Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1912, p. 2

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lTS 43 f I for track Apply to VS Hose Track Foreman Toronto York Newmarket C E K 1 fa REAL ESTATE NEWMARKET Has the following on his list or quick sale built frame Nicely finished in hardwood Modern lot good stable Well located on Prospect Ave Price well finished hard- wood nicely located of Jo- soph Millard Price i Frame houses on Joseph St and all modern convenien ces Price each Frame House in- excellent condi tion rooms and domestic water Fullsired cellar Large Int The price is I rooms modern en large lot Prospect price Frame house nearly lot beautifully situated Heights Will rent lor month Price Frame Cottage room nearly new water hie lot Price I Frame Mouse rooms all con veniences Well located on Chinch close to the business centre the town Price I Frame Mouse on Tccumseh rooms domestic water kept nicely located Cheap at rooms nil conveniences beautifully located on College Heights and nearly new St Horses No matter clever trick rider may be when he attempt to in ihnYirnt dirctS lions at same time usually gets a all In the political circus it out very thrilling fancy has been given the nimble representative York When bo Redmond meeting for rais ing funds lor Home Utile in Ireland was held in Toronto a few years ago the speaker said that two things were necessary for the success of the movement The Irish must be united and Ihey re ceive enough assistance from to enable them to their oppon ents on equal terms was among the distinguish Rulers Oh the platform lay and cler ical helped the with his presence Messing and a contribution of Ten Hollars October in this year of meeting Was hed in with Mrs Prospect i Howard no Mr pert Gardner visitors Miss all o spent at home Mi and Mis J Vruion are vUitinR in otion new large on College l ho spent the holidays lore as as Stewart J A visited Dr over the Miss the hot with friends I Miis Toronto spent Tuesday his Will Mrs Hewitt Miss Mabel Miller ol Toronto vis- lied Mrs over the Mr- Carl arid son Were vlstiing over Miss Flossie Toronto was Visiting in town over ThaiiVs giving On grace under the I This is Well cood On we I Brick Cottage large roomy nnished an elegant bouse on ixtta Well located on Prospect Also two TO I J large lot Ave All conveniences foot on Cotter The whole for tt J- Also vacant lots on Park both sides Ave Prospect St Millard St Grace St and St also Gar dens Why not buy vacant lots in your town Keep your money here and help to buildup Newmarket Also several excellent Farms for sale 3 acres with good Brick House and fine and garden well watered All in good repair Close to post office and telephone On tins is a large brick blacksmith shop only miles from town on good road price on easy terms Agent for Office Over Tates Meat Market Main Street Newmarket For Sale Square Piano Apply to BELFRY Prospect Ave Newmarket ol the Aurora Lodge peril was the burning topic twen tytwo advertised Speakers brought from rt on the presiding over the meeting Over the of speakers a great motto Oho langeflgo One ftupiro One Mag and other spicy Orange mottoes it is a pretty rider who can keep balance on one horse so far have able to do it on two when going in op posite directions Few would care make the exhibition of such an atenipt- High Cost of Living The queetlon as to who getting the prices for the necessaries Hie is being largely discussed in the press as well as in domestic circles It one to answet satisfactorily because prices range differently in certain dealer who mm left Ontario years a6 and VaJiCOuver where he bag been Very In ival estate J lie is favorably with Toaii Mrs and Mis aileri to piests- Mrs Mies Konan Petrooro Mr Irving Ottawa The ftor- Is For YOU Read It vai home holidays was or Thanks giving Wo Our Clothing and fttilntPc ever Of- fe la a Noteworthy Stocks More of 4hHo the Mont to the reeecl Mori nil over the iroul of tjv ftloro in Oiler WeYiV la feilinl in Wy to shown Fin I SK were roses Mrs Aubrey the to the tea oyer MtsCapt- of who was My Our in Moat aft A 4s Miss at the holidays Mr and Mrs It Manning cte At Home with a lew day evening Miss Hardy the lie school stafi spent the holidays at Parry Sound Miss Toron to fvas the guest Mrs Geo Wood or the weekend Mrs K J Davis amiMiss Davis visiting in Onta rio lor a spent Thanks- with her sons in Ham ilton and Mr IV Watson and family spent the weekend at Simcoe home Miss Rachel of Waterloo is visiting her aunts the Misses Niagara street Mr and Mrs Geo Irwin of To ronto spent weekend with his brother Mr Irwin Mr Fred barter with his old country chum Mr Norman Williams Mr and Mrs Elmer i spenb Thanksgiving holiday more than he formerly did wUh ftis Mrs p For Sale New Separator and New Cultivator or will exchange tor fresh cow Apply on Lot 3rd Con Whiichurch to J Penrose Aurora P The Newmarket Building Go Are receiving names of workmen who intend to build in the Spring By clubbing together we intend to pur chase Building Material at a low Wholesale rate Our is open EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT In toe Town Heal Estate Office Call and talk it over with us We have suitable lots on easy terms without interest or taxes We buy and sell Houses and Lots Farms Bicycle Repair Shop OPPOSITE P O NEWMARKET EM Bicycles of all kinds and prices Bicycle and Motor Cycle parts always on hand We also keep SecondHand Household Furnishings of all kinds Parlor and Cook Stoves nearly new