S333 T Edmonton saved By FruitaWes i-J- Am Nov I had been a from babyhood with thai terrible complaint I been treated by and bare taken medicine that I beard of but without the slightest benefit I concluded that there was no cure for this horrible Finally I read of and decided to try them and the effect was marvellous The first box gave me great relief and after I used a for boxes I found that I was entirely well is the only medicine that aver did me any good for Chronic Constipation and I want to fay to all why suffer any longer when there is a perfect cure In this great fruit medicine Miss A- GOODALL Frultatires is the only remedy in the world made of fruit and the only one that will completely and absolutely cure Constipation a box for trial she At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa to Rent the Bank Toronto Building d In Mr -V- Furnished House To Rent Corner Church and ford on premises MRS KENNEDY A rand Trunk freight train left rails here early Saturday morn ing and Piled freight car high nA pricked hours Fortunately ho One was Injured but two were tin own the ton of the cars and were fortunate to escape with theft report that accident was caused a rail Mr Arthur Welsh Ma Finos had a narrow escape Oil Saturday building a alio tor Mr Curroy near The wind being SO strong It blew over they Wore building Mr Welsh fell about feet Max foil over foot bad ly shaken and bruised Our blacksmith Mr is laid up with a buno toot and ankle caused by runtawaY on Monday aftotnOOh We Wish a spoeuy recovery AUltOKA I On Monday a oar at the- Grand Trunk iron broken into and a nip weighing about pounds stolen- Re Allen Toronto has accepted the call to the pastorate of here and his pastoral duties on Sunday las While driving soma cattle belonging to fa cwtalnry one of the rnrjst kMilnMnta flesh is to Coated tongue the moqthr- nausea combine to make life a he cause the cure Monea Pills They to the root of the trouble put rijjht cleanse stom ach and bowels clear tongue and take away the rem the At the fiit ii Horses Root Pills Dr Indian ow Ms Wedlock K iMltija i 1 tot all i awarded this class J tMyle heifer J P 1 Smith Win Marohoiit OUR lUvls lVylej R Doyle d -Us- W J heller Smith heifer and a J J del smith Fat Cattle 1st Coon Herd Dairy J cow Smith J Judges Dennis J Harri son Russell Thompson took all prizes awarded- In thisclass Leicester R took all the prizes awarded la this class Southdown all tho prices awarded ihis class The Kind You Have Always Bought his Sorne the signature of Chaa wid Tinker hit personal for Allow no one to deoctve you in this axe but Experiment and endanger the health of Children Experience against what is c Astoria is a harmless for Castor Oil Paregoric and Byrupa It is Pleasant It neither Other Narcotic substance It age is its guarantee It Worms and allays It and Wind Colic It relieves Teething troubles cures Constipation and It as similates the regulates the and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleep Tho Childrens Panacea The Mothers The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ham French Miss rteOutrhooni- Roman m broidery MtCutchcon Mr applhluO shirt waist Miss Fisher McCutcbeon table Mian Fisher White MIH eon embroidered In motors embroidered White Miss Wisher Miss fancy tea ft w Smith towel Mrs Mrs mats MU on- tfisHdfr tittlhg Miss Its Best to Remember that organ of human dependent other If your liter wrong blood wilt be impure If yoor bowel are Inactive your stomach and digestion will show And one trouble to another have become the most famous and most approved family remedy In the world They are known for their wonderful and unrivaled power to cause regular natural action of the liver and bowels They are gentle safe but sure benefit every organ of the body brighten the eye clear the brain tone the nerves and Increase because they Remove the First Cause of Trouble In- Use Over Years Mr through the mm J To Rent A wellfurnished house in good lo cation Owner leaving Town for the winter Apply to Box A Era town on Tuesday on one For Sale Second Hand Doors Sash and Frames J Newmarket Houses for Sale On West Side of Newmarket brick and frame On East Side Cement House cut price for quick sale CM HUGHES 35 Real Estate Agent animals slipped the Metropolitan tracks and foil breaking its leg the ani mal had to be shot J Stevenson had the to break his arm on Tuesday evening He