sew UN BET v i j r PURPLE I Specifics rtMMll will ii i Si- MAKERS ft Dr WlathlK story opt Tfcd In winter In I J oxer Wg announced to Toronto In address fi doubt attendance you I who in- at- a great public meeting as a tribute to War few mo ments Into a browy study asked the reason tor the In which he received the an- afraW alraia to do l tactic Pan Mpw Dec story to rop angry district tell at out Nt dinners J dare you to a and man a its principals pan lormnoi- ta or Dans white Some Morgan was in i the and Ned nit Hat to a which the dentist was Well said l He was washerwoman was me thirAmR thai I was teal- a P w dcsUtutlru Every Womans Complexion bourn to hthf or not he In connllon nplio Wt h Ma w if pin be hc bodily condition There one Cler the and the blood with few i i ft Kyl 0c than mall- other Indies Wort J- IkwSc Itcajd being i J w thirteen too KUUr last WceV it is mote 1 that the rum taxation Income will M He as to ehlldhn helped- fiftnie- Inclosed ft l roller tie ThcW A Jenkins itoyaS Purple Supplies and Boo may be obtained from J J jia There is- a whether the to day a applet had fc to sell out by lhe4Ck J pan soli otueorge was nearly killed by be- remedy htooM for power lo Improve the action of the organ of digestion and will regulate the bowels stimulate the liver tone the stomach and you what It to be free from trouble from backache and They will yon feel healthier stronger in every way By clearing your system of poisonous waste Beecham will have good effect upon these they Will Beautify and Improve I loportAc4i to Second Annual Winter Course IN mom tfftviH i meat that Civil Act be to In anything any lo his hue out j said Dr of 1J 1300 bauds uMiNfii Windsor many way How Why people this Province of On- ill not bo vilfjpK a schools shall be J I VfVNOElTTIcfiTO Profitable Poultry for tour months Ah i1 yield I i layer Dec Jan Mar a record tor winter lay- Jng a sevece season is hard to surpass Buy your eggs or hatching a strain Island Reds without a poet as table owl and wonderful egg producers egg for Aubrey Newmarket Cat third fivsUiu started which may he ililled social schools House bas already j dared it but without hos tility to the Ot tawa can now lake a bock seat on the school question it has been agitating or Conservative paper The titimisoine time ago made on on Sir James P Whitney charging him with being Big Boss Ontario ient Sir lames lor some reason despatched from St oclock cat Saturday destroyed by fire while in by sit rail to Port aux below say contained largo qua- 1 sta fatter litma l W V I I I A J Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A Broyitis Nurseries company just a purpose salary flftal the iang says the necessary later heard voice oh the nee a at t -ocloc-i- this held pj nearer ih- water Heat two clerks in the City Ticket Office do Trunk and got Newmarket High School From Jan lo got with the boys with W who was severely the edge the mouths Jim child from flames Are famous Co their not known to himself does not- led Plum ad disposed to reply but a Toronto ev ening paper says he is HO prepared TO Jihott wit over could ace Jim iiv- tie brothers on their home died and dim followed Crowd beach iu urn the Owen Sound and General boys down the run on later was on his way Sons Write for partic ulars r call at of Agricul ture tit Newmarket Principal A a THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO WHOLESOME AS PURE AND tohling a Sew- have bet soil in ViKJiS In a- fine DIAMOND BRAND a and are the largest growers- ot trees in the dominion All sons mother was out the mocbine Repair Shop P Im BROWN CO BROWNS OnUrio lr ft Bicycles all kinds and prices Bicycle and Motor Cycle parts always on band also keep SecondHand Household Furnishings all kinds ol Local Option Parlor and Cook Stoves nearly new consider Does and very We also repair PJ4- make up for the losses Stoves Bicycles Sharpen Provincial from this Scissors Crosscut Hand or Buck- source for ihe lives saws filed and set Bicycles hire on the altar of the Come and sec us I replied MI am too busy to years so no mistakes are made by have any record for such matters at j using wrong scions or buds Semi for the present time Ahem Catalogue or write as they have some unoccupied territory Word comes from Erie that m county church leaders when a drunk en rowdy shot and killed a police fioeri thought they ought to protest and they did it- They