Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Nov 1912, p. 3

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up FRIDAY Weeks pis OK I l fill he held ifn-frc-hootroom- Methodist Thursday Nor pa m largo iltcudaneo Is requested r More Sates Mr l Morton reports that he has soli a lot on the corner St and Maple Ave Mr father Word who proposes to in Spring move here a house Mrs Colo to Mr John The long awl connection with the Christian next Tuesday Wednesday in the Town frail post and a Mr time I Annual of the Town have roed to with the church people Ill is union next Monday at the Method School in the interest the Lords Oaf Spent Four Months in Hudson Pay i Nov arrived in Halifax today sttec a trip to Hudson Day of surrey the P- punches to Nelson On the ojW northward Captain well oft sdoo avoiding the which at thai time of keeping In wry dross on the purpose the JftiAt at i A More Books Another lot of new hooks havo been added to the Libra ry then arc ten Of the lost on conditions as they exist now in India Japan and China selected ftwn the collection at the Institute held in a ago They are as to tacts and will be found and- vatuAble A Close Call Mr Only soh a of a by f ftos Min Howard tip and foil twice to the outside dwr When she did open it tfi fell the tferandftht On to who he sick at W the fresh air in bouse bad was a narrow j I l Brief lets Mis tented her on Ave to Mr Janes who intends to spend the winter in Word has been from North that Or Siott two and J one- At last report the- J with had They are Sunday or Monday of will an was H a re sult the time iJaV- The MiuV On lht when of tfirtatenW to to under Chaplain wajr for With news thai was fi tout for lt coal This meant a delay and time at his disposal no of Isles gOolai ti SiniiU as far as Mauri- sell fteljlf The Arctic and left arrived The Cape on at noon and in ads the run to isle a miles hours C6nditlfns tho captain says could not death St At Home the Johns Church in the Town Hall sue- The Anglican Missionary to the Nov to ibe Jvlnux yesterday Hid steamer Ilrutnislitont return was made by the be otter away while the mission station take March lie months in terrible mo lost bis right foot Wi perfoim eleventh August and took off I prom w transferred ship Hop Mm two cot Alter weeks on the he Was to landed him bore dajs aftor leaving From Mr flroURhton to Toronto London lie Mill Very lmicanil his the bo lie will north ho in two as men ftWt lo speak the language ore hard to The usual alay of Land Vs two at Mr in ment I SUwberics Jar all widths Oil Cloths in alt widths and Mattings and window Shades Our tain Iojes Lace Draperies of all Afi Sateens Canned Cherries lo Pure Castile Sailor Hoy Hoop a Tornotb Cooked It loid sliced for your w F- killed by Anarchist everting was a great cess About were present turkey won by Mrs J i Orchestra of Correction Era that Mi Matt Hardy was part of do- legation that presented petition to the Town Council asking for a repeal vote on the Option By- Law In Mr Hardy we wish to say that is not cor rect Although be was at the Chamber he declares he had no thing- to do with and as he is very that his was mentioned in that connection we OpOlOgitft Toronto provided extra choice and dancing was up till The served be the ladies were ideal arid everybody bad a good time Tlv about Thursday If A Con- despatch to Dally eeouhl four oclock ibis afternoon the better L it Magistrate We clip the following Magistrate Lloyd of sent in his resignation to the and it is accepted Police Ma gistrate will continue law may be secured from nearest Through TO OTTAWA VIA GRAND RAILWAY it The Grand Trunk Railway operate a through Pullman Sleeping Car elec tric lighted to Ottawa leaving p m and full transportation those making etMiulrles at the that tHe cessation of had already another summoned the contractors for military supr and informed them that hostili ties would cease this evening and the existing supply contracts be aiKlro further military supplies sent to the I Mr Lloyds work It is likely that there will be another appoint ment The work at Newmarket is not sufficiently heavy to warrant two Magistrates appointed for the place It is stated j that Mr Lloyd will probably leave I tor the West shortly Grand Trunk Agent Madrid Nov i8Joa minister whom regarded of greatest of Statesmen wan and killed to day a young Manuel attempted suicide and first thought was dead but be had carried to be was to bo living No event the throwfng of ihe at the carriage erf King Alfon so on May ft- 1900 while was returning