Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1912, p. 8

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RIGHT J I VI Her Mis J4NNACK Mountain I desire to the world know the great debt I owe which saved my life when I had given up hope of ever being well For sit years I sulTercd from dreadful Kidney Disease My les and lower part my body were fearfully swollen The in my side and would be so bad that I would faint with the Five different doctors attended me and all said it was Kidney Disease and gave me no hope of well A kind neighbor visited me and mentioned the case of Mrs Fenwick who had been cured of a sickness like mine I took and a short time began to feel better the welll rig Went down the pains were easier and soon I was well I have over pounds since a taking and my friends look upon my recovery as a IMissjMAOGlK JANNACK are sold by all dealers at a box 6 for trial size or sent on receipt of price by Fruity- Limited Ottawa WHITE Mr Percy Forester had mis fortune to get kicked by a horse on morning last hut able feu be around aairi Mr Win Attended d- Fair and entricd on a num ber for sheep Mr It uphls nrio general store tor bush ess on Monday Anniversary services will be held in the Baptist IMiurch Wl Sunday 3rd It and pm a Irwin will preach fit all the services tw the business men of town while on Monday after having ft smoke nut his pipe mi his to was any tire In it Sotrie aftorwrtnts found his coat was so fite IkUv Was blowing soon I fanned the trying to put the out bail his bands burned and his almost Mr ami Mrs Jos ate the West where- they in summed SAfo and rdiablefQT regula ting the bowels stimulating the lira toning the stomach the most famous and most approved family remedy is -r- Dr Morsei Indian Root Pill their singular W curing Rheumatism and tothcif power of atlmuUttnjf hey to thoroughly blood acid the product Of matter Which gets into joints and and these painful diseases Over a century of constant use has proved conclusively that Morse a Indian Hoot Will strengthen weak kidneys and Cure ZEPHYR to Rent In the Bank of Toronto Building J- For Sale Second Hand Doors Sash and Frames of J Newmarket 17 For Sale Brick in the growing manufacturing Town of Newmarket corner Main and Water Streets very for a doctor Price Roche A Co For Sale Good Vacant Lots 150 ft on West ot Newmarket cheap Apply to 39 HUGHES Real Estate Agent Mr l Valley was calling on friends here on- dav Mr Thus loU contractor and builder has just finished one of the flaost driving in this part for Mr The Farmers Bank is being heard of again a few in this locality being touched up to pay their double Ha- pott Age Epworth League Nov 3 The Christian Virtues Zeal Titus Sarah Joe Temperance Progress the World Mai Cutting Mrs Cook Often Wade Mrs Courtney Mr Christian Virtes George Dove Mrs Cutting Vs 3 New Brick Houses On Ave for Two are at present occupied and the other one bo ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Al bert House For Sale New Modern Brick House corner and Millard Newmarket Hot air heating and open plumbing Terms easy stoddart Box 69 Newmarket For Sale J a Brick Park Ave all modem conveniences also one Elm For- terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria Park It Farms for Sale Call at Newmarket Town Real Estate Office And get Prices on Large Number el Uptodate Houses with Modern Conveniences A Snap a Bargain Get our Prices on a Number of Choice Lots tor Sale We Buy Town Houses at this Ct- also rent houses Agent for Atlas Fir Insurance Co FOB One Decker Separator with Feeder and Stacker Tank Tank Wagon and Pump one portable Engine one Traction Engine Whites one Gasoline Engine Engine together with ropes and blocks Apply to Newmarket An effort is being forth to at tract several new here A milk factory and a can nery particularly sought after- The annual exchange of pulpits in behalf of the branch of the Bible Society will take place on Sun day Nov The Presbyterian anniversary and entertainment held on Sunday and Monday last was of the most successful ever held in the church On Monday evening the choir assisted the Misses Collins ami Mr gave a delightful pro gram Rev gave a humorous and instructive talk on The Art of Living The weather could not have been more favorable Die church was filled to overflowing both Sunday and Monday Bond rood and through the Scotch been cd and sent In asking tor The it Young meeting on an evening With of rural delivery Last Wednesday an attempt W to Mr Jus Watson blacksmith shop a Are Siirted on a tabid among stoexot paints and oils Smne passing between ten eleven noticed and flames action have meant a very big A shocking tragedy occurred town on Monday morning when Mrs Adams by hanging herself St had lon poor health for some time ami lat terly from melancholia Monday she went ftbout finisblng every up and the for her hus band and son alter went to the about her neck- ami tying it to a banged herself The body was still warm when found by the son at noon In to the there is a family of four dauhtvrs and two sons three the daughters and one son being