Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1912, p. 2

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KM for Sale Clipboard Lamps STEWART Cor Main A Show l Private Hippy Heater coal or wood Extension Dining Tabic J A- COLLINS Avenue Purse Lost In last between store the North a brown purse containing bills and change Liberal reward it left- at w II Li i Prizes to Girls French dressed doll lj inches tall eyes that open and shut rolled and chain rolled gold engraved band bracelet cold plate In an address before the Canadian id they Club Toronto- last week grot in departure Howell in Ontario It which prevent not omimnn Parliament Ho further Mated that under the provisions of our constitution as interpreted by Privy Council the Ontario had no power to prohibit transac tions in liquor between residents this Province tho residents other Provinces Another point that Ontario no power to pro- ihc iptlHirtntioii liquor r- of Province for and Ontario legislature could not the liquor export out tilde Province Ho Mr Ed and moved to Toronto P until New Year Miss Honors of Toronto the Mrs Vale yesterxfay Alts Vale will on LWOOO J fourth Thursday month and Miss has j The Hyp Hospital work In Philadelphia hai returned as to Manitoba fc In the- author remarks has strides with Mis In his business Vale any In Miss Nellie hag flurried the Khan oaf all- a with at way men try- to iiklC wcekWd with j Miss two trains Cody the some tuck They have bo in in been at it for flhy years It Is Wednesday just as much J also Mated as a in for Ontario wo The Mil introduced last year oj to the constitution- Hon Mr with HSU- limitations which wO iss My 1 1 Tor spent over Sunday cousin Stark- We hats the Latest Styles and Best in and Winter Shoes tm AND KVKH HAD OK MENS AND FOOTWEAR i and iWa nil winter how for your you will find of Fine in point of Quality Stylo io tho in this showing which High Low fflrSIrxHunk in Golf Dull Kid Button This Hip over ho vicinitv worthy of the care ful who Want to wcuro First of Full Winter Style FAS SlIOICS FOR QOiittN quality for women KNOWN WESTON dTlOBH FOR n A A filbi l or ladys watch It you want money instead o a send us when the Cards are sold and Keep lh other Address HomerWarren Co Toronto iff 3 G E LUNDY REAL Has the following on his list for quick sale Uriels on Coiner Victoria and Millard all conveniences rooms well finished well built nearly new A very comfortable home Brick House corner and Millard new well built a pretty sign all conveniences rooms heating nice in hall a very de sirable location Frame House west side JoSepfi near new well built beau tiful rooms All conveniences Brick House in built a very good location S rooms good stable garden of acre lots Frame house in Mount Albert acre land good stable well ot ex cellent water everything in tip top repair very well built tram house Nicely finished in hardwood Modern Large 4 lot good stable Well located on Prospect Ave Brickclad well finished in wood nicely on corner of Jo seph and Millard Price 1 Frame House in excellent condi tion rooms and domestic water Fullsized cellar Large sized lot The price is Brickclad rooms modern well- located on large lot Prospect St Price 1 Frame house nearly new large lot beautifully situated on College Heights Will rent for per month Price Brick rooms all modern- conveniences Beautifully located on College Heights and nearly new Price Frame Cottage large roomy w finished an elegant house on extra largo lot Well located on Prospect Ave All conveniences Also two foot on Cotter St The whole or Also vacant lots on Park Ave both sides Ave Joseph St Prospect St Millard Grace St and St also Gar dens Why not buy vacant lots in your own town Keep your money here and to P Newmarket Also sereral excellent Farms for sale with goad House and stable fine orchard and garden well watered Ail In good repair Close to post office and telephone On this is a large brick blacksmith shop only miles from town on good road Price on easy terms E Agent for P Lands Office Over Tates Meat Market Main Street Newmarket glean the forgoing presentation of the legal situation from a of Mr address in the Globe A press despatch from Montreal on Saturday last stated that Mr Hen- f- says expect to next sum- lVnirassdt editor Mildred has last IVlS and it is anil HIS fct further pointed out 13 tto are some believe that as be for lhipoited into the provhica and Association Co ior domestic consumption it is better iViversitv Toronto on that it should be sold in shops m next He will on dance last ami had sealed packages where Can the Question of rftnkuftfies and time It was question of language be regulated ami controlled than and will treat the the party broke up in Mr Fred in town on Wednesday- on his way to Hamilton wheve he ex- The Globe of Wednesday remarks- to reside in future l pretended that ha had no and Flo of jianaua win treat especially leave it to uncontrolled teaching of the French language There are others who recognize the lho evils of the bar and ate strongly op- ate strongly to it but who believe they are entitled to use liquor at their own tables if desire to do E w Shoes for Men ttally agree source of and that the would not those have been fighting for Jn address years against the evils the liquor traffic welcome the assistance o those with the Nationalists deer J Bolton oh lor their annual hunt Simpson has pted the call oi the Carlton Street Methodist Church Toronto subject before a- fathering in approval of the Stationing Methodist Church y Tuesday evening on the subject of Anderson travelling agent MODERATE PRICE at call your Special Attention to Our Showing of XTon- who are opposed to thfe bar even Canada PastandPrent Hon the Mr they are not prepared to go all the way some would fee prepared to go is a pertinent one and our George P Graham saidTanada is a business call on or about here has a very own Canadian and efficient agent affectively with the sale of liquor in shops Under Howells policy tho ities treating the bar will be retained and the evils of the traffic with its crimebreeding tendencies will be con tinued in Canada tending toward ever Mirror Mr Harold for hundred would be prepared to Mr and Gibson of do it He frankly admitted Denmark that the men who had a hard task but the men a WJ with the British Em- son of the Q must go all the municipal- They served l visitors to town of the Province Under- out of the guest ol his policy to j AX n f Mrs Webb of Toronto of Mrs Henry Harrison late jwho are working it out have a hard- of the er one The a was- inspiring j faetn with Mrs NOTES J Making the fit the crime Is what the Police Magistrate of Toronto is now doing in sentenc ing to be logged The Toronto Star correctly observes r The practice of wife beating is part ly due to a popular delusion that a man has a right to chastise his wife ad lie has to chastise his children Nothing will dispel this illusion more quickly than a few Hoggings for wife- Thats so Some and new a have been made Ontario recently New Store BIC SAL LADIES GENTS CLOTHINO Now On Call at the New and Sec the BARGAINS Ladies- Coats low for 5375 FCL0UTH SOUTH KlNp GEORGE HOTEL appointments in the judiciary of Sir Meredith has been made Chief Justice of the Ontario Court Appeal Chairman of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Hoard has been appointed Chief Justice Common Pleas Division and has been made Assistant Judge of the High Court at Hall On account of llie somewhat undue and rather unexpected haste in which the Ontario Government precipitated the byeelection Muskoka to fill the vacancy occasioned by the A the for the past week arid renewing There is a nice variety in the No- vember Canadian Magazine First titled Xnalising the Detroit latter moved to River in which James Cook Mills shows how the United States Wednesday Mrs Rev Simpson left on offer thpgieSplHHtl Monarch Shoes in all Lasts and4thers for Fall and Winter wear and in an asBorthient of that a Trig satisfying Fit is Assured lor Every Male and many miles around Altogether there Ms even- reason why men who want more than Usu al Shoo Style Value for their money rfiould come here and ask for our Monarch Shoe B W HUNTER Keep small squares of sand- paper near the kitchen sink There is nothing better for scorch or food sluRs from pots and pans THE LEADING or er in on e You can buy your Cheap For UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night coll attended to at John H Millard ana A GROCERY hns expended ten million to visit at Tliornton dollars in improng navigation in She also received word the same day Canadian waters there is also an hat her brother who hart just article by C 1 his family to Alberta was seri- litlcd Progressive Ontario show- ill with typhoid fever what has been accomplished Miss Lulu Mr Fred to improve the condition of ton and Key John It Webb were the people ol the province Kenneth representatives from Newmarket Douglas contributes con- Young- Friends at a Corn Social sidered sociological study and ther0 by the Brotherhood of are short sketches and I the Toronto Friends in the Schoolroom of their new church on Woodrow Wilson the 1 Sept of Mr late member to the Literals have a candidate the held however that two Conservatives arc contesting the seat Nominations place yesterday land polling fixed for next moeratic candidate swept the United Considerable anxiety is Celt con- States at the presidential elections earning the safety of Prof on Tuesday lasts with Marshall Jackson and his party on the steam- Governor of Indiana as the success- Arctic which left Quebec last I ful Democratic candidate for the vice- todo magnetic work in the Hud- presidency Mr Wilson carried New ftnd exited to letum York Massachusetts the 1st of November Last Maine Indiana Ohio and the solid Monday a paragraph appeared in the south He is the first Southerner Toronto Globe to the effect that the be elevated to the Presidents chair ship The since the civil war j and American of ice in the Straits was forced to return to the Boy and Will winter at Fort Churchill or Port f 9 papers state he into at a time no less critical probably than County Judgeship Lincoln was chosen j mention has been made not to place the hat lop e j the Arctic and the of we learn JR Scottish ancestry and was Fisheries at Ottawa has in Virginia on Dec and is n0 word since the beginning of consequently in his year August Tno vote of Tuesday is reported as Another nickel near we of For gale A Square Piano Apply to Prospect Ave Newmarket smeller is to be this s Is a portion of the Township of from prospecting with the view of as sisting in the establishment of the smelter in that district is the next adjoining Township on tho West to McKim in which Sudbury is situated It is inderstood the entire district is capa of large develop ment for mining enterprise A large municipal delegation inter viewed the Dominion Government in regard to the legislation deemed im portant the encroachment Municipal rights by corporations resolution was adopted by tM delegates the Domin ion Government such legis lation as may bo necessary to prevent Incorporated under any Act of Parliament of from exercising rights upon the highways squares or other places of any municipality without the of the and that such legislation made to ud- 1KB- oiimt or ine municipal ttl and company For Neat this Office ins those follows Seats in Electoral College poR DOMESTIC WHEELS necessary to choice Upj A dipped in ammonia f will often remove stains from the collar ol an overcoat Clever little utensils of small made of hinged strips of sheet iron come useful for handling hot dishes in the kitchen Insist the washerwoman sprinkling tho clothes with- hot wa ter They will iron more easily and have a smoother finish Poached eggs toast are much easier to eat if the toast is first cut in small squares and then ttie shape of the slice A little peanut butter worked into the cream cheese makes a tasty fill ing for sandwiches especially brown bread ones A little salt and pep per add to the flavor Most use the broom dish cloth made of cord attached to a handle which is vastly more con venient than the oldmethod im mersing the arms to the elbows If making coffee you run short of good substitute vis to heat an egg and In each with a little milk You will find this also greatly Imfcoves to Wednesday the figures stood Wit- son Roosevelt The Roosevelt party carried Il linois Iowa Michigan Ore gon Pennsylvania and Taft carried and Vermont other Static in went for Wilson Congress has also cone De mocratic J WHEN SHE spoke I Mike a contractor rich and got a handsome automobile Mrs Murphy invited Mrs a ride in the auto Whatever you do Mrs Clanoey dont the at all word or a whisper to him for it takes his mind oh what he Is doing So started out at a rapid clip The chauffeur went zip around the ami zip around another corner some times the auto would be on two wheels Finally Mrs the on the back arid says Mr beg your pardon was told not spake to you at all but let tell youithat Mur phy hasnt for the last THE CRADLE EVANS Holland Landing on the of November to Mr and Mrs Marshall Evans a daughter THE TOMB the residence his son George Wilkinson Aurora on Oct 23rd Green in his year Aurora on Oct wife of Henry man in her year SMITH At the residence of her son- inlaw Mr Wakefield Howard Aurora on October Marga ret Smith relict of Wm Wright of Aurora on Oct 29th Emma Fisher beloved wife ot the late Edward Steven son aged years FERGUSON At the resiaencc of her father Mr KTFerguson King on October Mildred Ferguson in her Wth year TOWNLEY At Kingston on Novem ber 1st Dixon M beloved husband of Alma Noble and son of the late and Sarah of Sutton West BURKE At Penotanguisbene on Monday Nov Plcatte beloved wife of Richard J Burke formerly Newmarket J MAKE Both and Domestic y OUR TEA a Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced f S Our Phone No is R PURITY AND QUALITY OUR BROWN On October at his residence Euclid Ave To ronto Peter Brown formerly of Newmarket in his year Funeral last Friday afternoon via R to Newmarket Cemetery At Industrial Horn on Oct Luke aged years MAW ST NORTH AH will receive Careful- and Attention v BW Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson PhmB MAIN STREET for 1 House No NEWMARKET J i Supplies Freeh W TELEGRAPH OFFICE Store Phone No E BOOKS THAT TCAOH you ifcinji you in in which will bo open raqactt Books for Homo Study ohHik There priced the pi lie int electrical til automobile I dynamo wireless and telephony carpentry and ture concrete ana and No matter what your ambition or a for knowledge may be w fcy La JArxAt that will t jctt the tramiji and information thai you want and need Wire K ARCHIVES OF TORONTO J DRAKE a CO rumors kkii i r

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