ii to loan on good I J prank AUCTIONEER AND gRA FRIDAY OCTOBER 193 a Bolton Practical Painter and House Niagara and Dp Clark ST I fc 1 I Newmarket Dp Wilkinson Office in Block Mr ho Millard property oik Cedar street and making preparation duelling fcouci to ocV aeveil thereon Basket An played School grounds on last wee between tin young lilies and lliIi resulting In a victory for the visitors be ing 1 Ik J Piano Organ Theoret ical Branches introducing the System j Studio The Bank Toronto SATURPAYS Methodist Church Last morning Pastor a red hot Local Option ser mon In view to Obtain sipiaturcs for the repeal l bylaw in Newmarket it was- Uneiy evening on Making ot a Man was also a Rood one the best in the scries Miss Evelyn contributed a J Walker S NEWMARKET Graduate Ontario Veterinary College CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Day or Phone Clubbing Rates Era aw and v4 aiv CHIROPRACTOH be at the K1KO GEORGE HOTEL Every Tuesday Thursday and am to pm Diseases adjusted the Call and will how apply in your cast it will Era Weekly Mall Era and Canadian Home IK kittHHt lt 4l4 Era and Toronto Dally Eva and Toronto Daily News and Toronto Sun Ltd Era and Montreal Era and Canadian Poultry t i Direst Importation Mr Pcrrin has received ft consign- bulbs for his di rect Iron Holland Lot two boxes have been lost in transit Of Dairy long of from Kidney trouble boxes of GIN ILLS and all gone- that iKTcntiiccxpcrirrULC of Mr Agent of La of Montreal lie be it hive bred suffering Trouble over fiy Ion Tears also In all tor bones and muscles sleep nights and on could hardly been treated by of our best hut without and I lost over fifteen I one leading had been cured your he to try them So boxes at a lid before had used one box I felt a Imi Change finished the see nil one was cured con amre you can hardly believe it for if had only known what know I won 1 1 not have over One Dollars tor nothing when two boxes of PILLS cured me PILLS arc gaining reputation by the way they obstinate of and all kinds of Kidney Trouble a box for Sample if yon write National Drug and Chemical Co of Canada Toronto j l No More Grey or Faded Hair Women and A a fair Of many rtrnikx ones was rrissto young young man sb had secured a Rood and rnoVe4 irom and and by talr the hair a lustre and rodlance that compels admiration Membership Churches did ftllon work bat bo with arrest at of ftoidfn clean free notes a growth of f0 Siid try on hack dlroatisned 4 Lyman Jackson Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the lra Onice Office Private Papers issued at private resi dence if desired Dp S J Graduate in medicine Toronto University also Licentiate the Royal College o Physicians and mem ber the Royal College ot Surgeons England clinical In Eye Hospital and Uni versity College Ear Nose and Hospital London England Office- Cor Main and Timothy Newmarket Telephone Consultation Hours My services may be had at hour day or by calling at the office or phone Overflow Personals Mr and Mrs J and daughter spent over Sunday In Toronto Miss Nash and Violet Jones visited With Miss Eliza Stew ens a few days Miss Helen Robertson of Ottawa came home on Wednesday for a few days vacation Mr and of Good- wood are visiting their daughter Mrs Wilkinson for a Brief his cars of skins car coal and car machinery for the Davis Leather Co arrived last week King Council meets at Saturday Thursday of ttext week is all Hal loween Next Monday is a holiday Friday week is All Saints Day Miss and Miss McKay took their school children to the woods one last week for a course nature study SiaUsucht is made in the city papery that Laymens Miselohacy has been a study of total church several de- In At Layrncns Congress three and in- ha ago It was estimated that there wefe church mem bers In the Mr now figures that the total during past three years has so- that today is Very to i divided as follows Meth odists Presbyterians Baptists friends Whst bodies To- Protestant church NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE Regular meeting- last Monday Present Mayor Cane- Reeve Pearson Councillors Vale Lyons and Wesley Mr A Thompson asked the Council to complete the sidewalk on Prospect Ave as far as house so as to give an outlet also the Council to close a blind end ollCharlea St and sell Ses the property for FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA 9 9 War Declared Against Turkey Furnace Work Plumbing Eavetroughing 3 of Our Specialties See Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SONS Next to Grocery ISM 30 NEWMARKET Marble Works LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones before ordering elsewhere GEO LUESBY PHOTOGRAPHS I We art equipped to produce or traits that are right and our long experience hack of every picture we make The child the parent grandparent all are of a good and artistic fin ish when we do the work Come In at any or more deairable make an appoint ment Poet Office Phone market WE TEACH BOOKKEEPING In Three Months SHORTHAND IN SIX MONTHS GET OUR CATALOGUE Farm Produce market Saturday and all produce had an tendency Ruling prices as follows Eggs to Butter per lb 29 30 A Dressed Chickens per lb Dressed Ducks per lb 14 Dressed Turkeys per lb Apples per and Apples per Si 150 200 Crab Apples per 20 to Pears per basket Potatoes per bag to Onions per peek Pickling Onions per quart Cabbages and Cauliflower to Cucumbers per 25c Radishes per bunches Carrots per 3 Corn Dozen Celery per bunch Peppers