Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1912, p. 7

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Dinner Set Special NICK Johns Church Grand Musical on Sunday evening at TKc public in- Imported Horses Mr A returned Montreal oh Friday iatC with a shipment o three Imported stal lions and fourteen Imported mares Mr about head of imported and mares at farm at 1 W19 SEVEN Canadian Monte Circle About as attended the on evening n4a very Write enjoyed well the program Special Train to Portland It Pauls Church Andrew met on TwWday evening In tW Reports work vert received apd special tram consist in awomhxo4itirin of on k from Hani Railway will tin a IojUandi Maine Win li network assigned to the Coaches Pullman Stepping jars the Chapter wok decided that th Toronto at should be open to running direct men the congregation Further next JfV I Chiropractic Adjustments On will bo found an adver tisement scientific ol A removing the cause of stand ing and other disvaioS The two la dies the rtrm art gdrtln- the Chiropractic College lavertpori Ohio lr soy is graduate nurse of x- ami hui charge Annual Sale The Aid St Pauls will hold Annual Halo Of useful and fancy articles arriving Ihere at rftservathta and I from or wilt A WinrPlA Ontario i v Kin lleirfii Hotel lec Ilth I Contest Mr SdhmldV las gUfrn to the Christian a largo Doll This doll Wilt at mil III V I Wading Hospitals in Now York City and pven away lh before Ihiropraotio Sec a So in our Always a Bargain inpnr Window A SMITH DIRECT W STAPLE AND FANCY CHINA rt Study Classes As a- result of the Missionary hold few ago study classes nave organ- and practical work was begun ih the Methodist on i- the nearest of In tlh jar is a for children to got this beautiful dressy doll for Itov I Within jounce Concert the able leadership of Mrs the program the he given by the Choir are in charge it Church promises to on Miss n very superior one One of the i tfe Mrftel teautitul duet the India hi tMs will le tak- class is well attended and Ida is of much interest and profit v Friday evening Nov j Death of Mrs Homes The death was New Fruits Lights Out laid upon j About Ave oclock Sir Wednesday y Con ol morning one of the electric light For many wires broke the High School Our Selections Mis Homer the King on Friday last years Mis from an illness was of a most painful and se- i air the lights were oil except in til last For many wires broke the High School Homerhad toon a sufier- the end fell across a transformer illness at times this causing a short circuit consequently nature her sickness centre section of the Town until day light reveal the trouble which was assumed a more dangerous aspect un til terminated her troubles endured her very New Currants and Sultana Is Simply A I have tire Choicest Selection of New Dates New Feels have arrived Lemon Orange and Citron If you would have Finest Qual ity at one remedied It was so dark on Wednesday that the electric lights Deceased was a were running nearly all day late Major Stephenson and was years The Methodist minister at tie- by conducted a most impressive ser vice at the house there being a large number of near relatives and friends present A husband and son- are left to mourn the loss of a wife and moth er and for them much sympathy is manifested Interment place- in Mr Smith carter is mov ing into the block Lot St Lecture in the Methodist Church last Be sure you see Santa in Hunters Window this afternoon Three Boston Ivies have been planted around the Methodist of Fruits lor Your MinceMeat iicu etc come get Your market Cemetery Tuesday here and bo Disappoint- Our Canned Peas Corn and cannot fail to W L B0SW0RTH Leading Reliable fipocep Prompt Delivery CORNER Phone OF ain Timothy Streets teruoon r North York Farmers Institute Regular Meetings will be as follows Mens Meeting Town Hall p m Ladies Meeting Christian Church p scarcity of help is delaying the new School building in St Andrews ward Engineer Ollplleran has installed water meters during the past two months Mr Lurnly is making inter nal improvements to his The Presbyterian S Christmas Tree will be on Friday Dec 20th The Methodist Christmas Joint Meeting Town Hall will be on Thursday Dec p m AURORA Not Press Notices Mens Meeting Town Hall WsS p TRAVVlO In our last issue called atten tion to this hideous wrong We sent to all our pastors a copy leaflet on the subject plan whereby each mifeht circulate It in that our might be warned againaLisawtul menace We have surprlset so tew to taken this mat ter seriously it may iki not realize are proportions this shocking systemi of crime to which our are exposed As we have investigated the matter we have convinced that hi this ilanin- of our tiviliiutijonjiies ttwi the phaaes are called upon to attack Thexe can be no for exploiling this dark in the press and on the platform save a sincere desire purpose to protect wonuiuhood against it With that object alone in view we relate the following instances that to us first hand An attractive agent spent some time at a leading hotel in a Canadian city She prqfsed to fall in loyewith Canadian girls and ad vertised for a number to fill positions in one ol the cities of the United States She succeeded in inducing four ladles to go with her Threes the four hove not been hoard of since and the other was found in a den of iniquity and return ed home broken in health- A graduate Toronto University replied to an advertisement for a trav eling companion correspondence an attractive offer was made She came to Toronto under arrangement to meet her employer Her friends not hearing from her followed her to the city I to find the address given in the letters was a- vacant lot The young woman has been heard from since A woiitan went to the city of to visit a friend who was to meet her at the railway station The a