was starting his auto mobile when a hack fire took place throwing the crank back striking arm just above the wrist breaking both bonesi Medical aid was called and the bones set 1 Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church intend holding- their annual tea and entertainment in the Uochan- For Sale Brick in the growing Town of Newmarket corner Main and Water Streets very j were suitable for a Roche doctor A Co Price t 3 New Brick Houses Ave for sale Two are at present occupied and the other one will be ready shortly All modem Apply to Isaac Rose Newmarket or French Mt Al bert the same character Re Wordsworth who owns a fine oichard on Kennedy street had five trees loaded with snow apples and a fine tree which was also loaded Last Friday night some or persnnK visited the orchard and stripped the trees leaving only Between four and five taken Mr sold of this place last week to a man east Shearling ram Lemon Ham and a J A Aged ewe awl a J A Yearling ami J A Cornell Ewe lamb J A Pea J A Aged ram Hall Shearling ram Black burn Hall ram lamb Land Blackburn Aged ewe And Blackburn Shearling ewe Hall Blackburn Ewe lamb and Blackburn Pen Blackburn Yorkshire White Aged boar A Boar l sow our pigs J A Lemon took all prizes awarded in this class- Poland China W Dove took all awarded in this class Specials Registered Boar J A Registered sow Lemon Judge Teasdale Toulouse geese A Bronze turkeys R Howe Leonard 1 mi i a For Sale Brick Houses on Park Ave aH aiodern conveniences also one frame house on Elm St For terms apply MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Farms for Sale Cain the town Real Estate Off get Prices on Number Uptodate Houses with Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain Get our Prices on a Number Lots for Sale Town at this also rent houses for Atlas Fire Insurance Co from but he will not ducks take possession till Spring Mr Stephens ducts Brothers intends to build a house here ducks J and move to town John Vinegar Bailey hen Bailey Schomberg Pair Prize Winners if US I ffi S3 ley J V Rhode Island Reds Cock l and 1L Kitely Hen it Kitcley Cockerel and 3 J I I For Sale I A Frame House close to the Cor- poratior limits you can enjoy all the advantages of the town at a low rate of taxation This is prac tically a new house well built and 9 containing rooms Bathroom porch and closets It Is well located overlooking the town on a lot good new Stable and Henhouse A very comfortable home- Price Apply to Real Estate Office Main Street FOB BALE One Decker Separator with Feeder nod Stacker Tank Tank Wagon arid one portable Engine one Traction Engine Whites One Gasoline Engine one Cornell Engine together with ropes and blocks Apply to Newmarket v E m For 8aleor to Comljined store and dwelling Albert next door to Dominion Bank first claaa- business location For further particulars apply to MISS LEEK id Mt Albert For Bate On the Farm Srigley a bam metal roof with an addition Must be taken down at once but need not I be re moved till winter Can bo had very reasonable Apply to P Real Estate Ajeaiv Free-for-all- Tony P Stone Fortune W Ben Brooks W Ash Class Brown P Stone Al- Fortune Culverwell 2 Farmers Racer- Boy 1 Hazel A Ferguson 2 Happy Max HORSES Imported Brood Mare B Davis Spring colt B- Davis Canadian Draft Team Crake J Starr Geo Brood mare r Barton J Watson W McKay Twoyearold Wray One yearold Brooks J T Bar ton Spring colt Wm McKay Agricultural Team T Hall Geo Leonard J T Barton Brood mare Potter T Dale Potter- MacLoan Merchant Twoyearold A Suther land T Hall J W Potter One- yearold 11 Potter Spring colt J Potter Dale General Purpose Team J A Swan Cross Bros Bulman Brood mar and 2 Col well Three-year- old S Hastings One It J Spring colt Brown J Potter Potter Carriage Single driver Norman Walker P Jeffrey Wm Touso Brood mare three-year- old Brooks Oneyearold W K- Spring Colt T Dove M Brooks Alex Single Driver 15J hands or over S Hastings J Single driver under hands T Hill Hiram Potter Brood mare Alex R Da vis J Barbon R Murray A Mc- Twoyearold Alex J Potter Spring Colt Alex Creighton Davis Judges James Torrance Johri Ponies Pony bands and Davis Close pony H hands and Mills Close J Special- Draft J Crake maw Spring colt spring colt by Barons Davis Brown colt Stalwart Potter J Potter General purpose horse Walker Wilttoek Light horse K J J H Hameaser and Driver Mrs Smith J DurhanjJM took all Pullet Land