feci called upon lo the remarkable ami results I have had from i Aug much been said and written about that it might But were so beneficial to when I suffered with distressing Dyspepsia that I feel called upon inform you of pat is factory Wing them a everyone knows can give you more uncomfort able hours and days than most common complaints I am clad to tie able to say to you that although past I Suffered excruciating agony with Dyspepsia lam now in perfect health accomplished the desired result and have to thank them for my very favorable and satisfactory tale of health STIRLING Why dont von try a box tor trial size At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa TO VANDdRP A grand concert under auspices of the Institute was held in the Mali or The following talent PttHfi grew Toronto Mr Bain Auroral Miss so loist Aurora Miss soloist Aurora Miss elocutionist Miss trice pianist Aurora And that you may profit giving properties the tested famous family rem TERRIBLY INFLAMED IN PIUS Harvest A in After teak- purchases and paying bills she foUnd her roll bills had diSaBani the where purchases raid wow visited and Search made without iMih l1k let horse was tied Was visited no Presbyterian took on better sonic iWson Wednesday last and although the somewhat Ore church Was ailed program which was of a high order was by Miss and Messrs rtoulderiAhdTornchV of Toronto and of gave Short- address Dr I Ms the chair A was held on when good program was OAK gifted the Which she done and to heat deMjtht he Was the ft had left by hint KlNti CITY appeals the list are not to cities by ttd fact that iff King where of will be conducted by Morgan on Monday October there in the annual Harvest Thanssftiving Township alone Court wilt sit in services at Johns King City at Armstrongs Hotel Oak on Wednesday evening September was church Riled attended The 4 em- commencing oclock in the mot it- ami It Is expected to he art alt job I fc New House for Sale In connection inquire Prospect Ave of For Sale li of Toronto delivered most impressing sermon from of the Ten Lepers ingraii- VJPi andHs in the sight Of God Miss of jhom the Soloist SVtYfV beautifully special set- tine of Jesus Lover of Soul j race Gordon was visiting her The church was beautifully decorated parents Pine Orchard last for the occasion Mr Alfred had to lose one of his horses from last Friday The secretary and directors of Agricultural hold- Society now have everything in tltcir school fair pm for the fair to be held in the Oct Professor of 10th and of October lOuelpb ot and A quite but pretty wedding took High gardens will be in at- place on Wednesday when public School intend One top boggy one cutter one sot of single harness all in first class repair Apply to Robert Cot cor ner of Queen and Niagara streets Newmarket tendance school consider them- jBrydon daughter Mrs John seres fortunate in don was to Mr For Sale curing as s ley of parties one of the busiest of popular residents of Brick in the growing which was The ceremony Town of Newmarket- f l fig VS corner Main and Water Streets veryi and has been watched with in- Head in the presence a few 6tri had been for some time with mud Urine I was constantly passing nler which very as many As tunes day Bach the pain Awful and no rest at heard of your GIN decided to them a trial at once sent my and I am pleased to you that In less than felt relief two the had left entirely I loot half a bo and today I weft ever hud kidneys are Sip the Irritated bladder heal the sick weale a both vital orgaui Money if they rait Joe a for ftftin pie free It you write National unUlicMucal Co Of Canada Limited Toronto Oldest City In the World oVvOnia Asia Uiaor tha Wstlnctlon archaeological Sir William Ramsay iho oldest city in world to be city of or as Is today The modern has very to interest traveler and I know of no place la ail Asia Minor has loft more abiding impression uponroy this city- Our bo auto Was in tor The snow was piled high in Soma the street A i the wind blow shrill and gustily through narrow alleys a or two of warm con tended with the north wind for mastery and changed aspect ot things evCn this forbidding season The city derived Its from or images of mud which according to ancient legend of the place made by Pronietheus and- Athens at the command of who after the great flood caused the winds to blow upon tho and they became living men women Thus according to this tradition Iron in was first place settled after the But the traditions of place go back even beyond flood to the time of King who was told by oracle that he died there should come a mighty deluge in which lion Geo for North a Dominion left the Old y to atWnd of Ihe misntoa ant be till corner atone of the new was laid onrtiday by lion Dr of in aWloople when will an ailwii over a at on Addaidti street laS of Club was sboi andVoierai the and tho t4o re- for a the Of man Wlm Ihroufth Iho city to the KihaatV On flVeyeard for norire-sical- of Was the P- the Hospital week Aldritbhlna to the notice Board of days ago the city tlai future decides some pok icy regarding the line In East Toronto the franchise of which 15 ihitt great danger distrlet being prlvel facilities who visited the fruit market