placed halfpago advertisements in some of the calling to the fact that it was whis key revenue make for the losses ens the important which in Ontario the at the present time to add fuel WjtfW the Alt Wmi9 the of controversy When land budsticks axe cut by one man anxiously left the shown the Citizens remark Premier and he has bee in employ many it is almost may be free and equal by dark and cant find the a mere ihatteHof birth but woman hies or Urn l no scheme for her and shouldnt could find doesnt care to be just equal to themj Mrs Wilson- said Dan t down the block follow me And throwing- bis Marie as of fish in the yard More than ten million tow greater he hurried to the bay than the record the best pre- son following as fast year- was thevojUrue of freight The been coming in for carried through the- canals the last hour and the water had entirely this season as shown in covered leach where the little statistical report just ones had been playing Some St Louis Mo Dec was a rock so as of the body of Mrs Jolm- T JUST TRY A TIN FROM YOUR GROCER A T Time Card Samuel Harris was death within hall a mile GOING Toronto Newmarket NORTH am S65 2f0 pm 546 GOING SOUTH r Leave am pm 535 Newmarket 1130 or P LAUDS to ol his neat Frederick House Northern On tario The Canadian Pacific Co IMS taken over the Kingston A P a line miles length Four French Canadian employees the laureutide Company of Grand Mere lost their lives through di gester blowing up The wheat to came over the Grain Trunk Pacific Railway left Winnipeg yesterday fur Port Your money returned not Every tin absolutely by Sugars Limited i SALE NOW BY yet it was not covered An- hour who with her sister Miss May ago it would have easy Scott died Christmas eve of or the have reached I apparently in dire want reveal- on the dry land Dan that a bag in Hilly seaward and saw- crouched upon cash gold watches was tied this bit rock twolittle Mo around her waist In her were loosed about eagerly for help louml deeds and papers showing large a man was in sight A j bank deposits faeen pulled up on the- beach jest out Arthur M reach of the waves and before Mrs Johnston succumbed today to uad reached the bench he had received the WINTER TERM FROM AN 4KB pushed It out into the water and was heating plant a few days ago when on the oars with all the he was terribly scalded Johnston strength of his young arms Dan offered assistance to the engine land never could remember the rest very turned on the wrong valve He was well it was much like a dream when to Victoria Hospital where he he tried to the two little frightened died about noon today The victim I children on the rock the angry bote- was just years and married Toronto Out Canada Class waves that to turn his j resided at Albion St and was Commercial School Highly j about and drive it backward mend by former students radii- water that drowned his in Writ- for a voice when he called to the babies the aching arms that seemed ready I to snap from the strain pulling caused a loss frantic el- KURD W CODY NEWMARKET- NEWMARKET TORONTO new catalogue popular among his fellowemployees Newport I Dec Two lives were lost ami buildings damaged here early today in a lire which Shaws Schools Toronto Canada include the Central Business College Central Telegraph Railroad School and Four City Bras Business Schools All provMe excellent courses leading good salaried positions catalogue on request for it Shaw President Head Offices Toronto Nearly 1000 cases of smallpox reported in Quebec in six months and that was a small percentage of the actual number Dec A huge catlike ani mal was killed on the bush farm Joseph Township Aaron It was discovered that some marauding creature was stealing meat bung up in the kitchen and a burrow under the building was accidentally disclosed extending yards back to a swamp At the en trance to the burrow deadfall was yet and worked like a charm Hie captive animal was despatched with a It proved to be larger lynx and is pronounced by J- Van Female Pills Charles AND TOWNS1TES For Sale I St IS f til a Lands and lots in the following Western towns and cities IRRIGATED and nonirrigated lands this is the locations of great P ir rigation dam over a wile long CALGAHY AITa7SUBD1VVSION now on sale includo P city Sunalto and otkers CORONATION properties Plckard Ihrlce Mayor and with several died at the age NOTICE 1 TOW properties r I -tOtTN- IWIF1 CURRENT SASK- rate properties S SELECTED P FARM PRO- in I lands in Provinces of Manitoba and Alberta FOR INFORMATION APPLY to Agent P LAND DEPARTMENT Newmarket J o for our VISKUwIch be MARION MUUOX Univcrilty St Montreal ft- I LfW i companies Cornwall ratepayers carried by a wry maiority a bylaw for the supply of electric light and gas by a company New York Dec 17 There is- grave in shipping circles the safety of large freight steamers DOW overdue in Atlantic passage Dec heavy gale swept over England today Consid erable damage is reported and Wie telegraph and telephone wires were levelled to the ground In many pla ces Dec Whether the Injuries on the body of Ernest Reilly who was found dead near the Trunk water- tank on Cluristmas morn ing weresuiliciently to have caused death will not bo revealed un til the postmortem examination held prior to the opening of the iiHpiest before Coroner McLean to morrow morning As on to the suggestion that the man was to death by some one there is a theory that he may have died from exposure while lay all night in the snow intoxica ted and some compan ions were celebrating Christmas Eve in Lindsay and In returning home in they transferred to the Midland Division at The on the Grand Trunk train will be subpoenaed for Inquest It is said that the train Crew protested to Reillys compan ions when attempted Blfttkwuter on of his con dition but the young mans compan ions assured the- crew that they sec him safely homo- Having installed a Skate I am prepared to Sharpen Scissors Knives and sot Saws and sharpen all kinds of tools Wood- turning and light ripping HILTS St Doors West of Public Library reached w r- I SPECIAL CRUSE AROUND THE WORLD Empresses of ft Asia The Empress of Russia will leave Liverpool April 1st call ing Gibraltar and Port Said proceeding via Suez Colombo Singa pore Hong Kong Shanghai Na gasaki Kobe and Yokohama at Vancouver May Empress Asia will sail Liverpool May th making similar cruise direct connection tor April 1st sailing is vi Em press Britain- from St John March 1st RATE FOR ENTIRE CRUISE Exclusive of maintenance be tween arrival time In England and departure Empress of Russia Full particulars from any Agent L ATKINSON Agent Newmarket against the tide the last fort pulling the little into the boat then a blank until safe in bed with his mother bending over him Fisherman jlete told the rest of the story Aroused Mrs Wilsons cry for help he and his partner has rowed out and Dan and the children Dan had the rock not a minute too soon for the next wave would have the little ones with it It was many days Dan could return to school The morning he went hack teacher said Schol ars there is just one piece in our snng hook I think we ought to sing in honor of one of our number Whom we are very proud Who can guess what piece that As Wilson was the first one on bis feet know No and It fits just right Then scholars sang with smil ing faces all turned toward Don Dare to be a Daniel Dare to stand alone Dare to hVc a purpose true Date to make It known Herbert Wales Salt taxidermist a genuine catamount or mountain lion It weighed 38 pounds measured inches nose to tail tip A French regulator ails The are exceedingly in -i-t- In femae system Refuse Imitations Dr Vaoc are sold at a box or three lac Milled lo any Co St Catruirluea Dec Fifteen of the crew of the Danish steamer Vol me r were drowned when she was wrecked on Thursday In the great gale which has been raging- In the English Channel- Brampton ratepayers will vote on two bylaws in January one for new schools and the other lor for increased fire protec tion Cbristinia Dec- Heavy storms the severest in this generation con tinue to rage at southern Norwegian ports and a great number ves sels have been compelled to remain in harbors Several ships been lost The Home Attractive For keeping the young folks at homo there is no receipt quite like snaking home attractive For home attractive there arc few things quite effective as a Gerhard ea play- Make your home a centre attraction your children and teir Music Will help more Aan They will take pride delight in ajiv and all they may like fho is the great problem and of nil GSKHABB is tie you why tluji i SO GERHARD Send for complete descriptive booklet it yen Yui present token as part payee limited Street Opposite City OR NT i I ft mm fiJS S S SIS3 ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO