Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1912, p. 2

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LSI For Sale A AW 39 NVwmket to Better i dthU ago In in conation Council Real Instate Agent i House For Sale New Modem Brick corner and Ave- Hot air Latins end open Terms easy STOOD ART 1 Wanted A ioan with Horse and l collect cream from farmers in the country Steady Job for this year Apply to MAPIKCRKAMKUY Elizabeth St Toronto- 1000 I For Private Sale Piano Cass Organ nearly new Parlor Cook Stove cod or wood Bedroom Suite the evening Timothy St unloading coal Meter Co 3d water me ters Duty on Same Printing Ac r Card of Thinks To the and members of type Newmarket Tent beg 10 thank you or your prompt payment on the the late Henry Brown Wishing you eve ry success Yours truly MRS BROWN CHIROPRACTOR Will be at the KINO Every Tuesday Thursday and to pm Diseases adjusted from spine Call And I will explain how it will Regular Monday eve- ecTo feoWs good The payers of boating tiit have been by Corporation jrors And tad not been for from tear becoming the County North would hare been tbrmed ah County in when a Wad or In the by the Had the measure been allowed to York today probably bo payibg about less Cimnty tax that the are being called upon to contribute now anV I money hey would pay would bo spent In the Hiding Instead rosto And ad it was a quarter a ago so It is to day In so far as the attitude of Toriioto Is In rtnd the following The County Council acting on hint Hon J to get together with the city In le to fbeiiYaliitcAancn the Court House met tbis ami indulged In a lot City Council said would not City Councii ebikped the proposed so that the halation wiU not ilk beW fiveyear and so that the arbitrators will effect ttlp expired m Mr Irwin Ross is Visit Co rents 35 wcend in tan Til Hoy Ml for Toronto Johns Manville Co uppies last week to attend Medjoal a- Simpson and fain- 1 Co over Sunday at i Marion Hill iiv P JaBt aJUPrnoop from on friends In town I last week Mrs May tecs to Market Mrs on of Pay A Ww Oct Sheet il00 Yes and up their simpletons City authorities a apply in your case I WANTED One Ton of Cream Daily FOR CHURNING Highest Market Price Paid THE MAPLE CREAMERY Butter and Ice Cream Mfg Elizabeth St Toronto sleeves at allow themselves About as scarcely rth York now pays the allotment tor the judicial expenses County would meet nearly the entire expenditure or all County purposes of an county Notice moved- from the Northend to three doors south of King George Hotel I wish to the public that I am still prepared to buy old Metal Rubber Rags iop- and Brass also of all Anyone having anything in this line to dispose oi just wop a card and will call Main St Newmarket It Looks Like a Railway Scandal possibly Cochrane Minister of Railways and may be abb to give some plausible for changed to on the National Railway curved lowering of bridges and even partially Ailed cuts as publicly charged Iby Hon Graham and Mui but so far these have not This gives a Applications for water granted to A and A Avails Si Applications far electric current granted to Clou ftt Main and Queen St Application A to his water connection referred to A Com Communication from T to rental land referred to the Mayor Mr Abbot askwl for adjustment his which was the Finance Com The Finance Com as Rebate of 1330 on Miss house Rebate of Mrs lot sold to School N0vehand in assessment Mr property report the Finance Commit tee was adopted The P A Com was authorised to purchase 150 ft hew hose a lan terns and hose and al so to the support on the ft ladders Council NOTICE A meeting to take into consider ation the advisability or forming a Co to take over all Bury ing Grounds now under the care Friends and other hi this vicinity Will be held the fichool Room of Friends Meeting House Newmar ket on OCT A PHILLIPS J A CODY It interested kindly been forthcoming look to the situation and sec as to justify the assertion that Do interests are For Sale A Frame House close to the Cor poration limits wliere can enjoy all the advantages of the town at a low rate ot taxation This is prac tically a bouse well built and containing rooms Bathroom porch ano closets It is well located overlooking the town on a lot but with good new Stable and Henhouse A very comfortable home- Price Apply to Real Estate Office Main Street being sacrificed advantage A recent press foreshadows Canadian Pacific suited in wrcckin party or private from Ot- that just as the scandal of the ohn A donaM that day so may the emerging I scandal touching the tlie National manoeuvring of Railways private interests ay under the oi the Hon collusion with existing Those famil iar with the political history of the country in the seventies know perfectly well that campaign funds and corporation were the Wanted Operators hand sewers end girls to learn sewing mens coats J ABBOTT Clothing Factory Newmarket To Rent Comfortable Cottage on farm on St Rent free to man and wife willing to help housework and chores Other work to be bad in neighborhood Apply to Box Newmarket chief factors great scandal of so now under the tive Government a resulted the and present the Dominion ca- MORTGAGE SALE FARM PROPERTY Under the Power Sale pitol history seen a to be repeating itself Tho cliangis of grade above the maximum tourtenths as speci fied in the Act oil Parliament pro viding for the construction of the above railway and to adhered to under the late Lauder naturally of course to get in detail A known leak or open protest from an official would mean dismissal All the same the op en charges made by Hon P Gra ham and Hon Sir Murphy respect ing changes grades etc during the recent political tour of Sir have not been publicly de nied and as an Ottawa New Store Si W produced at the time sale there t practi the Laurier plans to I ii will bo tor by public Auction by Mr Frank Duncan at the KING GEORGE HOTEL Newmarket on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1st At the hour of one oclock In the af ternoon in one parcel the South West Corner or South West Quar ter Lot Number Two in the Sc- Concession of the Township East property contains about fifty acres and is about seven miles from Newmarket and 3 miles from Vivian on th Midland Railway and Is to have erected a two storey frame dwelling house about 30 and a frame x GO The soil is a loam is dry and rolling The property will be sold subject to a reserved Ten per cent of the purchase money must paid down at the time the sale and the in thirty days thereafter est Full particulars and conditions- sale will bo made known at the time sale and may be obtained in the nieanUme at the office the Vend ors Solicitors McCarthy Vendors Solicitors BUILDING make road unrivalled on the con tinent in respect to enginuVhaulago and cheapness operation handling western exports and Im ports between Winnipeg and the are becoming apparent The evidence of is or less is none the less conclusive i It is in view going that one the first acts present Minister of Hallway and Canals was to make the National TransContihental Commission a one- following this we have the increasing of tho rail way grades on the east ot Cochrane the of which will be to divert the traffic which would go to Quebec and the Maritime Pro vinces and make it come via the em- A Northern Ontario to Bay to the seaboard via the lines The Hon Minister may bo able to glv parlia ment some plausible reason this to the present friends have gard thereto a be In session how ever and no dout the poli cy be fully dic F has opened up a store THREE DOORS SOUTH of KING GEORGE HOTEL and will keep on hand a full assortment of Dry Goods Ladies Gents and Childrens Clothing Boots Shoes Call andsce where You Can Save Money by spending it buying your supplies from me We also keep on hand an as sortment of Oil paintings ready framed P LANDS AND TOWNSITES u Por dale Mrs larbutt and son of spent a days last week with Mrs Mrs Mrs of York Mills spent over at Mrs J Collins Mr Mrs Li Jackson at- teudtjJ tio Musical hi Toronto last Monday night and Mrs attended a nieeting of County Miss sang at a Con cert given by tfc Comity of Association at Wiaira Kails last night Baker who went an operation la Western Is doing nicely and expects to be home soon Rev J Simpson has re- from the Carle- ton St Methodist Church Toronto to become their pastor nest year Mr Oliver Daniel who was his brother Mr Joshua Oliver of was friends town on Tuesday on way Mr Edward who has chased a business in Toronto moving there about the last No vember and therefore is ottering his house for Rev Spencer of who preached in the Methodist Chyrch here last Sunday was the guest Mr and Mrs Willis during his stay in town s of New York was hi Town on Tuesday on his way home from Sutton wliere he bad been call ed in consult a lion over Ms sister the late Mrs Scott Miss Marguerite- Montgomery daughter of Mr T H Montgomery Pa who has been visiting relatives town tor the two months left for her home on Wed nesday Miss Vesta eldest daughter Mr Geo A ThouHson is in Ue city undergoing treatment for her- eyes a trouble which has been causing very severe headaches for months Mr and Mrs I S Rose- of New market Ont announce the engage ment of their only daughter Carrie to Dr amount Al bert Out The will take place the latter part of the month Mr and Mrs It Mrs Mr and Mrs R and Mr and Mrs A took in Festival at the Arena in Toronto oh Wednesday night Mr A returned on Wednesday from boston Mass wliere he was summoned to attend the fu neral of a cousin who stricken with appendicitis was buried on the day that had been set for his wedding- Monday last Since writing the letter for tho Era about a month ago Miss Chris tina Henderson informs us that die been placed on theipeosion