Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1912, p. 3

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mm FRIDAY NOVEMBER I THREE 4 r tvai i lo lujjfc after two at ftrcomioi Wm to WC l i la the report 01 Town Council week a communication was PWfS mistake the let- lot KM to the Abbott owned by Mr guests Concert white ribbon altar wm also The W will annual j with rrtijons cert on Hind Ibey will be as- misled by Mrs WUuorihsoprno and ha two wellknown artists of Reserve Weeding The fiwt wedding Vein Ctiwcti too Plv the after- A ana was and pumpMn wlV vhp mi had an flH w main the rainy a part- at and lint wee ftoUrs of on Viftt Table- frffeti It not running cars bo ll Metro- Institute- mens at uH and Con llert MlUr on Saturday I herself lie And the Community of fantastic till the A to pVd with ferns j Among we ushers Mr tahln a J- Mr I dlcj of and Miss ilvveeh and Toronto that tin SaiurtlA IS cut tt- Am t heir from Sutton at and pirn this out tor future Study Classes Shells ludi- It ALL COOKS USE POWDER I Groceries 1 pools and varnish ed with glass Store J I a A mL Ilea ft2 ICC Tt s Canadian Wednesday the nvUt brief and then to friends of- Ao to the of Order A tins conditions in Canada f he Sethodlat on evenii at oVloeW when several jtottiis for study of will he to give one night a week eight to this intelltctual development at i Save Your newt by Our oil Heaters will warm at No wwU or smoke Store btna the and family in and coat from ami Hie day the lNiWpr4aina was home over loves and smaif sjsiring the and Misses sang in a superior in widths Floor till Cloths in all and In all and Shades Curtain of all kinds Damasks and Jars Jo Jar Canned Red Cherries Sauce fuo raoka Soap Sailor Soap ban Tomato Conked Ice sliced suit Boots and Shoes No to Quality Solid Counter Tips None better at any rejected or Shoes allotra4 Up enter Ihls store Quality Quality remain alter tle Price Is Hear In the Desirable are on Ihe altar of M or your order Sftr W A BRUNTON PS Register aer SATUUIiAY Nov aaieat look Is home for a re of in fe condition perfectly dtMl days to for al oclock white trrinmedwilh and the custom- like to ati brida carry a MONDAY Nov v bouquet ot the valley her whom Miss Ada roses and of- lhU away Seymour ejeetrfe Cat when old Annie early ten the Staid IsFolng to be Stallion inspection The Government for triet No will he at the following dates mentioned And at the ie ton West Friday Nov am will he Served A number Friday Nov la of torn Ml Albert also expected the members of Newmarket Cirele this as notice tlxi Rally Night and bring their friends with them meeting will beheld in the room An exchange asks Vhat has of the oldfashioned woman who use to busy herself this time of year over last winters dresses Mr J Albert Collins Is putting a telephone in his residence s- Ave Bradford Sat Nov at a Nov am Tues pm Newmarket Wed Nov at a a Albert Wed Nov at Nov at Sam 1 Mr is putting icnvnt walks tor Mrs Lehman fcoipe on Prospect Ave weather for Day and the Metropolitan i ant- business -Mr- is having cement walks laid for his new houses off St Council meets at at pm next Saturday The Industrial Commissioners meet here on Saturday meets at Sharon on Friday of next week- lid you know that night was Halloween Cement have just been put in tor Mr Hamiltons new house on Avenue Stove Snaps at Coal Feeder with a Round Parlor Cook heat Modern Jewel Parlor Cook Steel Range No almost Wood Heaters and M each at linns Hardware Store Entertainment The Men Own Class are arranging for a supper and entertainment for Nov to he served from to entertainment classes In the have giveirfirst entertainments Something may expected Admission The ladies class Talent Sale in the afternoon same date commencing at oclock pinlv M wits Why are so rorTunaie to Venetian lace and she coal that their bins break of rosea down and others are unable to Mrs Jack Clark- of Toronto sister of the bride as matron of white satin veiled ML Mr Roy and Miss Jar on with lace and cutTTee vis both of Toronto attended trimmings and carried a bouquet of hovo evening yellow mums Mr Fred The Flower Gal was Sehombeig Helen of of the were in town on evening groom who wore a Dutch outfit of Mr John sreht bine silk and looked very lamiesons and Mr of pink Mr Merle Johnston will have extensive and unreserved sale of imple ments etc on Jot the Consfof North Stop on the Metropolitan at Sale at rfafp Kavanagh WG Nov and important postponed a1e stock and implements belonging toMrrJ Moore- North of on the Safe at one sharp Kava Aucts TUESDAY Nov Robert dispose of a num ber cattle and pts at the of Mr Oliver lot in on at One oclock 5 mouths cretlit VanZan- Kes The happy ofthj oKaslou was Jeer at J Miller of To- 1 Davis alS leers ronto Mr and Mrs J at at Miller and he was as- Campbell a the Nov Toole lot Con ridge will hold an extensive sale of stock and plements at oclock llj months credit Auct by his brother Mr Gordon JJJU Pratt at A Campbells am who came all the way from Vic- Ramsdenwhere to discharge this Mr Maurice Watson of spent Sunday and Monday at his home Hero He leaves for Winnipeg next week Homemade