and very cheap We also repair Fur niture Stoves Bicycles Sharpen Scissors Crosscut Hand or filed and set Bicycles to hire Come and see us A ho is forced to this alternative tee cause he has to pay more for his stock or produce as tW case may be No one questions for instance the assertion that fanners are getting considerably more such as eggs butter entile hogs etc than they did- few short years ago the increase in some cases be ing as much as onequarter and in some instances onethird But there is this other side to the ques tion farmers in their turn urge with much force- that they are not getting the lull benefit the increas ed prices the market indicates since labor and cost machinery are all largely enhanced as as everything else they have to buy for household Some how the impression seems to be gen eral that the middlemen are realiz- ing a larger profit out of meat and provisions than formerly to the dis advantage both the producer and consumer On the other hand the middlemen disclaim against any such notion and put the onus of increase at least so far as meat is concerned on the abattoir people who in turn protest that the waste shrinkage cost of labor cold storage and many other things re duces their actual profits to a bare income The appointment of an in dependent Commission of inquiry alone will be able to solve the ques tions BOTES East Middlesex went Conservative by a decisive majority All same tho Opposition leader in the Jegisla- turo says he is not disheartened at lie result and when the House meets he intends to make sure where mem bers stand on ques tion Tern iterance people also want know where representatives stand in regard thereto Mr and Mrs Andrews Au rora spent Thanksgiving Day with daughter Mrs Chas Willis Mr and Mrs J and daughter Toronto were guests at Mr Mannings over Sunday Mr and Mrs Eves re turned on Saturday after spending two weeks in New York and Boston Mr and Cane Miss Mono of JTho was provided by a Toronto caterer- Among guests were Mrs Beattv Mrs Porter Mrs and MrsMVylfe Toronto Mrs Mrs Greenwood of Sutton Mis 1 Lennox and Mrs Aurora Mrs Titus of formerly of Newmarket was the hostess a tea afternoon last week to her daughter Miss who was vearing a very pretty gown over satin and carried American Her numerous other were about the rooms Mrs looked exceedingly welkin gold satin with pink roses Mrs Philip Dykes audi Mrs Frederick assisted in the The polishetl tea table was centered with a cut glass vase of yellow chrysanthe- mums rounded with small violas Mrs Scott and Mrs Henry poured out the tea and assisted by Miss Miss Nora Scott Robin- j son Miss Inn Allen Miss Nora Bob- and Miss Ida Lyon An or chestra throughout the after noon Very At ivo Tailoring Every man cm he Badly Fitted in ft from- iMsCollectlOft a Variety of Pattens is Every Mans Taste to As days go by railway corpora tions are being taught the lesson that the general have some rights they must respect Here is a case j in point A few days ago Mr Jus- Hall George Morrison of County spent their burg with Mrs city I fci damages against the Pete Mar- Mrs of Tilson- Railway for medical loss of resulting from a daughter Mrs j cold sustained while waiting for a Cane was called to on of her uncle Mr Peter Brown and Mrs J weie guests of Mr S over of Miss Johnson Miss Owens and Mrs Wilson of Toronto were guests of Mrs A J Rogers Gorham street tor the holidays Miss J McKewon of To ronto was visiting at the home of Juits 1 k their itoSfeoUVu nil that could be and lTir an Mens Overcoats have over for All Kinds of Wear For the Young Men We are showing a Snappy Line of College They have Collars and may thus be in a Dress Coat to a Storm Overcoat Serviceable Material T 10 12 and 15 Chesterfield- Oveicoats for Particular Men Overcbftta made pi black and blue Beaver and Mel tons in tho Conservative Chesterfield is a Great Particular Men HUNTERS nailing t LEADING train at the tossing Undertaking House that under the Railway Act rail way was liable to be sued neg lected to provide shelter at cross ings where passengers were to Ycm buy year Cheap For Cash the s the Canadian Club luncheon Toronto on Tuesday last Mr Howell in expounding his views on the made this declaration matter wbat may hove been the sins of the past or the j virtues of the past the time has I UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY colli attested to at John Millard IT ftii her brother Mr Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs Jos Miss A and Mr leit for a deer hunt in northern Ontario Mr Mrs Walter Toronto also Mr and Mrs Hal of London were home for holidays Mr T editor the Richmond Hill Liberal and wife spent Thanksgiving Day with her brother Editor Wiley Hon J Davis Scott Mr to Mr and Mrs Bert sou McKewon V in lie interest in the interest of teifi- sobriety morality and pure political life political interference with administration of the liquor laws should be completely King Township on Oct led In this connection the following the wife of Mr Rank comment from Premier Whitney on a son the result of the recent byelection is significant He said The Gov- market on Oct by this last strong Mrs Harry and positive evidence the approval Wse a daughter of the people will continue to do all J in their to minimize mini the great evils which are the consequence and the result of the a WE MAKE AndyDavis and MrJ Li continuing to do an- of public approval this they feel confident they will J- THE ALTAR continue to receive furiher At the Meth odist