KGtc- Black SpanishCock A R- Bailey Hen and Cockerel Bailey Baricd e So Icy Pullet W Plymouth RocksCock E JW Bailey Hen W R Cocke tel It Pullet Wedlock White Plymouth RocksCock G Bailey Hen and 2 W Bailey Cockerel Bailey J Childs Pullet W Bailey J VCbiWs Light Brah- lien and G Bailey Cockerel and Bailey Pullet and 2 W Bailey Bull Cochins Cock and 2 IV Bailey Hen and Bailey Cockerel W Brown leghorns J V Pullet J VChlWs White Leghorn Cock W Bailey Hen G Cockerel John Atkin son Pullet John Atkinson and W Bai ley Hen and G Bailey Bailey Bailey Black Orphlngtons Cock Hen Bailey Bailey Pullet W Bai ley Buff Orphingions Cock G Bailey A Row Hen Bailey A Games- Cock Bailey Hen end W Bailey Cockerel and Bailey Pullet and 2 Bailey Bantams Cock and Bailey Hen W Bailey Cockerel and Bailey Pullet and Bai ley Display of Pigeons Leonard Best Cock W Bailey Best Hen Bailey GRAIN ANO SEEDS White Wheat S Lemon wheat T W Ste- Merchant Spring wheat Any other Variety T Stephens Barley Stephens Thomp son Black oats Thompson T W Stephens White Oats Thorn- son T Stephens Large White Peas Stephens Small White Peas T Stephens Peas T Stephens Alslke T W Ste phens Timothy seed E Merchant White Beans J Calhoun TW Stephens Colored Beans W J Cal houn Stephens Yellow Corn Lemon White corn Leonard ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Collection- vegetables J collection of potatoes Plunkett Stephens Empire potatoes Stephens Ameri can Wonder potatoes Stephens Elephant pota toes Stephens Irish Cob- bloc potatoes J Atkinson Delegare irhompson Stephens Vermont potatoes other klndM potatoes Thompson Stephens Swedish turnips Kitely Plunkett turnips long carrot Thompson Short carrots Thompson table car rots Stephens parsnips Steph ens globe mangelwurzel J Johnston long J yellow mangelwurzel J Johnston any kind J long beets Stephens Thomp son short blood beets Plunk S Leonard Sugar beets J Johnston jumbo sugar beets Palmer Bros yellow onions Steph ens Thompson common pumpkins Plunkett Dove mammoth pumpkins Lemon C mammoth squash Wea Dove common squash Steph ens red onions Stephens ChUds white onions Thompson pickling oWons Stephens Leon ard cabbages J V Brown red peppers T Steph ens tomatoes C Plunkett Leonard celery Leonard Leonard citrons J V Childs Colorado citron Stephens hops cauliflow ers Leonard Leonard tl- Geld roofs J IV Judges- Burling and in Crochet fancy braid combined Mka laC- Cook ton lace Mrs -Ker- Mrs Kersey Miss lace Miss fUher lace Mrs Kersey sofa pil low Mlsa pillow Mra J Miss embroidered SOWING HIS WILD OATS reaping a harvest of sorrow 1 J I i FRUITS ApplesR I Greening don J Northern Spy G Mills J Calhoun Baldwin G Mills King of Davis Oldenburg Ramsden Palmer Bros Sweet J Calhoun Merch ant golden russet Leonard russet J Calhoun Mann Ramsden Dove Alexandria J Leonard Spltzen- St Lawrence Leonard Palmer Bros A Lloyd Palmer Bros Winter Potter Leonard Plunkett J crab Leonard grapes J V Leon ard comb honey Leonard extracted honey Davis- Leonard maple sugar Mrs A maple Mrs A Lloyd collection of winter apples A Lloyd collection of canned Mrs Mrs iMatjchttft Judge Robinson BREAD AND DAIRY PRODUCTS Homemade bread special Mrs Roland collection hnado baking Mrs Brown homemade bread special Mrs Davis homemade bread special Mrs sponge cake Mrs Breedon Mrs W J Calhoun rolls butter Mrs Mrs Hastings Mrs five oclock tea cloth Mies live oclock tea cloth Boyd Miss fancy pin cushion Miss ays shams Mlaa Smith Mrs amy the toilet Mlas Mis Smyihe hemstitching Mrs- Royd tray in Mrs Graham tray cloth in Cook drawn work Mrs M Cook toilet set Mrs coronation braid work Mrs Smythe handkerchief glove or tie case Mrs Mrs sideboard scarf Mrs Willmot Mrs Graham- Miaa collars or Miss Cook knit or crochet tea Fisher crochet babys Jacket Miss Mies crochet sHuwI Mrs J McCaw Miss crochet fascinator Miss Crochet slippers Fisher crochet babys Miss McCutcheon Miss CallUin crochet babys bonnet Mrs Boyd McCallum knit Miss Fisher knit slippers McCutcheon Fisher knit fascinator Fisher Miss McCutcheon knit shawl Miss knit bootees Miss Fish er Mrs Graham darning socks or stockings Fisher Mrs handmade underwear Misa Mlse machinemade lad A underwear Fisher mitts Miss eon silk Miss buttonholes Miss Graham crochet bed spread Miss airs knit bedspread Mrs Ker sey embroidered bedstead Mrs Kersey Mrs Smythe pieced cot ton quilt Mrs Hast ings fancy silk quilt Mrs Boyd Mrs fancy quilt Mrs