young woman of long acquaintance did hot appear A welldressed woman offered to di rect the visitor to a good boarding- house The young woman accepted AN ARMY OUR BE GIVEN AWAY FREE TO A WHILE THEY LAST VMJV y PURCHASE OF A SUIT OF WILL AS ABOVE ONf OF WS fc- r And win for will No burl iulf it your up lhii l In vim the 1- tfI A The Men Main St Weal l New Store BIG SALE LAMES GENTS CHILDRENS CLOTHING Now On Call at the New Store and Sec the BARGAINS Ladies Coats for F DOORS SOUTH of KING HOTEL Mr Dixon of New York has so many times in the South he is as the golden voiced tenor WlwiW he with great to one the cities of the Unit ed States hut held on to her for a time to seem from the lather Becoming suspicious tlte father- went at once to the city and siicceeded in getting possession daughter before she had been- handed into the infamous traf- A young woman in Ontario replied to an advertisement for a nursery governess for an English family in the Northwest A good salary was the offer only to discover before mid- offered because it was said the place night she was in one of the worst I was located and the large and GARDENS places city Because one man had not lost all- sense of chivalry she Ladies Meeting Council Hall RIM hJ Joint Meeting To Hall remarkable m h a i A young woman was on her Subjects for Mr J Shaw wlL to York A fashionably of Grain S whencoiv woman on train paid her Crops through Sred Selection Profitable Experience with uI lone Draining Maintaining and fegfe capable of producing After Fertility on the Farm WS for Mrs ol West Toronto Plain Sewing summed up in word Art Chronicle Augusta Ida McLean WlworUJ can- well be termed of Her selections clearly showed a full clear articulation a wonderful tt was a rare wonders what it is that enables and Art Needlework 2J It must be Health Culture Woollen Gar ments for Women and Children The Mombersnfay bring crochet hooks and begin the practical work Canning and Preserving Mr J will also give an address at the Aurora Meeting in the evening Musical Program each ear her Session it alls in A taettel Church Choir Concert on Nov i Hear at the Presbyterian Death of Constable Cain On Tuesday morning another of the The Air Is Full of It oldest residents of the town passed the of Mr At away in Cain in his year He been in declining health for some when ho preparations are seen on hand for the Christian Church and during the past weeks he sank rapidly Besides his widow J j i WANTED One Ton of Cream Daily Highest Market Price Paid THE MAPLE CREAMERY Butter and Ice Cream Mfg Sw3 is St Toronto Bicycle Repair Shop OPPOSITE P NEWMARKET of all kinds and prices Bicycle and Motor Cycle parts always on hand We also keep SecondHand Household Furnishings of all kinds and Cook Stoves nearly new and very cheap We also repair Fur niture Stoves Bicycles Sharpen Scissors Crosscut Hand or filtfd and set Bicycles to hire Come see us A McNAB 3w4t Bazaar Dinners Suppers and to bo held next Tuesday the Town Haiti when popular prices will who is greatly fatigued by constant attrition his sAn Mr Walter Cain Toronto and daughter Mis Eliza or lhe Cam of Niagara Falls were at ar the fees the beside when the end came ranged for Ladles Aid feeling Deceased- was horn in the have their to Clnir Ireland in and emigrated to Canada when about IS age and worked on the const A MATCHED PAIR You see that young over obliging the girls Well hes an spark And you see the coming up behind Well he a spark ar rester of old Northern Railway and when the line was opened years ago he received appointment of BaggageAgent which position filled for over was then placid on the pension list of lhe TR For fifty years he has been a town Constable and in his younger days was a fearless oflicer ol the law I the law In politics he was an ac tive and Liberal Fortyfive years ago deceased mar ried Miss Ann of Newmarket and to them were born four sons and two daughters all of whom are away from Deceased was member St Johns Church but lor years he was assessed as public and sep arate school supporter because he be lieved In giving children tbehesft educational facilities in the town Mr James Coin engineer at Medicine Hat- is expected home for the funeral Mrs T Flor ence of Coleman Alberta and Mr Albert Iain of the Railway Mail Service were unable to attend Mr Walter Cam Is in the Departs meat of at Toronto and Mr Joseph Cain Is with the Canadian Northern at Winnipeg- The funeral service takes place this Friday morning at at St Johns Church interment at St Johns surpass all previous records in the way of providing for the meals arid the menus have never been equal led in any previous attempt These be served in the Market Building and the public may rely on getting excellent service The programs for the evenings are Tuesday a four drama Down East taken entirely by home talent which for mirth pro- voWrtg situations and laughable con ditions will prove to to most satis factory to all who attend Wednes day a high class Concert by foreign la elocution music and song and the artists engaged will provide a most enjoyable treat Thursday a five act drama The Country -Slin- In which the characters will be sustained by local talent and will equal it not surpass the production to be given on Tuesday evening and a most affair will be pre sented all through A late ear has been arranged to take charge of friends who may at tend from Keswick and the north on the Metropolitan line on Wednesday evening The articles for sale at the vari ous booth in the will be at prices within the reach of all who desire to presents lor Christ mas tfcat w4ll be dainty and yet not over expensive prices has been tie mark aimed at in every department and the various Commit tees ieel wortc and rsrtgements will to the punllc all respects attention and learning wher she was going professed