list of the Union Telegraph Co on account ill health she having been in the employ of the Co over years Mr and Mrs announce engagement of their Edna Alice daughter and Mrs J H Pringle to Mr Norman St Miller Toronto i son of Colonel and- Mrs J Miller Pe- marriage will Hake place the last week of October Last Wednesday was the an niversary of the rectorship Rev Canon of Christ Church Mlmlco Service was held In church when the Lord Bishop of the diocese preached Rev Canon Tre was statrioned at St Pauls a number years and was a popular clergy man Hare you Or Stock of New and READYTOWEAR ae mining rare treat Bettor Come It ToDay We Have Assembled this season thp of New Kail ReadyTo Good wo have ever show and the largest and in The Variety New Styles Fabrics Shade and Is Simply and permits of the possible of In order to give the Stylelevers this- section the opportunity to get a full seasons of tie New Styles we have marked them LOW PRICKS that make it an advantage for every woman to Supply Her Kali Nerds Right Now OU ARE A lot ready to buy come the Variety the choice of Styles and the Low prices and you are ready to buy youll know where to go CO M E Showing of Misses s Jackets Goats Manufactured by The Cloak Co The Cloak Co make a specialty of Misses out are Misses Coats ages to tlatt Made by- the Cloak Co of Toronto j Are captivating than ever with their Collars Rich Rough materials and Swagger mannish lines These lines were made ex pressly for our own trade and to pur Special Order by the Canada Cloak Co The Styles are the newest best and most practical and the values are simply Prices to -V- Dawson Manor St Sept to Mr and Mrs fiasii a son Marsh Mount Albert on Sunday Oct ftth to Mr and Mrs Thos Allison a son On October at the Cottage Hospital Toronto to the Rev and Mrs o Au rora a son Calvary on Sept to Mrs lormerly New market a daughter ALTAR RACINIOLOGANIn Newmarket on Oct by Rev Father Whitney Mitt Mary Logan Owen Sound to Mr Rudolph Ra cine of Newmarket Wednesday Oofc by the Rev S Ethel May only daughter Mr and Mrs J P Hunter to William Robert both of Toronto RARKIORnOADWAYAt the resi dence of the brides parents on Oct 1912 by Rev Sinclair of Sutton Mr Elgin J Barker to Miss Ada I Headway both of but up some of his poll doubts In will Farm t a bam an addition 18 i On the Lands and lots in the following lo calities Western towns and cities and nonirrigated lands this is the locations of P ir rigation dam over a mile long ALTASUBDIVISION now on sale include P R oar shop city Sunalto land and others CORONATION properties KERROBERT properties SWIFT CCRRENT SASK site properties THB CRADLE Thursday Oct 2nd Dr Burns Hospital to Mr and Mrs Antrim nee Vera Montgomery a son MONTGOMEUYAV Ont on Oct to Dr and Mrs Montgomery nee Miss Bea trice McCallum a son SMITHIn East on Oct 2 to Mr and Mrs Archie SnJth daughter CALDWELL A4J the home of the brides on Sept by the Rev Jay T Stocking Frederick hardt to Dorothy Grace eldest daughter jot Herbert Caldwell eldest son the late Alex Caldwell of Newmarket all ot Mass TUB TOMB the family residence Lot Con King Grace d ot tho late Neil chy Funeral on Monday at King Ceme tery GROCERY WE MAKE i ECIALTY Both Foreign and Domestic OUR TEAS GO Are Sure to Please you Try a pound and be convinced- S MCGAULEY Our No it if I tV I in i Hi nil A with 35 Must taken down at once bit need not I be re moved till Can he had very reasonable Apmy to SULLIVAN state gent Newmarket Ont AND SELECTED P FARM lands in the Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY to Agent p LAND PEP Newmarket i THE LEADING can bay Fornitnre Cheap For Cash i UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at John and SI SCOTT At Sutton West on Octo ber Mrs Henrietta Louise Scott beloved Mr Walter Scott and daughter of the late J A of New market ROBINSONOn September in Whitchurch Hannah Robinson in her year wife ot Mr S Robinson 1 the residence of his daughter Mrs L loser at Arden Del USA on the wyiiam Brothers aged years months j i BASK IT NORTH will I V J i i DRUGS PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson B i J STREET Vi NEWMARKET Ant for and Photo SuppHet Chocolatee Weakly TELEGRAPH OFFICE No Store Phone No Mount Albert on Sunr Oct Agnes Jane beloved wife of Albert aged 36 years and months Interment Monday in Albert Cemetery on Oct Robert Srigley- on- the lips does not core hatred In the Religion tias o home in who not mow his religion at home V i- i The noblest work often lies near est We can do more to lead men Into- goodness by virtuous example than in any other wayDaviea For Sale or to Rent Combined store and dwelling house InMt Albert next door to Dominion Bank first class business location For further particulars apply to MISS LEEK Lock Box Albert it fc V v -Vi- t mm iBSSSS ARCHIVES OF TORONTO rtfcfn tfc vg

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