a Jew days ago dis gust at the filthy conditions of place It towards Janu ary and irQVIJniilnj show id A Range ahouldbc a investment twi guaranteed The Pandora Is guaranteed by dealers as well as by the makers simply be- cause they that it will give utter satis faction Con you wonder that So many people buy in Art for la all loo Street USA Ivan A 1 A ill t l I nlalkQ Of I Haw York Of StaNrTC Sold by A ALLAN CO House Organ Sale Cheap oond Hand bub In good order Hat several slops ami adapted for use in a Sunday Time given for part luy- it on approve note Apply at this t 1 -L- LOSING OK re Tlifce firemen are in St Hospital from two others are also more or badly bruiski as a result of a which did at oW building Bay street ate evening The accident cured when of was being second storey and the ladder to which the were cling ing broke into several pieces Miss Florence Chatters district nurse Children was present ed a Jew days ago with a motor car by Mr J Robertson- the Chairman of the Hospital Trust The gift means a lot to the little patients who have passed through the hos pital and also the parents cost Toronto iio to send Mayor and- City Treasurer to the Old Country during th mean of spoiling our capacity for things is by paying too of them and- the otter Is net wouch employees in a factory are j mrsOall given to eat all J the sweets they not a- proof of benevolence on the If You in a TOWN CRT AWAY PROM IT V1LL YOU of the proprietor It is only long- headed business economy l is taken advantage of so that after a week or I wo r never wishes Electric Restorer lor Men a chocolate drop Yiuf on the other hand our faculty j of enjoyment may die tor of body eauil tafiakatSS V now Pike or two fat nutrition It is said of a great hSoonirm scientist that- when he was a Co at small toy he showed marked musical rri w ability but destiny turned him hereby given that lire and his of the of in married all men should perish Thereupon summer when instead of selling about bonds as expected suitable for a Roche doctor Co Price 3 New Brick Houses On Ave for rale Two are at present occupied and the other one be ready shortly All modern Apply to Isaac Rose or French Al- Sale Brick Houses on Park Ave conveniences also one frame house on Elm St For terms apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Cor Victoria and Park Ayes Farm tor Sale HA Acres the Choicest Land in Township Whitchurch east of Aurora on leading road delivery and telephone Good buildings about GO young bearing ap ple trees together with small fruits Price right for quick sale J AS BROTHERS Aurora Farms for Sale creased interest by the surrounding and very intimate friends community Various will be The bride was given away by her awarded to the school children mother After the ceremony the Trustees and parents of other sections quests sat down to supper At are invited to attend Mr ami Mrs spent a alout 1 pm the happy couple were j ushered into the waiting automobile and were showered with confetti not to mention a collection of boots etc as is usual on such occasions They to the city they ho called all the people together to great temple and cried- so and with such a flood tears in which his Phrygian sub jects joined that the Weeping in time of became a among the Greeks Of later days The Golden Age of how ever both commercially and colly was not in time of Nan or oven of St Paul couple of weeks lisrttag hVbVotner the city they of Marys feg and visitmg friends in Toronto JHg J in the twelfth the weather was very The brides fourteenth centuries favorable on the ladies a rich white Koala the capital ot the pow- Methodist Church realized with pearl in which empire of The city dollars with Harvest very- beautiful Her go- was made so splendid is Home Festival tingaway costume was a tailormade beautiful buildings of with hat to match While few guests were present many and costly wero the wedding gifts from their numerous friends After the honeymoon Mr and Mrs will reside in their new residence on Church street A very charming wedding was cele brated at the home of Mr Ezra Baker Hill on Wednesday when their only daughter Edna Gertrude Was united in marriage to Mr Morgan linker of Baker Hill Their pastor Clarke Kendry performed the cere mony friends and tela- of the young people were pres ent to express good will Many handsome presents graced the occa sion They took the pm train for Tor and the west for a Woks travel- We all join in wishing them bos 11 I the Town Real Estate Office get Prices on Large Number Uptodate Houses with 11 Modern A Snap Houses at a Bargain our Prices on a of Lots for Sale Buy Town Houses at this also rent houses Agent for Atlas Fire Insurance Co SO Acre Farm for Sale This one of the choicest fifty farms In the township being the West bait of Lot 16 in 2nd Con cession miles north of A good rough cast dwelling house Bank barns with first Pig n implement houses fences are good and land is la state of cultivation lots of waters Also thirty acres of pasture and bush land Will sell both together or in separate parcels WRIGHT Holland Landing Farm for Sale AOKOHA On October Aurora will celebrate anniver sary of the opening their by a big public meeting in the Mechanics