Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1912, p. 4

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wo 1 WOMANS MOST MEDICINE v Known All Over World Known Only For Good It Has Done i know no other medicine which been In relievlag the aofferinrof women or received genuine testimonials us Vegetable Compound In nearly ever community find women who have been restored health by this famous medicine very woman you knows of at good It has doing among suf fering women for the riaat SO years Fox Creek have always had pains In the abdomen and a weak ness and often after jneals a sore ness my pound has done me much good cm stronger digestion is and I can work with ambition encouraged a y mothers of families to take It as it the Policy of rVtr rowers sent ihc following from iHtJstfV Curry of then session at ripminlqijl- for kief and clearly Indicate that liberal policy trade and Ike as advocat ed iastcJcction force to day There is no mistaking underlying Erins- the Western prainRTowcrs wire says no brainpowers to know if lion Wilt join annas in ah effort to bind the motherland by urging the to redw the tariff 4A1 ors to that charged imports free trade with the bi ion years Tlie feel that this be a tangible form at showing ttieir patriotism and would a givatcf trade with the mirth and the of and show the world that loyalty to the mother land is abiding and not mere ly ft would also sliow the world Canada behind the motherland to uphold the tradition of the race thy Union lack proud foe a thousand years Huch an would also be Undoubted A bite of thai all day tha I your healihy by taking a after f jA are best frlehos fer from and dyspepsia Wo a at your Made Drug and Chemical Co d Creek In the Laboratory at Lynn Mass are files containing hundreds of thousands of letters from women seek ing health In which many openly over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking E Vegetable Compound many of whom that it has saved from surgical operations ABOUT YOUR TEETH you kindly bring tho matter before your annual convention now in at Ottawa ascertain if the to join bauds with the graingrowers in this great imperial scheme Declining Rural Population 11 were very fortunate having a One day last about an attendance of I si tort who appeared to great pleaaate in v u-iiiiij- the In the Aurora Hand alto pres ent and an abundance murfo number and amusements wore Im the air mi too cool r to do a- rushing business Among isj on the grounds were Messrs T y Mri Reeve of J- Secretary ot of tletk treasurer North Wm- Secretary ot of North Aurora The wai a Rood average- The entries efc larger In every Class than las Year with the election of Ladles Work ibo of horses Oft the whole ftcets awl ore to be on their suecesa ate as A J Hall a Mile beats 186V HACK botes The statLstles supplied Era weeks ago In these In rural population In Wok have received much consideration from the public and the press to figures the Globe says editorially a the philosophy of the- Jay trade runs the idea CollinsHud r that the ft3 much CollinsSpears from taxes as the town rush of population to the cities under a tariff that manufacturing provides a home market at high Ray Taylor Little Dot prices tor all the farmer can raise and induces him strive for the greatest it Gertie possible output If that theory is son miles RUNNING RACK they out over Dent tews hasty Dome and us They MAY be Avect the hi yeu nothing DrLGXHOMSON SUCCESSOR TO NEW YORK DENTISTS The annual report for ol the Imspcetor of Asylums of Ontario states that the total insane idiotic and epileptic in the Province Is a small reduction from previous year 1 in I OVERLAND j The Loudon Rug Times paid the tribute to the Sir belonged to a type none too common and extremely rare in a new country Although a man wealth and re finement he threw ease to the winds and devoted himself to polities with a disinterestedness energy and per severance which neither the bitterness of Canadian life nor the series of defeats could lessen by a OVERLAND NOW ON VIEW Better than ever 30 P passenger P Passenger All fully equipped and guaran teed It is given out at the Parliament Buildings that the Special Commit tee of the appointed last session to consider the question of Assessment and suggests amendments to improve the Assessment Act will not meet until the middle- Novem ber The Provincial Secretary Hon is Chairman of this Committee We ore that tho Committee will receive deputa tions and listen to proposals to the law with view of preparing a draft Mil in the hope of thereby avoiding a lot of unnecessary committee work when the House meets Delivered Toronto and Warlord Motor Trucks SHAWOVERLAND SALES CO to Adelaide St West Bags and Valises Re paired on Shortest Notice All Kinds of Stable Kfept in Stock HARNESS Your Horse needs a New Harness which will Improve his add to his Va luewhich will give your Outfit that Smart UpToDativeness that Distinguishes all Our Goods We use only the Best Leather and Our Prices are Reasonable REPAIRING A SPECIALTY No Job too Large or Small Receive our Attention Write or Call Now J DIX and Collar Maker Main Strset Newmarket Here is some data that will he of interest to our Methodist readers From figures just compiled by the church authorities it is given tut that Metftodist Church In Canada is contriving to mission work The Increase over last veal the expansion of the fund had hot kept with the last seven years The increase for 1909 and amounted to nearly annually but in 1911 it dropped to 113141 The Toronto Conference gave the sum of with the Hamilton Confer ence second totalling Moid toba showed the greatest increase ambunting to Six conferences showed an increase over last year and six showed a decrease A press despatch from Ottawa while tike Canadian Manufacturers Association was holding Its Conven tion in the city last week was quite outspoken on some matters and made declarations calculated to cause our lawmakers to sit up and loke no tice The despatch says Unjust i and thoroughly unsatisfac tory was the verdict of the Par liamentary Committees report on the system of business taxes in On tario as presented to the Association at the Convention on the Hep- ufacturing element of the towns that Umber committee further far protection accorded based upon the truth the rich agricul tural townships around Toronto should show extraordinary advances The home market is at their doors its demand is insatiable Yet do we fiid Steady increase popu lation The land cut up lute small biddings ami so worked as to pro duce as much as it is of pro ducing Not at all showing thd population of the townships of County indicate that there has been a very marked decrease during the past forty years The following ta ble gives the population of the town ships of York since Townships 19 Georgia 1309 1558 331 1730 Whitchurch It may said that improvement in the methods and machinery fanning have greatly lessened he need for manpower on the farm during forty years and that the people now in town ship exclusive of Markbam village are produoing more food that the of No one who knows the actual condition of affairs in Ontario will give credence to such an assertion What is true of York county is true of all Ontario The laud is not yielding anything like the quantity of produce it could be made to yield without for sample and sufficient reason that there are not Peo ple to do the necessary work Why is it that almost within sight of this huge home market of toronto population of the eight rural towuehips York has declined from In to in Wilt Three causes have been at work the glamor of the opening up of great areas of free land in the West where tins farm l could become his own employer and the fis cal system that encourages city growth at the expense the growth of the country The boasted home market has not compensated the farm er for Increased prices he to pay for everything he buys His surplus products after ho the home consumer have still to be sold In the form of bacon and cheese and apples and cattle and rain in Hie open markets of the world at tree trade prices His economic handi caps are greater than his advantages chief reason for the very serious decline in the population of rural Ontario is to be found in fiscal system which pretends to protect farmer in his home market and him re turn a similar protection for the nian- I OR CANADIAN Brood More Imp Johnston I York Brood Mare Reg J Howard Foal Johnston 2nd R York Yearling Filly Johnston Filly 2 old Johnston Johnston Hull any tod CLASS 2nd J 1st by J I and J- and L COARSE- WOOL SMRRP Davidson Year Davidson Lamb- and 2nd Donald Da vidson 1st and 2nd Donald Yea Kw 1st Ija- and 2nd Oxford Aged F fiOadiftf Year J Kay and J Ky J Ky Year and id J J DOWNS Ram J Year Ram Ed JaT Ram ffid Age and Sad i ft Year 2nd and 2nd J Ram any Donald Pftlf Fat KhiiivJ fi 2nd Donald SWINE 11 2nd Eg Sow Island Kgo Sow Pig- J 3 wl Kgo The Resitiental District OF NEWMARKET CRE8ENT8 BOULEVARDS PARKS Tha New and SubDlvition between Queen and streeta of Avenue m Only Five to Sevea Minutes Walk from the Visit the Gardens Afternoon And hate wry payment plan do taxes a or call at Royal Hotel Building Main street Open FRANK J SULLIVAN NEWMARKET J OTHER BREEDS Boar Boar Pig A Sow Pig A Bacot Ego POULTRY DRAUGHT HORSES Brood Mare Evans 2nd Evans Yearling of Filly J 2nd Styles or Filly 2nd tv GENERAL PURPOSE HORSES Brood Morton Foal to Styles 2nd A tier Yearling Gelding or Chambers 2nd Khar or Filly 2nd Barker and T lor 2nd A Hamilton Taylor Barred Rocks Taylor 2nd Bunt 1st and 2nd White and 2nd S Taylor Brown Reid- 2nd Wheat Production in are if not value His nosed- the presence of an following table fclVes the 1613 three and a halt away wheat products not the I far made their gave tho signal hut the reports to the institute Including the In salinity of the water received In a Cablegram which was greatly reduced by the Prussia- a iii it received- to- da ma fta lis Of bush Tha Of S5t4l 38046 presence of the berg Bulgaria Denmark Spain Franca England Wales Italy 335041 Pt threshing of oats anil has On the irrigation blocks One farm gave to the acre and bushels of Wheal to the acre Fifty acres of oats on farms yielded 6C6 bushels which sold for over Russian Canada United States India Japan Egypt vv tit t-i- a 3399 90000 GET THE REST PAYS ELLIOTT J- I n a oWcge BT ONT The in to a for your work in Music High Coltegt and inspiring environ of 1 y I mode rate Every girl an ALMA training pro- to Principal Profitable Poultry Actual yield for four months from Dec Jan Feb Mar a record for winter lay ing through a severe which Is hard to Buy your eggs hatching a attain el Rhode Island Reds which without a peer ai table fowl and for Aubrey Davit Newmarket Ont brought In a recommendation urging the entire abpHtion of the lJSintss tax and an Increased assessment unimproved lands There is much truth In Hie fact presented that in proportion as property owners Im prove the appearance of their prem ises and thereby the health of the community their taxes and assess ment are being increased The Temperance and Moral Re form Committee of the Methodist Church at a meeting in the Metropo litan Church Toronto on passed the following resolution roouai touching the Abolish the liar That we rejoice in the increased interest being shown by public men and political parties at the present time in the cause temperance and prohibition especially commend that action of Mr KVC leader the in the Ontario Legis lature in the policy ol his party to be the abolition of the that wo pledge our hearty sup port In the carrying out this pol icy and all other policies tending to wards total prohibition which has been the policy of the Church or many ycats It be coming more and more apparent the time pasws that the question abolishing the bar jfrlfl Ontario to the rural population The in short makes it much easier earn money even by physical labor in the town than in the country- That is why York farms have a smaller popu lation than forty veers ago Womens headgear this fall ac cording to a fashion note is going to look more like a regular hat The ot freak fashions must have exhausted their ingenuity DYOLA Iff DYS cmo fcyWfcy rfoo fcT to know KIND CloOi 3 ft J for Color Or J Story Book ih of j color CCt ROADSTER HORSES Brood Mare J Foal J Cowiesou Gelding or Filly yrs old 2nd J Finn Yearling Gelding or Filly Stonehouse J Weir Roadster and burn M Roadster under 15JR 2nd W A Vallentyne Span In harness J Leaky CARRIAGE HORSES Brood Mare W J Kay Foal A 2nd J Key Two Year Scott 2nd Stonehouse 2nd SCOtt S Span