basing a specialty Passes Away It is with profound regret that wo chronicle the demise Lady wife of Sir Witt Chief Jus tice Division of the High Court of Justice and the honored and distinguished representative North in the House of Commons for many years The sad event occurred at the Hospital Toronto on Monday morning of this Week af ter an illness extending over a con siderable period The hope was ex pressed that after the operation a tew days previous that she would recover but complications set In which re sulted fatally Sir Win who had constantly at the Hospital lor many days with other members of the family were at the when the end Lady the eldest daugh ter of the James Crowther a wellknown barrister ofliecs were located at the corner of King And Church and was married to Sir in With the excoption of the time when her hus band PostmasterGeneral when she accompanied him on public missions she lived a retired life de voting herself largely to her home and family acquaintances in North York especially at Newmarket ami Aurora knew full well how she fond- surrounded with her child ren and grandchildren at the Street country home and they too that on many occasions she proved herself a tireless worker and active sympathiser with move ments of a practical as well of a benevolent character The funeral took place on Wednesday last from her late residence on Street Toronto to St James Cemetery and largely attended The were Kir Mor timer Clark Sir Edmund Osier Mr Fleury of Aurora Mr A Sir Mr Justice and Justice Sutherland the latter a her husband leaves two William barrister or Co bankers and brokers two daugh ters Mrs OFlynn of end Mrs Arthur Kirkpatrlck Toron to Many hearts this old Riding of North York go out In tender sympa thy to Sir William Mulock mem- Mrs of the family in their palatini bereavement Brought to Newmarket About two years ago a bright young man Mr Walter Roy Vernon left tor West and was apparently doing well calculating to come home for Christmas and his mother Mrs Clinton Vernon- but- on Frida she received ihe sad news of his death at Moose Jaw from typhoid fo yer remains arrived here on Monday and the funeral took place from the residence on Welling ton street on Wednesday afternoon The Service was conducted by Rev J Webb and iuterment at Newmar ket Cemetery Among those from distance who at fended the funeral were Mr and Mrs Vernon and sou Jack from Toronto Mr Ceo Port Perry Mr ami Mrs Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs J Vernon Vancouver Mr P Proctor and Victor Vernon of The ceremony was performed by the pastor tie church R J D Smpson- who pronouuevd the words that formed the mystic tie fun life and Mr Cruz Mexico Oct- amidst profound at J deliberation the As bridal party Melt the church which beer considering the the organist played Lohengrins to be S to bed and Si ding March the company being con- J rise about SSi Wi and carriages the R against four omcers and ten years residence Mr Prospect Att child imprisonment gainst other ot- Ave where couple received 0 Two sentenced the congratulations of friends imprisonment and the which a luncheon I others were set free Emma Mount and friend The home decorations were chiefly vm ftt on Mondav I Live Stock yellow- mums and autumn Mr Mrs were leaves deftly yjsiting at Port Perry decent Mrs J the brides Pumpkin Pieiumhle mother was dressed in blue silk veil- sue in und wore pink roses- about Halloween Mrs Winans the brides aunt and Miss Steers and heifers soldfrom wore mauve silk veiled in Mac mar- Kmotf the holiday- noisette jet Collingwood cows from to o50 r dehors attended the to 9 other outoftown guests and lambs Mr and Mrs Snider Mr and Mrs ana Top price for hogs oil Oars Mr and Mrs Jack Miller Mr j c0 points I Mrs Rev spent Mondavi MAKING UPSTAIRS LADIES STORE for Ladies Hosiery This Store is becoming more and more noted every day for the Excellent Values we are giving in Our Large Display Ladies and Childrens Hosiery Utile Daisy Fine Cashmere in Tan Black Pale Blue Cardinal and Cream I to The Best Child- Hose in the Market Our Special Hose Ribbed Soft Yarn Leader for Llama Hose Fine Cashmere Soft pair for weave Special or MONTREAL Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP no RESERVE FUND v i5 168001173 UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 1 In Id Toronto this week export cattle butcher cat- centres in Canada and in London Eng W Chicago Spokane Mexico and Newfoundland Every description of a Banking business transacted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS customers of the Ontario Hank Branch will te accommodated heretofore NEWMARKET BRANCH CO ROSS Manner nd Mrs Mr and Mrs and Mrs Jack Miller Mr Fred Miller Mr and Mrs English Miss Miss Brock and while Rev Missi- Miss Violet Stephens of I eterhoro k Tibbie and Eileen were in A NylcsWallace On very pretty vwldiltOok place at the resi dence of the brides parents Mr and Mrs J Wallace Main street north when second daughter Jennie was united in marriage to Mr Thomas Marvin all lot Newmarket The ceremony was performed by Rev R J Simpson under an elab orate arch The