Hall It expected that Grand Master British America as well as many other prominent men will be present The Harvest Home reunion of the members of Trinity Church Aurora and St Johns Church Oak nidges was held on Trinity Hall on Friday evening with a splendid attendance the rector presiding The gathering was a purely social one in its charac ter ami a most delightful informal m was rendered by Mrs Pice Miss Marjory Willis Mrs Jos Pain and the members Trinity Church Choir Refreshments scried after the progcam brought to a close a most enjoyable evening Positive Clutch and Works Company own four acres and one halt on west side of the Grand Trunk Railway south of Met- calf street and it was thought by the council as well as the Collie Cocker- ill Company it the Pulley Company would dispose of half their that would be the best place for the new company to locate after talking the matter over an amicable agree ment was arrived at by which the Collie Cockerlll Company will take the southern hall of the property and Complete Trent Valley Canal In Three Years Lindsay Sept Mr Burn- ham MI of Petertoro in company with- Chief Engineer and Superintendent of the rent Valley Canal reached Lindsay today on a tour of inspection Mr Burn- ham said he intended to do all he could to Gave this great of lake traffic completed throe years and consequently urge the members representing the ridings along the canal to force their claims before the Government Contracts already entered into have been stand ing for some time should be com pleted on pain of forfeiture says Mr It is understood that the canal will be deepened to depth of nine feet palaces mosques and that proverb arose and lasted long among Turks See all world see Kohia A factory to produce artificial has established at the port at the mouth of tho North Sea Canal It is said that tho company instituting this factory has succeeded In producing a substance having the qualities of and also certain special ad vantages over genuine rubber process is a secret but the principal ingredient of the pro duct said to bo fresh sea fish which brought to Ymulwden in vast quantities by the Dutch fish ing fleets According to report per cent of natural rubber Is added to the fish and the result Is a substance as flexible and elas tic as rubber but much cheaper about as to in price compar ed with real rubber NOT LICBNSKD The farmers of Erin township are shipping potatoes in large quantities The price past week has been cents per bag London Sept The Grand Trunk flyer the International Limit ed duo here at pm was wreck ed five miles west of Chatham this evening and though the train was heavily laden and was travelling at perhaps fortyfive miles an hour there is but one person that Is believed to be fatally injured This is Miss daughter Mr A M Thames street Chatham who is suf fering from serious injury to the spine She is In the General pital at Chatham with half a dozen others who are less seriously injured Altogether about twenty persons wer hurt mostly from flying glass iH 1 About more or less ot Lot Con factory there and the J being the late James farm There is a good barn with Cement foundation and stabling wa ter all the year Fences lair and soil a loam All workable or pasture land except a small maple bush Also about acres of lot No Con East on the skating rinV now stands This block of land will divide up into sev eral choice village Jots For particulars sale apply to Mrs James PO or to- her Solicitor Newmarket pulley Company give com pany a right of way orer their pro perty Mr was hero on Wednesday morning and looked the location over Plans and specifica tions are preparc4 for the new factory and tenders will be asked in a lew days tor the erection of the factory As previously staled factory is to be by feet tour a or In fact almost a duplicate ot new tannery with theexceptton it will be higher as the ceilings be higher A lady from the country who had came into town on Thursday roll of bills In to purchase If once a- man keeps a dog and takes out a license the authorities regard thorn liable to pay the tax for rest of his natural life Con sequently it is no unusual clrcuni- for a householder who at some remote time was the owner of a dog to somewhat early in the year somewhat curt note from the local reminding him that he has not renewed his A friend of mine once received an communication requesting his to the that- his dog license had expired But the authorities were rather taken aback when the addressed slmpy wrote across the face of the So has the dog and returned it BRIKFS had to obtain a loan for a year ow ing to the market being unfavorable Two riilc matches were held at the Long Branch- Ranges on Saturday be tween companies of the High landers both of which were by Company A under Capt McGregor A Polish wedding up en avenue last Saturday evening ended in a row Web the police stepped in to quell the disturbance a room with people who had kegs of beer bottles ml gin and quarts of wine wOuder they had a row closed for several months for decoration the Church of the Redeemer street was re opened on Sunday- His Lordship the Bshrij of Torlhito on he occasion lames ol Vine street was struck by a Belt Line car on Satur day evening and seriously injured At tempts to board moving cars cause many an accident that discretion would avoid Richard Is now under arrest on a charge of bigamy Torontos net debt is given ly the City Treasurer to amount to Against this debt Toronto has assets in property valued at J Morality Department was cen sured somewhat from a couple of pulpits last Sunday evening Robert Slater a colored jockey got six months In the Central for steal ing at the recent Woodbine races Sunday was observed as rally day in practically every Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday School in the City Many of the schoolrooms were beautifully decorated Groat preparations are being made for the Musical Festival to be held in the Arena next week Markham Old Boys of the city pro pose going out to Markhom Fair on Friday 4th in a body is- said number will exceed one AUTHORITY A little lad was desperately ill but refused to take the medicine the doc tor prescnlUd His mother finally gave up Oh my boy will die my boy will die 1 she sobbed Presently a voice piped lip from the bed DonH cry mother Father will be home soon and hell make me hake it National Monthly entirely difiereht and his musical taste atrophied When he Toronto in the County York was a nan of fifty he had the of Ontario 16 enjoy music or to understand woman will apply to the The harmonies of the finest orchestra Canada at the next sessions there- no more than the clam- of or a Bill Jot Divorce from her or shop Daniel Anderson rend- people who devote themselves at the- City of in the to a time lose County ofork the Province ot through surfeit And those who Ontario on the ground of adultery ptstpone enjoyment till they grown rich or famous lose the fa culty through lack of nutrition To much too little the result Is the same irretrievable loss Verdigris on metal c removed by rubbing with a dipped in ammonia St Thomas The main building of the apple evaporator at Sparta owned by vYilson Mills was burned early yesterday morning Loss insurance SI St Catharines Sept A accident befell Irwin Walton six vearoM son Charles Walton Port this morning when he was crushed beneath a huge water lank containing three tens of water which Dated at Toronto in the Province of Ontario the day April A 1912 GODFREY AN HENDERSON Adelaide street West Toronto Ontario solicitors lor Frances And soft rag son NOTICE is hereby given that Min nie Edna of the City of To ronto in County of York the Province of Ontario will apply to the Parliament of Canada at tie next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Pen of the said city To ronto on the ground ot cruelty adultery Dated at Toronto in trie Province of Ontario this day of villaet a traction along with others was plying MINNIE ED A on the top of the tank and fell to by Coatsworth ft Tbe wheels passed over Continental Life him crushing his chest and breaking 157 Bay street Toronto both legs Little recovery Solicitors for the applicant is held out 1SwW THERE CAN BE NO SYRUP SO PURE AND WHOLESOME AS Dr M Indian Root puis are not a new and untried our grandfathers used them Half a century before Confederation they were on sale in nearly every drug or general store In the Canada of that day and were the In thousands of homes for Constipation Indigestion Biliousness Rheumatism and Kidney and Liver Trouble To day they are just as effective just as reliable as ever- and nothing better has yet been devised to Cure Common 111 to Rent In Ban Toronto Building Many a live wire gets short circuit ed The works of the Most High are his best works Cheer up I If you have you cant lose We all like to bo good to ourselves but dont know how every chance you can get provided you get it honestly People who arc easy to live with are Jewels and should treasured People who make a show on cred it seldom make creditable showing Some are sure they will find in heaven because they are sleepy in church Toe fellow who wont spend his money tor his vacation Is saving it for the undertaker Bad habits cost money but are men who seem to think they are worth the price H takes more than a coat to prevent neighbors from getting a glimpse family skeletons JUST TRY A TIN FROM YOUR returned if not entirely Every tin absolutely guaranteed by Sugtrt Canneu FOB MOW BY CODY NEWMARKETf BOSWORTH NEWMARKET ft OIL for DOMESTIC vl had tame into lown on jiinillHMls rfUUl 6 a a I i roll ol skeletons m as possible tor two taoii t bet Bank Toronto Building hours Repeat every has trie idea painting the lower cellar step white if your cellar Is dark thereby pre venting mishaps and also with Reeling for last step as you go down the house is infested with ants dip a sponge into sweetened water and lay they can get at lt- Tney will soon cluster upon It and the sponge ban then be dropped into hot water Old hairbrushes which be come soft can be made quite hard- and firm by dipping them in a strong so lution of alum Put a little alum in some Hot water A pennyworth of alum last for months purify tb air a cellar and deatroy parisKical growth place- some roll a pan fire to and close the doors and windows as tightly as possible tor two Repeat every tliiee f Sits EG 93 fflsiA fi rv ARCHIVES OF TORONTO GWi