in harness J IVancburd SPECIALS HORSES Draught Team A McMillan D R York Agricultural Team King General Purpose Team M Rut- ledge 2nd Horse A McMillan 2nd Smallwood Foal sired by Johnston Draught Foal Johnston 2nd T Huntley Mare or Gelding any age John Johnston Mare or Gelding for Delivery Chambers Sherman Saddle Horse Howard 2nd Al lan Styles Driver years old RuUedge Driver oldG 2nd J Finn Foal by son Mare or Gelding any age Carriage or Roadster J Kay Lady DriverMiss Way 2nd Mrs Trent Lady Rider Miss Stewart Gentlemans Turnout W thewson 2nd Hepburn Gent Rider Howard 2nd Allan Halter Broken FoalHarold Stone- house 2nd Aylmer Styles SHORT HORN CATTLE Aged Bull Scott Bull Lockie 2nd Scott Aged Cow L Scott 2nd J Howard Year Heifer Scott 2nd Yearling 2nd W Scott Heifer CaltWL Scott 2nd J Howard Totals Acoordiog to todays cablegram the production of wheat in the countries which have so far reported to the Institute is J per cent of tliat ot of rye in the countries repotted bushels or percent Black and 2nd T of last barley 1 174000 or Reid y per cent of last year oats 1 and 2nd or per cent of last i S Taylor 2nd F corn or per Bunt cent of last year- and 2nd S Taylor V K TORONTO is well known as the riaht place for superior business and shorthand education Positions worth SHOO and were recently filled by Us Write for catalogue Canadian Commissioner Detected an Over Three Allies Off Montreal Sept the steam- Black T 2nd Ego Bunt 2nd and 2nd Rhodo Reds 1st 2nd Bunt 2nd Edward arrived lo- Any Other Rocks WT AnconaF Bun made the voyage for the Fall Sellers 2nd Nelson of testing an apparatus be Cronsberry White Oats Wm Ego Black Small Peas T Sellers Buckwheat Nelson White Beans Mac McDonald 2nd Sellers Field Lang 2nd Sellers Table Corn Mac McDonald Continued on Page has invented as an aid to navigators in fog and for detecting the presence of Icebergs Id technical language Dr Coplans deseribed the instrument as n elec trical apparatus automatic selfre cording for taking the salinity water The result of the voyage he stated was that a complete re cord had obtained of the salin ity of the track of the vessel from Bristol to Montreal was of special he claimed in regard to the effect of icebergs- on Ont Sept Three- water yearold Johnny Page lost life Experiments were carried out on yesterday through an accident of Royal Edward which left usuai character He was standing on jtol September The vessel en countered gales three days one days delay the apparatus had an automatic which sounded upturned pail near swing The pail slipped and the child fell with his neck caught in the loop of the swing His efforts to free himself resulted in the swing rope be coming tangled about his neck him to death successfully three times in the vicin ity of ice Dr claims de finite results have been obtained that r TELEGRAPHY operating and Station Agents work thoroughly taught In our Central Telegraph and Railroad School Toronto Get our book Guided by the Key It explains our work and the splendid chances tor operators Write President and Toronto CANADIAN PACIFIC Single Fare For Hunters OCT TO NOV To all stations Chalk Jtiver to inclusive and to best hunting points in Quebec and NewBrunswick OCT TO NOV To all stations Sudbury to the Soo to Lake to Sudbury and on the Lindsay and Branch- RETURN LIMIT DEC Ask for free copies ot Sport- mans Map and Open Sea sons for Game and Fish ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Dr Vans Female A French system Rthuj til cheip I at a box or for Mailed jo any Co St Oat GRADE CATTLE Cow Coomer 2nd K Sib- bald f Heifer years J 2nd A J Show Heifer 1 year 2nd A 1 Shaw Heifer Calf- J as Styles Herd Bull Females hi Scott 2nd J Howard Dairy Herd Cows and Bull i Its Supremacy in Realm of in acknowledged tie IlluBtrigusJIusiciftns and Tone of f The Best is the Cheapest By buyinp direct from the the purchaser will find that Gerhard Piano is not a Prohibitive Instrument even to those of Limited Means Pianos taken in exchange constantly on hand at Bargains Writs for Prices A 1 etc 1 Limited v I Aubrey the a teal Dairy Cows I Bull L I Newmarket Ont fact in Ontario iau I mm ARCHIVES OF tap

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