JANUARY S i- Mayor Cane and Wanted Capable One preferred Office Wanted help in l home fiair Can sleep Km ftood House laglc and In mare To Rent Sis House fitted and soft water Inquire Howard Cane Lyon A TO J son fomcrvillc Kvei is COMPANY Miss is spend to I vacation at si I and Mrs Wiinson spent councillors elect Voting on By- Par at Law for New Shoo Factory and Mr of New is Sri Instructor on Piano Clari- Cornel and other instruments with 30 years experience having lo cated ra Newmarket solicits a snare public patronage Names can be left at when suitable can be nude ft Stouffen NEWMARKET of iianO Voice and Violin in All Kinds In struments and Repairs IMANO Agent or and Complete Stock prompt Service A Cleaning and Pressing Suits neatly repairs clean ed and pressed ed THAT LITTLE GIRL I Of yours sheMl Soon bo living I hex hair done P and too she will Us outgrowing net childish ways and you haven had picture since she was in- long dresses You dont exactly want to Keep her as she is but you do want to Keep the memory Photo Artist Post Office Newmarket The Photographer Your Town Factory lion nod Knve Were by acclamation Iho arc in ho field at present for the other officers Councillors J Fred A spending a in town 1 Mr Mrs spent Iho Christmas l Smiths A number jVHni people a dance in Hall on New Ik Ms Wot Mnnninc A visiUnjc lb town tec- day Miss wh tflAenlticsehoti at Is for days Mr and Spurr Andrews las 1 A Mitchell Webster and Public School Osborne James Watts lames part of holidays II Stephenson Sain Cook anl John Meads and New Years IXiy KINO join St Christmas with Mrs in Miss Mara I ones of Toronto a Reeve IVpMtyIteeve J Willis llounelllois A Camp bell A Watson Lemon The op- Week with Rev and ion In the townshill is very Simpson hot but It is generally that the bylaw will carry as was a very small mujoiity I of New Years with his brother Mr J mi A Saturday Morning January 4th we will Launch out on one of the tauw lowing i i North York t i A gaUKning took on 10 by bom Ex V VOTE FOR -THE- Shoe Factory ByLaw j SUTTON ReeveTJ iv Warden Keith EASY Large attendance at Nomination Christmas with his cousin Share Hot light the field oilman 1 John Smith About attended family and at Mayor Canes resident on Per evening A family reunion took place at lohn Proctor home of Mr Case on Chas Haines and Henry Christmas Mr and Mrs Brand leftThursl day to spend New holidays with J For Reeve and relatives in Johnston Mr J Hell of Councillors spent Monday with Ws Thompson Hamilton and sin Mrs P Walter Hirst and Mr and Mrs P of Bond Davidson resigned Ejection for are visiting their son Mr only Evans of tflNTKR OVERCOATS MENS FOOTWEAR SKIRTS MUST RESERVE- B W HU WOMENS COATS DRESS SILKS v f GEORGINA Considerable interest appears to bo spent Mr A Dunn and win of TieniooS- it Christmas holidays with his Mr and Mrs Howard and Miss a whole is spent How- a healthy place to in sister at and visited Philips who has just at during the moved to town and located tho I Mr and Mrs MLong and Present on CourVJStwllI he a of Toronto spent Christmas with to the musical circles of Mr and Mrs ft Evans at Hot NewnmVefc For last ten years I I takon Township a large Municipal In sister Mrs Dr Scott a large number of Rate- Morton are spending Dr arid Mrs Wesley entertained between 30 and members Methodist Choir at theJrresWtiiod K your from lots Payers were out to the Nomination j the holidays with their Mrs ilg splendid OH Mondavi last and the retiring Neil Morton Ave Council in for some criticism Mr and Mrs Skinner Mitchell he has been leader of the Town- Rand and also a large Orchestra In and previous to that led the brass bands in and other places Mrs Phil- a relative the Pearsons who took an active part In rebellion f on Joseph street on to north THELBABlO House You tan lot9 arc nice high and dry Connwjftt j and so cheap and on such easy w cannot help buying them to VOTE for the SHOE Shier first Mr and Mrs John Mr and Mr spent jing school near Berlin is spending I Line Win Lake Allan were guests o