in Toronto one daughter in England a son for all of whom sym pathy is felt 1 a A Trip Through British Before Judge Morgan in the DivU Court at Marliiam Village lew days ago a case of peculiar in terest to the Police Village of and to police villages every where came up for hearing though judgment was reserved In ay- in- of concrete sidewalks the cost Too following letter was few davs Mi Newmarket bo lio now residing in Man We publish It to give An idea 0 the Which Wie is present being have been drovn summer in these same just got home that long nip and am 10 home was pretty nearly llrfd travelling tell you a big time gutting there Jyou may believe went tltfough a oar and gtit into tt Cache oh Saturday night that same I left When we got we had a tig time to get a place to sleep as It n railway camp and there didnt seem to be any place but the bunk bouse among Hut eventually we got to a tent with a fellow who Rent the tent as a reading room for the men we all right The mountains were glorious but the was very wet On the following Mon day we took berths in steamer Operator which was going down the rivet two hundred and to the Grand Canyon was long and as much as tons at a load That will give you some idea of what the river is miles above Fort George We left dele Cache Monday and had a big time getting down the river as the weaker had turned cold so the river was dropping several feet each day The is fed entirely from glaciers when it gets cold weather in fall It Very in volume a OiiWle aO W another roe when the boat swinging and V we would torn to lt there wasnt much damapo done and mad rlpt got stuck yn several sand further down the to get again arriving at the Canyi0 Kut W we wore still a mllca George that was to ours had on account of low water Wo flopped in a lent the morning tin ft nig scow going on down thai we get in scows Simply flat float on down rt tho river was wholly assessed against the It us from Monday evening Ml owner of the land abutting the point Friday afternoon to make that at which crossings are made This I nolo boat got stuck several was appealed against several of had a lot of freight tho villagers who claimed that the different points cost was in any event teGoat Rapids which ought to be charged up the water general rote Harrington a was afraid to thru leading business man of the town al so objected to the practice and refused and take the other Mill to the amount charged up in account maintaining feat the Well by the lime we had to be a general one for the balance of the cargo the crossings Judge Morgan after had dropped sn much that the hearing all the evidence as I rapids were very bad and consequent by Mr Harrington and lb we rock going through- through his solicitor that of soon struck boatswung as presenter by the right around and when it had gone Commissioners decided to defer around it swung and- we meat until he had an opportunity to go through the rapids day wo feot cm JIM Shot the Canyon None of Us how woilld get as it biggest that had in it and also the water was very o the bad wo and then stuvk on a sand tr at the other end We were on bar pouring rain pulling and iwistlng with trees on flore before we got We got tlmt about six in evening floating down the Urearh We had making camp about fifteen miles below the night hub of course that was Impossible we weto stuck sx working one the sweeps up until then Ave pulled In to- shore and tied up to tiees We hadnt even a lantern and it dark commenced to ram I crawled around- until I found our blanket we lay down on sqmvet potatoes and- pull ed our over us stayed there air night It rained the whole night through so you imagine how wet we were and how much sleep we no supper Well we were iaud by the of day made the camp we spoke oi by seven Then Vallanec and I very fortunately got hold of a canoe and we canoed from there about fifteen miles to a camp for That was Sunday After we started out and paddled without a stop for another fiftythree miles camp at the head of the rapids at six It raided hard for about three hours the afternoon hut we never stopped as we had to mako that camp night as only one in the whole distance We paddled a total sixtyeight miles that too bad for ireen- eh We were pretty sore and when we got there as Imagine not being used to that kind of work Could hardly stand up for a minute or so until I got out my legs Rut say Slothing known to Science Is better for this painful aliment than ZamBuk It reduces bleeding ends the agony Easily applied and cteanty Why go on suffer ingt Why riot try It Read the following cures Some Proofs of amBuhs Power MR THOMAS J Champion Clog Dancer of Canada ill BO Montreal I bay boon lioublod with but this a offered so I was to cancel a of engagements I ill reinudiea thai worn recouimendml but Boomed to do mono Having boon lo I a fiftyOint box and after applying a few limes I Mi I with and relief Was into a permanent KKNTV of Wlno Alilo River Co Ill terribly tho at being uu- r I VarUtU but all failed do mo good was trying reanwlitja when I heard of ami thought a Nit I would this a trial