Citrons each Tomatoes Green per basket Live Chickens per 10c Old per lb Live per lb Live per lb Live Turkeys per lb Pigeons per pair to Rabbits per pair 25c to Hides per lb lie to Calf Skins per lb to to Tallow per lb Local Option Contests From the Alliance of Toronto the following of places has lieen handed out where Local Option contests are definitely in progress- CITIES TOWNS Aurora Place Clinton Forest Kincardine Lindsay ML Forest North Bay Winham VILLAGES Markdale Port Stanley Springfield Tiverton Thameeville Victoria Harbor Referred to Road Bridge Com Mr Choppin presented a petition and others asking that the minimum charge tor domestic water to be reduced Mr also asked a rebate on of Mr on property as sessed twice Following Bills passed Co carting J McKay registering By- Wm Rose drawing gravel Newton Co Express on stationery J A Allan York Radial cartage frt and cartage A Yule additional duty on meters York Radial gravel 3000 Co electric meters Express on meters 55 Can Sewef Pipe Co pipe 3750 T frt A cartage Pittsburg Coal Co cars coal York Radial on coal and CustomsDuty 4 58 Win Stringer unloading coal The bill of from Press Toronto referred to Finance Con Application of J Jefferson for electric light on Timothy St and S Gardner on Prospect Ave also Jos Gould and Hughes grant ed Mr asked for of taxes or property Mr on Raglan St which was duly raised without receiving assess ment slip Referred to Finance Com Communication of Marshall As Proc tor asking rebate on taxi Referred to Finance Com Petition- of W H referred to Fire Light Com The Mayor reported that the Com mittee expect to have report on the HydroElectric system by next meet ing of Council The Road Bridge Com reported thatup to date they have spent on roads and sidewalks promised to put more gravel on Hu ron St West and Main St The Clerk reported that over 250 water moters are installed and they are going in fast as the en gineer can put them hi Standing Com on Finance re ported that the application of Ab- Co for rebate on taxes of Clothing Factory be not nfadc also that application for increase of salary J to Inspector be not entertained at present The Council asked- for ah the option on property for Public Library at corner of Main and Water Sts The F was authorized to make extension Water mains on Cotter St Athens Oct IS Greece not wish ing to detach herself from her allies sent instructions early this morning to minister at Constantinople to communicate a declaration of war to the Porte Greece at the same time sent a fraternal greeting to the allied states Belgrade Oct WWar against Turkey was formally declar ed tonight by the Servian Govern ment The declaration was transmit ted to the Servian minister at Con stantinople this afternoon iwith in structions to present it to the Potto tomorrow The minister will then immediately for Belgrade Our Ottawa Letter L OUawa Oct It is altogether likely that recent byeelection at Man will prove a boom erang little to the of either the Borden administration or the Government of Province loth of worked hand in to svcutethe election of Alexander Mor rison the Conservative candidate There is scarcely any doubt that the election will- bo protested and that when it comes- before the courts there will foe a flood onjyji Bancroft Bayfield Brussels Button Exeter Falls Forgus Georgetown TOWKSHJPS Amherst Island Arthur Bromley King Brock Burleigh A Louth Cornwall Maiden Christie McKUlop Delaware Morris Nlchol North Gower Pembroke Sandwich Council adjourned I Elm i Front Stephen nil SUFFERED With Biliousness andSlok Headache Calgary Alberta July I was a great suftewr for a long time with Billiousness Sick Headache and Liver Trouble Nothing seemed to do me any good I had almost given despair when I decided to FIG PILLS Alter taking about half a box the stopped and my appetite Improved I have just finished the fifth box and feel as well as ever heartily recommend Fig Pills for stomach and liven troubles Mrs Mary Ellson Sold at all dealers in aod cent boxes or mailed by The Fig Pill Co St Thomas Ontario to the manner In which the campaign was ought as will not merely Up set tileeJecttou but reveal the 1 In and Borden administration in a decidedly odious light The manufacturers and everybody who has an axe to grind in the way of increased protection are resisting any reduction in the tariff have used the result in MacDonald I as an argu- Kent with which to try to club the government into granting all sorts tariff favors In its anxiety to cinch the election the government ov- the mark and put a rod in pickle for its own back Then the facts started to leak out and It became known that the denrRoblin had a big force of all sorts of detectives and special constables all degrees of rascality shadowing the Richardson workers and under various pretexts arresting such of them as seemed- to be doing the mosteffective work fact a French speaker from Montreal stated that lie had been constantly shadowed by detectives throughout ami had escaped arrest himself He declared that the methods had reduced the to a state of an archy and that to his knowledge a certain Justice ot the Peace had Ailed out a of warrants In blank so that the name of any active Rich ardson worker could be inserted and an arrest made fact Mr Buyer stated that one of Wan war rants been filled In with liis own name but not executed For Falling Hair You Run no Risk yhen you Use This Remedy We promise you that if your hair is falling out and