it W Pendants to STORK J Era to the Boat lading County as Iwfetf the in York Canity Editor JACKSON IN L per mum Si 1 03 it to i rent of Y lalfts 4tobc Dressing Cases and Manicure Sets two jo from Watsons ev market Jan 3 n I MX No Single tf I 1 N Tofonio Signer fij i Her Sweetheart Children Burned li ihc to lo ill Mr Mrs or It nut CIAs for If rit the I At the the to hc bath to thrlr chores and KCl or Wic were left Bleeping in Ihflr beds They hiitf stable iiilmiteH when and In waiting tit call he W a who Weir tried to aiuwt the lire YEARS AGO From lira Kyle J an row A v ii Hi 4 over bis J to City Treasurer to be distributed to ate it Newmarket City Public r Making Pay FARMING conic to be rtrdod as governed by laws of to be successful must bo business They must 4 J fc X 4 A OMKluces to business hbit yith cast bolter cause more certainly businesslike account with The Bank of Toronto A sound RankAssets S7060WO A Jong Bank since in Ontario FIELD brokethe store on- St with are say and ariyw his It fa a iron and got Caught with tie stolen property on we are bsihft our state- me Buarantit Police caught one of the can lug sofa in the premise- Remedies ad our lle Recall to- bUlngirtaee Brighton who a LAW t A N D the Town ij the the 0th It Mr feaii Miami lion the Toronto to Toronto on last accompanied by his wife old A crowd of not let than fiOOO hupp collide when they Otlt ears and of music their Mr Walton hla business at Kttlehy in Tuscan an emergency intuitu list Saturday A Kaq una Installed in ol will Mr and Mr as Senior and lu- Wardens Mr Trent was 25 YEARS AGO Kyle Jan i have a tills End Lumber Yard National Portland Cement THE VERY BEST Lake Silica Brick OR RIAIJ lUANTlTiKS P W PEARSON- the city were before last pArtakine of week on a charge of to y with his wife at Down and Robbed Special Around the World Cruse was unable to Tor Church and BISHOP You Will Miss Something Pail Set Our Suitings THIS FALL And youll simply away with Our Over coatings They travel the proper in Style Fabric ami Tailoring Only a Fair Pi ic askedfor Every Jail in and See them WILLIS MAIN ST PHONE doing about damage minutes While practising shooting y carried back the house at Christmas form- board both his leg having- been Police inspector wa ivc- by an finexpfelnodE shot in the legit s died shortly afterwards So great was the postal package who through the Toronto office J to the call day before save the mans life the large Hon to the start earned living by raising that it took till the next day to get stumps from laud and Die packages delivered One day last week Mr he liamsoh while street at i His wife says he never the corner and and therefore it was to death by the reasonable to suppose that a match street cars I was dropped As the only i 1yearold girl named stable the actual cause of North Hay Dec u On Christmas in this great north a irim tragedy was uncovered which has all the appearances of murder terrible and sordid Teamsters in drawing supplies to- of the Canadian Railway from the main line of the Canadian Pacific impresses of Russia and Asia Brooks pleaded guilty to hav ing committed petty thefts aiyd prouaWy never he known although a tramp who got his a wholesome lecture was given dinner at the house is being searched into the of the Salvation Array An unusual opportunity for an around world cruise all under the Canadian Pacific Rag with its standard of is offered the body of a man in he saott were marks of a ndeaca the man bad tough ipreSs M S will sail last down by of supc- Aprif 1st and will I call Gibraltar April It ipl o die the cold ol the weds body was veyed to where it was Hong en of 1 who Kon Shanghai Nagasaki KoLb I that man had been anii Vancouver sat ed and bruised to death with erj UK Vancouver o teted and brutal travol murder thus far has revealed the identity of the man as Chares subcontractor port J ley contractor on the fc lljrocl tor the sailing from Liverpool prit camp some days iuCl A Co column advertisement in paper announcing valedictory sale The Altar At the residence brides on the by Rev Q Webber Mr to Miss P of Also on Ik at the residence of the brines father by Elder I Clark Mr Win Ketch to Rachel Morton youngest daughter of Mr Russell Morton of TombOn the of Whit church an 1st wife of Mr James aged years and I North on the 28th ult James Glow aged years The death of Mrs John Sutherland near Boston Holland Landing years is also an nounced A large at Mount Albert celebratedthe election I Dr and Mulock I are to deliver addresses aft Mount Albert Thursday evening next on the Methodist College Fed eration Bert and Fred of an line left A feature of the accident is John Smith a somewhat notorious horse pis awl sonic character a charge as- rv rescued Cow against lhe with the being taken out of live building view of winning the sympathy Ihoju burned following the explosion Police Magistrate but lie failed detonation was heard for many other to walk mild i yt to Station on the t where he intended to take a train for a visit to his old home In Stock- j Sweden had over of Britain- rot IV March lfili are Visiting at Mr J Waltons Ket- and were candi dates for Reeve of Holland Ending Result A correspondent says Great excite- over the election- and the ar dent was abundant Lots of canvas were loaded down with anti- Scott