andrews Jr Edwards Ernest Jr Trustees Bros J A Goldsmith and Will Collins Auditors Bros Fletcher Bacon and J Dr A Webb Cor to Bro FletchT Dear Friend Ozark aborigines aiy In you this expression of sincere and condolence wish to convey to you i I the and of the many friends who with you In the sad caused by lbc of your Nelson May re This find was made on the of J Hutchinson a merchant ai the little village of Norfolk Arc especially pottery are in the font state of I I t I I I I I i I I I I I COMPRISING I J nut His memory is revered by us preservation any ever ing his whole life he loyal and section- true to the principles and causes he inhabited the to right His courage country as and fortitude the respect hunters and warriors admiration even of thoe who relic of opposed him Those qualities which Ozark aborigines is their pottery fox were of this they showed modern skill than in any other branch IT a A service and advantage to the of Reform in this historic manufacture they meeting ol Lodge on the 2nd Friday in January was one of the old guard who stood up for rights and liberties of the when and freedom needed no- the These old shapes have been take The Men St t V- 1L up by the modem kilns to some people tent and by the factories in the manufacture of water bottles the A Success The annual Entertain- flinching champions of the Methodist 1 took place on Tuesday evening was a gratifying success The Boys undertook orating and they did their part association His example clay tempered The platform was en- emulated by those who follow him- which they gotlcora his worth his pacitlcs and appreciate the virtues j of his prvatc life IBs cheerful op- j for vnS They do modern shape who cannot cook tfrr ith I and turned Into a sit- We recall his worth in his ting room with a glowing fireplace schoolroom was packed to the doors I stockii6 hanging from the mantle and the new moon shining brightly through the window The customary makes decorated Christmas Trees adorned his to the harder to fill We miss him the circus of our association and can thus more realize the grid and gloom that by the little ones dia- the bereaved borne to which and chorus by now come to carry little Eolation we can There is ever the thought timistc disposition and his warm What the Old Man Say 8 for his friends and and N makes his loss the more keenly has decided a service v i at by VAT call at New v p pi Act York either side of the room program was an Interesting and varied one comprising songs and and New Years Rates SINGLE FARE Dec 25 good for return until Dec 26 Dec and good for return until Jan I 1U4 FARE AND ONETHIRD Dec 24 valid for until Dec also Dec SO and Jan J valid for rstum until Jan BETWEEN ALL STATIONS IN CANADA tart of Port Arthur also to Detroit Port Huron Mich Buffalo Black Rode Niagara Falls and Bridge Tickets cow on sale at Grand Trunk Ticket Offices the and singing older ones concluding with the ap pearance of Santa through the chimney and fireplace He entertain ed the little ones a few minutes and thai distributed his gifts among which were a goldmounted and Officers he having to Mr from cupicd the offices of Secretary Treasurer of the School for over years and a gold mounted Umbrella to Rev A P Addlsofrom the Boys he being their esteemed teacher All the scholars were presented with and candy the oranges being donated by Messrs Lyons and and candles by the Loyal Daughters Bible Class dialogue entitled The Great est Gift was well presented and ap propriate The Ministers Bride was also capital while the dialogue Why Santa Comes in Decem ber was very attractive and charm ingly placed The tableau by Mrs Hookers class boys entitled Wo J City Rights caused great laughter and Ticket Agent J whole program was very factory and reflected much credit up on those who rmdeitook the task of training Two lads were while ska ling lea broke Era to ahttot The collection amounting id V that the school were that Death Is hut door way through which our loved pass to realms where partings are no Wore Ou behalf of mmhers of Reonn Association and your and neighbors io this portrait of j wwclale friend your Depositors Paid in Full i oprnion that depositors in the defunct Farmers Bank would Us paid one hundred cents on the dollar was ventured by Major Sam North Ontario in his to large meeting of his constituents at Zephyr We pointed out that the to the Liberal Go tin- ignored but that the present Federal Administration appointed a Royal Commission to In vestigate the failure Upon the find- the had decided to make a grout to help recoup the Iosm of Mr J Thornton p of also jHsaaed ttfl Bank or Scad Era so Three Hirers Que Deo An eld named John to years Of tge killed by his ioe te- the two when the boy the old men man on the head with a poker Los Dec A j Mexican was killed and were in a riot at the the oncers started to breakup a of hundred Girls are wanted in every station men Twenty ol life They are wanted in stores rioters were offices and places Dec r- More espially are they wanted for away team collided a -touo- the household where can teat tile Chambers on prepare themselves for future wives road two miles her and mothers In every city end Mrs George Chambers there is a pressing demand forgone of the occupants and vtaHlAg girls competent and trustworthy car girls for household duties girls who One arm broken at the wrist are willing to take upon at the shoulder were tie the rare oaslbiUtln of the juries received by Mrs- house and the fireside Girls are the by wanted for girls can Cook fall on the stairs at j a teettea or prepare a managed to to her dish of or a cup of CAPITAL PAID UP REST coofyoco Br ancles at all important centres la iad London New York Mexico a ad of a Ivsits transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS of the Ontario Bank Branch will be is heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH f INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION CONTINUE THEIR LECUTRE 8ERIE8 Sobject for or Sunday Dec at 330 pm eid capable young as lovers good py mothers So long as our are our pride and tie foundation of alt that is good and aad endur ing in so we train our in MtUlce j were sstroyed by At it was expect- that would be wiped out the heroic of the Berlin Waterloo ftiedw tie When It Is SpeakerMr A I