I a supply and after a Zamfiuk what oral other ointment ami medicine had failed to euro- FREE BOX Sen coupon ntl Co Toronto trial tm ECZEMA BLOOD POISON COLD SOBKS HANDS SCALP CUTS BURNS BRUISES SCALDS M SKIN NlUklfeS DlSKASES All or Co Torooto ttm for IS TAINTED look more fully into Hie matter The laying a I- For Sale or to Rent Combined store- and dwelling house In Mt Albert next door to Dominion Bank class business location For further particulars apply to LEEK Lock Jit Albert i For Solo v f a On the Farm Gardens Srlgley street Newmar ket a barn metal roof an 35 Must be taken down at once but need not the re moved till winter Can bo had very Beat Agent Ont have started the new sidewalks which will be a credit to the town Mrs of Mrs of were guests of Mr and Mrs Eli marriage of Mitt Ethel Ger trude Hope daughter of Mr John Hope to Mr William Perry of the township of King took place at- the home of the brides Mather Euclid Ave- Toronto Rev Dr performed the ceremony as sisted by Vcn Archdeacon of St Catharines and J Perry of Mono Mills of the groom The wllo wore a cream marquisette gown with trimmings was given away by her father She a as attended by her sister Miss Hope the best nan was Mr H Crawford cousin ot the groom Miss Margaret Hope of played wedding march After a honeymoon spent in Buffalo and Cleveland Mr and Mrs Perry will settle down on the grooms farm in the township of King near Among tfco out of town guests were Mrs Lowe Cleveland aunt of the bride Miss M Hope of Venerable Archdeacon Mrs Perry of St Catharines J Rev R J ana Mrs Perry Mono Mills -r- London Oct- port from Ottawa published In Moo- iyrd Roberta the tfeat he has made no Wie Boy Scouts tramped to Hol land Landing on Saturday afternoon Mrs Geo Gilpin of Thornton and Mrs Gould of Newmarket were the guests of Mr and Mrs Churchill tor the fair Miss Nettle Johnson Superintendent of Orlllia Hospital spent a days last in town too of Mr and Mrs Sutton Miss- Lukes Mr and Mrs Eves and Mr Oscar Lukes left on Thureday last dor a two weeks visit to New York The last day of the Fair opened with the weather looking very threat ening and cold However there was a fair crowd considering the very unfavorable weather The- show was not up to standard Miss Wesley Is the guest of Mrs A Wood Mlse Ethel Watson was home from Kottloby oyer Sunday Miss Nellie Is spending a couple weeks Whitchurch Council Council met Vandorf on Wednes day Oct Members all present A deputation of ladies was heard asking for a grant to assist in mak ing a walk from the Con to station A deputation from the Methodist Church was heard asking that shed be allowed to stand partly on the highway as heretofore Owing to ill health the Clerk Treasurer tendered his resignation which will be acted upon at next meeting of Council claimed damage for one sheep killed by dogs Bills presented from nails Town of Aurora use of Coun cil Chamber for Voters List Court Silvester Bros wire fencing L Jackson and adv Harrison gravel A 1 Allin fees as Geo Martin spikes Vio treasurer was instructed to the bills presented and of the claim for sheep- killed by dogs church shed will be to stand during the pleasure Council the to assume all liability for damage caused by the same being on the highway was granted to in mak ing walk to Vandorf statlort J A commissioner Council to meet at lantrao on of November 80 40 you one of those to whom every meal Is another suffering Dyspepsia Tablets help your disordered stomach to digest any reasonable meals and will soon restore it to such perfect con ch ion that youll never feel that you have a stomach Take one alter each meal a Box at your Druggists Made by the National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Limited wards I was in bed- when struck it was seven In the morning and you re sore I wasnt long getting into my clothifc The cap tain was sure a man when we got through safely He said it was Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A A WINNING FIGHT ULCERS SWOLLEN GLANDS BLOTCHES PIMPLES AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE METHOD TREATMENT in a house drv man pilot sure supper that and a nice clean warm led 1 never a was such a nice place Next morning we got this whose place we stooped at to us through the rapids a distance of seven miles These rap ids are very bad and anyone hut an expert canoeing and also one that knew the river- would- lives before got hall a mile as the rocks were very thick all through and the river very aw It After we sot through it tost five dollars- apiece to go through fine until about noon when we came to a short rapids which were very- Kid and to make it worse we the wrong side of the river where as we found out later it w next to through alive Rut- we got through all althot we had a very Telling of the In com- close massing a biting the century I the fraction All fa the Blood i NW Mcthcnl Trcktrufebt a ftl Is ex Lain a from No iUt hereditary acquired Our vast thft a i xloiii od ui to perfect a for You Derive If you vU ti of Chut ftrd us to rmatfittM will remove U7ideocfejcfdiea5 UDvlerthelGrtuencd