Mr and Mrs Stiles and It Taylor Davis New beats Mr Garnet Kirby who T depot spent with his parents a y j Mrs I will MtAn cauu I the 2nd Friday In January and at- J nearly the entire month was devoted j on the 1st to eases that never the petit Kidd an Mr Ve K 4T 4l 4 41k v 4 IT T J I in with Mrs Mellon- aid The latter is spending New Year John Millard holidays here with the others Mr and Mrs Stotts of Highland moth- Grand Jury in its presentment Mrs will receive t Herbert Robinson called attention to the fact that the 2nd Friday January and was home tot Richardson of and Richardson of Ottawa were Charles Hunt of a son THE CRADLE ROCERY The holiday rush is now oyer we will now get back to our reg ular trade J We can supply you with the very best groceries that money can buy jury the judicial County of York I brother spent a days with the had to pay its share jurymens Science Master of School CO Californi Mexico home for Christmas also Rev and Mrs Wilkinson and family of Toron- Grand direct east through or Quality is Our Motto S MGGAULEY Our Phone No 35 Only Double Track Route Round trip tourist tickets of Midland to Mr John Alexander Toronto terminals etc hut mst him and Miss May why should lake a mile strip Mr Hold Manager ot spout New Years whole length of the railway is of Toronto wile ana mii The latter will remain of Holland Landing some suspicion spent Christmas holidays at Brock- low relatives villi Hi Y Phono Agent t PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipe Patterson MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Photo Supptie Chocolates Weekly TELEGRAPH OKKICE Store Phone No I J I ft Greenhouses St WW OILY Well Rerried per lb Paper Whites 23c Feme Primrose some Red Geraniums in pots Wedding Work Parsley Cress J Carrots Cabbage etc for Poultry Food and JnoneW 7 occupied the pulpit His theme was li Years Resolutions Misses Mario and Jessie of Winnipeg have been spending a lime wittv their sister Mrs John Brown We are pleased to welcome them in our midst Visitors at Parsonage over the holiday wore Mrs and daughter Nellie Mrs Sturdy and son John of Toronto Mrs Clements aqd MrFlrnan of Mrs Allin visited friends in Whit by over Christmas Mfss Bella of StouSville spent Years with her parents VernaNCook of Toronto spent holidays at her home here The Ladies Aid will meet at of Mrs John on Wed- hold to- the bouse Just afternoon at All I Mr Frank Fisher on Millard arc cordially Invited to attend Ave ftSSQS tet at Kngsjon- writes I see by the paper the Owl is on the alert by gently hinting the on Fri day in Mount Kincardine papers plcasb copy GALERWALKRRln Portland Ore Dec Miss Alice May him down but before the could get the bear had bo at a number of Local Option meet logs in various parts of the Province and will fire his last shot at the bar next Sunday night Mr E Wooding of Marie Mich spent Christmas with his mother at the home of his sis ter Mrs I Brock St Mr Smith late with the West- 1 Mfg Co having accepted a position in the Office 1 a AW A ft JWwR whoosh tin aod in the souffle they tumbled into the pit At that moment a push engine rived to water The engine crew heard the pumpmans cry help t Morris snatclicd up a red fuse and rushed through tog or Mr and Mr Clark crawled on ti top of the ca boose with a rifle Just then out came Sharp with bear in hot pursuit William Walker to Mr Homer of Spokane Wash a thaw more v i I -r- Tte fas a lot of All of VMCnlil the around here and several deaths and Attention Fight With Angry Bear Engineer Hunter opened the i cocks as the bear passed the Man Dec 30 A big and timed the act so well brown bear bad taken possession of Bruin received a blinding pump house at noon and steam that made him miss foot- was calmly thawing out in log sent hlm rolling down a- hi man returned from dinner Sharp grabbed a spike maul and struck on the head knocking bank where he took to woods Sharps wero torn into shreds but he escaped -injury- except tew scratches ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO