a Pi ypi masses S5iK2 mi to l IV i ft a A Sutton JOHN YATES AGENT SUTTON j ALBERTS PERSONAL Mr A Jofcs or Owen Sound vis ited relatives I mcs Forrest- has removed to Toronto lt Tody and wife returned from their wading trip on Thursday evening last Mrs I Rose of vfcfin her daughter Mrs Mrs Toronto is visiting her aunt Mrs ShotllcworUi The Hell Telephone a men at improving and Malting their lines is ttik Mr has moved back Ms west of the office many Wl find Mr J Too baa g up the business to- MS the ftev IVrry of i uirferthtf auspices of the in on ToeftdAV Is being liiwyeftrUii i a qui to a clever dealer It -i- on Dales will W- Nov on Alrd is si III to Ibc our pori their fixe rot Us dsiksed a ftnp team for im- took a and g inn is he tfi big offer low or i6rSfl doesnt bar the o a haj no doubt read those beau tiful Aitd llneii The Arab and His Tins Arabs trust 11 Set Same are as its master and though most yet it is most gentle its avis tors fumii bb play mound its feet As you should know the Arabian aie rtivst rating blood in the it looked as had ft experieneo in a tide behind a mare that could more viciously mare so tamed in sog There was his oh sheU root A reconsideration of the mat let made it evident that this was tho of Halloween Imps I never felt any imlinAlion tor youth Do ilo drlvlD a at the bridge forking driver Keathg had his broken In two elbow dislocated the broke the knocking htm backward feet Greenwood fix ed it for hint temporarily and ho lent to the io ha the bout wired as It Hob Minns has- liUichaSod 1 new and set of and has Into the carting business Ho ho ill dipress Will be delivered express CO foe doubt will got- share trade -L- iVmpensatUns others I is my as yon gold eh wish rule be My done good by- old lark- HOLLAND LANDING Miss Gladys Marsh was At Home last Saturday evening when a invited guests spent a very enjoy able evening Miss Marsh intends leaving for the Northern country where she has accepted position for the wiiyler We oil join in wishing her success in her now home The car of coal purchased from the mines by a syndicate here for hard coal panned out to be soft coal Mrs Marker and Harry left on Wed nesday evening for Toronto where they intend residing in the future Miss the Sharp of Toronto spoilt last at her home here The school house- is- completion and ready for the in or three Mis is visiting in the city for a few days this veek The work on the road over the can al is completed and is a vast im provement Wc the work to complete the canal will be resumed a cam next spring I daddy wouldnt tolerate night Mr and Mrs have from Forks Dakota ami are settled house tor the winter In the spring the intend removing to their arm in Gum Swamp John Alexander turns away any seeking a nights shelter he- sets a noble example to those who deem themselves wiser and better See what Christ had to say thereon see Miss IE has had the knot tied I spose now oo ducky Congratulations young man Baldwin has such a superflu ity oi lovely young women it leaves say re the new bride The maids all round are pood Indian summer week so believe Its lovely weather Duncan As winding up har vest t Ms Buckwheat pro- longing it to an unusual date Frank Tomlinson is have everything snug and tight before trying the mill again I biff present Thins Undo Owl nd Grandmamma Alex ander this week are from an THE KID Dont tali me of the dear old rami I Know the game from A to You see I was up on Ami it does not to mo course tlietes to do work nuirn till sight The only chance you get to rest Is when there isnt any light BalkanTurkisli War aggravated attack toothache in Keswick churches are to have a rich the heel 1 always believed that old treat next Sunday Mr Karl Field Secretary the Interdenomina tional Christian Union has been secured and will give three addresses morning and afternoon in the Church and in the even ing the Methodist Church Mr Lehman spoken as being an eloquent speaker Dont fail to hear him The Methodist Sunday School will be hold at oclock next Sunday in stead of at the usual hour oclock it is expected that is to- have a market and it will be held on Monday of each week is still the order day with farmers The very wet season kept all work back so that it is doubtful if it will all be this fall Mr John Wilson has purchased a lot from Isaac Marritt and is pre paring to build on it next spring Mr Hose lot from Mr Work is Icing performed in vome of the road beats around The Dan Tuckers tragic death from tooth ache in the i eel was a fraud It have been a living burning truth It is agonizing I presume some form rheumatics A large stock of custom shingle- bolts are Tpmlinsons mill which will soon he agbfn Its time to shelter those biles for winter I jet- I wish whiskey was where it proper ly belongs There has been enough consumed in this world to quench the fires the bottomless pit What shall be the reward of those who manufacture the cursed stuff Ill say no more on this topic at present Head Jack if you wish the essence of sarcasm Prof You get when the announces it the then you go And hoe the Inters and the corn Wlien you get simply tired out And sick of every doggone You kin all the chorea again And then go out nod hoe some more- You milk- doen so And then you plow and cultivate Or pick potato bugs awhile To rest yourself that sure is great- Of course When it rains hard You get from work a short re spite You simply bang theWn And mend the harness until night 1 dont like to no complaint tb mattery but you see The dear old they talk of Just what it cracked up to be still I dont know as Id change It I should have a chance Theres drawbacks to most any job matter what a feller does Brooklyn Eagle DIDNT mm that it the Council of torpor Of tie North In the bounty meeting Council to ho held at In the sajd Town of North on Mon day fliteetUj day of at the hour of forenoon to By Law namely A a no ad at one Mu of the In the County is ovyn- of ALL arid that tain parcel or tract of and Im situate iylni H ot lot twenty three in of the To wash I North In the of York of 3 lOoths of an be the same mote or less and Which pa reel may tetter des cribed as follows that is- to say from a point In the side line between lots twenty three and twentylour in the con- cession of Township of North whore it is by the easterly boundary To ronto ami York Radial Hallway where a mark has been aiYixed on a Cedar post ihence souUi degrees west following side line between said lots twentythree and twentylour aforesaid as it at present exists eight hundred and ninetyAre feet six inches a point where a pest has teen planted at the point of commence ment thence continuing south degrees west along the said line aforementioned one hundred and eightyeight feet to a point on the easterly limit of a road feet wide where a post has been thence south seven degrees east following easterly limit of said road one hundred ami fortysix reel lie to a point white a post has been planted north easterly two hundred and six tysix feet six inches 2G6 more or Iks the commencement Midland Press highly past ten days or road thirt feel in three forcible of tho lies to the west and north of- the I evil the liquor traffic which above described parcel intervening usod to the the said parcel and the proper- or ll the said Matthews to the north S of thesaid road Alliens Nov JuniWa Was of Tragus stup ate ivvcM with bodies Iron do iwii the roireaUfi have a Urge nuinber of priimera pines Held artillery toAa NpVi a A retreating With Turkish army iiiit for lying on ho ground or on carts drag ged iinniMhis rhey had food and there as not a within twentymiles The Turkish of bearer companies and the Irani port wagons no nourishment for the wounded Terrible Turkish nrniy commanded Pas completely in the THE DOMINION BANK P A BOOERT Manager TUI a Open A Savings Account of brAnchea of The Bank ha a department to 5uch accounts receive attenUon Interest on of and upvards aufflcient to pea a account r ft I Maaeer Albert Hunch and pans with GOLD DUST of the last two days on the iYhofin line According to the Mir lost in killed more than double the losses of liuie Thenuigar are now pursuing the defeatetl The sansuinary character of the recent engagements which it is ported have involved losses 10 the Turks of men has been due to the extraordinary energy of the Bulgarian attack The vJewofthe staiVis the Turks so that frontal may be undcrtakci even the strongest positions without superior fortes and the Turkish shortage of artillery and ammunition has con tributed to the of these tac tics Three Death due to the Liquor Traffic Getrms of decay accumulate on oftused pots pans and ordinary soap and water only clean off the surface A stage struck girls mother said to her when she left home have put a Bible in your trunk Promise me that you will read it every night the said Matthews Having pained her parents by her has agreed to Corpora- refusal to preferred quit the girl the Township of North to spare her mothers feel- a strip of land forty In as much as possible and pfomiswl She went from to Denver a mucisal stock company Things did not go vvell awl theeonv- Like most of home for the will practically the and it came bock others she no money She necessary fare pesthaste After tlie mother had clasped the daughter to her bosom she said Gertrude I hope- you have read your Bible regularly Yes mother- was the rather hesitating reply Let us read a chapter now said the good lady as she delved into the daughters trunk ami produced the width along the south easterly boun dary of the saidahove described par cel of land and to construct thereon a road as good as the travelled roaA adjoining at his own expense and has also agreed to convey Marsh was in port with lumber for the Seaman Kent Co One of the sailors named Andrew Olson went up down and filled up with that which inebriates and or returning to the vessel tried to pi a fellowsailor named Leonard Lar son being a quiet industri ous inoffensive chap shoved the Gold DUSt does the work and does it right It digs deep after germs cleans like a new whistle and leaves your pots and pans as new as bright as the day they were new and sanitarily safe does this work in just half the time required by soap or any other cleanser Does it