from the church after his marriage has created gener al such public syni So far as can learned at present the seems to he in no way a part to a widespread political plot or revolutionary but an Isolated crimo for the ex act motive remains obscure Assize Grand Jury The Grand Jury of the Criminal Court now in session at j Hockey is composed as follows- a of Newmarket fitrvt 1oc Club held on 1 r evening last week were elected for the of llili Samuel farner John Cowieson gentleman Gibbons farmer Kin Whit church George Morrison Arthur drover Toronto James Ridley Agent Toronto John A Wright farmer Roy farmer Jacob gentleman Need ham j contractor Toronto Phillips J Dans President George VicePresident Dr Clark t Manager George KnowW It was decide to send a representative to the A at Toronto on the The toys feel confident of winning this year with the pros- To Plougldiig fexiijs to be the fashion but its r wet onovriand Folks will have to hurry set their turnips in or there will be snow Miss lillie spent aevdays at her cousins Myrtle minister preached an Excellent sermon on Sunday lie is just fine Listen for- the wedding bells will oon be heard Hunting coons will be the pastime Better hurry and catch one alive Newmarket Live Stock Market Womens institute regular monthly meeting of the Newmarket Branch of the Womens Institute was held on the homer of Mrs Armstrong 4 P A The Young Peoples next meeting wilt bo held on Tuesday evening at sharp An program has been arVangoU st Mi Hughes- in the Cooking lass which opens the of this oath The Secretary Miss Dorcas JW Mrs was appointed to as sist mo Was appointed as delegate attend the L Convention to he held in Toronto this week Miss Gladys gave an in teresting talk on Reef Chart Miss Annie Meek contributed a very pretty piano solo A paper onMo- 1 her What owes to herself her home and the Community Mrs including a Travel Talk by the Rec tor Rev J which ivill A tragedy occurred here some time on Monday for which explanation can as yet offered by which Al fred Gurnet lest his life He left his home that morning to shoot ducks Wearing old clothes and not returning towards evening Mrs Garner natur ally became alarmed morning and Carley and commenced a patrol of the north shore Just beyond the iron bridge they discovered the at the toot predated Simpson was much all those present at on in The next meeting will held the home of Mrs A Haines St the second Saturday December Thq next lesson in Art Class will consist of a general review of the past ground covered and also a talk on Ideas to be held on Nov duty to he present and bring some making the Society a Influence one with with the intention of for- good amongst the young of i Parish The have undertaken the repairs and alterations to the Sun day School which means that they need every young man and woman to come out and help thcni Come and spend the evening with us at our next meeting Tuesday next Com it his stairs from anon Coadys residence The gun which he carried had evi dently discnnrgeil accidentally as the side of his was literally torn to pieces Resides Mrs Garner there were f small children- Mr Garner was a member of tin and Trinity Church choir and served throughout the South Af rican campaign Seed Grain and Potatoes Presbyterian P S The social last Monday night giv en by the young men of tlie Society was a grand success The program was entirely by gentlemen An address was given Dr 1 solos were contributed by Mr and Rev P Thomas gave a read ing were also two contests A prize was offered for one of them I instructions lm l was carried off by Miss Har- tor of Agriculture a distribution of l superior sorts of and potatoes will be made during the coming win ter ami spring Canadian farmers The samples for general distribution will consist of spring wheat lbs white oats lbs barley and Held peas These will he stmt out from Ottawa A dis tribution of potatoes lb sam ples will he carried on from several of the experimental farms the Cen tral Kami at Ottawa supplying the provinces of Ontario and Quebec All samples will be sent mail Applicants must give particulars in j regard to the soil on their farms and some account of their experience with such kind of grain or potatoes as they have grown so that a prom- ising sort for their conditions may be selected application must be separate must be signed by the applicant Only one sample of grain nod one of potatoes will be sent to each farm Applications on any kinfl of printed form cannot bo accepted If two or more samples are asked for in the same letter