of Melhod the I- ulcers Notches a l out hair prows in again the become and energy return and victim realizes anew life las opened up to YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTtA YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE DUeiKi of Men GOLDEN MONITORS TREE a Consumption Notwithstanding in in tho it than ratifying 0 bo able to record that fijhb which SahiUirium up agaiut- is proving a winning Prior to from on every year In d4pito greater number of the figures in Ontario a ieereae over thce of ten years of a foot From into Fort George it was plain sailing getting five Monday even- Sept 1st just cue week on the river from lete Cache Well about South Fort George was a bigger town than I thought and is doing a big business now One store a turnover of per month What do iou think of Norm Wesley is there In the Real Estate and is making a It to call will for a tor Horn Cor Michigan Ave and St Detroit Mich otters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Cor respondeat Depart- in Windsor If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit aa we see and treat no in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only Address all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Oat Write for oar address over thereof ten years ago WtotfiuSK He must be worth at leas tins testimony to nobler work going on Maybe you havent a father iiUtir or dear frieud of your own but wouldnt It feel good to help poor soul in throes of tho disease to get back into the- ivUiiu cured to wife and loved Our boast that no ever to our Free at WetIon becauAO of poverty But the ffood work cannot expand wit limit sympathy ami material The If you with that of all health think of your needy- brother ami sister Send along mite however humble to Mr W J Chairman of the or to Mil Sea King Went Toronto penny send goea to help New Telephone DIRECTORY The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is to print a new Issue ofUfl Oflloial Tele- phone Directory Dis trict of Central Ontario in cluding Town of Newmarket Parties who Subscribers or those who wish changes their pres ent entry should place their orders with the local Manager at once to insertion In this issue CONNECTING COMPANIES- Should alio report addition and changed In their list Subscribers either to Local Manager or direct the Speolat Agentrs Montreal II Mortimer Local toe vv vu iATiiti Montreal I tlTrtioQoltValcfQVinlcMRhii fiVISjR Which will be sent Lord ten OLD NEWSPAPERS witinto Local Hew some of the prices MARION I For Bale at this Offloe Wt aodt in South rort George one hundred and dol lars- Everybody there is busy all the tlmo Wesley drove me around the town and up to the other town Old Fort taorgo which is much smaller and not very busy away from the river Our lots are all high and dry and think are mighty good property to hold We are Jive minutes walk the business- of the town The Traders Bank paid cash fur a double comer while I was there and another corner lots sold for 500 while we were there- So you see property getting high already I took snap shots I think there is a great future for the country We were so long getting there we couldnt stop long and left on Satur day Sept going down the river on the mall boat the BC Express Co to Soda Creek and from thero to Ashcrolt by automobile getting in to Sunday night Soda Creek to Asheroft Is a J miles It was a great drive in the auto were large horsepower cars but the were very muddy We took the aim train Getting into Vancouver on Monday morning Sept at nine oclock Wo were there three days and saw everything was to see and for home Sept into I stopped off at Spy Hill for a couple of days and got home on Wed nesday Property in Fort George will jump as soon as the rails bit there and jump good plenty Bub It Is an awful job to get In thete now as you can see Of course to up from had but Is very expensive Then the 1 -V- there Is as as It was the Kloodlke Here pre the prices BU LDI N Have on a Large Pine Norway fcrpmee Hemlock etc to Order Special SUM Jet Moulding All Kind of Georgia Pine Run to Order work a Work THE WM CANE SONS CO 1100 hundred sugar butter lb eggs do hay to a ton oats- bush potatoes lb More than patrons of the Morrison Hotel and the Hotel Veley fled early while firemen quenched in the employees annex ofthe Morrison From Three women and screaming dls- escape were rescued by EDUCATION THAT is just the kind you get under the very best conditions at one Shaws Schools Toronto The Central Business College The Central Telegraph School and Four City Branch Business Schools Our new explains practical courses given Write lor a copy Shaw Sts City YEARS STENTS Tiuo Marks JK COPHUQHTAC ftouv dor lAtntxo MteafMtew stitif American ftjy ekO roe iayjrjxiprpaJ4 8cMbr- lOOoaTtt or Electric Restorer for Men WO v Dr do Vana xcUailT Mimful la restore la body piopsr Tim and all averted at Price a box or two for any address Catharines On k In nil ADVISER be sent ftNARIOH sL tas ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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