bride wore a gown of pale blue velvet and bridal veil caught up with orange blossoms and carried cream roses The bridesmaid Miss Jennie of Holt w gowned in navy blue velvety and car ried roses The groom was as sisted by Mr Frank Kershaw of To ronto The happy couple left on the afternoon train on an extended honeymoon bride travelling in navy blue Friends were present from Toronto Sunderland and The many and costly presents attested to the high esteem in which the bride is held ftf extends Mr Miller and sonof Mr Geo M Miller and wife Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs Mr ami Mrs vey Miss Mrs Deacon and daughters Mr and Mrs Will Clark Clark Miss Vari ralli Mr Albert Toronto Mrs Sparrow East Mrs Falls The grooms to the bride was a beautiful piano in mahogany case gold bracelet set in pearls to bridesmaid and matron of honor night lovely night awful What smash apoke in sonieones bad the smashers be severely dealt with Miss Jessie Elliott returned af ter attending Fair Mr and Mrs J A Hunter and Eleanor Clifford of Toronto Markets Oct Kail Wheat per bush Barley per Oats per bush per ton I Shorts per ton Hay per ton 0 36 30 new CONNAUGHT GARDENS I I per do- Butter per lb to red up and spent Monday at Mr Potatoes per bag R Mr Ed Robinson of Wood bridge over Saturday and the holidays gold necklet and locket set in j Mr to the lower girl a to the organist and tat Mr rl sunburst istadiaj We have a One assort ment of 1 STUHDY A Sons Best Chains since I These Chains have given un questionable satisfaction Reliable goods In every re spect Do not fail to them a trial Their Excel lence Is Incomparable you will find the prices all right I and P Ticket Issuer Marriage License and opal tie pin to the grooms man and monogram tie pins each of the usher and caretaker of the gilts to the bride were both nUmcrolis and costly showing the high In which she Is held Among them was a handsome family from Trustees of the Meth odist Church where she was soloist previous to removing to Miss Elva York received tho Bible in the church A beautiful din ner and tea set of China with an address came from tlie grooms associates in the Factory where he Is employed in Toronto The also received two or three cheques ft beautiful Sewing ma chine cut glass silverware needle work etc of her new i Chickens per lb per- lb Turkeys per lb 032 0 0 13t 0 0 CO 35 3d 18 Toronto Markets The District Of NEWMARKET CRESENTS BOULEVARDS PARKS The many lends of our sohnol teacher Miss Delia Fairies will be pleased hear she is recovering Miss Jourdan of is teaching until Miss FaiHesJs able to resume her duties Miss Wilson of Toronto spent the Thanksgiving with tlie Misses Fair ies I Mr and Mrs Rutledge and Mr and Miss Williams Newmarket spent Sunday at Mr Mr and Mrs Edgar Kennedy of To ronto spent Thanksgiving with his parents Miss Ada Smith of was home for a few days Mr Floyd Fairies of the A Oct 31 Fall Wheat per bush I Oafs- per bush 0 Barley per bush Rye per bush ft Peas per bush 0 Hay per ton it 0016 nutter per per doz Chickens per lb per Ducks per It 0 Turkeys per The New and SubDivision located between Queen and Srigley streets East of Prospect Avenue Only Five to Seven Walk from the Factories Visit the Gardens on Saturday Afternoon And have our easy payment plan explained no Interest no taxes or call at Office Royal Hotel Building Main Open FRANK J SULLIVAN NEWMARKET Asides the drawingroom the holidays at home home furnished in Miss wos a guest at Mr any The happy couple left by the even- Icfc train amidst an abund ance of confetti and good wishes for New York and other American cities to spend honeymoon and expect to be gone fortnight On their retbrn they Will reside at No Dunne Ave Toronto The Era joins with hosts of New market friends in wishing them a prosperous and felicitous voyage thru life Mr M Miller cousin of groom was the tor the new church and his Mr Yokes was the contractor for the previous church edifice It Is about years since so many of the Mil- lev family were gathered together A Grey Mr Tranmer spent Toronto last week in 7 Villages Burned and Inhabitants Killed I Winnipeg Oct Nearly toot of snow fell here last night and driven by strong ft piled up on the streets and In huge bonks The street cars were blocked for sev eral hours the first snow- of the season aadTmany sleighs nave Athens The Greeks have occupied Kailrai and Verria without The army is now within fifty mies New and more Turkish in twenty vil lages In the Janina region are reported The villages were de stroyed the massacred women and balldrf being burned alive It is also reported that of the Turkish wounded at the beginning of the fighting were Christians Now only about one fourth of wounded are Christians which Is taken to mean that the Christians were placed in fore- front the battle hundred Greeks enrolled in the who managed to desert Mens Overcoats at Cost Price Ladies Furs at Cost Price Ladies EnglishMade Suits at Cost We do this in order to reduce too heavy a stock A I GET A FRIDAY BARGAIN LIST t 1 58 1 I I Jl mm mm OF ONTARI TORONTO m t

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