only one will be seat As the supply of seed is limited farmers are advised apply early but applications will not neces sarily be filled the exact order in which they Prefer ence will always be given to the most thoughtful and explicit revests- All applications for grain and ap plications from the provinces of On tario and Quebec for potatoes should addressed to the Dominion Central Experimental Farm Ob- Such applications require so postage Applications for potatoes from farmers la any other he addressed postage prepaid to the Superintendent of tho nearest Farm In that province dy Next came tho judging of which were made entirely by gentlemen This was a hard nutter as the three lady judges found it a most dimcult thing to decide which was tho best However the prize was at last awarded to Mr Wesley Refreshments then served everything having been made entirely by tlie gentlemen This brought a very pleasant evening to a close The gentlemen are to con gratulated on splendid way In which everything was conducted One evening last week a youug man in the village hired a team to take his lady and her companion for a drive While hi tolling up the- team he forgot his lines and while he was away getting- them the team was taken by two other young hav ing the two ladies ready to drive away When he came in sight well the language- that he fairly tainted the air all around Ket- tleby from Fourth St to Fifth think this should be a warning to the young man when on the public high way to guard his tongue Where wero our Constables about that time As leep I 1 didnt see Charlie and Perce on Sunday but I hope they got out safe ly Good boy Jack youre a wise guy I certainly would have mado them push the engine as well as the tank Thanksgiving at anil many have heard of- but few have seen new metropolis we take this of giving our To fully appreciate it is well calves to remember that only about two years ago the present Iho ordinary shore of our thorn lakes viz bush and swamp We will divide our description into four parts and describe each an well as we can after such a short stay The Canadian Pacific Railway The Railway gave birth lo hew town by choosing that portion of Ihe bay as the terminal of iheiv lake The of choice is obvious they have attained ex cellent harbour at a point which reduces their previous track haul the west and Montreal some miles and with a road bed that is withont grade- On thin route loaded ears is an average The CPR fleer at present five palatial passenger freight earners of capacity about bushels of wheat In addition to those tramp and local steamers come and go gularly Their cargo is grain Aoir consign ed all parts of the world and going loads ol all classes of manufact ured stuff tor the Great West- To all this they have a docking slip concrete walled and about one half mjle in length On side the the eleva tors steel and concrete ana with capacity of 12000000 when complete There are aserles of bins foot high in which are placed different classes of grain enabling them to un load boats and road same time Is operated by their power house One vessel with bushels was unloaded In about IS hours On the other side of the slip are the sheds one for the flour being and for tho merchandise being loaded They of lengths TOO and ft by 90 feet In these are employed some to men as truckers and these sheds are filled and emptied on an average of times per week In addition to fill this there Is the round house the machine shop offices hotel and company Town Cattle in Toronto this week moved very slowly which is attributed to an abundant supply The top prices were for choice- 510 for choice cows Veal Sheep to cars in Toronto at Quality Solid Counter Tips None bettor at any No rejected or Imperfect Shoes to enter store Quality First Price Quality long alter Upe Price is Rear in mind the Desirable are on altar Prior Pair are A BRUNTON LADIES STORE Headquarters for Ladies Childrens Hosiery This Store is becoming more and more noted every day for Excellent Values we are giving in Our Large Display of Ladles arid Childrens Hosiery Little Daisy Pine Ribbed in Tan Black pale and Cream- Sizes to The Dest Child ren Hose in the Market Our Special Hose Heavy Hinted Sufi yarn Leader Reg for Llama Hose Fine Cashmere Soft weave Special 9 pair for Si or W LUNDY count rv points I Newmarket tail Kali hush 0 per bush Oats per 0 Bran- per ton 2B flf 00 Shorts per ton 30- Hay per ton new per do- 35040 per lb 25- j Potatoes per bag j Chickens lb 0 13- Chickens per lb 017 Turkeys per 20 25 Toronto Nov lith