better too Gold Dust cleans every thing like magic- Gold Dust is sold in size and large pack ages The large package means greater economy the GOLD DUST TWINS Made by THEN K COMPANY LIMITED Montreal Makers of Fairy Soap the oval cake low times hut he turned determined ip force a re- fight Qeorgifth Council at Pefferlaw Corporation of the Township Rented for some time land at the Larson gave Olsons pushing blow lis property sent him on his hack striking rail- n against the hatchway klll- him Larson gave himself up to southeast corner of where the said meets the road right of way and turns in a north easterly direction to make after an road turn the same width as d the jury brought in a verdict to the thereof by com W a broken neck Caused the limit of faU Knocked by Lar- running to the south of th pro perty of the said Matthews in Con- for the the UP Above Council met on Saturday Nov 2nd Members all present minutes of forme meeting read and adopt- Heaters Steel and Cast Ranges If bargain in a good JIT Dealer in ell kinds of Wood Coal you want a new or second hand come to me If you want a bargain in a New Buggy for cash or easy terms conic to me as I want to make room for Cutters and Sleighs PEGG Dales Will conduct the xx from- the bottom usual service in the at Baldwin next Sunday and the sacrament the Lords Supper will be observed at the close of tho also has purchased a preaching service My esteemed friend Miss Maggie sends me a which I presume is a hint Christian Church I Hi she said Gertrude opened it tor the first time and there in the was a brand new twenty dollar I wish had read Bible in very wet season was the reason it was put oil so late produce market was opened here last Monday Mr and Mrs Stephen Scott return ed home on Friday last after spend ing a couple of months in the North West visiting relatives there Miss Barbara Young awl Miss Rich mond were the guests of Mrs Micks on Thursday The Services of the Methodist Church will be held on Sun day November Rev Partridge of Oxbridge a form er pastor occupying the pulpit both morning and evening The choir are also making special musical prepara tion lor occasion so the services should he most helpful inspiring On Monday evening the annual Tea and Entertainment will he given Dr Central Methodist Church Toronto will deliver his lecture on Climbers Miss Florence Thomas will recite and Mrs Howard Cane 0 New- market and Mr Knight of Richmond have kindly consented to sing the evening promises to bo one of supreme enjoyment literary mu sical and culinary- All the church workers ash tor now is sun by day and moon by night so the usual en thusiastic crowd will gather to spend a happy evening Dr Graham Messrs Jim Frank Milne are among the local sportsmen following deer tracks in the north J J- Terry has recently the nattiest turnout around having purchased a pretty Welsh pony and smart runabout Science Class of the Womens Institute will meet on Mon day NOV It at p for tots meeting will be Mre with latters sister Mrs Robert to put more spice and into my Breezes Thanks Maggie but what about some who think Im already sassy saucy enough Its Artie Tomlinson has such a opinion of the cleverness of dame in dairy work that he finds it to Ids advantage to go to Prinzes city store a distance two miles to get supply of super fine butter He finds such brands as Mrs 1 A Mrs Thos Mrs Frank Mrs Mrs John Taylor Mrs Mrs Donald Mrs A etc to select from Must close Mail time Prizes to Boys Denver was tlw thought that flash ed through the mind but what she said aloud was this I often wondered why you put that bill there mother a SUTTON- Miss V Eerie- will son opening Millinery on Monday Nov when full of the latest styles in winter hats will bo shown There will also be a Bargain Table where hats will be offered at halfprice Mr Thomas Lavlolette Of New market was home over the holiday Mr and Mrs Osborne are a portion of the week la Toronto On arid alter Monday Nov the business place of Sutton will close every Monday and Friday at pm The public are asked to govern themselves accordingly Three parties of hunters left here two deer and for small game 1st party was composed Dr Noble Grant and 8nd party were Kaiser and party were THE IDEALS OF YOUTH Tlc influx of new blood into the economic and social systems ol- our country tle schools send out their graduates into the general life of tho nation is particularly valuable because of the ideals these young peo ple bring with It Is fashion in some narrowminded circles to sneer at the illusions of youth but the il lusions of youth are far preferable to delusions of maturity The man who has forgotten Is any thing in life but is vastly wider mark than the youth who comes out of college fool ing as if he could almost master the evils this world singlehanded The optimism and Idealism of youth Is the nations life blood If are pressed over a or rounded edge with care to keep them straight there will be no shining streak to mark Heir length and has agreed to execute a con veyance thereof to the Corporation of the Township of North and to pay all expenses in connection with the