you have not let it go too far you can repair the dam age already done by using Hair Tonip with persistency and regularity tor a reasonable length of time It is a scientific cleansing antiseptic germicidal pre paration that destroys microbes stir circulation around the hair roots promotes hair nourishment removes dandruff and acts to restore hair health It is as pleasant to use as pure rain water and is delicately perfumed It is a real toilet necessi ty Wo want you to try Hair Tonic with our promise that it will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with Us use comes In two prices and Remember you can obtain Remedies In this community only at our store Store J R Press says Ik secretly him willfcweli what Is be charged knows before the pally reaches town ho arreetrtl rushed on board the train and carried to Winnipeg He is torn away from ibe locality his witnessed tor or against him In a Word napped arrives in Wftiiipcg Wo at In charge of a A lawyer meets him at is to him lie Is hustled to Jail following morning his lawyer at the Jail and is pexudttod to him before has passed 1 ho of day With him the the rtooto throw Into a taxicabs shipped off to Portage La Prairie Kidnaped again I At Portage La Prairies lesa he Is arraigned iiponhia arrival and ret to jail till without bail So far as known only incriminating evidence ad- duced against him to date is the- discovery in his pocket of a list of voters And this is not Jin lsolatei cAie number more and pro bably others unreported where men were arrested with no crime but that working the combination then held soas to prevent them working until the election was oer Having that their money would not en sure success the system of which would have credit to Russia and which evidently made itself felt the foreign ele ment of the Riding many of whom In their home lands had teen well accustomed to such domination flub at last the com bination has overstepped the mark Not only will the manner in which MhcDcAiald voters were corrupted and he diown in the election courts but it will inevitably he en quired Into at next session- of Parliament and Alexander Morrison will in all probaWHty have some unpleasant times in his seat trying to avoid an explanation as to how he contrived to usurp Another sample of the Conservative governments facility for trying to from posi tions it has created for itself was shown this week in the final stage of the Famous western lumber duties case Finding that no matter how this went would come to hurt either from the manuHcter the consumers of the gov ernment threw up its drop ped but the test case starts leaving the American and Cana lumbermen to fight it cart for This was in what is as the Lumber Case and story is Interesting Under the a Liberal ruling was always given to Article 501 the tariff which provided for the free admission of rough lumber The Liberals held that a free interpretation of this clause was in the interests of the settlers as the free rough was great value them to get material for their shacks and barns as cheaply as possible Not so Conservatives As soon as the Borden Government came to power a demand was made to have a closer interpretation placed on this clause The BC In terests claimed that the American lumber were evading the law and that they were seudims in as the rough article lumber sawn on three sides and sized for use The Liber al Government had refused to listen to such representations holding that such treatment the lumber would have been ot little use to the settlers in whose interests this clause was enacted into the tar I ft But Borden Government saw an op portunity to apply higher tariff and declared that such lumber was duti able whether the settler suffered or not The American lumberman met this by changing their methods so that there was no possibility of Claiming evasion of the tariff pro visions Just previous to the Saskatchewan the lumbermen of British Columbia came back at- the Govern ment and it seized the opportunity to try and gather in a few Saskatche wan voters by declaring that they would not collect duty on such lum ber and suggested test case This was made the seizure a con- signment of rough lumber brought in without duty by the Lumber Cpmpany who at once took action In tho Exchequer Court or Us re- Although the evidence of many experts at the hearing was that such lumber was not dutiable the Conservative Government counsel Travers Lewis strongly urged that was beyond a point Iff tended by clause and this was sustained by Judge Casstls who- held the lumber to be dutiable This probably both- surprised and disappointed the government Now the appeal has been heard with the obvious intention of upsetting the Exchequer Courts decision the gov ernment dropped out Just at the time when they should have taken interest in alleviating the hard ships of the western settlers they washed their hands the whole af fair and retired leaving the fight to You Can Save Money By Buying From Us Full Line V Electric Supplies Paints Oils Glass Etc 1 j j A W ALLAN COMPANY E W M ARKET Fall Goods Arriving fc 9 in Table l Toronto Jobbing Bouse NEWMARKET 1 I I jcI i ft i a 1 I Sold By DUNCAN Jr The Cents Outfitter so Headquarters for HighClass Gents Furnishings Boots Shoes i 1 I An Empress is the to shoes that are assist people in walk were bom to walk A study a a at 1 design Store Wr ind leaving the flght to Era to absent Eta Druggist Newmarket rival lumber J NSWHARKElJ I ARCHIVE ONTARI