to be an intimate friend of her relative in New York The woman offered to drive the young lady to home of her relative They left the railway station in New York in a handsome carriage which was driven directly a fine She was up In case again lathe feattof a man and she was by a cunning subterfuge rescued We now remind pur people however that where one is thus rescued are thousands who find it impossible to A young woman from an Ontario town came to Toronto to visit her aunt Having been in the city be fore she did not notify her aunt that she was Arriving at house she found relatives absent An attractive looking woman a few doors away made inquiry and learn ing of the young ladys disappoint ment invited her into her house to wait until her aunt returned She pressed her to remain for tea and to stay all night In this case again young woman discovered to her hor ror that she was the unsuspecting victim the White Slave Traffic After speaking on toe subject of the White Slave Taflrc in an town a few weeks ago a business man came to us and said That is a- matter with which you should deal by every means In your power Two sisters of mine who have lived In Toronto for years went to a new boardinghouse After they were there some little time they became suspicious then alarmed left suddenly to discover that plans under way for locking them up and forcing theirf into the vil slavery of the traffic The marriage is favorite devices the White Slaver Here is a case in point- Two sisters went from an Ontario village to the city of Winnipeg- A young man began to pay attention to of the sisters her out driving and attending public gatherings fro- other disliking the man objected but in spito of the friendship continued One ev ening thd sister went out with the young man and did not return A business man possessed ot means who was a friend of the young wo men declared he would find her and going from house to house in red he found the unfor tunate girl When she came Into his presence she dropped fainting to the floor A young- foreigner professed to fall in love with an Ontario farmers He sought and won her hand In marriage then took her at it was also desired that the young woman should remain of the family The arrangements completed and the young woman as to the nearest rail way station where the father of the family it was- promised would meet her Arriving at the station she was met by a man who explained that his father had dislocated his an kle After a drive of several hours in tie darkness she found herself in a lonely shack occupied only men was kept prisoner for months We are convinced that our people in rural districts particularly require to be- warned against this traffic be cause the fact that they are so un suspecting makes them alt the ready victims Young women taken from even the heart of Ontario into the toils this dark deadly traffic For washing colored ribbons make a alrong lather fine white soap and cold water wash the ribbons in this allowing it to he quite cold rinse in clean water times always having the water a little soapy and when nearly dry iron between thin pieces of muslinlb Ottawa Nov Nine lives are believed to have been lost in the Ma- dawaska River last night soon after oclock when the old wheel steam er Mayflower a small 50foot boat capsized and sank three miles out of Barrys Bay alter springing a leak the twelve people aboard ten of whom were passengers and of the crew three passengers Gordon and J Harper all rawa and commercial travellers are alive to tell the story of the terrible disaster They were found tonight by a search party who rowed out from Barrys Bay to an island about three down to the river in a condition fc The Rosedle District O CRESENTS N W MAR ET BOULEVARDS PARKS New and SubDivision located between Queen streets East of Prospect Avenue Only Five to Minutes Walk from the Factories Visit the Gardens on Saturday Afternoon have our easy payment plan explained no interest no taxes or call at Office Royal Hotel Building r Open FRANK J SULLIVAN NEWMARKET BANK OF MONTREAL 1817 CAPITAL ALL PAID UP RESERVE FUND UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS MM l 44tt 16060000 no 168001173 Branches at all important centres in Canada and in London Eng New York Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS I Detroit Nov One boy was in stantly killed another fatally and two seriously hurt when the gasoline tank on which they were sitting exploded this afternoon The six boys were sitting on a tank in the rear of a grocery store on avenue all smoking cigar ettes One of them dropped a light stub of a cigarette on the ground near the tank and the gasoline fumes Ignited setting tank before the boys could get away With a roar heard for blocks tbe tank ex ploded arid the boys were tossed into the air One of the boys head was torn from his body Another In St Marys Hospital and physicians there is no hope of his recovery Two others were burnedbut It Is thought i P MILNE PHONE NO THE NORTH END We place on market on Thursday a Loaf of Bread Unequalled Ontario for Excellence Quality and its 3 In Loaf Three Pound full weight Are you accustomed to this Bo Sure the law entitles you to it and by leaving Your Bread Interests with us you are assured the Best Service Procurable We deliver it to Your Door Fresh Every Morniaeai of Best POUNDS OP STERLING QUALITY- FOR CENTS Our Grocery Department has Thor oughly Replenished Every Article Bright and New Our the Lowest and Quality will always be Our Watchword Tins Good Salmon 3 lb Seeded 3 Force and Malta Vita Tins Pork and Bean they will live We have added to our Stock a Line of Boots and Shoes Overalls -X- Mens Shirts Braces etc i V a i mm v SC 14 ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO mm an mm

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