exchange of- property with in provided for NOW THEREFORE the Council the Corporation of the Township of North enacts as follows That the said road be altered widened and diverted In accordance with the said and the said altered widened and diverted road be and the same Is hereby es tablished and openedas a public high way That those parts the said load described as lying north and west of the said above described par cel of land be stopped up sold and conveyed to the said Matthews By order Henry Sennet Township Clerk i The following tenders were re ceived for the Bridge Deben tures about to be issued by the township Geo Evans 360t John Kay Dqidge Jos son in selfdefence jjiaviolatte Burgess The second case of death took place Bent and the same vessel Another tender Geo Evans was named Olson filled up with booze fell accepted and said debentures Outfit fly for Starr and beautiful open an account In the standard I Greeting Scenic or Bank to the credit of ItheMunicip- Floral Post Cards to sell at ten cents a set six cards in each set The Reeve was instructed to sign When sold send us the money and we resolution and forward to will send you prize fiftfSSilSS lhoose want money instead the mouth of the Black River tneav a us School Reports Report of Scott for October Average attendance Present every Cain Olive Mainprise Andrew Mainprise Viola Daisy Thirsk Ivan Comer Jr Brooks Florence Brooks Stiver HLLoretta Cain Jr III Olive I OUv Viola Thirsk Clarence Johnson 1L Kenneth Stiver Laura Old ham Donald Stiver Thirsk Marlon Stokes Murray Stokes Jr ildulla Erie McFadyen I Gladys Kenneth vagg Daisy Broad Gladys Comer Stanley Cain Jr I Minnie PrimerGordon Johnson Carrie Coldtem Minnie BO a s isiaraaasAcjK juts were paid Toronto Royal Mall steamer Royal George from Bristol to Quebec with passengers and general cargo for Quebec and Montreal rah on the rocks at tote afternoon at MONTREAL THE STANDARD the Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion of It national In all fc alms It uses the most expensive procuring the photographs from all over the world Its articles are carefully selected and Us editorial policy is thoroughly Independent A subscription to The Standard cost to any address in Canada or Great Britain TRY IT FOR man Brooks Adeline Pegs lean A PAISLEY Teacher of No east St M is now resting on the rocks iiia pre carious condition Lindsay Nov His mother in danger with her horse out of control Cecil Reed Emily Township jumped to it missed footing fell on a sharp boulder and sustained In juries from which be died Reed who was a and widely known In Emily had been driving his mother hut jumped Out to open a The fashionable furriers of Paris and London are authority for the fact that the demand In furs for street wear this season will be centred in mink Hudson Bay Russian sable and fox That Is for scarfs and muffs Jackets will mostly be in Alaska seal Persian lamb- and Canadian mink become dimmed quickly where soft coal used as fuel A Class Olive Black Mary Brown Edith Kershaw Lindsay Ken neth Morjorto Clara Tate III Bessie Cameron- Eves Hall Jr III Jennio Glover Muriel Hilda Austen Kershaw Hurry Watson Ross Howlett Jr Muriel Eugene Arthur Glover Leslie Evelyn Bessie Ker shaw Harel Eves Jock Tate Wesley Eves Primer Pearl How Herbert Hodgina Willie Hod- gins Vera Glover Leonard Class Ruth Annie Mack- rill Walter Davis Clifford Howlett Maud Fletcher Bur ton Glover Average attendance 3d Teacher- bonus fence repairs Municipal World Debentures Crittenden J Posters Kay gravel Sheppard gravel M gravel gravel J Mckay registering J Hales fence Clark gravel P J Smith gravel J Jones driving piles Johnston spikes Canadian Engineer re Sheppard posters Nation Bridge Co k inspecting Moaaington piles James repairs to culvert Stiles rutting Barber 10000 Council adjourned to meet at oa Monday Dec at lfecm I tender 102900 W Represent The Royal Fire Insurance Co The Merchants Fire Insurance Co The Independent Fire Insurance Co General Animals Insur ance Co of Canada of Marriage License Conveyancing Done J A McFARLAND QaeensTilk GWDavidson REAL ESTATE ALBERT FOR SALE t8 WM Acres Solid Brick Nine- roomed House Bank pig pen driving house 10 water in Acres worked balance pasture with good creek PO station grain and produce market mile school and Port Hope Nov Thomas down balance easy terms a lineman employed by the Semour Acres Good Frame Dwcll- Company was killed here ear ly this evening by coming into con tact with a live wire on Smith St near the Grand Trunk Station It appears thai the wire was cut to the to move a build- in and Tuer met his death while Sale Register TUESDAY Nov Allred Thornback will have an sale of stock etc- on lot coo North Ten months credit Sale at- Bank Barn 30 all till able well9 hall down RR sta tion grain and produce market PO and church mile school mile Frame Dwelling and Stable Cistern Rural mall mile to station mar kefc school PO and churches Good Frame Dwelling Albert I have for sale good town iota personally inspected on best sites for first class residences In the new town to church gas and school DAVIDSON Mount Albert I al v r