Miss home made flannel alias Mrs homemade yarn Mrs J li McCaw socks Miss Fisher Miss coarse socks Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey stockings Miss Fish er Miss flee mitts- coarse gents mitts Keraey Mrs Dove ladys plain mitts Graham ladys fancy mitts Mrs Graham Miss McCutcheon hooked rug Mrs Kersey Mrs J L Walton Bantings Mills Miss AL Edwards How many young men cuu look hock their early life and regret their mlsaetds their III violation of lures lawn wine women antaongftit their victims have but what the seed you haVe sown what about the harvest Dont trust to luck you arc at present within the secret habit la life if are the of I last indiscretions If your loodhaa been from any private disease and you cure not marry If you are married and live in dread of breaking out exposing your past if you are suffering the result of a DRS ARE YOUR Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if yon arc curable YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED i I fr treat Cure VARICOSE VEINS NERVOUS DEBILITY BLOOD nd URINARY COMPLAINTS and BLADDER Dii- and all Peculiar to Men If to Cor Michigan Ave add Gfiawoid St Detroit Mick NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our m Canadian Correspondence in Windsor Out If you desire to see personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see aud treat no patient in our Windsor which arc used for cotTespondence and Laboratory for Canadian business all letters as follows KENNEDY KENNEDY Windsor Write for our private Have Hand a White Pine- Norway Hemlock Special Him to Order Finish PINE ARTS for they do cot a rwt box ot 1 Oil portrait or figure Cook Miss oil painting scenery Mia Cook oil any sub- Miss Mrs Graham color portrait or figure Cook Tolton water color scenery Miss Miss water color any Cook on glass or china Miss Sutherland- Miss Tolton painting on plush or Miss Tolton Miss Cook painting on satin or silk Miss tol- ton Miss Cook painting on bolting cloth Cook Miss painted panel and Miss painted plaque Mias pencil drawing Gra ham Miss Strangways crayon drawing Mrs Graham Miss Indian ink with brush Graham Miss Tolton pen and ink sketch Mrs Graham burnt wood work Mrs B Davis a amateur Norman roll of butter Mrs Lemon Mrs Tv Atkinson Lot a cushion Mra VUfc Hastings crock-but- tor Mra John Atkinson Mrs Mrs Dove lbs butter In 1lb roils Mrs W J Calhoun Mrs dis play of potted plants Leonard hanging basket 1 and Leon ard fuchsia Leonard chryaan- Leonard asparagus fern Mrs S Leonard begonia rex Mra Leonard fancy colored geranium S Leonard Geranium any other color Leonard bouquet of cut flowers land Mrs March- Atkinson Mrs I Mrs Lloyd McCutcheon Mrs Jos THANKSGIVING SOKG Summer Is gone autumn Is here This is the harvest for all Com in the crib oats in the the wheat is all threshed barley Doors and Kiada work Aafc Pino to Order Work Dressing Sticking Tutelar Bandaawlag and All Suck Work THE CANE SONS CO LTD liDUCATION THAT PAYS is just the kind yon get Under the very conditions at one 0t Shaws Schools Toronto The Central Business College The Central Telegraph School and Four City Branch Business Schools new explains practical courses given Write- tor a copy Shaw President Yonge- Germed House For Sale New Modem Brick House corner Arden and Millard Hot air open Terms easy Box ft t Sale LP LANDS AND For Sale drawn in Carrots in cellars beets by their Full is the hayloft what fun to rider Apples are barreled laid to dry the garden winter Is nigh Father in heaven thank thee for all Winter and springtime summer and U AIm own tfRftVttm bring ilk on UofDf K Lands lota in the following lo calities Western towns and cities ALTA IRRIGATED and nonirrigated lands this is the locations of great P ir rigation over a ALTASUBtDIVISION now on sale include Odea P ear shop city Sunalto Bridge land and others CORONATION TOWN SITE properties Good Vacant Lots SO x on Newmarket cheap Apply to M Real Estate Dr de Vans Female PHI A rtgttlttor la the it system ortlTportIOQo m ire sold it IS a box- Of tor jo real DrswMO do A 1 Miss Fisher Mrs Keraey em- broidery with silk on flannel Graham Mrs BulgerUa Children nm A a A- KERROBERT SASKTOftWaiTE properties swift current properties SASK PRO- Portia Electric Restorer for Men AND SELECTED P FARM lands in the Manitoba and Alberta FOR FULL INFORMATICS APPLY to Affot P MPARTMEHt v is two lor vldeh MARION r ARCHIVES OF TORONTO V vSi