Church Newmarket on the of Oct by Rev J Simpson Norman St Clair Miller of Toronto to Miss Edna of Newmarket i THE KING AND TEMPERANCE CANADIAN Unexcelled Train Service Fast Ttme to WINNIPEG EDMONTON BRANDON NELSON SPOKANE VICTORIA SASKATOON REGINA CALGARY VANCOUVER SEATTLE PORTLAND y TACOMA Standard and Tourist Sleeping also Compartment Observation Cars via Canadas Greatest Highway General Change Time October Full particulars from any Agenty ATKINSON Agent Newmarket The byeelection for i the Province of Quebec rendered va cant by the sitting member Mr Louis having accepted office Borden Government will take place on the 10th A despatch on Wednesday says Hon Mr is in that city making for his reelection and it is also slated that lion P Gra ham is also there in the interest of the Opposition to look up a candi date to oppose Mr Superintendent of the Jail Kami has inaugurated a system of allowing some of the pris oners under his charge io live out on nearby farms their being turned over to families the farmers give bonds tor the proper care of the prisoners who are carefully su pervised by the Jail Farm officials Of course there is no law authorizing this method of farming out but experiment is being al lowed by tho Government and legal ton for their deer hunt up north Mrs Crittenden of Snohomish Wash writes that the Era is much like a letter from home that she cannot do without it Mrs Rose and Miss Dorcas from the at- ended f the Provincial lion at Hamilton last week Dr Roy Belfry of Toronto and I Prince Wales He his brother who is attending bed to the prince the persona Victoria College spent Monday with their parents at Mr Canes J individuals saved from habits A worker in the total abstinence I j ranks telle ol a conversation of some length that he had In India with Miss Margaret and Miss of temperance sons parents hearts gladdening their in- of Toronto stent J formation and contributing to holidays with their sister Mrs support widowed mothers L also Mr and Mrs expressed his deep s WALLACE- At the resi dence of the brides parents by Rev J Simpson on Oct MrThos M to Jennie Mr J Wallace all THE TOMB the VERNON At Moose Jaw S ask On FRUITS A SPECIALTY Bofh Foreign and Domestic OUR TEAS COFFEE Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced S US- Oct Walter Roy Vernon Newmarket Brothers of Aurora on Monday others and crippled sisters Mrs Lee mother of faction at the life stories which were BALDER At Oct Mrs J and also her sis- 1 unfolded and was profoundly moved Mary widow of Joseph ters Mrs and Mrs Percell of I as he heard what temperance 1 formerly of Newmarket in her year market bearing his own crest to be Monday the rMr Ernest A his presented to each soldier in the cav- Sarah en Caw- little daughter Alberta Pearl of T ally artillery and infantry who have wife of Chief Justice fair spent their holidays with his i done the best work in the cause of William mother Mrs and his temperance leading while exposed to Our Plioxe No OR PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO uia wiaa has together with Miss his soldiers Ho spent Thanksgiving in Kmr approved the striking a silver I nn is hoi i i VxLieut Becker was sentenced in connection with the murder fit the gambler Rosenthal New city Bulgarians defeated Turks two days ftgbting capturing At no distant da it is quite with in the of probability that Ca nadians may have tho opportunity to listen to music from Greenland It is stated that a Danish composer has returned from Greenlands icy pieces of mu sic which he secured from the natives by using a phonograph de clares savs a press report that musical sense of the natives Is highly developed and where they are least Influenced by cultivation the most typical tunes been found ot the songs which be secur ed resemble the songs Cana dian Indians and the Eskimos He sister Mrs W J Patterson on Pros pect avenue Mr Geo and family have moved to Toronto He has been in the baking business nearly in Newmarket arid is giving it up on account of his health He knows how to make good bread following were home from To- all the temptations of life in the on Oct East a life of sellrestraint himself j l aged and influencing his younger comrades Interred at to follow in his footsteps Sac red Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J W Patterson B Heart Review A wealthy old farmer in West recently had a new to for Thank Ethel Maw Mr Douglas Mr Glancy Mr Cameron Allen Miss a jug containing molasses Next TULLEYrln Toronto on Oct Hannah widow of Michael Tulles formerly of Newmarket in her year St Johns Cemetery on Monday morning mistake however until a Lemon Baker Deputy of b wtl fa 0n attend its entire on house Mr Whitchurch Township attended funeral of the late Roy Vernon Wednesday Tho Baker will regret has been sick since last May having underwent two operations but is slowly Improving Mr Baker to give up farming and reside In have a sale the early winter He says he will paint no many friends of Mrs to earn that she Newmarket on Oct to Mr and Mrs ihitchurch on Oct Gordon son of Mr Newton Sheridan aged months days s i a in r All MIA IN STREET Agent for so J NEWMARKET TELEGRAPH OFFICE Store Phone No I V BOOKS THAT RAUY you the you way you re upon nil Books lit Hon Study Oat c2lii priced books on the J rawer ftntoaobiUs it tthirapby Ad uckitet tic for la mm yet juit ih and InfciiDUoa that you fcr i3lodat tad nice J DRAKE ft V j s- ARCHIVES OF ON TORONTO

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