Pall Wheat per bush OS- I Oats per 0 Barley per 0 Rye per Peas per bush Hay rer ton nutter- per dot Chickens per lb Geese per lb Ducks per lb Turkeys per lb Reaver CO BUY DAUNTLESS FLOUR And Patronize Your Home Industry Why buy from stranger and pay more money Full Lines of Fends Gluten Meal Oil Cake Hay Tile Coal and Wood Buy Pea Coal Cheapest Available at ent Owing to the rough condition- of grain this season advanced the price of chopping to per i 35 0 15 0 16 17 0 0 fi 30 Deeming it to the Rest Interests of all Customers 1st I intend selling Strictly for Cash GEORGE FORESTER Phone NEWMARKET DELIVERY r Indianapolis Nov At London Nov Serious disorder twenty person were killed and- was occasioned in the House of Nov least twenty Stewart of Falls View had his filtccn seriouslv at oclock today when Premier arm above the el- this morning when an inbound resolution to rescind the decision of bow at the General Hospital this Hamilton Dayton passes the House on Monday in a morning as the result of being train ran into an open switch and hostile amendment to the shot his cousin lames crashed headon into a freight train Rule Bill was brought up for discus- Stewart while hunting ducks near at Arlington avenue a m the Maid of the Mist landing about The was coming from mpMUlity s a To restore order was an utter consequence to- purely accidental and Stewarts hour in l was not detained the police I ttXfffftS DON Swt A Go to Toronto to do your shopping until you have Our Stock This year wo will show Very Pine Lines suitable lor Gifts Jewel Hoses Clocks toilet Atftilclcn in Ivory Pearl Pearl Necklets Fine Jewellery to tfult tlie Most Taste Fancy China Pieces Sterling Silver Deposit Cut Glass a CO P Ticket Issuer Licenses Chatham Nov Harry to morrow commences a four years term In Kingston Penitentiary imposed on him by Magistrate for a holdup ol which Oliver of Tilbpry- was the victim- TWO POINTERS ON HOW TO CORE A GOLD When you begin to feel a burning in the or a in your throat tarts you coughing the important thlug it to act at once Its the that become trouble- some ami dangerous second thing to do i to tske Syrup of Linseed Licorice snd and keep It up till the cold entirely Linseed Licorice Is sbsotutelr free from harmful drags ami safely be given even to moderately young children It Is pleasant tasting aud quick acting promptly relieving the irritation of the throat and nostrils loosening the promoting expectoration checking the cold druggist has Syrup of in and 50c bottles or can get it for you Compounded by the National Dm and Chemical Co of Canada town is sloping ground up from the dock At present there are about two dozen stores Including nearly every tradesmen They have and a and scattered around about are the dwellings These are substantial and mostly of brick andtorieThe town is not yet incorporated but hopes to be ere long side walks electric light sewerage etc will bo extended and carried for ward Real Estate You may be paid in Cash for There are subdivisions upon sub divisions with their streets and Jjoulevards that would contain population However close In lots are scarce the early buyers not caring to sell at present in view of prospects At present buying from strang ers or from paper is Very hazard ous but for clean lots a rea sonable location the demand la good and the prospect for Invest ors well worth considering Prospects The prospects are bright Every body tells you so They have the water great shipping facilities particularly to- the West The Railroads plans call for work and Improvements of which these are but the small beginning and with I power close to hand water front locations and good climate It appears like a factory town ByOPMortoV v improving your walk like this Canadian farmers will receive cash prizes twelve in each Province in our big 1912 FARMERS PRIZE CONTEST r WE held a contest last year in which prizes were offered This year there will be three times as prizes and therefore three times as many chances for you to win one of them You do not have to use a large quantity of cement to win Many of last years prizewinners used comparatively little cement THKcwUtrt CUM AV J HE- dp THtKZ town Limit the Era to absent ted i its li for fcw r ISO FMinlu HO etch UfC I Mbit u4 toft IT COSTS NOTHING TO KNTKR miaxitUtiifftf 4k of ssffrt I r iVu Co jn ti- I It U lira oil- Hi Msl 1912 Cog MOM Canada Cement Company Limited 503 Herald Bldf Montreal I j 1 a 1 i a srl l r k- NY Si- v fewi M ARCHIVES OF TORONTO rt

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