Act Newmarket Municipal election re sulted in Cane Mayor Jackson Reeve A Roe Deputy- by acclamation For the Council Georges Ward Messrs lane A Wilson and C Belfry St Andrew Ward J Robertson J Millard and John St Patricks Warn Samuel Jaires K elm tin and At Aurora Rutherford Mayor Andrew Yule Reeve DeputyReeve Robinson For Councillors io well known and have so enviable a reputation or safety speed service and WMi when say the of and Empress of Asia are larger and faster than tin dollars on camp arid this money is missing The three men who left camp with him Control with contests in all the this district was fiftylive old Wards for Aldcrmetwls Torontos and Is survived by municipal slate 1 lions Also the ratepayers have a bis wife and one STRAW AN I HAY IN STANDARD MBDICINAL CHARCOAL FOR STOCK AND POULTRY LIMB A OR FULL LINKS OF U R i I W EVES by Phone or of Carters BoydW R Read op SraUk vote on eight money bylaws Three arrests for shoplifting made in Simpsons store on Christmas Mayor and Mr Thomas Da- vies are contestants for the Mayors Chair Unless the unex pected happens it looks as it the for mer he the boy Tax has been the sub jects very generally discussed at mu nicipal meet the week In the sessions last week Judjc Morgan was disposed to lie lenient towards Sterling who while under the influence stole two rings from a departmental store and on his promise to let liquor alone was let oil on suspended sentence The who some days ago was charged with stealing live French gold pieces from a foreigner pleaded they were to him by the for eigner he thought as a tip The gave him the benefit of the doubt ami let OH The Co iiade announcement this that in ho more of their hinds in the We tern be sold to The Co has still about acres but will sell to settles direct from North America the and Northern The of Itonnett for edit or of Presbyterian lospltal He was a life lh Arch Masons 100 Reward The readers of this paper will be leased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh te taken inter nally directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces the system thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving patieut by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in lis curative powers that they oner Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure Send for listcli toatlraoaials Address J Co Toledo O A girls kisses arc like pickies in a bottle the first is hard to get but the rest come easy Belleville Dec mateec a years of this afternoon in attempting to board a GTU train coming into the station was thrown beneath the wheels with the result that both legs were taken of above the knee The lad was rushed to the hospital and is still alive Quebec DeCX23 Messrs Richardson Pacific Lloyd and Wells Mr I was out at -7ot- on Wednesday night instal ling officers- of the Oddfel lows Mrs of home at Philip lor New Years Wm Maltone returned from to the Southern States last week Mr Pearson son of Mr Lam bert Pearson of King has teaching school at Water loo Co six miles from for the impress and of Asia are sister ship9 health he has to feet long lis beamgross reis- jfftA 18850 tonsdisplacement about lhp Damage to Paper Mills passengers the service and is lo be maintained at high Canadian Pacific standard Wmpressof Russia ships beam lars is tho loss sustained by tonsspeed Paper Company plosion which destroyed the sulphite first mercbantcessels built witi department of Mills last I stern a feature which presented him with a wellbound copy of also a beautiful night is an address and which killed four men arid especially adaptable for speed public in Town Hal in Friday was held to discuss Johns Dec A life Is thought a great thing but the new Empresses can have four of their compartments Oiled and still Heat The rate for the entire cruise is of auPs Newmarket ion last and was largely attended boat from the missing freight steam- Morten drifted ashore today exclusive of lv- slightly dnmagetl arrival tune in and evidence of having been launch- departure of the Knipress from the deck Morfru not- beta reported since sh left for A similar cruise will be made by Nov 16 It is supposed Empress of Asia sailing from she struck a reef and the crew took Liverpool May I9lf to the boats all hands perishing i Got particulars from Canadian was in command of the Agents or write Murphy vessel The was built l09 District Agent fHitonto and was of net tonnage Quebec Dec 33 A man named n ironworker of ml I A was killed here this afternoon lX f while working inside a large iron chimney which being ejected for and Children lho He was up a to Kind You Have Always Bought height about to means unknown he fell to the ground Beat Ho was driving his last rivet for the J day whenhe met his death Deceas ed was vcars Id and married V i J J Alb- Dec of the Hudson Hay Co and party three met with a rious accident miles below here on Athabasca River on Tuesday They were on the way to ascertain the feasibility of the new road from House River to Fort Me- Murray for freighting purposes The horses broke through the Ice and one and were lost Ralph Payne of the dropped dead from fright The party returned to day on foot Payne was a home steader Seven- outfits Save been lost in the the past A 1t tod Co OF ONTARI Sal tl ARCHIVES TORONTO